April 24-GOD ONLY I SEEK. Love, peace, joy, happiness are God’s gifts, and are there with recognition and choosing them. I will cash my millions check from my inheritance, and use it now. “I AM heirs of God and Joint Heirs with Christ.” Rom. 8:17. Why do we talk poor, deprived, depressed, anxious, moody, guilty, fatigue when their is an Inner Light in Me that cannot Be sad or have sickness or dis-ease? These thoughts are ego thoughts that Edge God Out, and tries to destroy our Perfect Identity. I AM a child of God that inherits all the attributes of God. I AM within me connected to the water (Spirit God) a hose (Spirit Beings) to a River of Life FLOWING OUT FROM ME. I have eternal life, health, peace, joy and abundance with the indwelling God beyond what I can desire or conceive of. God goes where I go. Love created me in the image (reflection in a mirror) and likeness (exact copy) of God both male and female. Gen. 1:27. Age is a state of mind, and I AM young.

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April 23-I WANT A DOUBLE PORTION. Deut. 21:17-“First born given a double portion.” 1 Sam 1:5-Hanna the Mother of Samuel (Means) was given a double portion when she was barren with no children and cried out to God. Samuel is the inner voice of the Spirit, inspiration and guidance, grace, favor and compassion. Elijah was going up in the Spirit and Elisha (feminine) (all of us Prince and Princesses of God both male and female) “Instead of shame dishonor there land shall Be a double Portion (Kingdom within) they shall have everlasting Joy. Is. 61:7. Job received a double portion when he prayed for his enemies. Job. 42:10. Jesus is a double portion Being the firstborn of all creation, and heir of all things. Col. 1:15. We have a double portion because He said He was finished and now GREATER THINGS WE WILL DO. John 14:12

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April 22-YOUR FAITH HAS MADE YOU WHOLE. Matt. 8:13-“Jesus said unto the centurion. Go thy way, and as thou has believed, so Be it done unto you.”When we have Faith, we believe it is a substance (Christ Jesus) within us we do not see, but still Believe and Know. No person or situation can take this Truth away from us. We release our word of affirmation prayers to the creative Mind of Christ to know this will happen in God’s timing. We give thanks to this miracle to a Impossible God that can heal by “His stripes” at the cross and certainly Now. We go to the Resurrection side of of prayer without seeing, but still believing. Have Joy, anticipation, and Faith to know who you are and what is your purpose in life. Put this faith in practice to Know and Believe this is God’s will in your life. The centurion soldier believed for his servant, and it was done. Know that God is in control of your life and EVERYTHING IS GOING TO WORK OUT OK.

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April 21-GREAT CLOUD OF WITNESS. Heb.12:1- The Word witness means one who saw, and can testify to Be able to know, and see the Christ of their Being to have the testimony of Christ Jesus that they have gone before us. They had the Faith to Believe without a doubt that everything is going to Be alright. In Heb. 11 tells that some of the Old Testament people did not reach the Promised Land because they did not know the Promised Land was NOT outside of them, but the Christ Jesus was within them. Rom. 8:28-“We have this Great Cloud right here with us to cheer us on to learn what we are learning Now that they did not achieve because they without us cannot Be Perfected. Heb. 11:40. Christ Jesus is coming with the cloud of witnesses within them that are trained to Be God like in everything they do and say, and they know a God of impossibilities with the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in the Spirit Realm.

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Does Love mean loving your family and friends and those we like only?
We have been thought a huge lie from our own carnal mind that is baloney.
Christ Jesus went to the cross to teach us about Spiritual Unconditional Love.
The Holy Spirit came to us in a still small voice in the form of a White Dove.

Christ Jesus took away sin, at the cross teaching us to know what and who we are.
We missed the mark of Being Royal Children of God in our thnking that was afar.
The Father was in Christ Jesus at the cross, proving that I And my Father are ONE.
He took our place in us and as US, taking away all pain, suffering and death as the Son.

Real Love is patient, kind, seeing beauty instead of faults, has no judgment or mistakes of any kind.
Prayers for the enemies that are trying to kill the Christ in me with their human carnal mind.
Put on your Purple Robe of Royality, sandals for the walk, Gold ring power of authority finally seeing.
Don’t forget the crown on our minds to the Mind of Christ, that you are created a beauty Spirit Being.

God knows nothing about hate, a word instead of Love, Love is in You before the thought of a fall.
We learn each day that Love is the healing power within to all we meet never stops or builds a wall.
 I shared with you the best I could to Love everything with your Royal Self a wealth of success.
You are Heirs of God and Joint Heirs with Christ Jesus in Diety called a Prince and Princess.

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April 20-SAVIORS COMING FROM MT. ZION FOR THOSE WHO ARE LOOKING FOR HIM. by Richard. Mt. Zion is the Spiritual place within you that God abides in you and As you. Heb. 9:28-Christ was offered as a sacrifice one time meaning all human thinking of sickness, pain, suffering, all evil within our own minds brought it to the cross and done away with it called sin meaning missing the mark of Being Christ like in every thing we do and say. He will come not alone the second time, but many trained Saviors who are God like in everything they do and say to bring all evil to the surface for ALL of us. The Spirit will fall on ALL flesh and Be redeemed. Acts 2:17. Mt. Zion is the heavenly or Spirit Jerusalem. God’s eternal city of God like people. Rom. 11:26- All Israel shall Be saved. There shall come out of Zion the Delivers unto them to take out all ungodliness with a covenant. Mountain is a high place of Spirit awareness with the Mind of Christ

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April 19-PUT EVERYTHING UNDER YOUR FEET. We learn to put all problems under our feet to use them as stepping stones. Joshua 1:3-“Every place the sole of your foot shall trend upon, to you I have given to you, as I spoke to Moses.The feet are the most willing and patient servants of the body. They go all day at the bidding of the mind, and upon them rests the burden of the thoughts of human thinking. The more we believe in human thinking, the greater the burden laid upon our feet, and the more tired we become. Try letting someone massage your feet. The denial of flesh thinking of man is demonstrated in the washing of the disciples feet by Christ Jesus. This is not literal, but washing away all problems that our feet tread upon. It teaching us to Be washing all negative thoughts that keep us from receiving the willingness of Divine Love to redeem us from the pride of flesh, deny self, and Be alive to our Divine Self where God dwells in us and flows through us.

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April 18-WE CAN’T BE CONCERNED WITH APPEARANCES. “We let go and Let God.” 1st Peter 5:7. We have the power of God on our side within us at all times. Christ Jesus gives me the strength to do all that needs to Be done. Be like the Little Engine that brought the presence to the children. The Little Engine said, “I think I can.” Other engines representing the ego thoughts that Edge God Out said, “You are too small, not powerful enough, not pretty enough, and on and on to destroy our Perfect Identity as Spirit Beings created by God. The story of the little engine in in my book Fairy Tales can come true on Page 22 from Amazon. These thoughts are a liar and a deceiver. Let us choose peace instead of Being Right, and swallow pride to save an argument. Appearances are temptations for us to have disappearances, and not to believe this thought that is not God, FEAR IS false evidence appearing real.

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April 17-IN HIM DWELLS THE FULLNESS OF THE GOD HEAD BODILY. Col. 2:9″For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in BODILY FORM..” 2Cor. 5:19-“God was in Christ Jesus reconciliation the WORLD BACK TO GOD WHERE WE CAME FROM not imputing their trespasses unto them, and has committed us unto the MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION.” Rom 4:25-“Who was delivered for our offenses and raised again for our justification/” 1 John 3:8-“Son of God appeared to destroy works of the carnal mind. Phil. 2:6-“Being in the FORM of God thought it not robbery to Be equal with God made Him-self of no reputation, and took upon the FORM of a servant to Be made in the likeness of man humbled Him-self (all of us), and became obedient unto death of the cross with only the Will of the Father.” “Christ Jesus is the High Priest tempted IN EVERY AREA, but did not miss the mark of who and what He IS.’

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April 16-GOD CREATED ALL THINGS. John 1:3-“All things by Him, and
without Him was not any thing that was made.” The difference between man
and all creation is the ability to talk, reason, think, choose
righteousness and many more reasons why we are Royal Children of God
both male and female. The still small voice in us is the Holy Spirit
speaks to us if we listen to the voice within where God dwells in and
through you.We can have peace, Happiness, and Love that is real each
day. When we have negative thoughts they create, and if not erased we
experience our negative feelings and thoughts. We have the power to
become masters of our lives according to our beliefs, and Knowings that
God is in control, and God is ALL THERE IS. Healing is for you NOW. God
gets glory when you give your testimony of your experience with a
wonderful revelation of healing the whole body what Christ Jesus did at
the cross.

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April 15-GOD IS THE SUPREME COURT THAT RULES. In this world of self, flesh, human thinking and behavior, there is courts to protect us from evil people who do evil things. This court is a lower court called the ego thoughts that Edge God out. We sometimes need a higher court called a Supreme Court that rules which is called God. We need a lower court to convict someone who is not innocent of the crime committed. God’s court is based on what God thinks compared to what human self beings think. We know that God is the only power, the only ruler of our lives. We let go of all our problems, we will Be at peace. We must real-eyes that God lives within us, and we are the container of God, but we are not God. The self must die in order for the Supreme Court to rule. Our thoughts are not God’s Thoughts. The self must die in order for the Supreme Court to rule. “Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.” Nothing that happens is an accident, but a way to grow.

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April 14-THE WORM AND THE BUTTERFLY OUR TRUE STORY. When we appeared to fall from Spirit Beings to Human Beings on earth as the worm eating everything beliefs and rituals of religion instead of the Truth of Christ within us with our saliva (Christ Jesus spit on the blind man so he could see) man made it own tomb with flesh, matter, sin, sickness and death with negative thoughts and actions to sort out the real from the illusions in the cocoon state. We need to crucify our illusions to experience resurrection, new birth, born again life with a new name or nature. Then the pupa before adult stage begins will come forth to a beautiful butterfly. The tomb is empty. The DNA of human blood is transformed to the Blood of Christ into Light. The water of human Life is transformed to the “River of Life flowing out from me to make the Lame to walk and the blind to see.”The butterfly only eats of Pure Spirit to listen to the Voice of God with Unconditional Love.

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April 13-FEET OF THE MASTER. The manic was clothed in his right mind (Mind of Christ) sitting at the feet of Christ Jesus who had been living in tombs of death in human thinking. We are this manic (mentally ill with human thoughts) that is in tombs of past dwelling in dead thoughts of negativity that Edge God Out called the ego thoughts in our own mind. We let go of these dead thoughts to Let go and Let God. We have dirty rags of personal beliefs of stinky thoughts fall away, and then clothed in our Right Mind of Christ with the Body of Christ sitting at the feet of the inward God at Peace. Mary chose the best part, and sat at the feet of Christ Jesus to know the Truth to set her free. Our Soul (feminine word) unites with Spirit to the Marriage Feast of the Lamb One with each other and One with God. The manic thoughts drowned in the dead sea with no life to Be a new person. No more weariness, exhaustion and so on. “I do all things Through Christ.”

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April 12-THERE IS NO DEATH. Christ Jesus at the cross gave us eternal life. We went to the cross, and now we must go to the Resurrection side of the cross where there is “Life and Life more abundantly.” John 10:10. Prov. 12:28-“In the way of righteousness is life, and the pathway there is no death.” On the Resurrection side of the cross is a Born Again experience to a new horizon of greater possibilities within us. We can feel His Presence to know His wonderful power of God with the Mind of Christ to a God of impossibilities with Peace, Happiness and Joy. From the river of Life, we surrender our little self to our Real Self to God’s way only. We feel Unconditional Love embraces us from top to bottom. There is no negative living any more that God created us all new to Be our true Identity as Spirit Being created perfect after the image and likeness of God. Gen. 1:27

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April 11-WORRY IS AN ENEMY. When we worry, God takes a rest. God is not on the throne of our lives when we worry. We want to Be god on the throne, and do everything our way. Sin, sickness, pain, suffering off the throne of our lives. We can’t change people or situations, but God can change all situations to the good, if we let go and Let God. Loosing sleep, you are not resting to knowing that EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT. We go into Rest and know that there is no other power can touch us unless we let things control us. We can’t take other persons burdens. We real-eyes that Christ is in the center of our Being. Worry is thrown out of the window to never return again. Worry can never resurrect with knowing and trusting in God for our path to Be lighted with no thoughts of negative human thinking in our human mind to remember we have the Mind of Christ and the Body of Christ. Worry makes you old looking. Nothing outside of self.

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April 10-HEALTH BENEFITS OF HUGS. Lowers blood pressure, heart rate, cardiovascular function, decrease the release of cortisol (a hormone to help the body get rid of glucose (a sugar) for diabetes, for removal of inflammation, allergies and cancer. no more stress, anxiety, feeling of belonging and safety. Balance your body, reduces pain, strengthen immune system, helps communicate with others. Hugs gives us a hormone to give you endorphins that help bind together by positive energy to feel safe and secure. Luke 8:45-“Someone did touch me, because I was aware that power to heal others had gone out of me. Heart hug Spirit to Spirit.” Luke 8:43-“There was a woman who had been hemorrhages for 12 Years (number of perfect God’s Government). and had this thought if she could just touch the hem of his garment because she went to many physicians, and no one could heal her. When she touched the hem of His garment she was healed.

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April 9-UNEXPECTANT SUN. We are sometimes in pain, suffering, nothing seems to happen to our prayer request. Then all of a sudden, the sun comes shining through with all the clouds (negative thoughts that hinder our walk with God) passes away. Negative stinking thinking brings more clouds instead of sun shine. Stop talking and speaking negative words, thoughts to know that the sun shines every day in some part of the world of all of us. Look up, a new day is here with plenty of sunshine and happiness. Know what you are experiencing is only temporary. “This too shall pass.” You can have a sunny day at all times to choose peace beyond and person’s words or any situation. “The Sun of Righteousness (Christ) has healing in its wings.” “Arise and shine for your Light (understand of who and what you are) has come, and the glory of God has risen upon you.” You are healed of all human pains and suffering.

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April 8-WE LIVE BETWEEN TWO WORLDS. Eight is the number of new Beginnings. One world is the Spirit realm the way we are created, and the other world is the flesh realm of carnal mind thinking Instead of God, and giving life to the EGO THOUGHTS THAT EDGE GOD OUT. This realm is a fact, but not a reality only an illusion in your own mind. This world is a god of this world only self does not need God because I AM god and can do it myself. Gen. 1:27 is God only. In Gen. 2-speaks of the dual god of good and evil according to human thinking. Since we are born of a woman in this realm, all we know is what Pharaoh (means Egypt-flesh realm with human thinking of self gratification). Burning bush experience is the Knowing of Christ is within us. It is not “i” but the Christ is within. We find a God of Unconditional Love. We now think of God’s thoughts only to deeper Truth that sets us free.

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April 7-WE ARE AWAKENING AND REMEMBERING. Seven is the number of completion, perfection and rest. The more we awaken from the illusion or dream state of reality, the more we grow Spiritual. “Christ is in our Being and never will leave us or forsake us.” We are the containers of the Spiritual Substance within the container. Jesus came to reveal to us about the Christ within us , and to bring us back to God where we came from as Spirit Beings at the cross. He was tempted in every area that we are tempted in, but DID NOT SIN (archery word meaning missing the mark of Being Spirit Beings). Christ Jesus did not do only what the Father told him to do, and nothing of His own self wanting to have His own way and wanted to Be God on the throne of self. His teachings will lead you each day to the Path of Being Christ like in everything you do and say. Remember this is a Spirit Body motivated by the Spirit, and not human action with the Mind of Christ.

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April 6- THE MEANING OF HE FOREKNEW US AND PREDESTINED US. By Richard. Rom. 8:29-“For those God foreknew, He also predestined to Be conformed to the image of Hi Son, that He might Be the Firstborn among the Brothers and Sisters. Gen. 1:27. The word image is a reflection in a mirror you see the Christ Jesus of your Being, and likeness is the exact copy. For God knew His people in advance. “Where were you when we laid the foundation of the earth (all of us), laid out the stars, moon and sun?” Job 38:4. Rom. 11:2-“God did not reject His people He foreknew.” Heb. 2:18- “Because He Him-self suffered when He was tempted. He is able to help those who are Being tempted.” Eph. 1:4-Before creation of the world, he chose us through Christ to Be holy and perfect in His presence. Eph. 1-3-“God the Father, God the Son and Holy Spirit work together changing our Identity from children to Sons and Daughters adopted in Christ. Eph. 1:5.

