We are carriers of the divine presence of God

February 12-MY LIFE IS CHANGED WITH CHRIST. Twelve is the number of perfect Divine Government. When we real-eyes Christ as the center of our Being, we are changed. Saul means demanded. His name was changed to Paul (made small, restrained). Jacob means supplanted, father of lies was changed to Israel Prince with God. When we criticize another person, we are judging their nature or the God within them called our Spirit. Man is a Spirit, Soul and Body. When you criticize yourself, a voice comes to you and says, “Why do you constantly criticize my PERFECT CREATION?” “Behold I make all things new.” Knowing the Christ is in me and AS me, I can reflect the Presence in me by extending Love to all I meet. God goes ahead of you and never will fail or forsake you. We need our name (nature) changed our human nature to the nature of God with all the attributes of the Living God.

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