About Our Book
Fairy Tales told to us as children often contained lessons and morals teaching us to do the right thing. At the same time most of us had a religious upbringing that taught us of a vengeful God. This God in the end rewards the righteous which will likely be a precious few.
Suppose we revisit the fairy tales and use them to teach us about a better God. One not possessing human emotions, One that rejoices at us living life at a higher level, One that loves us as His very own children.
Our Book “Fairy Tales Can Come True” is published!
Our book subtitled “A Spiritual Look At The Fairy Tales For The Spiritually Matured” is a full color picture book. A unique use of the fairy tales to demonstrate Godly principles.
This book is available atwww.barnesandnoble.com or FAIRY TALES CAN COME TRUE: A SPIRITUAL LOOK AT THE FAIRY TALES FOR THE SPIRITUALLY MATURED: Linda, .: 9781441586728: Amazon.com: Books