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I CAN CELEBRATE LIFE OF GOD WITHIN ME April 5-I CAN CELEBRATE LIFE OF GOD WITHIN ME. Luke 6:23-“Rejoice you in the day, and leap for joy.” Celebrate life with a smile, and Be grateful heart and know that God is within each of us. God uses negative conditions to awaken us to Believe without seeing that it is going to Be alright because we go higher in the Spirit to God only. We know that Christ rules our lives with God who Loves us Unconditional. When God closes one door. He opens up a bigger door with more possibilities. When someone is mean to us, we can turn it around, and Know that this person is sandpaper making our pearl round and smooth. Remember a diamond needs pressure and heat. We are that diamond in the rough, and with much pressure and fire, we will grow into the person we are meant to Be. Today I can celebrate Life, and know dawn comes in the morning with a new day with God. I can celebrate Love, Peace and Joy THAT EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT.I CAN CELEBRATE LIFE OF GOD WITHIN ME

Posted in Daily Lessons | Comments Off on I CAN CELEBRATE LIFE OF GOD WITHIN ME April 5-I CAN CELEBRATE LIFE OF GOD WITHIN ME. Luke 6:23-“Rejoice you in the day, and leap for joy.” Celebrate life with a smile, and Be grateful heart and know that God is within each of us. God uses negative conditions to awaken us to Believe without seeing that it is going to Be alright because we go higher in the Spirit to God only. We know that Christ rules our lives with God who Loves us Unconditional. When God closes one door. He opens up a bigger door with more possibilities. When someone is mean to us, we can turn it around, and Know that this person is sandpaper making our pearl round and smooth. Remember a diamond needs pressure and heat. We are that diamond in the rough, and with much pressure and fire, we will grow into the person we are meant to Be. Today I can celebrate Life, and know dawn comes in the morning with a new day with God. I can celebrate Love, Peace and Joy THAT EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT.I CAN CELEBRATE LIFE OF GOD WITHIN ME


April 4-CHRIST APPEARED TO MANY AFTER THE RESURRECTION. The Word Christ means Anointed One. Jacob received the Christ within to change his name or nature from liar to ISRAEL PRINCE WITH GOD. And all the Daughters will be Israel Princess with God. Christ appeared in the form of Melchizedek (No mother or father, no birth or death, in the Spirit Realm) to Abraham. Moses as the burning bush within, to Mary to real-eyes the Christ in her with no human thoughts or rituals so her Soul (feminine word) MAGNIFIED THE LORD. Jesus the Christ came to reveal the Christ in us, and AS us, also. We are the visible representation of the Invisible within us. Saul (Human thinking) received the Christ on the Damascus road (Meaning war) His name or nature changed to Paul little one instead of Saul the Killer of the Christ thinking he was giving God a service to kill the Christ in each one. Christ appeared to many for 40 days after the Resurrection.

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April 1-YOU HAVE RESURRECTION POWER. This means raising your thoughts to the thoughts of God. In a battle of temptation with the ego thoughts that is trying to destroy your perfect Identity as a Spirit Being, the Christ becomes in you and the battle is over. We can’t do it ourselves. The Christ in us has already cleared the path of human rubbish, and instead of you Being a victim, you have the victory. The Christ dies of the flesh in you, and as you is finished. We have to real-eyes that this is the Truth of our Being also. The veil of human flesh beliefs and rituals was torn apart not to let God out, but to let God come to you to have a relationship with you one on one. There is no more pain, suffering, sickness, and death because Christ has the keys to death and hell to give our minds freedom to know who and what we are. There is no more tombs of flesh because absent from the body of human thoughts is PRESENCE WITH GOD. Practice the Presence 2 Cor. 5:8.

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March 29-HAPPENING AT THE CROSS THAT WAS WONDERFUL. This is Good Friday. The cross reveals the Trinity of three persons in One God-Father the Creator, Son Savior of the World, Mother Holy Spirit Feminine side. Cross defines Power of God in the Kingdom WITHIN us. The Cross is the New Covenant, “New Creation all of us brought back to God in the Spirit Realm not imputing their trespasses, but given them the ministry of reconciliation.” 2 Cor. 5:19- The cross conquers sin of missing the Mark of who and what we are, “no more death but Eternal Life.” 1 Peter 2:24-“Death and sin swallowed up in victory.” 1 Cor. 15:24. No more devil means deviate from the Truth that is created thoughts in our own minds Being separated from God to Be god ourselves. The Cross is foolishness to the carnal mind that can’t receive Christ within. The Cross brings us Peace and world Unity. It makes us One with each other to the Body and Family of Christ and Mind of Christ

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March 25-THE TEMPTATION OF CHRIST JESUS. Christ Jesus was tempted 3 times by the EGO thoughts that EDGE GOD OUT within our own minds. Human mind is always trying to Be on the throne of our minds instead of the Spirit of God within. Moses did not receive the Promised land within because he thought it was a place, and the burning bush was inside where Christ Jesus IS. Heb. 11-“Turn these stones to bread.” Luke 4:1. Stones are pieces of Truth, but not the whole Truth.” If you are the Son of God, cast yourself down to human level, and angels (messengers) will pick you up.” Matt. 4:1. His Identity of Being a Spirit Being. The human i thinks it is God, and does not need God. 3. Temptation John 6:15 bowing down to human thinking of flesh that it is a real person instead father of lies of gluttony, lust, greed. Heb. 4:15-“Christ IS our High Priest was tempted in every area of human thoughts, but did not sin or missed the Mark of Being a Spirit Being only.

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March 24-PALM SUNDAY. It is a day of celebration of victory, and the acceptance of the Truth. A vast crowd took branches of palm trees to meet Christ Jesus riding on a donkey. Rev. 7:9-“After this I look and a vast host appeared of every nation from all tribes, people and languages. They stood before the throne, and before the Lamb (Christ and all of us). Their robes was white with palm branches in their hands.” A Palm tree does not Bend with human thinking as man made things instead of God teaching us to Be Spirit Beings. Christ Jesus was their King, and their Savior. Crucify Him because He said, “I And Father are One.” Crucify is a human word used for killing someone. This is a person’s own mind with temptation to partake of good and evil. Paul thought he was killing the Christ in us and thinking in his own mind HE WAS DOING GOD A SERVICE. He said it is finished no more death just Resurrection Eternal life in the Spirit Realm.

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March 3-SPIRITUAL AWARENESS. “Thanks Be to God who is in Christ Jesus always leads us in triumphal procession, and THROUGH US with the Knowledge of Him Everywhere.” 2 Cor. 2:14.”God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 19:1. God’s Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness, my Healer. God gets glory when we are healed to give our Testimony to others to help them to heal, also. I AM knowing the Christ is in my Being who CAN’T receive sickness because He has taken away at the Cross to give us Resurrection Life. We are the mouth piece of God along with the Manifestation of the Invisible God on this earth (all of us). I can put on the eyes of Christ to see clearly without any limitations of human thinking, beliefs and rituals are lifted. “I AM the container of Christ.” 2 Tim. 2:21. “I AM heirs of God and Joint Heirs with Christ.” Rom 8:17. “I AM a Spirit Being with a Spiritual Invisible Body at the cross.”

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March 2-LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE. In the Book of Life all members of the human race from Adam to the last person in history because Christ Jesus died on the cross to all human thoughts and pains. He paid the Pearl of Great Price for all sins, sickness, pain, suffering to Resurrection. Rev. 10:11. Being saved is not the end, but the beginning of Growing deeper in Christ Jesus. Nicodemus went to Christ Jesus at night so no one knew he wanted Christ. “We must Be born again to the Spirit Realm instead of carnal flesh realm of the thoughts of the human mind to destroy our Identity as Spirit Beings. “God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the World back to Him-self (all of us). Not imputing their trespasses, but giving them the ministry of reconciliation.” 1 Cor. 5:19. John 3:16. Your name is in the Book of Life NOW when He gave His Son to all of us will have everlasting life. No more death. Ps. 139:16. He knew us before the womb.

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March 1-ST. FRANCIS PRAYER. One is the number of God only.This is what I want in my life. Lord make me an instrument of Thy Peace. Where there is hatred, Let me sow Love. Where there is injury, Pardon. Where there is doubt, Faith. Where there is despair, Hope. Where there is darkness, Light. Where there is sadness, Joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek, To Be consoled, as to Console. To Be understood, as to Understand. To Be loved as to Love. For it is giving that we receive. It is pardoning that we are pardoned. And it is in dying to self that we are born again to eternal life in the Spirit Realm. If God created everything good, What part of your life is a problem when no problems exist only in your own mind. We have the Mind of Christ given back to us before the formation of the earth. There is only One Body of Christ which this body we have is not the body of Christ only in our thinking of separation from God. God is all there is in me and AS me.

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February 29-MEANING OF THE WORD LEAP YEAR. The meaning of leap is to go over. Every 4 years (world wide coverage) we have a leap year to go higher in the Spirit Realm. John 1:14-John the Baptist leaped in Elizabeth’s wound when Christ Jesus in Mary’s wound passed by his mother’s womb. John many will delight in his birth. He will achieve great statue with God. He will leap like a gazelle for Joy. Acts 3:8-Cripple man from birth leaped and stood, and began to walk when Christ Jesus passed by him. Luke 1:44-Voice came into the ears and the baby leaped for joy. Luke 6:23-Rejoice in the day and leap for joy. Could this leap year we will have to Kingdom of God come to this earth (all of Us) as in the Spirit Realm like in the Our Father. The world will change to the government of God only. No more evil all coming to the surface and done away with. Great things and miracles are going to happen this year. Please believe.

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February 28-DIVINE PRESENCE WITHIN ME. This Presence is Individually Present in each of us with no thinking of separation. We are rooted and grounded in this Unconditional Love. We think about the Presence within each person. We desire to Love One Another, and to Love ourselves. With the beauty and quietness of this moment. I can feel the Presence of God within me to feel a deep Peace beyond understanding. I bathe in this Presence from top to bottom of my Being. I know I AM created in the image (reflection in a mirror), and likeness (exact copy) of the Living God both male and female. Gen. 1:27. We were with God before the foundation of the world. The word Christ means the Anointed One. We are Royalty both male and female. We are all brothers and sisters of God with One with God and One with each other. I wish you much Peace and Happiness with the Christ within you. You are healed and whole this day with Christ Jesus.

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February 27-MEANING OF THE FIG TREE. Matt. 24:32. Fig means peace and tranquility, health, lower cholesterol, heart health, blood sugar, blood pressure. The word curse means bring down evil to Be done away with. Cursing the fig tree was a parable story meaning no fruit of Love, Peace, Joy. Without fruit no Christ like behavior, but only deception, lies of who and what we are to Be Christ like in everything we do and say that is a daily progress. Christ Jesus came to save us from temptation of pain, suffering, dis-ease, shed human blood and gave us the Mind of Christ. Luke 9:56. We lost our Bethlehem house of God within only in our own thinking to the cares of the world living for human self. He saw us under the fig tree to see greater things when you trust in Me. John 1:50. Instead of the end of winter darkness to summer Light, we became a lie instead of the Truth. The Truth is YOU ARE HEALED THIS DAY BECAUSE CHRIST JESUS WENT TO THE CROSS FOR YOU.

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February 26-HOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH GOD? Prayer is communicate with God without asking for anything like you are talking to a Love One. Prayers turned our attention within to the very center of our Being where God dwells. Through prayer we develop the highest phase of character which softens and refines the whole man. We pray from our heart (Spirit Realm) knowing God is all there IS. and God is the only power with everything under His control to turn everything into Good. Ps. 145:18-“The Lord is near to all that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in Truth.” Matt. 6:6-When you pray enter into your closet and shut the door, pray to your Father which is in secret, and your Father which sees in secret will reward you openly.” Matt. 6:7-When you pray, use not van repetitions.” Matt. 21:22-Whatever YOU SHALL ASK FOR IN PRAYER, BELIEVING YOU WILL RECEIVE. All of you are healed this day.

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February 25-WE GIVE FORM TO THE INVISIBLE. There is a silent invisible power with you that nothing can obstruct the revelation of this Christ within . You give form to the Invisible Power by using the Mind of Christ. The Christ is ever present within us, can strip our minds of fear, pain, suffering and so on. We feel the Oneness of God in our own thinking instead of thinking separation. Heb. 11:3-“By faith we understand the universe to Be formed by the Word of God was made from the things invisible.” 1 John 4:12-No one has seen God at any time. His love is perfected in us.” Rom. 1:20-“For since creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and Divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made. The Kingdom of God will bring the invisible to form that we can see Now. God is going to have great things to happen. All evil is coming to the surface and done away with.

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February 24-FEEL THE PRESENCE. We have a secret place of the Most High within us that we may enter it by merely knowing that we are already there. Ps. 91. This is the place where God delivers everything to us. All power exist to what we need. If we need HEALING, stop pain and suffering, dis-ease, depression, guilt, loneliness, feeling the Presence of God erases all of these emotions, and nothing can exist, only God. These emotions are thoughts in our own minds that appears like God has left us from our Divine Self which could never happen only in temptations. “God will never leave me or forsake me. Heb. 13:5. I let go of every thought of not in harmony feeling that causes me to not feel the PRESENCE OF GOD NOW AND FOREVER. A beautiful feeling of Love and Peace flows through me as a river brings me new and higher level of Unity with God. All is Going to Be alright.

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February 21-I WANT THE HIGH CALLING OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS. Phil. 3:8-“I count everything as lost compared to the Possession of the priceless privilege of knowing Christ, and of progressively becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him perceiving, recognizing and understanding Christ more clearly. All is rubbish in order that I may win Christ. My determined purpose is the power out flowing from His Resurrection and continuing to Be transformed into His Likeness (exact copy) and image (reflection in a mirror) with the faith to attain to the Spiritually, and moral resurrection that lifts me from among the dead (negative carnal mind thinking) while in this body-Spiritual Body. I forget what lies behind, and looking forward to what lies ahead-Wonderful Kingdom of God. I press toward the goal to win the PRIZE WHICH CHRIST IS CALLING ME UPWARD.”Evil is coming to the surface for the Kingdom of God within each one of us.

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February 20-GOD KNOWS ALL ABOUT YOU. Ps. 139:1. God knows your name, your nature, you are the apple of God’s eye. You are God’s masterpiece, diamond in the rough.. the Pearl of Great Price. He bought all of us with a price to set us free, and to cause us to remember we are Spirit Beings created perfect, and if you were the only One, He would treat you so special with Love, Unconditional. We left God in our thinking only. We sometimes feel that God is not there, but He will never leave us or forsake me only in my own mind in my thoughts. We begin to know the Truth that sets us free from the chains that tries to bind us to the EGO thoughts in our own minds that constantly EDGES GOD OUT to destroy our Identity as a Spirit Beings given back to God where we belong. How can God Be in us and AS us, and punish one part of Him-self or send us to hell where hell is in our own minds taken away at the cross because hell is thoughts separation from God.

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February 19-YOU ARE A PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF GOD. We are no longer tossed to and fro from the earth realm when we know who and what we are in Christ. “We are Royal Children of God who have received the Spirit of Adoption as sons and daughters by whom we cry ABBA FATHER, my very own Father.” “We are heirs of God and Joint heirs with Christ.” You are Living Stones that are built up a Spiritual House where the Kingdom of God is within. No longer i, but the Christ of my Being to let the Christ flow through us in everything we do and say. I can do nothing, but can do everything through the Christ in me. “John 15:16-“You have not chosen Me, I have chosen YOU to bear much fruit that whatever you ask in my Name, I will give it to you.” Jacob name or nature was changed to Israel Prince with God. Gen. 32″28. My name will Be Israel Princess with God. The Soul and Spirit are preparing the Marriage Feast to Be One with each other.

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February 18-CHRIST STEPS INTO YOUR LIFE AS YOU. John 14:20-“That day you will know that I AM in the Father, and you are in me, and I AM in you.” No more pain, suffering, sickness of human thinking all lies that are poison to your human body because Christ Jesus nailed all human thinking to His Body at the cross, and resurrection. We are now making us a new creation in Christ with newness of life no more thinking human thoughts only the Thoughts of Christ Being Spirit Beings again. God is all there IS. Everyone is created by God perfect as in Gen. 1:27. “This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice, and Be glad in it. I will not let any person or situation rob me of my peace because I AM Peace. Ps. 118:21. Christ is not only in you, but As you. I AM no longer there, only Christ flowing through me and AS me. I can do nothing of my own self, but letting the Christ flow through me.

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February 17-KISS MY NEGATIVE THOUGHTS GOOD BYE. Kiss the past disappointments good bye like jealousy, hatred, pain, suffering, hurts and so on to real eyes that the past is gone, and we live in the NOW to grow in Love, Peace, Happiness and Joy. IS. 41:10. “God’s plans are not my plans, but greater things NOW. Is. 55:8-“We are not our self, but the Christ in us and AS us. 2 Cor. 5:27-“If anyone is in Christ, we are a New Creation. The old has passed away, behold the NEW has come.” 2 Cor. 5:19″God was in Christ reconciling the World to Himself, not counting their TRESPASSES AGAINST THEM, giving us a ministry of reconciliation. In Him we have become the Righteous of God. Remember not the former things. Be reconciled to God who for our sake He made Him to Be sin for our missing the mark of Being Spirit to remember we are, and why we are here to change our thinking to the thinking of God.

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February 16-ARE YOU IN A DRY PLACE? Water is the substance of Life. When our water well has stopped flowing pure water from the throne of God, we are no longer thirsty for the Spirit Realm where “God will never leave us or forsake us.” Water represents weakness and negativity when the water is polluted with judgment, negativity, sickness, pain, and suffering. Water cleanses the human mind. Seas are unformed state of the human mind to the cares of the world to walk on troubled waters. In Spirit Realm, we walk safely over the mixed negative thoughts to overcome. “Go to Living Waters to make the lame to walk and the blind to see.” In the dry season with pain has no thought of getting well. Dry places does not exist in the Spirit only in our own minds. God is always present. Love causes dry places to bloom like a beautiful rose. We are the body of Christ and the family of God.

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February 15-NO MORE RITUALS, ONLY THE REAL. In the Old Testament was a lot of rituals and ceremonies for different feasts. From the time we were infants, we wanted our own way of doing everything. The Soul or the individual part of us that is representing God is called the Christ anointed ones which is the sons and daughters of God. Our Soul that was not yet centered on the Christ within was only interested in pleasing our own selves with human desires. We learned no human desires could even satisfy us. We found the God within is well able to teach us what we needed to know to learn about God. Our Soul responded to rituals and religious activity and thoughts of separation. We are constantly seeking Oneness with our creator. The Soul is wanting to get back with God. We will never have peace and rest until we find our home in God face to face to let the Christ of our Being Be in control of our lives.

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February 14-MY THOUGHTS ESTABLISH NEW BEGINNINGS. Two numbers of seven meaning completion and rest, and perfection. God rested on the seventh day from all creations. “For behold I create new heavens and new earth, and the former shall not Be remembered, nor come to mind.” Our human minds is emptied from fear and doubt. I live today with thoughts with ideas of God only. I have harmony with all people that are around me. I can see everyone as a Holy Encounter. I can feel the Presence of God that reveals Itself with every thought and in every act. My thoughts are positive, and my present is created perfect. Moses struck the rock once in the wilderness to get Living water meaning Christ. The second time God told Moses to Speak to the Rock (Christ Jesus who took all your human thoughts for you once for ALL) Words are creative so speck words of Life and Life more abundantly. Speak reality of who and what you are Spirit Beings.

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February 13-IS FEAR CONTROLLING YOUR LIFE? What you fear (FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL) comes upon you because you are using your tongue to confess that this will happen because spoken words are creative. “The power of Life and death is in the tongue.” Prov. 18:21. No belief in lies that try to destroy your perfect Identity as a Spirit Being. Know who you are a Royal Child of God as Spirit Beings. The shield of protection is always around you and your family by you confessing protection to your family. “Call things that are not as THOUGH THEY ARE.” Rom. 4:17. God is the only power, and there is no power to battle with. You and God are a majority, and fear is not a REALITY ONLY IN YOUR OWN MIND. You are dreaming things that are not real. Put on the Mind of Christ given to you at the cross. Great things are about to happen.

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We are carriers of the divine presence of God

February 12-MY LIFE IS CHANGED WITH CHRIST. Twelve is the number of perfect Divine Government. When we real-eyes Christ as the center of our Being, we are changed. Saul means demanded. His name was changed to Paul (made small, restrained). Jacob means supplanted, father of lies was changed to Israel Prince with God. When we criticize another person, we are judging their nature or the God within them called our Spirit. Man is a Spirit, Soul and Body. When you criticize yourself, a voice comes to you and says, “Why do you constantly criticize my PERFECT CREATION?” “Behold I make all things new.” Knowing the Christ is in me and AS me, I can reflect the Presence in me by extending Love to all I meet. God goes ahead of you and never will fail or forsake you. We need our name (nature) changed our human nature to the nature of God with all the attributes of the Living God.

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February 11-YOU HAVE RESURRECTION LIFE. Resurrection means raising of mankind’s mind and body from sense to Spiritual Consciousness (what you are aware of) by the quickening power of the Holy Spirit (Mother God). “The Same Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead dwells in you that gives life to your mortal bodies.” Rom. 8:11″We shall not all sleep, but we ALL Be changed in the Spirit Body as we are created perfect before the foundation of the world to Be in God.” 1 Cor. 15:51. Our body changed to Spirit Body as we were created in Gen. 1:27. “The hour is come and NOW IS when the dead in human thoughts and deeds shall hear the Voice of God.” John 5:25. All evil is coming to the surface, and done away with happening right now each day. “I AM the resurrection, and Life Now with death abolished at the cross, and brought Life and Immortality to Light (understanding). At the cross Christ went down to the disobedient souls in their minds to set them free.

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February 10-DO YOU HAVE A LIMP?

February 10-DO YOU HAVE A LIMP? There are two kinds of limp. If you are healed, and still walk with a limp, it is from fear (false evidence appearing real) of hurting in your legs again. There is a limp from wrestling with the Living God to get a blessing by having the scars to cause you not to Be vain from much revelation. Esau represents the flesh mind ruling you with Edge God Out thoughts. He was a hunter using the animal nature of self desires to rule his thoughts instead of letting God flow through us. Jacob was the Spiritual man with the Mind of Christ after his name or nature was changed to ISRAEL, PRINCE WITH GOD. A limp on Jacob meant that God’s thoughts always will win. God Presence is always there within. Christ Jesus still had the wounds in His body. He was Being born of a woman just like us in the human world, but did not sin by missing the Mark of who is is. Jacob’s ladder is the step by step to real eyes the Truth. The ego thoughts can only roar.

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February 9-GOD WANTS TO GIVE YOU A FLOOD OF BLESSINGS. When your house is flooded, you have to tear down walls to replace all the belongings you have. As soon as you give up jealousy, hate, fighting, relying on your own strength is when God wants to give you a shower of Blessings. Our part is to real eyes that Christ of our Being is all we need. “Seek the Kingdom First, and all these things will Be added to you.” “People will come to your life to help you fulfill your dreams, and desires according to God’s will for your life not my chance or accident. We must quit wanting people to Be punished, but know God went to the cross in Christ Jesus to solve you human problem. There is no more missing the mark of who and what you are. Go higher in the Realm of Spirit to KNOW GOD instead of human emotions a flood of blessings instead of human emotions as fear, guilt that causes you to loose your peace to Unconditional Love.

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February 8-MEANING OF THE WORD SHADOW. The word eight is meaning new beginnings. Our lives are Being brand new thoughts that are alive and positive. A shadow is a reflection of light that forms a shadow of yourself that is not the real person. Our Real Self is Spirit Being with God before the foundation of the world. We are Light Beings. In Ps. 23-“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. Though I walk through the valley (lowest part of the flesh carnal mind realm thinking instead of the Spirit Realm on the Mountain or heaven.) of the Shadow of Death. I will fear (false evidence appearing real) no evil.” It is talking about the Shadow of death meaning death is not real because Christ Jesus at the cross gave us eternal life. The shadow is not a real YOU. The shadow is the carnal flesh mind that is real in our thinking only. Christ took away pain, suffering and so forth of human thinking at the cross. Shadow thinking is thinking all human beliefs only not real.

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February 7-FLIGHT OF THE EAGLE. Seven is the number of completion, perfection and REST. Is. 40:31-“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength (waiting to know prayers will Be answered). They shall mount up with wings (flying high in the Spirit Realm) like eagles. Run and not Be weary (tired needing 2 naps a day for strength instead of wholeness of Spirit with Health. Eagle is that inner yearning to escape from human thinking bondage. It is symbolic of Knowing our Divine Self to break all chains of human thinking to Christ thinking. Eagle is power, courage, vision, energy in consciousness that knows only freedom. The journey of the eagle is to go back home to Father’s Home within. They shall walk and not faint walk in the Spirit Realm, We must stand still and see the salvation of the Lord a resting place to works of the Spirit to “Be transformed by the renewing of our minds to the Mind of Christ to be renewed, and rise from sick beds knowing only wholeness.

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February 6-THERE IS ANOTHER WAY OF LOOKING AT THE WORLD. Six is the number of man’s thinking Spirit, Soul, and Body instead of thinking like God thinks. We can shift the outer world of perception of human thinking to the inner world of Spirit ONLY. The word stress means worry. We worry for nothing. Fear is false evidence appearing real. Perfect Love of Christ Jesus can release us from fear to Love of no pain, suffering, jealousy no one to Be jealous over to no human thoughts that is not real only illusions. Eph. 1:3-“All blessing goes when we turn on the light within us. Distress is anything that gives you no peace, trouble or worry. Shift thoughts from wrong minded to right mindedness to the Mind of Christ, and Let the Holy Spirit unsettle your thoughts to God thoughts. 1 John 4:18-“Perfect Love cast our fear.” One night God spoke to me to say fear is not opposite of Love but instead of Love. Turn on the Light within to take us out of darkness.

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February 5-THE ACTIVITY OF GOD HEALS MY LIFE. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. You are the Light into a darkened room where darkness disappears. People will feel better when you radiate healing by the Presence of God. God is that Divine Presence revealing Him-self within every one who believes and gives us life. God is real-eyes where there is peace received through me and as me. The God of Love and Peace shall be with you. 11 Cor. 13:11.. God’s presence is in us with human affairs. God is filling all space. There is a Real You that is a Spirit Being. The Mind of Christ in me can give me Energy, Light, Love that fills my Life with Harmony and Joy. I can let go of all negative beliefs and affirm that Love God ,and Love my neighbor as myself is transforming my Life today. The law of Life operates with my affirmations to speak things in existence, choose peace, moving from fear (false evidence appearing real) to the Thoughts

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February 4-WE NEVER HAD A BEGINNING OR AN END. In Gen. 1:27 it says we were CREATED perfect in the image and likeness of our Godhead before the foundation of the earth (all of us). In Gen. 2:7- Lord God FORMED MAN KIND FROM THE DUST OF THE GROUND (LOWEST OF HUMAN THINKING) and breathed into his or her nostrils ls the breath of life, and MAN BECAME A HUMAN SOUL Feminine side INSTEAD OF A LIVING SPIRIT. 1 Cor. 15:45. God is Spirit and we became a Soul that seemed to fall into another dimension of me, my, i, I AM God and I do not need God I can do it my self. The Soul now has to have the Mind of Christ, Will of God, Body of Christ. Christ Jesus came to Save our Souls in thinking only. He was born in the womb of an earthly Mother. Mary and Father, Joseph. He died and was crucified, buried, and Resurrection, and so were we. Now we have to Be born of the Spirit Realm AGAIN to know we are Spirit Beings

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February 3-YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY ANGELS. Angels are messengers of God. Our angels are our spiritual perceptive faculties which dwell in the Presence of the Father. Office of angels is to guard and guide. Ps. 139:7-10. “Unless you plug into its Source of experience, you will never Be able to use it like electricity which is everywhere.” God is every where, and in everyone until you plug into the Living God who is within you. You are an angel Messenger when you leave a deposit of God to everyone you meet. Rom. 8:28-EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT. 1 Cor. 8:6. Angels are always here to protect us with much Power to do the will of God with many different types of angels as we need them. We all have a guarding angel. We entertain angels unaware. Heb. 13:1. I want to have angels appear to me. In the Christ within each of you.

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February 2-TWINS IN THE WOMB. These twins are in the womb of your own human mind. The ego says no eternity, no light, no Mother God, Darkness is all there Is. only Light exist and no punishment. Lies instead of the Truth. The Ego that Edges God Out Thoughts.It is not your Real Self. It always wants you to Be separated from God, and teaching you that you do not need God because you are god. It is the shadow not the Real You. Always wants to start an argument. You are special. We are all special to God. Always offended not letting go and letting God solve the problem to choose peace. The ego is no longer existing when you do not give it any power or listen to its hypnotism. The Real Self is created Perfect by God before the Foundation of the World (us) in the Spirit Realm. It has no sickness, pain, suffering only God and Love God, and Love your neighbor as yourself. The Real Self forgot who and what they are to Be BORN AGAIN IN THE SPIRIT.

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February 1-KINGDOM OF GOD WITHIN. Luke 17:20. This is a new month, best year ever, new beginnings, new thoughts, health, bodies to Spirit Bodies, minds cleansed thinking from human thoughts to Spirit thoughts always choosing peace. Christ Jesus is in our Being, Practice the Presence of God. God will never leave us or forsake us. Heb. 13:5. You are a Royal Son and Daughter of the Living God who loves us Unconditional. You are the visible representative of the invisible God to this world. Gen. 1:27. We need to let go and let God do everything through you. You are a Pearl of Great Price. Matt. 13:45. You will bring the Kingdom of God on this earth body as in Heaven (Spirit Realm). If God is within, how could we have sickness, pain, suffering when Christ Jesus took every human thought of this world to His Body at the cross and done away with. “Be you TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND TO THE MIND OF CHRIST.

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January 31-I AM NOT AMONGST THE ONES WHO SHOUTED CRUCIFY HIM. Here is a man who wanted to change the whole world sent by God to change the human thoughts to bring the Love of God to the whole world. They never gave this angel messenger a chance before they shouted CRUCIFY HIM, because we do not want change. We prefer the thief of the voice of the EGO thoughts that Edge God Out instead of the Savior to reveal to us the Christ within us that we forgot.We made a world of “Instead of The Christ.” This man Christ did nothing wrong. but Love everyone He met and said they were a Holy Encounter.The human flesh mind people twisted all His beautiful words to Be something dark instead of a brilliant Light. I AM the one to Be amongst the ones that said, I want the Risen Awakened Christ to Be my reality instead of human illusions.

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January 30-I WANT TO SEE IN THE SPIRIT REALM. Job 42:5-“I have heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear, but now my eyes sees Thee.” Zacchacus (thoughts of human thinking that must repent or change your thinking) was small in growth, not spiritual in thoughts and deeds, and was a hated tax collector.” Luke 19:4-“He climbed up the sycamore tree (the perceptive faculty of mind of man’s thinking ready to see and received the Truth of Christ. Jesus saw him and said, “Go wash, clean, Be guiltless, innocent, just, righteous, and I will come to your house within.” Cataracts is a skin or veil that tries to stop you from seeing clearly. Healing comes from the Mind of Christ to have a single eye. God’s life in me is perfect. I see perfect, and let go of all negative thoughts, beliefs and ideas. I can now see WITH EYES OF GOD CLEARLY. “That they may ALL Be One, just as you Father are in Me and I in You, that they also may Be in us.” John 17:21.

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January 29-GOD CAUSES ORDINARY WATER TO SPRING UP A WELL. Water represents weakness, negativeness, cleansing, mental potentiality until life and vital energy is causing water to BE TRANSFORMED by the Renewing of your mind to the Mind of Christ. John 2:1-Marriage at Cana changing water of human thoughts to wine or the Spirit Realm. Water is to sustain life. The sail on the ocean without Spirit, you have troubled water, pain, suffering, death. We are Spirit Beings in Gen. 1:27 not human Beings. The only Peace we have is in the Spirit Realm. Ps. 92:14. Water cleanses us from all negative thinking, causes the PRESENCE OF GOD TO BE FELT. Know the Truth of our Being strength is restored to Living Water of the Spirit in John 8:31. God is still in control. God is ALL there IS.. Teach me to See different into the Spirit Realm where there is no pain or suffering.

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January 28-I AM DETERMINED TO SEE THINGS DIFFERENTLY. We are created Perfect. We can change the way we think about people, situations to know that I can Let go of my hurts to God, and I CAN’T change people or situations, but OUR GOD CAN AND IS A GOD OF IMPOSSIBILITIES. Christ Jesus went to the cross for each one of us TO SAVE OUR SOULS, and Christ Jesus did not fail for one of us. Sin is not in categories, but is a archery term meaning We missed the mark of Being God like. Anger, wrath, vengeance, hatred, jealousy is any FORM of any reaction from a mild irritation to rage. Anger is a veil (covering your Real Self as Spirit Beings), Swallow pride. Strife chips away at your foundation (God), and your life will crumble. Seeing beauty instead of Faults. No more eye for eye. Ex. 21:24 change to Matt. 19:19 to Love God and neighbor as yourself. YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR THINKING BY THE TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE.

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January 27-THE DIFFERENCE FROM YOUR TRUE SELF AND YOUR SELF THAT IS A DREAM. Your true Self is Gen. 1:27 created perfect as a Spirit Being. Your dream self is called the ego which means Edging God Out to a false self that you THINK you are and does not exist. You are in this world to change the way you THINK about people and situations, but not in this world of constantly failure. We must learn our True Identity as a Spirit Being without pain, suffering and all thoughts that has nothing to do with God. Ego thoughts job is to make us feel separated from God, and not to Love, and to not let go of people or situations that tries to make us not know that we are Children of God both male and female, and we are not thinking of this world, but only knowing God is all there IS. No power, but God. Would you change the way you think to know that the Carnal Mind is not a Being, but only strange ways of Thinking that is not the True God of Love, Only.

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January 26-MY THOUGHTS OF PEACE IS SHARED BY OTHERS. P-power in true sense, felling safe and free. E-Eagerness to share and help others. C-Cooperating and functions as a family. E-Evolving to the realization we are all God’s children. That spells PEACE. Peace is obtained when we experience inner peace. Arms for hugging. We give respect and consideration for everyone and every thing. 1 Cor. 10:5-Casting down vain imaginations. Ps. 27:11-Teach me and lead me on the right path. Perception-what you think you experience or see; grasp mentally, become aware of by going higher in the Spirit Realm. 1 Cor. 12:21-Body parts can’t do without each other. One Body, One Mind of Christ many parts. There is a place in you that is perfect Peace. Nothing impossible with strength of God abides in you.. Peace is a choice within us to not respond to human words, but to LET GO AND LET GOD handle this situation. God is all there is.

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JANUARY 25-MEANING OF HUMPTY DUMPTY. All thoughts have a meaning. A wall is an enclosure that divides one room from another or a wall that divides all of us from each other instead of Being a Team needing each other. The great fall was when in our thinking only we became a Living Soul instead of a Life given Spirit.Gen. 2:7.Who is the King? God is the King. Horses represent ego thoughts that chatter the human mind instead of the Mind of Christ. The King’s men is all of us that believe in the human mind instead of the mind of Christ only. Negative thoughts cannot grow if they are broken like an egg. Forgot who and what we are. An egg is conception of the Truth that God is all there is. I give every though its meaning according to my perception (human mental thinking instead of God’s thoughts. Let us put Humpty Dumpty back on the wall where everyone can see the glory of God that an egg can perform. Have a miracle means change our perception to God. If you wish to buy my book Fairy Tales can come true a Spiritual Look at the Fairy Tales for the Spiritually Matured by Linda and Richard Cosentino at Amazon. My email address is [email protected]. If you wish to Be on my email list with a Daily Lesson with one paragraph. My web is thegodinus.com. I have the second book called 365 Angel Messengers by Linda & Richard Cosentino at Amazon is a Daily Devotional with a paragraph each day, and the 3rd book is called Heavenly Messages and Rhymes Before time which is poems at Amazon. Thanks, Love, Linda

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January 24-EVERYTHING YOU SEE IS THE RESULT OF YOUR THOUGHTS. Your thoughts have an effect. Every thought brings either Peace or War, either Love or Fear, Truth or Illusion. God extends Him-Self to us in the form of Forgiveness, Peace, Power, Joy, Healing, Salvation with the correction in your human mind to not TO BELIEVE in sin, sickness, pain and suffering in the Spirit Realm. How do we get healing? By correction in mind in believing that believes in sickness. What is sickness? Conflict in mind that is extended to the body from guilt and blame. What is True perception. Seeing God with the eyes of God. What is Truth? Created in the image (reflection in a mirror) and likeness of God (exact copy) of God both male and female. Gen. 1:27. Practice good thoughts instead of human thoughts and behaviors. Rom. 12:2-“BE YOU TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND TO THE MIND OF CHRIST.”

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January 23-WHAT DOES PROTOTYPE MEAN? Col. 1:15. Prototype means First Born. Many more are created just like Him. Many Savors will come from Mt. Zion-Spirit Realm. Obadiah l:12. Christ was the first to bring us that the Kingdom of God is within us. Luke 1:21. “I can do all things through Christ that flows through me.” Phil. 4:13. God extended Him-self into each of us in us and AS us, but we forgot who we ARE. We came into a lower realm of thinking instead of thinking like Christ. To Be Born Again means in the Spirit Realm., not in the human mind where everything is self instead of God. Christ Jesus took every human emotions, thinking, pain and suffering, and gave us the Mind of Christ to use instead of Being tempted from the carnal mind of human thinking. All evil is Being done away with and only God remains. The Kingdom of God is coming on this earth (all of us) as in the Spirit Realm.

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January 22-MY THOUGHTS ARE IMAGES I HAVE MADE. Image means representation as a statue, reflection in a mirror, mental picture, idea. Likeness existing only in my imagination. Power to form pictures or ideas. We must know that our thoughts as images you must understand them as nothing and are not real only in human seeing. It replaces images with illusions. You must put on the eyes of Christ Jesus to have real vision. You will receive true perception John 9:1″You were blind from birth in this human realm thinking to Be born again in the Spirit Realm from the foundation of the earth (all of Us) “John 3:3-“Kingdom is within.” Matt. 19:26. “God did not create a meaningless world. He did not create the situation which is disturbing to you now, and so it is not real. Jesus healed with the Word, and did not see dis-ease. Job 3:25-What I feared came upon me. No guilt or blame for my useless thoughts. I was blind, but now I see.”

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January 21-IF YOU HAVE THE CHRIST WITHIN YOU. You have an energy, frequency, and vibration inside of you with the Christ Jesus in you and AS you. When you see a disorder in your life with someone fighting or war like, you can walk past them and they will stop fighting because they feel your energy. Babies see it and so does animals see it and know that person is not nice. Everything in your body that is not good is not God. You can speak to those things, and they can disappear. Christ Jesus never saw anyone with sin, sickness or death and so on. He saw everyone created perfect and what God created was good. Prov. 18:21-“Death and Life are in the Power of the tongue to eat the words, and show the consequence of their words. Phil. 2:6-“Being in the FORM of God, thought it not robbery to Be equal with God with no reputation, took on a Form of a Servant in the likeness of mankind humbled Him-self to the death at the cross.

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January 20-WHO IS ADAM AND EVE? Once upon a time in a far off galaxy we were Spirit Beings created in the image (reflection in a mirror) and likeness (exact copy) both male and female. Gen. 1:27. All of us had a thought. “What is there was something instead of God.” There was a man Adam and a Woman named Eve. They represented all of mankind went into a dream state called the Soul Realm. Gen. 2:7. The Soul realm is my mind, will, instead of God’s Mind, will and One emotion of Love. In this mind that is lower then the Spirit, we perceive the world and all the people differently. We each have a special plan and purpose. This next step of the dream is the Ego thought system represented as a serpent with a dual tongue from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that brings forth death instead of Life. John 10:10 which is a liar and deceiver. We are created perfect. We forgot our true Identity as a Spirit Being. We must awaken to our True Selves. My books can Be bought at Amazon called Fairy Tales Can Come True A Spiritual look at the Fairy Tales For the Spiritually Matured ,365 Angel messengers a Daily Devotion to read a paragraph each day, and the 3rd book is poems called Heavenly Messengers and Rhymes Before time by Linda & Richard Cosentino. My email address is [email protected]. My Daily Lessons are one paragraph if you wish to receive. Our web site is thegodinus.com. Thanks, Love Linda & Richie

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January 19-MEANIANG OF A VEIL. A veil is any thing that hides your real Self as a Spirit Being instead of a human Being. Renting of the veil is the last step Luke 23:45 in regeneration giving up the thoughts of human thinking. The veil of human thinking that conceals the Spirit body is rent and mankind comes into consciously of the body that is imperishable and eternal. The temple veil had angels that stopped the entrance to the garden of Eden with swords so they could not enter the Kingdom of God was rent from top to bottom at the cross enter to the Holy of Holies by our High Priest over the House of God within, Let us draw near to a true heart (Spirit Realm) of faith sprinkled over from all evil thoughts in true consciousness, and our bodies washed with pure water. Heb. 10:19.. Heb. 6:19-We can enter His Presence beyond the veil. Moses had to put a veil over him because they were not ready for the Kingdom of God within because their minds were darkened to receive.

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January 18-WHAT ARE BARNACLES? I AM giving you an allegory about a deep meaning of a barnacle. Pretend you body is a ship. A barnacle is some growth to our bodies or really the human mind like glue. Barnacles are things in the human mind that causes the ship to burn more gas, more fuel to more cost. Increases weight.. This is human emotions that is not God like. Thoughts of sickness, pain, and dis-ease, we pay for herbs to help remove this things from our thoughts. The secret of why we are here IS TO CHANGE OUR THINKING OF PEOPLE AND SITUATIONS. Barnacles has to Be removed by a deep cleansing of thoughts. The barnacles cause us depression, hatred, jealousy, and many other emotions instead of One Mind of Christ, One Body of Christ, and that we are created perfect before the foundation of the world. The most noted barnacles is called Acorn barnacles like the Oak tree produces acorns for more growth Spirit.

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January 17-WHEN IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD COMING TO THIS EARTH? (us). In your life when you real-eyes that God is real, and the Christ of your Being is recognized called Being Born Again that we are Spirit Beings. Gen. 1:27. Christ Jesus did not fail at the cross for salvation for each person. This great Light appears to us, and blinds us of all the human thinking and human evils, beliefs to teach us that the Christ is all there IS. Many Saviors are coming from Mt. Zion with Christ. He is not coming back by Him-self because we are Being trained to Be God like in everything we do and say. Obadiah 1:21 & Heb. 12:22-“Becoming Alive in the Christ of my Being bringing us back to God where we came from.” “We are Being transformed by the renewing of our minds to the Mind of Christ. Matt. 6:10-Your Kingdom Come, thy will Be done on earth as it is in the Spirit Realm (Heaven) Our Father pray to read each day. No evil exist in Spirit Realm.

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January 16-WHAT IS THE MEANING OF A ROUND EARTH? Round means no judging others, round table to eat at. Round earth is ALL of us are One with each other and One with God. No favorites, but all of us are favorites of God created in the image (reflection in a mirror) and likeness (exact copy). We came here to change our thinking about every person that God created perfect, and Christ Jesus went to the cross to bring us back to God where we came from. We were Spirit Beings before the foundation of the earth. Human beings only in our thinking in Gen 2:7-“Mankind became a Living Soul instead of a life given Spirit.” No negative thinking can ever change us from Being Spirit, Heirs of God, Joint Heirs with Christ, and Being the body of Christ and the family of God. Is. 40:22-The circle of the round earth. Prov. 8:27. Gen. 1:9-13-Earth (us) has two halves. The upper is firmament or Spirit Realm is all there is, Lower half is human thinking. One Mind.

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January 15-CHRIST HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD. We sometimes THINK that God is far away from us when things SEEM TO GO WRONG, and God SEEMS TO BE no where in sight. The Presence will never leave me or forsake me. God carries us through the situations that SEEMS to Be impossible. Darkness or evil does not exist only in our own carnal thinking minds of flesh, me, my, and i. Christ is all there IS, and has overcome the world. John 16:33. Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real is not of God. “The Truth will set us free.” Christ Jesus paid the price for your redemption just like you never went into a lower realm of thinking becoming a Living Soul instead of a Life Given Spirit. You only have the Mind of Christ speak the power of life and death is in the tongue to say pain and suffering cannot live in this body. Christ abolished death to Life, and immortality to Light. 2 Tim. 1:10. Christ took away all human thoughts a Pearl of Great Price.

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January 14-LET US CAST DOWN VAIN IMAGINATIONS. The word imagine means to conceive in your own mind. Vain means worthless thoughts. We can use our imagination for good when we have faith to believe something great is going to happen that is not seen as yet. Cast down all arguments, wars, depression and everything that is negative in our thinking. It is going to flood, storm, tornadoes with every negative thoughts that temps us to create negative situations has to be cast down before they create what we do not want. Worry does not let Christ take over our lives to create the most beautiful situations. Words create. No more criticism to others to see the Christ of their Being instead of all their faults to see beauty only. By sharing with each other a better way of living is so important to see everything changed in our thinking. My thoughts are to Be obedient to Christ within.

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January 13-MEANING OF AN EAGLE. Our lives are compared to an eagle. We have this inner yearning to escape from bondage to the memory of the Divine Self to break the chains of human hood, to return to the Christ Spirit Realm. Eagles are courage, great vision to see the Spirit Realm, power, energy, knows only freedom. Eagles fly high in the Spirit Realm that the crows of evil behavior, evil thinking, evil believing cannot follow the eagle to the Truth that sets them free. Eagles want to go back home to their Fathers Home to let Christ rule their lives. The eagle represents the Resurrection of flying High in the Realm of Spirit. The eagle is the King of the Sky like Christ Jesus with strength, immortality, God’s handy work. The U.S.A is the symbol of an eagle because we are blessed as giving Peace to the whole world. We wait upon God to see the Kingdom of God on this earth (us) as in the Heaven like the Our Father Prayer. The Kingdom of God is within.

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January 12-YOU ARE THE CONTAINER OF GOD. You are the cup of God that contains the Divine Substance. John 18:11 “The cup which the Father has given me, shall I not drink?” “Seeing the Substance hoped for is manifested.” Drinking of the Living Water is done by crossing the Jordan River of the personal self of me, i, and my to have a Spiritual Life. Change lemons to lemonade. “A spoonful of honey makes the medicine go down.” “You can put thoughts of the sword back into the sheath to think thoughts of peace instead of fighting. Nehemiah was a cup bearer meaning he tasted every thing for the King so no one could poison the King. The Christ Jesus tasted the death, burial and resurrection for ALL of us so we could Be able to do the same things Christ that lives within us. No more thirst again. Remove the cup of human thinking with the Substance that God is in control of my Life, and God is all there IS. Christ did not see pain, dis-ease, God created all good.

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January 11-WE CAN STARVE OUR NEGATIVE OLD MAN. You negative thoughts that tries to rule your life keeps popping up each day to destroy your Identity as a Spirit person having the life of God in your Being. These thoughts are temptations that are not real unless you believe them, and react to these situations. Whatever you feed, grows. We have the Mind of Christ only, Body of Christ and belong to the Family of God. The Mind of Christ grows each day in the Spirit Realm which never leaves us or forsakes you even what we think. “Where are you God?” When will we Be pain free? The only problem we have is the THOUGHT that we are separated from God which will never happen. We are Spirit Beings before the foundation of the earth. As soon as I see with the eyes of Christ the OLD human mind never existed only in my human mind thinking, the New Man only exist. God is a God of impossibilities, God is all there IS. Think on these things.

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January 10-WHAT IS THE MEANING OF DARKNESS. Ten means number and order are perfect of Divine Order, and the whole cycle is complete.10 commandments or the Law. Darkness is the absent of Light, symbol of misery, impure actions, false teachings, sin, life and struggle both Spiritual and Literally. Matt. 5:14-“A town (You) built on a hill (Spirit) cannot Be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Light is spiritual and Divine, illumination, intelligence, ultimate reality. “Be you Transformed by the renewing of your mind to the Mind of Christ.” What happens when you go in a room that seems to Be dark? When you turn on the Light where does the darkness go? It never existed only in your own mind. You are the Light of the world to bring those in negative thinking to the Truth that what you say is creative whether it is positive or negative. “Light is calling things that are not as though they are.” Turn on your light you stars in darkness.

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  • January 9-DOES GOD PUNISH OR REWARD? “God sees us created perfect, and we are Spirit Beings before the foundation of the earth. Ps. 103:10 “God does not deal with us according to our sins, nor rewards us.repay us according to iniquities nor reward us according to our guilt or blame.” Ps. 103-“The Lord is merciful and Loving with no anger or human emotions filled with Love Only. He does not keep rebuking us. He does not punish as we deserve. Not to repay evil for evil. Rom. 12:19.Christ Jesus became flesh as human beings to bring us back to God where we came from for ALL of us at the cross. Every human thought took away at the cross. Not repaying evil for evil. All evil is coming to the surface and done away with. We are the ones who accuse us of evil and forgetting He did that for ALL of us. There is no reward for knowing who and what we are, but just to remember we are Royal Children both male and female of God.
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January 9-DOES GOD PUNISH OR REWARD? “God sees us created perfect, and we are Spirit Beings before the foundation of the earth. Ps. 103:10 “God does not deal with us according to our sins, nor rewards us.repay us according to iniquities nor reward us according to our guilt or blame.” Ps. 103-“The Lord is merciful and Loving with no anger or human emotions filled with Love Only. He does not keep rebuking us. He does not punish as we deserve. Not to repay evil for evil. Rom. 12:19.Christ Jesus became flesh as human beings to bring us back to God where we came from for ALL of us at the cross. Every human thought took away at the cross. Not repaying evil for evil. All evil is coming to the surface and done away with. We are the ones who accuse us of evil and forgetting He did that for ALL of us. There is no reward for knowing who and what we are, but just to remember we are Royal Children both male and female of God.

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January 8 -Poem by Linda called the TICKING

January 8 -Poem by Linda called the TICKING CLOCK Ticking clock, I can hear the clock going so fast and soon God is teaching me to Believe, know a beautiful new tune.
I got to know that this world of mine is a real Spiritual Universe.
And the human world of wars, hate, suffering can’t get any worse.

The Kingdom of God is on its way any day now for me to see.
What a beautiful realm of God with lots of Love for ALL to BE.
We will no longer miss the mark of knowing who we are.
We are Royal Sons and Daughters of God that seems afar.

Many Saviors are coming from Mt. Zion to bring the Christ within.
Coming with Christ to tell a world to Be Saved, but this is when?
Soon my God says to me in a twinkle of an eye all will Be done. The Kingdom of God is already here for our new Thinking has begun.

No more pain, sickness, death and so on will be called our temptations. We will ALL know about God who extended Him-self in His creation.
We can see we are Spirit Beings One with God and One with each other. For a celebration to know that God is all there IS and there is not another.

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January 8-ACKNOWLEDGE GOD IN EVERYTHING YOU DO. Eight is New Beginning. Acknowledge means “to know and understand.” Heb. 11:3-“By Faith we understand that the world were framed by the Word of God, so that what we see was not made of things which are visible. God is the Creator and Ruler of all things, the Provider and Bestowed of eternal salvation. Through Christ Jesus. Heb. 11:16 But the Truth is what we are yearning for, and aspiring to a better and more desirable country (Spirit Realm) that is a heavenly one. “God is all there IS.” 2 Cor. 5:19-“God was in Christ Jesus RECONCILING THE WORLD BACK TO HIMSELF not imputing their trespasses unto them, but given to us the Word of Reconciliation.” I can do nothing without the Christ of my Being, walking, talking and everything I do and say. We are God’s mouthpiece to everyone of a Living and Loving God to Be a Holy Encounter.

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January 7-WHAT DOES CONCEPTION MEAN? Seven is the number of Completion and REST. Conception means Being pregnant, think, understanding, having a concept ideas set in motion. God’s Truth is the seed planted in your Mind of Christ to understand, but has to take time to grow. Takes 9 months to birth a child. Nine is the number of the Fruit of the Spirit-Love, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faith, Gentleness, Self Control. Nine comes after eight meaning New Beginning. Nine has the power of born AGAIN. It is the conclusion of judgment (a turning point to the things of God only). “Girt up the Loins of Your Mind to the Mind of Christ no outside, but everything inward.” 1 Peter 1:13-“Be sober, hope perfectly, upon Grace that is Being brought to you in revelation of Christ Jesus.The thoughts of God are creative. Human thoughts to Be deleted with Peace and Unconditional Love God only.

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January 6-CALLING THINGS THAT ARE NOT AS THOUGH THEY ARE, THEY BECOME. Rom. 4:17-There is power in the spoken word, and when we speak God’s Word is the Truth even though we haven’t seen it yet, we are speaking Faith the Power, His Life, giving Health, His strength. “We are the Spiritual Diamond in the rough.” ACTS1:8-“We are a Pearl of Great Price.” Matt. 13:45. “We are the Body of Christ, Christ in us and AS us.” We can speak the words of Love, Healing and Wholeness in our Spirit Being with Love of God surround us to fell the PRESENCE OF GOD WITHIN US.” 1 Peter 1:8-“Though you do not see Him, You believe in Him and rejoice with Joy Unspeakable and full of Glory.” Rom. 8:17. I accept this Living Presence of Christ in every cell of my body. Phil. 4:13. We can accept seeing things as they are in the Spirit Realm with a Spirit Body that lives in a Spirit Universe free of all evil. Every thing in us reflects the Christ.

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January 5-THE GREATEST PRAYER. The greatest prayer is Thanks for everything you give to me not asking, but just thanking God. His promises will Be fulfilled in God’s Perfect timing not happening right this minute. The carnal flesh mind makes us believe the promises will never come and we say, “This will never happen.” Ps. 119-Remember your Word in which you have made me to hope.” Your promises has given me life.” Ps. 5:10-You supply all my needs according to your riches and glory.” Phil. 4:19-“Our source of supply depends on His riches not mine.” Ps. 37:5-Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” We Believe His promises, and we depend on them. His children all of us both Sons and Daughters Trust His provisions and RELAX (choose Peace), and it will happen. What counts in Life is the Presence of God within us Whatever, Wherever and Whenever. Matt 28:20-“I will Be with you always, and forever Spirit Being.

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January 4-REFRESHING ALL THINGS. The word ignorance means we change our mind to think different. Convert means change our direction from one way to another. Sin archery term meaning missing the mark of Being Royal Sons and Daughters of God. Having true obedience to the Truth of God to no more sacrifice, but head on a new realm of thinking to the Mind of Christ. Blotted out means rubbing out with oil of the Holy Spirit anointed to get rid of thoughts of sickness, pain, suffering and all human traits to the Spirit Realm to complete change of thinking . This change has to do with the Soul realm breathed upon, to lower temperature, change of mind, will, emotions, trouble thoughts, new dimension of knowledge, fruits of the Spirit. Overcoming physical ailments by entering the Realm of the Spirit. Seeing face of God with full vision. This is the fullness of all things refreshed like new.

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January 3-ARE YOU THE WHOLE OCEAN? Each drop of water contains the whole ocean, but one drop of water is not the whole ocean. It takes ALL of us together to make the whole ocean. The rays of the sun which we ALL are not the whole sun. The Sun is God and the ocean is ALL God with us all together. We are One with God, and One with each other.Without me you think that you are God instead of God Being in you that will never leave us or forsake us. When we CHANGE OUR THINKING the ego thoughts that Edge God Out in your own mind believing the self is all there is. We have a Real Self that we are Royal Sons and Daughters of God. The EGO thoughts are constantly TRYING TO DESTROY OUR TRUE IDENTITY AS SPIRIT BEINGS not subject to pain, suffering, dis-ease and so on. Christ Jesus KNEW who He IS at all times to teach who we are at the cross. He said, “It is finished”, and gave us the Mind of Christ and the Body of Christ in the Spirit. No more temptation or lies.

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January 2-STOP TRYING TO MAKE EVERYONE LIKE YOU. I want everyone to like me. Some one is not going to think you are Godly or Loving. My goal in life is to Be Godlike in everything I do and say. My steps are ordered by God, and nothing happens by accident or by chance. Ecc. 9:11-Is. 41:24. God is all there IS in my life. I can’t let the ego thoughts in my own mind Edge God Out. I can listen to the Holy Spirit the still small voice within to lead us and guide us, and let go to Let God take care of us. We are no longer living on this earth as human beings fighting battles each day to think we have to do everything ourselves because we belong to the Family of God. God has to work through me and AS me. Phil. 4:13-I have the fruits of the Spirit within me. Love, Peace, Joy, Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self control. Gal. 5:5. Seeing Beauty instead of faults. We are Spirit Beings. The Christ will never leave us or forsake us.

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January 1-LET US CHOOSE PEACE THIS YEAR. This is going to Be the best year ever. New Year, New Beginnings, New Thoughts, Health, whole bodies. Minds cleansed from negative thoughts with new opportunities. I can cleanse the windows of my mind to reflect only inspiration from the Most High to govern every thought, every act with chosen peace. “You put on the NEW mankind which is after God is created in righteousness, and true holiness.” Eph. 4:24. We need to Love each other. Everything is in our own mind instead of the Mind of Christ given back to us at the cross. God is all there IS and in each person to give your light to everyone you meet as a Holy Encounter. No more criticizing or judging each other, but seeing beauty instead of faults. We are to give peace to the whole world. I ask God to reveal Him-self to all our family and friends. All evil is coming to the surface and done away with. Peace Be in you.

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December 31-YOU ARE GOD’S MOUTH PIECE. God uses you to communicate with humanity to tell them about a Living, Loving God. John 6:69-We believe that You are the Holy One of God thou are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” God is Love whoever abides in Love abides in God, and God is all there IS in us and AS us.” We are waiting for the Redemption of our Bodies to the Body of Christ as Spirit Beings. Rom. 8:22-“Keep your tongue from speaking evil, and your lips from telling lies.” 1 Peter 3:10-“Words kill, words give Life, Poison or Fruit is your choice.” Sticks and stones will break my bones, but I do not want words to harm me.” James 3:1. Let us use Godly words only. Peace to you the Holy Sons and Daughters of God, Peace to my brother and sister who is One with me. Let all the world Be blessed with peace through us. The Invisible Realm where God is in darkness where Spiritual Eyes can see words spoken to others brings them to see the Visible Light of understanding.

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December 30-LEARN ABOUT GOD’S HEART. “WHEN I see God as IS, I will Be like God when I see God as IS” 1 John 3:2-I want to Be Godlike in everything I do and say. I have a Divine Birthright as a Daughter of God with Health. Happiness, No Pain, Suffering that hides from me God’s thoughts of “Life and Life more abundantly.” John 10:10. All this debris of earth thinking stops the flow of receiving God to the fullest so I can erase them. Let all evil come to the surface and done away with that is the ego thoughts ,LET GO AND LET GOD. I AM beginning to learn the depth of God’s Heart of Unconditional Love. It is deeper than you think. This is a journey to Know God. It takes learning to choose Peace. If I choose to have Peace, I will not Be disturbed by any person or situation. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. God’s Heart is the Spirit Realm where everything is Whole, Health and Wonderful.

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December 29-WHAT IS THE MEANING OF REDEMPTION? It means bringing us back to God where we came from. 2 Cor 5:19- In Eph. 1:7-“In Him through His blood (shed human blood-Life is in the blood) gave us the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of His grace (Unmerited favor). 2nd Cor. 6:20-“You are bought Pearl of Great Price with a price of 30 pieces of silver by Judas. Matt. 26:15. Thirty is the number of ministry, perfection of Divine Order, completion. Silver Cord is a light thread that connects us to God to never Be separated from God. We fell in our thinking to a lower dimension, we lost our Light over the full body, but the silver (redemption) keeps a strain of Light to Be connected to God forever. Rom. 8:33-ALL CREATION GROANS INWARDLY AWAITING THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF GOD FOR THE REDEMPTION OF OUR BODIES BACK TO BEING SPIRIT BEINGS AGAIN.

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December 28-YOU ARE GOD’ FAVORITE-Some families have a favorite child which is very wrong. We are ALL GOD’S FAVORITE. Just like the body parts every part has a special plan and purpose, but every part is very valuable. Nothing happens by accident or by chance, but all to know and Believe all of God. “You are a Masterpiece.” Eph. 1:16.” You belong to the Body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of that Body that He gave to us. 1 Cor. 12:27. 1 Peter 2:9 “YOU ARE GOD’S SPECIAL POSSESSION.” I can do ALL things through Christ flowing in me and AS me.” Phil. 4:13-. John 15:4-8-“Abide in Me, and I in you.” Branch cannot bear fruit (Love, Peace, etc) of itself unless it abides in the vine (Christ Jesus). Phil. 2:13-God works in you to do His pleasure.” At the cross we change our thinking to the thinking of God and back to Being a Spirit Being not a flesh human thinker. We are a brand new creation. .

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December 27-THE KINGDOM OF THIS WORLD SEEMS TO BE RULED BY THE EGO. Luke 4:6- Ego thoughts that seek to control our minds took Christ to a high mountain (realm of this world), and showed Him all the Kingdoms of this world. I will give you all power. He already has all power to believe. If you worship me instead of the Mind of Christ. We came here to change the way we think about this WORLD and PEOPLE who are mean to us. We have One Mind, Mind of Christ, One Body the body of Christ, we are Spirit Beings. God is all there IS. God does not compete with another power that is not real only in our THINKING. We must not give in to temptation of man made things, but deliver us from evil by not believing a lie given to us that Edges God Out. The ego thoughts cannot happen without our belief in them. Miracles happen when we change our thinking to the thinking of God. Our only Mind is the Mind of Christ. Look for the Kingdom of God within. No more pain.

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December 26-YOU ARE A REFLECTION OF GOD. “We are created in the image (reflection in a mirror) and likeness (exact copy) of God both male and female.” Reflection means thrown back as an image. 2 Cor. 3:18-“We ALL are Being changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” Look in the water, the water shows if you smile or Being mad. Rom. 8:29-“For whom He did foreknow, He also predestination to Be conformed to the image of His Son.” You are Snow White the fairest of them all. If you could see the beautiful person you are with many talents with all the attributes of God, you would never say anything about yourself again that is negative. You can fit in on piece of the puzzle with one plan and purpose uniquely as One of a Kind that no one else is like you like a snowflake, Forget your dreams of sin, guilt. pain and suffering, and so on, and come with me to the Resurrection of God’s Son to Eternal Love.

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December 25-WE WISH YOU A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS. This time of the year seems that everyone is kind, and Christ Like with a change in the atmosphere and attitudes. Last year two planets lined up with a Star called the Star of Bethlehem to bring Christ to the whole world. Christmas is about the Christ Being born in each of us. “Christ Jesus came in this world to reveal God to us within that Reconciled in Christ the World back to Him-self not imputing their trespasses, but given us the Word of Reconciliation.” 11 5:19. No more pain, misery to Joy, Prison doors opened, and sin not missing the mark of who we are. Jesus means Savior, Born again. The world is moaning and groaning for the Manifestation of the Sons and Daughters of God for the REDEMPTION OF OUR BODIES. Rom. 8:23. This is Christ revealed in us Spirit , Soul and Body. Anointed Christ for us to Be born again as Spirit Beings. John 3:21. Remember this is the season for a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

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I am God’s child (John 1:12)
I am Christ’s friend (John 15:15 )
I am united with the Lord (1 Cor. 6:17)
I am bought with a price (1 Cor 6:19-20)
I am a saint (set apart for God). (Eph. 1:1)
I am a personal witness of Christ. (Acts 1:8)
I am the salt & light of the earth (Matt 5:13-14)
I am a member of the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:27)
I am free forever from condemnation ( Rom. 8: 1-2)
I am a citizen of Heaven. I am significant (Phil 3:20)
I am free from any charge against me (Rom. 8:31 -34)
I am a minister of reconciliation for God (2 Cor 5:17-21)
I have access to God through the Holy Spirit (Eph. 2:18)
I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms (Eph. 2:6)
I cannot be separated from the love of God (Rom 8:35-39)
I am established, anointed, sealed by God (2 Cor 1:21-22 )
I am assured all things work together for good (Rom. 8:28 )
I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit (John 15:16 )
I may approach God with freedom and confidence (Eph. 3: 12 )
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13)
I am the branch of the true vine, a channel of His life (John 15: 1-5)
I am God’s temple (1 Cor. 3: 16). I am complete in Christ (Col. 2: 10)
I am hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3). I have been justified (Romans 5:1)
I am God’s co-worker (1 Cor. 3:9; 2 Cor 6:1). I am God’s workmanship (Eph. 2:10)
I am confident that the good works God has begun in me will be perfected. (Phil. 1:

I have been redeemed and forgiven ( Col 1:14) I have been adopted as God’s 


(Eph 1:5)
I belong to God
Do you know
Who you are?

‘The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you
And be gracious to you;
The LORD turn His face toward you
And give you peace..’
Numbers 6:24-26

Love, Linda & Richie Cosentino

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December 22-LET US GO BEYOND THE VEIL OF HUMAN THINKING. We go through three veils before reaching the Holy of Holies where the very presence of God dwells. The veil is the human flesh of carnal thinking hiding our Spirit Body.The Outer Court is the 1st veil of flesh where we sacrifice all the emotions of sin, sickness, pain, suffering to real eyes we are not mortals. The Inner Court is where we are Baptized with the Holy Spirit to hear the still small voice within. Then the veil of the 5 senses is rent into the consciousness of body of immortality, imperishable, and eternal beyond the veil of any flesh thoughts to reveal who she really is into the realm of unlimited potential. We are the Bride of Christ awaiting the removal of our flesh veil to show the Groom that we are the Christ anointed ones within. The Bride has prepared herself for the Marriage Feast of the Lamb to the Spirit and Soul united as One

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December 21-10 REASONS FOR CHRISTMAS. 1.Christ Jesus came in the human flesh realm born as a baby from human Mother Mary and Father Joseph. Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world-Our Real Self as Spirit Beings. 2. He filled the law not condemning us with “Love God and your neighbor as yourself.”3. He is the High Priest to Be a Mediator between us and God to bring us back to God where we came from. 4. Christ Jesus is our supply for Spiritual Food for the Soul. 5.He gave us Grace and Truth and forgiveness and Adoption to the Family of God and the Body of Christ within. 6. He is our Peace offering and ransom paid with no condemnation. 7. Eternal everlasting Life for the world who rejected the Christ Jesus. 8. No more condemnation salvation of our Souls for the whole world. 9. Caused the Holy Spirit she came to help our unbelief with the Baptism of Holy Spirit and Fire the still small voice within. 10 Promise fulfilled to Abraham all nations to Be blessed.

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December 20-I WANT THE REAL CHRISTMAS. Christmas is about the birth of Christ Jesus born in Bethlehem (House of God within) in a stable the lowest of human thinking.no room in the INN for pain and suffering. He had an earthy mother Mary, and a Father called Joseph ..The tree was an evergreen tree of eternal life with lights all over the tree. Lights of the world to shine in the Darkness. The birth of Christ means our birth in Christ in us and As us. The presents were From the wise man gifts led by the star to the Christ child. Gold-Deity, Frankincense or Boswella body herb to give us health, and Myrrh.going higher in Spirit like incense. Candy cane used by the Shepherd is white purity, and red the blood of the Shepherd Christ Jesus who takes care of the sheep (all of Us) in Salvation, Resurrection, and anything we may need. We are born again in the Spirit Realm from our first birth of human Beings to Spirit Beings with a Spirit Body of Christ. It is Merry Christmas not Happy Holiday.

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Today and this year we will Be so beautiful in every thing of a miracle that never happened before.
All promises and All Words of great and wonderful promises in God will Be for All of us restored.
God said in prophecy that all evil is coming to the surface and behold I make all things good and new.
God said in His Words I will pour out my Spirit on All flesh All will Be Spirit Beings this is all true.

No more human thinking with pain, suffering, dis-ease, death which subject to all our temptations.
Christ Jesus went to the cross and completely wiped out to resurrect all human thoughts of creations.
We are a new creation in Christ not subject to sin of missing the mark of who and what we are today.
We are Royal Sons and Daughters of God by Christ who made us to remember when we lost our way.

The Prodigal son real-eyes who he was thought that in his Father’s house even the servants were fed.
He thought his Father would be waiting for him to punish him, but gave him tremendous Love instead.
Gave him Best Robe or body Spirit Being, Ring of Unconditional Love, Sandals able to walk in Spirit life.
This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and Be glad in it to choose peace with no more strife.

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December 19-NO VACANCY FOR EGO THOUGHTS IN THE INN. I AM filled with Love, Joy and Happiness. I AM putting a big sign in front of my body saying, no VACANCY FOR PAIN, SUFFERING, NEGATIVE TALK, NO MIND OF HUMAN THINKING, NO HURTFUL EMOTIONS FROM PEOPLE, NO MAN MADE BELIEFS, LAWS, BAD NEWS, DISAPPOINTING EVENTS, NO STRESS, ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, CRITICISM, IDLE TALK, AND ALL HUMAN THOUGHTS. 2nd Cor. 10:5-“My life is filled with all God has for me. James l:5-“I belong to a Royal family with Royal rewards. No more partaking of good ad evil, only Kingdom of God within. Rom. 14:16. I AM daily learning who I AM, and why AM I here. I AM here to Awaken the people who have an Unknown God to tell them that You are the dwelling place of God with Christ is welcomed within me and You. Acts 17:23. Will you awaken to God for me?

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I am God’s child (John 1:12)
I am Christ’s friend (John 15:15 )
I am united with the Lord (1 Cor. 6:17)
I am bought with a price (1 Cor 6:19-20)
I am a saint (set apart for God). (Eph. 1:1)
I am a personal witness of Christ. (Acts 1:8)
I am the salt & light of the earth (Matt 5:13-14)
I am a member of the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:27)
I am free forever from condemnation ( Rom. 8: 1-2)
I am a citizen of Heaven. I am significant (Phil 3:20)
I am free from any charge against me (Rom. 8:31 -34)
I am a minister of reconciliation for God (2 Cor 5:17-21)
I have access to God through the Holy Spirit (Eph. 2:18)
I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms (Eph. 2:6)
I cannot be separated from the love of God (Rom 8:35-39)
I am established, anointed, sealed by God (2 Cor 1:21-22 )
I am assured all things work together for good (Rom. 8:28 )
I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit (John 15:16 )
I may approach God with freedom and confidence (Eph. 3: 12 )
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13)
I am the branch of the true vine, a channel of His life (John 15: 1-5)
I am God’s temple (1 Cor. 3: 16). I am complete in Christ (Col. 2: 10)
I am hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3). I have been justified (Romans 5:1)
I am God’s co-worker (1 Cor. 3:9; 2 Cor 6:1). I am God’s workmanship (Eph. 2:10)
I am confident that the good works God has begun in me will be perfected. (Phil. 1:5)
I have been redeemed and forgiven ( Col 1:14) I have been adopted as God’s child(Eph 1:5)
I belong to God
Do you know
Who you are?

‘The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you
And be gracious to you;
The LORD turn His face toward you
And give you peace..’
Numbers 6:24-26
Love, Linda & Richie Cosentino
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December 17-TIME TO GO TO THE MOUNTAIN OF TRANSFIGURATION. “Before the cross, Jesus took John-Pure Love, Peter-Faith in the Presence of God, James-total commitment, showing them out of His mortal body to the Immortal Body of Spirit. His face shined, clothing was white, the glory of which is the Christ in us.” How did they know that Moses and Elijah were there before their time. They were the two witnesses.”Matt. 17:1. This body is Spirit filled with Light (understanding example of the Christmas tree (cross) full of lights (keep darkness away forever which is negative thoughts in our flesh mind to the thoughts of God only. We are the Tabernacle of God within. Christ Jesus only with no human form or human thinking or actions.Moses went in Spirit realm with his face shown so strong, he had to put a veil over his face to hide his true Identity as a Spirit Being. Babies and animals see the aura peeking out to Let our LIGHT SHINE TO DISPEL ALL DARKNESS OF NEGATIVE THINKING.

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December 16-IT IS CHRIST MAS TIME. Today, I let the Christ vision look upon all things and judge them not, to give a miracle of Love instead. All things I see, I give them freedom I seek in Love. I have chosen the gift of Love I want to give to every person I meet to Be a Holy Encounter. I must give as I receive. Miracles are changing our thoughts to the thoughts of God only. All fear thoughts changed to Love- Matt. 22:37. This is the Christmas season to “Love God and my neighbor as my self.” Our Father can heal our minds to the Mind of Christ. “Be you Transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Miracles are a mirror of God’s eternal Love to save the whole world. Forgiveness must Be achieved by letting God forgive through you. Forgiveness brings us to the remembrance of who and what we are. Cleanse our thoughts of pointing the finger at some one else to cleanse our thoughts to pure as Snow White. This is the season of Peace to the whole world because it is the Prince of Peace to us.

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December 15-REASONS FOR THE CHRIST CHILD. Is. 9:6-“For unto ALL of US (a child is born into the womb of Mary just like we went into the womb of our Mother to Be born in this realm to Be born again to the Spirit Realm. Unto us is given a Son of God came to mankind as the One Son of God for all of Us to Be able to go back to God where we came from. The Government shall Be upon His shoulder-the cross and the number 12 means Divine Government of God only. His name shall Be called Wonderful -He is a wonder that is eternal will always Be in us and AS US. Counselor (A person that gives us a plan and purpose to Be here in the realm of a flesh body to bring this body of flesh to Be a Spiritual Body with no pain or suffering for a Body of Christ and a Family of God. Mighty God was in the Son at the cross not imputing their trespasses, but given them the ministry of reconsideration. 11 Cor 5:19. He is the Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace that no one can give us Peace, but the Christ within us

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December 14-WHAT IS A MIRACLE?

December 14-WHAT IS A MIRACLE? A miracle is a correction. It makes you go higher in the Spirit Realm to know God is all there is. It looks at the devastation to remind the mind that what it sees is false. All errors are erased to exceed the function of forgiveness. It paves the way to Love’s awakening, It is a gift of Grace. The carnal mind does not know anything about the Spiritual Kingdom, but tries to destroy our Identity as Spirit Beings. The world that is upside down Spirit erases the false lies of who and what we are. Forgiveness is the home of miracles. The Words of God is Love God and Love your neighbor as yourself. Miracle changes of mind that shifts our perception (what we think is real to Truth) from ego thoughts of sin, sickness and so on. Miracles gives us the Real World of God only by restoring to the Mind of Christ to its right function, allowing us to choose again to reflect by joining the Spirit to the Soul to Be one with God and One with each other to heal our human mind to the Mind of Christ.

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December 13-DON’T PUT THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE. This is an allegory meaning the Horse represents Christ Jesus and the cart represents the human thinking’s mind to want to rule instead of the Mind of Christ 1st in our lives. James 1:13-“Let no man kind say when he is tempted by God.” God cannot give us anything of evil to temp no one, but the human carnal mind is the enemy that tempts us, and then blames it on God that Created us out of Him-self (all of us) to kill the Christ in us. “God Himself put the horse before the cart. He did not consult with mankind to see what was right in their eyes.” We commit evil with our own minds, and our own minds causes us to fall in our own trap, but the blameless will inherit good and God only. Prov. 28:10. The horse Christ Jesus went to the cross to take all human evil away to bring us ALL back to God where we came from with Unconditional Love that His Love made perfect among us, so as He is we are in the world.” The cart is forgiven.goes up to Spirit Beings.

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December 12-I WILL RECEIVE WHATEVER I REQUEST. Twelve is the number of perfect Divine Government. Miracle happens today when we change our thinking in the mind that shifts perception (what we think) by restoring the NEED TO RECEIVE HEALING TO THE MIND OF CHRIST. We can Be confused about the things I need in the state to receive Love, Peace and Joy without pain and suffering. We are the Holy Ones of Israel- means (El is God is all there is). Today I will do nothing of myself, but hear Your Voice in everything I do requesting only what You offer me, accepting only Thoughts you share with me. Freeing my negative thoughts of capture to accept only the Thoughts of pain free suffering at the cross to save me from this pain and suffering. Redeemed means brought back to God where we came from to the Spirit world with no pain or suffering. Matt. 7:9-“Ask and receive, knock to open the door and go into the Kingdom of God within. Christ Jesus was victorious at the cross to take away all human thoughts.

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December 11-WHERE DARKNESS IS, I TURN ON THE LIGHT. Father my eyes are opening at last. Your holy world of Spirit awaits us as our sight with the eyes of Christ finally are restored so we can see in the Kingdom of God within us. Darkness is in our human mind that does not have the Mind of Christ. Bringing darkness to Light. John 8:12-“I AM the Light of the World.” We look upon Christ’s vision changes darkness in our own mind, and thinking into Light. Did you turn on the Light in you today? Fear has to disappear because fear is false evidence APPEARING REAL when Love comes. Let us forgive this world of wars and evil to see a world of God that is sinless, no sickness, pain and suffering, no human words of meanness to another person to see a world of holiness that the Truth sets us free from a world of negative thinking only to the Real World of Love, Peace, and Happiness.We must go within where God lives beside us showing us the way. Christ Jesus did not fail with one of us.

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December 10-I CHOOSE TO SEE MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS SINLESS. 1-We are Spirit Beings, now. 2.God is Love. 3.We all have a special plan and purpose. 4. We all are Eternal Beings 5. Christ Jesus took every human thought at the cross for ALL of us. Forgiveness is a choice.When I see my brother,s and sisters, I must see as God sees us all perfect created. Christ Jesus went to the cross for all human thinking. and thoughts of punishment to see them saved even though they do not see God only now, but we see God only of Unconditional Love for all of His Children both male and female saved by Grace. My brothers and sisters is sinless meaning we missed the mark of who and what we are and forgot that we are all the Family of God and the Body of Christ. We are all One with God and One with each other. God will bring us ALL back to God when it is in their time. John 15:16-“You have not chosen Me, I have chosen you to bear much fruit.” In Christ I find my Real Self as Spirit Beings.

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December 9-YOU ARE A COMMUNICATOR. You have a new Beginning in Christ Jesus Spirit Realm. God uses YOU to communicate with humanity to tell the WORLD about a Loving God. “Your tongue is used to speak about God Being in you and AS you that will never leave your or forsake you.” Christ Jesus of my Being within me speaks, walks, breathes THROUGH US. “The whole world was subject to vanity not willing.” The world is waiting for the manifestation of the Sons and Daughters to reverse everything in this upside down world to the Kingdom of God. “You are Deity and created in the image (reflection in a mirror) and likeness (exact copy) of the Living God both male and female.” Gen 1:27. “You are Heirs of God and Joint Heirs with Christ Jesus.” You are Royal Prince and Princess of God. We are intersessions by prayer between them until they can go to God by themselves. We can tell the world who and what they are with God only.

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December 8-THREE STEPS TO BE GOD LIKE IN EVERY THING WE DO AND SAY. Eight is the number of new beginning. 1st. Faith is the substance of things hoped for with the knowing of things not seen to the Spiritual Realm where everything is perfect. Heb. 11:1.” Calling things that are not as THOUGH THEY ARE.” Rom. 4:17. Trust in God with His promises. 2nd-Hope- Is. 49:23-God is able to bring His promises to prosper you, and never to harm you or give you any sickness or dis-ease. God all things are possible TO KNOW. No unbelief with carnal flesh words with negative talk.. 3rd-Pray for enemies. Let go of all words of hate towards you. Know that challenges causes you to grow deeper in the Spirit Realm. No talking about any body, but seeing everyone that God created PERFECT. All temptations from the carnal thinking, but deliver us from evil. Unconditional Love is Love God and Neighbor as self. Matt. 22:37 Be you TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND TO THE MIND OF CHRIST.

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December 7-HAVE YOUR WEDDING GARMENT READY. Seven is the number of perfection, completion and Rest. We are the Bride of Christ preparing for the Wedding Feast when the Spirit and Soul will Be united as One with God and One with each other. Wedding garments represent the outer clothing of the mind. The wedding garment in Matt. 22:1 is symbol of a state of Believing for the union unique where our external thinking must be in Harmony with the Inner revelation before we can make complete union with the Christ. Rev. 19:7-“Let us rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and the bride has clothing of pure white linen=all human thoughts cleansed from the mind to the Mind of Christ with the Character of Christ, Bright and Pure righteous DEEDS OF THE SAINTS BEING GOD LIKE IN EVERYTHING WE SAY AND DO. Rev. 21:2-“And I saw the Holy City-all of us, new Jer us alem coming down from heaven-Spirit from God prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband-Christ.”

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December 6-I AM AFFECTED BY MY THOUGHTS. Six is the number of man Spirit, Soul and Body to Spirit, Soul united as One as in the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. I must cleanse my temple of the Soul to Be Mind of Christ, Will of God, emotion of Love, and God’s intellect instead of me, my and i. Changing of thinking to Let Salvation come to all the world. Thoughts can release me from fear (false evidence appearing real). No one on the outside of us can hurt me or frighten me to have the power to change ALL human thoughts to LOVE and Peace thoughts within. “Be you TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND TO THE MIND OF CHRIST.” God thoughts is all sons and daughter are redeemed by the Cross of Christ Jesus that leads me to Redemption. John 10:10-“The thief the carnal mind comes, but I come to give you LIFE AND LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY. Thoughts are creative Phil. 4:8- Think on whatsoever is Pure. God is the Thought and we are the thoughts of God.

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December 5-I AM NOT THIS BODY, I AM AS GOD CREATED ME. The name of God is my deliverance from every thought of evil and of sin to use I AM as my own. I AM bread and wine is the essence of God within not literal bread that perishes. I AM the resurrection to live and not die. John 11:25. Rom 8:17-I AM heirs of God and Joint heirs of Christ Jesus. God gives us coat of Royalty, Signet ring of authority, shoes to walk in Spirit not man made, and the fated calf for Spiritual food. I AM One with God and One with each other. I belong to the Body of Christ, Mind of Christ and Family of God. God created us in His image (reflection in a mirror) and likeness (exact copy) out of Himself (us). I AM the way, Truth and the Light to turn on the Light within to every one I meet. Christ Jesus said I AM the door for you to open for me to open up the door and to go in. Col. 2:9-“The whole fullness of Deity dwells in me in body form. Concentrate on the diamond that is within instead of the stones of human thinking to the thinking of God only.

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December 3-NO SIN PROTECTS ME FROM ALL HARM. Sin is an archery term meaning missing the Mark of who I AM and why AM I Being here at this time. I forgot in my Soul Realm of my mind, will, emotions and intellect is not my mind, will, emotion of Love only and intellect to the Mind of Christ given back to me at the cross to bring me back in thinking “Be you Transformed by the Renewing of your Mind to the Mind of Christ.” Perfect created by God to uniting the Spirit and Soul to One with each other instead of me, my and I, but all of God in me and AS me. No more sin ensures me perfect peace, eternal safety, everlasting Love freedom of all thoughts of loss, complete deliverance from suffering to Happiness that I AM a Spirit Being back to God where I came from. Is. 49:16-“I AM engraved on the Palm of His hands. Heb. 13:5-” God will not give me any sickness, pain or suffering or forsake me or punish me. I must accept At-One-Ment knowing I AM One with God and One with each other.

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December 2-I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE. John 6:35. When Christ Jesus was tempted by the ego thoughts that Edge God Out, He was in the Spirit Realm to know that in the Spirit man cannot Be tempted to eat physical food, but every Word of God is the Bread of Life. The word Manna means-“What is it that you want me to do today?” Bread is the UNIVERSAL INNER SUBSTANCE OF THE SPIRIT, and the concentrating of Mind of Christ upon it as our real possession.” The inner substance will know that all OUTSIDE PLEASURES IN OUR HUMAN MIND give way to the INNER LIGHT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT when it begins its rays in the heart (Spirit Realm) John 6:35. The breaking of bread represents His body which is a Spiritual Body given to ALL OF US.at the cross. Acts. 2:44″They were ALL in ONE accord with each other to share the PRECIOUS SUBSTANCE OF THE SPIRIT REALM.” 1 Cor. 11:23. We die to self and come ALIVE in Christ and bear Spiritual Fruit of LOVE. John 12:25.

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December 1-WHO IS YOUR FATHER? Three is the number of persons in One God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Your Father is God. God dwells in you and AS you. “God’ ways are perfect.” Ps. 18:30-“From everlasting to everlasting God is Love.” Rom. 8:38-“Neither death nor life, nor any powers, or anything in all creation will Be able to separate us from the Love of God that is in Christ Jesus.” Matt. 7:11″How much more will your Father give good gifts to those who ask.” “All things work together for good.” Rom. 8:28.” God is familiar with all my ways.” Ps. 139:1-“God is every where in all of us at the same time.” “Do not worry, what we shall eat or drink, Your Father knows what you need before you ask.” “I AM in the Father and the Father is in me.” John 14:11-“I have faith that a miracle is born from an acorn, that springs forth will follow winter’s chill, and a new bright dawn comes after every dark night.” “God answers us when we pray.” “God dwells in us even if we do not know it.”

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November 30-I DREAMED OF MY WHOLE FAMILY FOR GOD TO REVEAL HIMSELF TO THEM. God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the WORLD TO HIMSELF (all of us) not imputing their transgressions, but given them the ministry of reconciliation.” 11 Cor. 5:19.”The Word became flesh and dwells among us to live in us and AS us.”John 1:14. “God so loved the WORLD that He gave His only begotten son to us that none should perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16. “We have eternal redemption.” Christ Jesus did not fail for one of us. Heb. 9:12-God was in Christ Jesus to bring us back to as Spirit Beings where we forgot who and why we are here. Like the Prodigal Son remembered that his Father loved him and was not going to punish us for our mistakes, but to erase them with pencils of erasers. We are ALL Royal Children both Sons and Daughter as our Identity can never Be torn away from us now or ever. We are God’s Masterpiece. “John 15:16-“You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you to bare much fruit.”

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November 29-PEOPLE WHO HAVE ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN. I have shared with you the 4 steps to have happen in your lives. First is Death to self to become alive to Christ Jesus. 2nd step is to Bury old ways of thinking that is not God like to remember no more. The third step is at the cross of Christ Jesus went he Resurrected from the dead beliefs of the human thinking of self only from sin, sickness, pain, suffering in this world that is not God like in the Spirit Realm. The fourth is called Ascension into Spirit bodily. Some of these examples and many more are Elijah went up in a whirlwind -2 Kings 2:11. Heb. 11:5-Enoch taken up with no death. Gen 5:24 Walked with God and was no more. Paul-11 Cor. 12:13-Caught up in 3rd heaven. John 3:13-Son of man Christ Jesus. Moses wrote about creation after his time here in Genesis. We are all going to Ascend. Moses and Elijah was there when Jesus Transfigured to Peter James and John before the cross. Moses was with God for 40 days and nights in Spirit Realm.

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November 28-ANIMALS COMPARED TO HUMAN THINKING. Christ Jesus taught in metaphors or allegories for human thinking. The racoon has a mask that hides his true Identity as a Spirit Beings. This racoon will fight you if you think different from it. A squirrel digs up our plants to plant human seeds of hate, jealousy and seeds of self instead of Christ Jesus. Rabbits hop from one human food to another, but they eat carrots for their eye sight. The three little pigs must build their houses on God within so the wolf of human thinking does not blow their house built on the Rock within Christ Jesus. The eagle eats live food and not dead doctrines of the human mind thinking. The dogs are protective of their masters with much devoted Love. The snake is used for a dual tongue of lies and deceits with the human thinking that is under the law and not of Grace. The eagle flies high in the Spirit Realm so no birds can reach them. The Dove is for male and female to mate together forever.

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November 27-WHAT IS THE ARK OF THE COVENANT? It is a box covered with Gold -Deity on the outside of us that represents the VERY PRESENCE OF GOD ON THE INSIDE OF US symbolizing the SPIRITUAL PART OF OUR SELF ORIGINAL SPARK OF DIVINITY. The Ark of the Covenant was to Be carried on our shoulders not on a cart of human thinking that falls in a pit of not understanding God or believing in a flood of self thinking. The Ark of the Covenant was stolen by the flesh THINKING realm by the Philistines to Be brought back to Jerusalem (House of God with Peace) by David (Christ Jesus). Immortality in John 16:15. Three things in the Ark was 2 sets of the 10 commandments 1 Kings 8:9. In Spirit we have only ONE- “Love, God and Love our neighbor as our self.” Aron’s rod that budded- We are the branches that produces much fruit. And the Golden Pot of Manna Heb. 9:4. Christ Jesus is the Bread of Life who gave us His Body of Christ to each. 

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Man A Dwelling Place For God

November 26-HOW TO RECEIVE THE SPIRIT REALM OF ALL LIFE. Matt. 7:7-“Ask, and it shall Be given you, seek, and you shall find, knock, and it shall Be opened to you. When we ask, we must Be opened to it, seek and it is yours, but knock you must open the door and go into the Spirit Realm. The carnal mind of flesh thinking refuses the Spirit Realm so you can Be only human beings in thinking. Don’t you want to receive all God has for us the whole gift God gives us? We can open up our consciousness (what we are aware of) to the Divine. We will always Be learning of who and what we are because the word sin means an archery term meaning we missed the mark of who we are as Royal Family of God with One with God and One with each other. What I AM asking, seeking and knocking is to discover God is in everything, seeing Divine manifested in everyone as the Body of Christ and the Family of God one with each other.

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November 25WHO IS YOUR ONLY ENEMY? It is your human carnal mind that tries to destroy your thinking that you are a Spirit Being created before the foundation of the world in the image (reflection in a mirror and likeness (exact copy) of God. Gen. 1:27 The state of your mind is heaven or hell not a place. This human mind is not a Being on the outside of us, but inward negative thoughts. Paul was on the Damascus Road to kill the Christ in us. Rom. 12:21 “Do not Be conformed to the pattern of this world, but BE YOU TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND.” Eph. 6:11-12-Renew your mind to the Mind of Christ.” Col. 3:2-“Set your mind on things ABOVE, not on things of the earth.”.Phil. 4:8-“Whatever is True, Just, Pure, THINK ON THESE THINGS.” Ps. 1-2 “Delight in the law of God all day” 1John 4:4-“Christ is greater than he is in the world. “Seek Kingdom of God all things added to you” 2 Cor. 4:16- Inner self is being renewed each day.”

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November 24-MEANING OF UNDERSTANDING. The word means get the meaning of, comprehension, intelligence Spirit Realm. Wisdom (feminine word) is the principal thing., therefore get Wisdom and with all thy getting understanding. Prov. 4:7. We should expand our thoughts until we real-eyes all good, and then cut through at that appears to Be to use the Almighty power. True understanding comes from a spiritual perception of the Divine Unity of all things One with God and One with each other.and that the Real will never pass away. I give the Eyes of the Spirit to penetrate everything that SEEMS opposed of Good and God. The Divine Presence runs through my understanding. I open up to the Mind of Christ of One Presence, One Cause and One purpose. I permit the Spirit of wholeness, healing with Health Benefits to flow through me and AS me. There is One God that is all there IS, One Spiritual Self, One Perfect Love and one eternal Life.

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November 23-HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Thanksgiving is a time for families to get together, eat together, to pray together. I AM SO THANKFUL FOR ALL THAT I HAVE. 1st Thess. 5:16-18-“Rejoice evermore, Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God concerning you.” Thanksgiving means appreciation, recognition and remembrance. I AM thankful for my family, friends and to pray for my enemies. I AM thankful to write my lessons to share with others what God shows me. Some body made all things in your home with much labor. God always provides everything I need, without my worry to Be able to pay for everything. All I do is thank God for my request to know God will answer my asking. I see people healed and created perfect. I pray for people I see who are dis-eased and cripple by seeing them perfect that God created. Christ Jesus went to the cross for each person took away ALL sin, sickness, and pain and the blind to see.

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November 22-MEANING OF THE SERPENT ON THE POLE? The snake or serpent represents the carnal mind of good and evil with a duel tongue, and that slivers and slides in your mind that tells lies and deceit.”Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert (place of unbelief) so the Son of man (Christ Jesus) must Be lifted up on the cross whoever believes in Him has eternal life.” John 3:14 based on No.21:4. The children of Israel- (Israel Backwards God is real) wandered through the desert with complains, spoke against God and Moses, no bread Manna they did not like, water no Living water of Christ. Poison snakes human thoughts not of God with sin, sickness, hatred, jealousy, fighting and so on. We have sinned (missed the mark of who and what we are) repentance is for removal of sin and everything that is not Godlike in your life .Bronze Pole -God’s righteousness and judgment (turning point not destruction, but knowing God’s strength in God’s Word.)

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November 21-FIRE THAT DOES NOT CONSUME Ezekiel 1:4-Speaks of a fire that is not consuming within us, but a fire of warmth, light and the Presence of the Godhead. When we receive the Holy Spirit with fire it means you speak about God with a fire within your words that sets us free from human thinking, and creates the Spirit Realm. Moses knew the sacred name of I AM to take off the human shoes within man made thoughts and ideas because he was on Holy Ground. Exodus 13-“A pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day to lead us in the Spiritual Path. Spirit is like a rushing wind-breath that filled the house -us-Tabernacle of God. “One comes mightier than me will baptize -fully immerse us with the Holy Spirit and tongues of fire.”On the road to Emmaus, Christ appeared to the two on the day of His resurrection and they said, “How our hearts burned with fire when the Presence of Christ was felt within.” We are an individual expression of a Living God in us and AS us.

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November 20-DIFFERENCE IN THE PHARISEES AND SADDUCEES? The word Pharisees means separated, distinct. Matt. 5:20-“Opposed to Jesus and His teachings.” They were religious without the Spirit realm only in material realm of flesh thinking with every person has evil power. These thoughts arise out of the subconsciousness part of the mind instead of the Mind of Christ turning always to external forms of religion not knowing the real meaning or understanding always seeking an outward sign in doctrines of man in the belief in the law and punishment. Sadducess-Just, righteous, justified. Matt 22:23 decendants of Zadok. 11 Samuel 15:24. Old Testament laws and sacrifices of animals to appease an angry god. They did not believe in the Resurrection of Christ Jesus or the immortality of the Soul with religious beliefs .They are material beliefs without spiritual understanding The intellect cannot comprehend the Truth of the Word to set them free.

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November 19-ASHES FOR BEAUTY. Is. 61–“To provide for those who grieve in Zion (Love abides where high holy thoughts abide), to bestow on you a crown of beauty instead of ashes.” The oil of gladness instead of morning, and a garment of praise instead of despair. “The ashes in your life is the past hurts, and past mistakes that are burned in the fire never Be reminded of them again.” We live in the NOW. Ashes are burned parts of your life using the past learning not to choose this path again. Do you want to Be a victim or a victory? 1 Peter 1:1-6. Rom. 8:37-“In ALL things, we are more than conquers through Christ Jesus who loves us.” “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.” Phil. 4:4. Everything and everyone is a beauty that God created perfect even if we are still on the potter’s wheel to Be refined as pure Gold (Deity). When we trust God our bruises become beauty marks. Pour out our bitterness to His peace.

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November 18-THE PRESENT ARRANGEMENT OF THINGS WILL PASS AWAY. One is the number of God only, 8 is the number of New Beginning of our whole world to a Divine Government instead of a human government. 1 Cor. 14:40-“Everything must Be done in proper and orderly manner.” 1 Cor. 7:31-“Those who use the things of this world as if we depend on them, while the world in present form is passing away.” 1 Cor. 2:9-“Things which the eye has not seen, is arranged by God.” We put on Spirit bodies never without a body. Matt. 24:35-“This heaven and earth will pass away, but my Words shall not pass away.” 2 Cor. 5:8-“To Be Absent from this body, is to Be Present with the Lord.” 1 John 2:25-“All this is the promise which He Him-self (all of us) made to us ETERNAL LIFE.” Heaven state of Mind is Peace and Freedom from Upset. The Our Father says the Kingdom of God will Be done on earth (us) as in Heaven-Spirit Realm.

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November 17-MEANING OF SPIRITS IN PRISON. One is God only, 7 is perfection completion and REST. Gen. 1:27, 1 Peter 3:19-“When Christ Jesus went into hell (not a place but our own minds trying to rule us), He freed us from the Spirits who was disobedient at the cross and, SET THE CAPTIVES THOUGHTS FREE WE MADE IN OUR OWN MINDS FROM EGO THOUGHTS THAT EDGE GOD OUT. Eph. 4:8-The Spirits of just men made perfect meaning our Real Self by becoming perfected in Christ. God’s son the last Adam Christ Jesus represents the human race to remove me from sin, judgment, guilt and all human thoughts from death to Life more to eternal life. He became human in Gen. 2:9 to a Living Soul (flesh mind) to death outward to die to human self by the shedding of human blood with dis-ease, pain and suffering. Put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit. We are Spirit Beings brought back at the cross with no human thoughts.

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November 16-THIRD MIRACLE OF CHRIST JESUS. John 5:1-9-took place in Jerusalem (House of Peace) by the pool (Point in consciousness to feel the flow cleansing life of Spirit. In life there is a constantly flow and ebb of water is troubled with weak thoughts within not received healing power of Spiritual I AM. Bethesda means House of Mercy, Loving Kindness, Healing. Man who was cripple from birth for 38 years- Three number of God Head and 8 number of new beginnings, entry into the Kingdom Land of Promise with knowing the Power of God. Third means salvation of Christ Jesus for us to Be made whole. John 5:6. He was not 1st (God first) no one helped him in human realm to put him in the pool when the water is always troubled in human realm with no peace. Rise up in Spirit Realm, take your pallet (bed to remember the Christ is within, and walk in God.) Miracles of faith can happen when we are least expected. He went walking and praising God.

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November 15-MEANING OF THE CROWN OF THORNS.The crown of thorns was on Christ Jesus HEAD taking all human thinking to Spirit Thinking and taking every thought away from us that has to do with the Tree of Good and Evil like sin, sickness, pain, suffering and even death to Spirit Realm. Gen 3:17-19-“Curse describes the ground is cursed that you will eat from it by means of painful labor. It will produce thorns and thistles plants of the field (world human thinking, I AM God and I do not need God because I AM God). Every plant, animal and all the world was affected. Christ Jesus was put this crown of thorns instead of the Crown the King wears. He took to His body every danger, frustration of the human realm, and man became a Living Soul Gen. 2:7 instead of a Life Given Spirit to return to dirt the lowest of human thinking. Matt. 27:29- “Hail King of the Jews.” Heb. 2:9 – From death to Life for everyone to bring us back to God where we came from.

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November 14-FOUR STEPS CHRIST JESUS WANTS US TO FOLLOW. The first step is Death to self thinking of human thinking including blame, shame, jealousy, hatred to get rid of all the things in your life that rises like yeast to completely get rid of it forever. The next step is to Bury all human thoughts not to let it rise again. The past is gone and never will be real only in our own thinking. Luke 9:23-“DIE TO SELF DAILY, and by dying to self to become alive to Christ in you and AS you,

you will Live. The third step is called Resurrection where we are new creation in Christ all things pass away and all things become new. John 11:25-“CHRIST SAID, “I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE, he who belives in Me shall have everlasting life.” The fourth part is Ascension to Kingdom of God on earth (us) as in heaven. Spirit Realm. John 20:17- Don’t hold on to this realm. I have not ascended to my Father and your Father, to My God and your God seated in heavenly places.

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November 13-REAL REASON FOR THE CROSS. Mankind went into another form or vibration to become human Beings instead of Spirit Beings how we are created. Christ Jesus at the cross became human without sin (not missing the mark of who He Is to bring us back to God where we came from.) The horizontal part of the cross represents human thinking, but the vertical part represents the Spirit Realm. We completely forgot who and what we are so He came to free us of EVERY HUMAN THOUGHT OF sin, sickness, pain, suffering, death hatred, and so on. We became a Living Soul instead of a Life Given Spirit. Gen. 2:7-9-The Lord God formed man out of the dust of the ground, breathed into his nostrils the Breath of Life and man became a living soul-my mind, will, emotions and intellect instead of Gen. 1:27-Mankind was created in the image (reflection in a mirror) and likeness of the Godhead (EXACT COPY) both male and female.

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November 12-FIRE IS FOR CLEANSING NOT DESTRUCTION. Twelve is the number of Divine Government. Dan. 3:24-Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were three Hebrew children who refused to bow down to the King Nebuchadnezzar’s image who were thrown in the fiery furnace for punishment. While in the fire the King saw a fourth person (Christ Jesus) four is the number of world wide coverage. The King saw 4 men in the fire whose chains and binds within us they keeps us from Peace were released and they never had the fire burn them or the smell of smoke. They believed God would save them, protect them with the Nature of God and the Power of all things. The King began to know the God of cleansing not of destruction. Matt. 3:11-John said one after me will baptize you with Holy Spirit and fire.”Jesus said, If I do not go away the Holy Spirit, Mother God El Shaddai will baptize you with Holy Spirit and fire.

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November 11-WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE NUMBER 490? In the Hebrew and Greek numbers are used instead of words. Matt. 18:21-22-“Peter asked Christ Jesus how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who are against me, Seven times?. Jesus answered, “I tell you 7×70-490.” The number 490 means how many times to forgive someone who is absolutely mean to you.” We can’t forgive, but the Christ in us can. When you forgive, you free yourself and the other person. You must let go to Let God, forget and erase from your thoughts that do not have any Love. “Love God and Love your neighbor as YOURSELF.” Do you love yourself? Do you pray for your enemies, and thank God for them to cause you to grow higher in the Spirit Realm.? We all belong to the Body of Christ and the Family of God. I love my family so much that God gave to us. Choose peace instead of strife and hatred. God is an impossible God.

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November 10-MEANING OF BEING IN THE DESERT. A desert does not have any life. It is the place where no human thoughts are alive in your carnal flesh mind with no cares of the world of appearances. It is a test not of destruction, but a surrender of all thoughts of human thinking to learn of the thinking of God only with every challenge is to choose right or wrong to grow higher in the Spirit Realm. God promises us “We will never Be tempted beyond our ability to endure that is in our own state of mind to believe in self, and we are god. It is to stop thinking separation from God to thinking that “God will never leave you or forsake you.” Thinking Oneness with God brings us growth in the Spirit Realm. In the desert is the things in our lives that is not God like that SEEMS to feel that God is no longer there with the ego thoughts that Edge God Out with lies and deceit. Ex. 2:15-25-“A place where our Peace is disturbed. Bitterness, guilt and blame SEEMS to rule our lives.

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November 9-CHRIST JESUS 2ND MIRACLE. His first miracle was changing water (consciousness-what we are aware of) to wine-Spirit Realm. Also the wedding feast bringing the Spirit and Soul to Be united together. Cleansing the temple which is in our bodies that is leavening, yeast, fungus that grows within us that is not God like bitterness, hatred, fear, jealousy or anything that is not God like in your temple of the body that causes human emotions to raise up and tries to destroy our Identity as Spirit Beings created in the image (reflection in a mirror) and likeness (exact copy) male and female. Gen. 1:27. Jews on the Day of Passover had to cleanse their homes of all emotions that causes things to arise in their bodies. An outward show of some inward work. The House of God, Temple is your own self inward to bring everything outward for healing of the nations and your own Body. The money changes has to Be overturned that is the root of all evil. It is deeper than you think.

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November 8-MEANING OF THE TERRIBLE CRYSTAL IN EZEKIEL. Eight is the number of new beginnings. This is the plan of God to a fallen people, fallen nation with much sin, sickness, pain and suffering in the flesh realm. A people who have gone away from God, and became god themselves. The color of terrible (awesome not destruction) crystal refers to the dazzling brightness of the firmament above in the Spirit Realm. This is to restore us to a new Spirit, and a new heart to God only, no flesh desires. Crystal is white, transparent, precious stone resembling ice from terrible meaning clear and bright to see a world with the eyes of Christ with glory above our heads to the Mind of Christ. Restoring a people to walk in my statues which is God’s plan of restoration to the Resurrection side of the cross to a new King Christ Jesus to come to unify the people to a new covenant by the transforming power of the Spirit Realm to every thought of thinking, dry bones back to life.

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Today and this year we will Be so beautiful in every thing of a miracle that never happened before.
All promises and All Words of great and wonderful promises in God will Be for All of us restored.
God said in prophecy that all evil is coming to the surface and behold I make all things good and new.
God said in His Words I will pour out my Spirit on All flesh All will Be Spirit Beings this is all true.

No more human thinking with pain, suffering, dis-ease, death which subject to all our temptations.
Christ Jesus went to the cross and completely wiped out to resurrect all human thoughts of creations.
We are a new creation in Christ not subject to sin of missing the mark of who and what we are today.
We are Royal Sons and Daughters of God by Christ who made us to remember when we lost our way.

The Prodigal son real-eyes who he was thought that in his Father’s house even the servants were fed.
He thought his Father would be waiting for him to punish him, but gave him tremendous Love instead.
Gave him Best Robe or body Spirit Being, Ring of Unconditional Love, Sandals able to walk in Spirit life.
This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and Be glad in it to choose peace with no more strife


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November 7-FIND YOUR TRUE SELF BY TAKING OFF THE HUMAN MASK. We are beautiful and perfect in Gen. 1:27. We have a perfect weight, temple of the Living God made without human hands. Acts 7:48-“We represent the Invisible God to a world of vision.” We are Royal children that has Unconditional Love in you AS you. The potter’s wheel is to smooth out the lumps of clay of human thinking. You are a Spirit Being. Christ Jesus took away ALL human thinking at the cross on His Body, sickness, pain, suffering, shed human blood, death to eternal Life, Mind of Christ. We are a Masterpiece (one of a kind) handpicked by God to shine your light in the darkest places in your mind to bring YOU back to God where we came from.” You are a person of extreme value and significance.”You have a unique plan and purpose to BE what God created you to Be. Take your human mask off so we can see your Real Self created Perfect by God.

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November 6-WHY IS THE SNAKE USED AS THE DECEIVER? The snake represented the carnal mind of good and evil with a fork tongue. A snake is cold blooded thinks of only self slivers and slides from one place to another sometimes tells you are good then says you are vain. It is the carnal mind that tries to kill your Identity as a Spirit Being. It does things evil with lies and says it is good to deceive listen to this mind instead of the Mind of Christ. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. In Gen 2:1 says to Eve God did not say you are going to die to the Spirit Realm and come alive to the Human Realm that your eyes will Be open to see human thinking and beliefs, self thinking. This is called the Tree of Knowledge of Good and evil or duality of everything instead of the Spirit Realm of ALL God and All good. Gen. 3:1-The serpent more subtle and crafty saying the day that you eat YOU WILL BE LIKE GOD KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL Spirit Realm is LOVE ONLY.

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November 5-WHO WAS THE 1ST PERSON TO BE BORN AGAIN? It was Christ Jesus who was a Spirit Being the only Begotten Son of the Father who was part of the Godhead before the foundation of the earth (all of us). In the flesh thinking born of a earthly woman Mary and a earthly father called Joseph in this Realm of Human Being to go through all we go through in the world with pain, sickness, suffering, guilt, fear, blame, mean people, and even death to bring us all back to God where we came from without sin (missing the mark of Who and What He Is.) He never defended Himself to Be right. His mission was to go to extreme punishment on this earth thinking so we could Be clear of man’s thinking to the thinking of God. He taught we are created Perfect and Complete not in this world and not of it. To Be born again in the Spirit Realm instead of the Soul realm of man only. Jesus told Judas go do what you have to do so I can do my mission now. John 13:27

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November 4-THE MIND OF CHRIST CANNOT ACCEPT NEGATIVE THOUGHTS. No more negative shows or hears negative gossip to create your mind polluted. The Good News Gospel only. Our minds receive negative thoughts they begin to manifest as pain or suffering in our bodies. “This is the Lord’s Day, I will rejoice and Be glad in it.” I will not let negative words or situations rob me of my peace. Ps. 118:24. Every one I meet is a Holy Encounter. God is all there IS in my Life and Life more abundantly. God is in me and AS me. I can learn a new Truth each day to know I CAN DO NOTHING WITHOUT THE CHRIST FLOWING THROUGH ME AND AS ME. John 5:30. “What ever I do today will Be done to the Glory of God.” 1 Cor. 10:31. Don’t Be in Prison of thinking what other people think of you. God calls you a Masterpiece. A Pearl of Great Price. See yourself Beautiful in God’s eyes the way you are created perfect with no pain.

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November 3-HE CHOSE US BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. Eph. 2:11-May Grace and Spiritual peace Be yours from God our Father and from the Lord Christ Jesus. Even as in His Love He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we would Be Holy, and set apart for Him blameless in His sight before Him in Love. For He foreordained us to Be adopted as His Own Children through Christ Jesus in accordance with the purpose of His will so that we might have His Glorious Grace. We have redemption through His blood the remission of our offenses in Wisdom and understanding. Knowing the mystery of His will and plan in accordance with His good pleasure. He planned for the maturity and the climax of the ages to unify ALL THINGS TO CONSUMMATE THEM IN CHRIST IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH. You are stamped with the Seal of the promise by the Holy Spirit.

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November 2-MEANING OF THE AMERICAN FLAG. Song of Solomon 2:4-“He brought me to His banqueting table (Spiritual food), His banner (flag) over me is Love over head (Mind of Christ) to protect and comfort me.” The flag is called Old Glory. Glory means the Presence of God. Place to flee from oppression, tyranny, bondage and servitude. Blue color is color of heaven (Spirit Realm) representing grace of God. Abraham seed, and heirs according to the Promise.” 50 Stars means the Year of Jubilee restoration of all things. Pentecost -the revelation of Mother God Holy Spirit El Shaddai large breasted one who will POUR OUT SPIRIT ON ALL FLESH. Acts 2:17,”By His stripes we are healed.” Is. 53:5-7. Six white stripes means purity and the number of mankind. The flag represent in the Light of God’s Word not to Be removed. Red represents Love and His blood shed.

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November 1-I AM SO THANKFUL FOR ALL THAT I HAVE. 1st Thess. 5:16-18-“Rejoice evermore, Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God concerning you.” Jesus thanked God when Lazarus was raised from the dead. Thanksgiving means appreciation, recognition and remembrance. I AM thankful for my family, friends and for my enemies. I AM thankful to write my lessons to share with others what God shows me. Some body made all things in your home with much labor. God always provides everything I need, without my worry to Be able to pay for everything. All I do is thank God for my request to know God will answer my asking. I see people healed and created perfect. I pray for people I see who are dis-eased and cripple by seeing them perfect that God created us and Christ Jesus went to the cross for each person and took away all sin, sickness, and pain and the blind to see.

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October 31-GOD SAYS ALL HE MEANS ALL. The word all is not conditional. All are saved ALL of God, ALL of Christ. 1 Tim. 2:4-“God will have ALL mankind to Be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the Truth.” We ALL have to go back to God where we came from that Christ Jesus took away ALL sin, sickness, pain, suffering, death gave us the Mind of Christ, shed human blood made ALL of us a new creation in Christ Jesus for me and you. We do not have to work for this or do something to earn this. It is unmerited grace given to each of us. Jubilee is this year we ALL go back to God. ALL our hearts (Spirit Realm) back to God just like He did with me because God is in me AS me the Kingdom of God is within. He came to save our Souls that in thinking we forgot who and what we are. ALL things, ALL power, ALL things through Christ. ALL rose up to follow Him, ALL filled with the Holy Spirit, Every tongue will confess. ALL may Be ALL in ALL.

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October 30- MY FLESH CRIES OUT FOR THE LIVING GOD. PS. 84:2. My Being is Spirit of Love in and through each of us is the creative emotion flows through my own Being in my thoughts of God only. Love is the Golden (Deity) stream of force flowing from God through me, and AS me for me to return back to God in everything I do and say. Love of God is forever, ever renewing, energizing brings Love and Joy to everyone I meet to make every person a Holy Encounter. “God tells me that to Love God and my neighbor as myself.” “We are heirs of God and Joint Heirs with Christ Jesus without any separation because I AM One with God and One with each other. Christ Jesus went to the cross to redeem each person of their sin (knowing who I AM), sickness, pain etc. My earth body is crying out for its redemption of my body to the Body of Christ of human thinking back to Spirit Realm where everything is God like. I AM the tabernacle of the Living God where God dwells within me.

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October 29-REMEMBERING WHAT HAPPENED ON THE ROAD TO EMMAUS. The word Emmaus is a mineral Spring with healing waters for to bathe in. Emmaus is a place in Consciousness (what we are aware of ) where the healing is restored to Love, Life and Truth of Spirit spring up and flows freely though man’s Being. Christ Jesus met with Cleopas and another met with them after the resurrection concerning Him-self on the Road to Emmaus a town 7 (Perfection and Rest) miles from Jerusalem (peace) Luke 24-13- They were talking about things that Christ Jesus appeared to them, but he was in another form that they did not recognize Him. He was to Redeem us to set us free. This was the third day to the Resurrection side of the cross. It was necessary and fitting that the Christ should suffer all these things. When their eyes were opened and they clearly recognized Him, and He vanished, they said our HEARTS (Spirit Realm) greatly moved and Burning within us.

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October 28-THINGS KNOWN BUT NOT UNDERSTOOD by Richard. Many years ago we took a trip to Utah and visited Norene Nicholls, a good friend of ours that was highly educated and deep in the scriptures. She lived in a place with frequent UFO sighting and other strangeness. They provided a mobile home for our stay. Our first night I had a dream or vision of two men dressed in old style European army uniforms. They were at least ten feet tall in our room with an eight foot ceiling. They faced each other then spun around, one walked to the front and the other to the rear of the mobile home. In the morning I told Norene about them and she said,”Oh yes we see them”. Who is this woman that is protected by angles? Well, I will attempt to explain. She passed away many years ago. She made many audio cassette tapes, one titled “And He walked out” in 1986. This is her teaching, that as long as Jesus is inside of us we will never have our glorified body. The resurrected body that Paul cried out for. Jesus said in Luke 13:32 “And he said unto them, Go and say to that fox, Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I am perfected.” Norene says these are the THOUSAND YEAR DAYS OF THE LORD. We are in the dawn of the third day. The old testament is full of writings of the day of the Lord. Presently the world is getting worse, remember the night comes before the day.

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October 27-I WAS ON THE DAMASCUS ROAD TO CORRECT CHRISTIANS TO BELIEVE WHAT I BELIEVE. Damascus means activity, alertness that represents the thoughts of intellectual and reasoning Truth of life. It means a state of consciousness that is founded on the material, human concepts that is for desire and sensation and lust of I AM right and you are wrong. I do not need God because I can do everything myself instead of God flowing through me and As me.. It means the law of man instead of grace. This way of thinking causes the body with all negative thoughts and human thinking instead of thinking like God thinks. I was going to point my finger at everyone who thinks different from me to send them to hell (a state of the human mind) for ever with lies and condemnation instead of when awaken to the Truth that God is a Living Loving God who would never destroy us created us Perfect like Him-self. “I AM God the only One who can change human thinking not you.

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October 26-MEANING OF FISH. Fish means ideas of multiplication. Christ Jesus used fish to illustrate His teachings was that He was the Living demonstration in the Spirit Realm of ideas than the realm of effects or human thinking. Fish represents ideas of great possibilities of increase of abundance. He told apostles that caught no fish all night with negative thoughts of hate, jealousy, meanness cannot put fish in the nets until you fish on the right side of the Spirit Realm with 153 fish in the net meaning to the Elect, “I will make you fishers of men by the Sons and Daughters of God. Eating fish is eating Spiritual food instead of food of the law that produces death and judging others. No destruction on the side of Spirit that is perfect, and beautiful to find the God of Unconditional Love. Christ Jesus fed 5,000 with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread with the number seven meaning perfection, completion and Rest. Believers in Christ Jesus made a fish in the sand to tell others they were believers. God is all there IS.

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October 25-WHAT IS DIVINE LAW, LOVE? It is the universal (Christ) in us which we know what is right and wrong (Tree of Life). Not by study of material things, but only by concentrating on the Mind of Christ given back to us at the cross. Son of man is the Divine Power that we Know. Angels are TRUE concepts. Sheep thoughts are the real man of Spiritual thoughts that I AM of Love, Peace, Joy and Happiness. The goats are thoughts of opposition, stubbornness, love of self wanting to Be God. Anger thoughts cause blood to boil with ailments of the body like blood pressure and all kinds of pains and aches with dis-ease. The day of Judgment is a turning point in our lives. The Lamb takes away the sin (missing the thought of who and what you are) of the world in obedience to DIVINE LAW. Anger thoughts are cast into a refiner fire for purification to the healing power in the Mind of Christ is true healing. A judgment thought is to separate the sheep from the goats thoughts

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October 24-THE SPIRIT IN ME SETS ME FREE. “You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.” The Truth that Christ Jesus gave to us is the reality of my own nature of “Let us make mankind in the Image-Reflection in the mirror and likeness (exact copy) of male and female. Gen. 1:27. I release every negative thought from my mind to the Mind of Christ only to know my words are creative with positive actions. Fear (False evidence appearing Real) does not exist in the Kingdom of God. I expect to see miracles, something new, something bigger and better to Be the news of today instead of negative news of lies. The Light of the Spirit within me dissolves every obstruction. Everything unlike the Perfect nature of Christ Jesus disappears. Past hurts when we remember long ago suddenly disappears with the thoughts of forgiveness that only the Christ Jesus can do through us and As us. The Divine Shepherd never leaves me or forsakes me.

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October 23-WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE WORD ISRAEL? Striving for God, Prevailing with God, a Prince and Princess with God, rulership with God. not a place, but remembering who and what you are as a Spirit Being. Israel is the Spiritual side of mankind not the human mind that tries to destroy the Christ within you. . Jacob name was called supplanter, liar, thief, all things of thoughts of human persons without the Mind of Christ. He stole his brothers birth rights, but it was meant to Be changed back to God as a Spirit Being. Gen. 22:28. When you wrestle with an angel (messenger of God) until you change your nature or name to Be Israel Prince or Princess with God. Jacob when he had this born AGAIN experience real self remembered who and what he IS. Being Spirit before the foundations of the world instead of his life and body was human thinking and human actions Instead of God changing to the thinking and actions of God which is Love only. The two brothers Jacob and Essau hugged each other.

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October 22-I AM AWAKENING TO MY SPIRIT LIFE. When the morning breaks and all shadows goes away with this new day to wake up that I AM one with all life. I can feel the eternal Presence of God with the Mind of Christ with all Divine Ideas of God only. With everything I do this day, I do unto God. I have only One power. I know all good is coming to me today. My vehicle or my boat is toward a safe harbor of Peace by my Divine Pilot with Love and Happiness today. I have no fear (false evidence APPEARING REAL), I lift up my sails to the Spirit Realm higher than my human thoughts of good and evil. My boat lands on Pure Spirit Realm. My Divine Intelligence goes before me to make my path to the right way. I rise above all human emotions of hate, jealousy, finger pointing, and seeing God of Love is the only emotion, only will, not my will, mind of Christ to cause my Soul to have the Marriage Feast of the Lamb when Spirit and Soul are One not my ways, but God’s way only.

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October 21-WHO IS MARTHA?

October 21-WHO IS MARTHA? The word Martha means of a family, lady, domestic person who becomes bitter. Luke 10:38-42.Martha and Mary represent the outer and inner of Soul activity to welcome the Inner Spiritual teacher. Mary sits at the feet of Christ Jesus. The Soul (Feminine side of my will, mind and emotion until it unites with Spirit as the Marriage Feast of the Lamb). The Soul established in Love as Mary is quick to discern the Presence of True Thoughts welcoming the Spiritual person or Teacher who only can bring us Truth (Christ Jesus within). Martha is a care taker with the cares of the world shows her Love by Service. Peter walked on water as long as he looked up and the cares of the world he sunk. Christ Jesus must Be 1st in our lives to communicate with our indwelling Christ in us and AS us. The cares of the world seems to separate us from the Living Word from Its Source (Christ Jesus) to do all outward work as to God to choose Peace within always.

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October 20-WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE WORD BRANCH? A green plant sprouting UP from the soil (human thinking) meaning to sprout, to blossom, to prosper, to branch out, to spring forth. Christ Jesus is called the Branch in the book of Zachariah is prophesied of the Messiah in the days of the Kingdom will build God’s Temple within each of us. “Behold the man whose name is the Branch.” Messiah’s life is the sprout, the branch, the blossom, and He shall grow up out of His place to His life beyond Galilee, beyond Jerusalem (peace), beyond Israel to cover the entire earth (us). The blossoms of His Life will have much fruit (Love, Peace, Joy) to change the whole world of sin, sickness, pain, and suffering all evil to come to the surface and done away with to Be the True Presence in our lives within to Know Him and receive Him in our lives greater and greater in your heart and in Love. We are called the branches of the tree that produces much fruit to the whole world that abides in the vine.

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October 19-WHAT IS THE MEANING OF ISHMAEL? The word means whom God knows, understanding of God, who is obedient to God. He is the son of Abraham when Abraham and Sarah could not believe the promise of a Son from God to Sarah’s handmaid called Hagar. Gen. 6:11. Flesh way of doing things instead of waiting for the Promise of God in the Spirit Realm. The fruit of thoughts of natural man at the work of the flesh. The OUTER MAN MUST ALSO BE REDEEMED FROM ERROR AND CORRUPTION. Ishmael signifies recognizes God, but because of the seeming appearance of opposition of the outer world does not express according to the Highest standard -Spirit Realm represents personality that has its real source in the I AM (God), but goes wrong in its works or activity of evil to attain Light, Understanding in controlling the outer world of its beliefs to become involved in error-false lies in man instead of God to fight to become God like themselves.

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October 18-GOD IS GIVING YOU SOMETHING UNSEEN BEFORE. “God says we have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear.” Mark 8:18. Human eyes do not see the Spirit Realm. We must go higher in the Spirit only. The Kingdom of God is coming to this earth as in the Spirit Realm is happening now. All evil is coming to the surface and done away with. God is preparing a people to come with Him that are training to Be God like in everything we do and say. The answer is to Love everyone, and see everyone like God created us perfect. Christ Jesus within us, took all at the cross and became AS Barabaras who was a murderer. Every pain, suffering, sickness, dis-ease all human emotions that left God out instead of God, He took on His body and nailed it to the cross. He healed us by seeing us like the Father created us. Pick up your bed and follow me. This Kingdom is Love, Peace and Joy. No more hatred of the flesh realm seeing people different. Wonders to behold. Are you ready?

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October 17-THINGS SEEN ARE TEMPORARY. Everything in the human realm of thinking is only temporary because we are here for a short time. Everything in the Spirit Realm is eternal. We do not see God, but God is in the Spirit Realm Invisible. We are here to Be in the FORM of Christ Jesus to represent the Invisible Living God to every one we meet to remind them that the Kingdom of God is not in the sky, but is within us. We are here to learn to Be Godlike in everything we do and say. 2 Cor. 4:18-“While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen with the human eyes. For the things which are seen as temporary, but things not seen are eternal seen with the eyes of Christ Jesus.” Ps. 73:26-“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” To have heart knowledge means from the Spirit Realm with the Mind of Christ. “Calling things that are not as though they are.”

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October 16-LET US GO ON A JOURNEY OF JOY. John 15:11-“These things I have spoken to you that My Joy might remain, and that your Joy may Be full.” “The Joy of the Lord is your strength.” Neh. 8:10. We must stay in tune with the Divine Part of our Being is Joy. There is no sadness, pain, suffering in the Spirit Realm. “A thing of beauty is Joy Forever.” In order to Be Joy, we must become Joy by focusing on the good in every situation. Keep in contact with the inward feeling of Joy in everything we do and say. A smile brings Joy to a person. A word of appreciation gives people Joy. Happy memories brings us Joy. Let us choose Joy as we go on this journey of finding God, and remember who we are and why we are here to bring Joy to everyone we meet as a Holy Encounter.

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October 14-ACCEPT PEOPLE AS THEY ARE. Col. 3:13-”Bearing with one another, anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other as the Lord has forgiven you.”Ephesians 4:2-3-“With all humility and gentleness, patience, bearing one another in Love, eager to maintain the Unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace.” Rom. 4:1-“As for the One who is weak in faith (not in deep Truths), welcome him, but do not quarrel over opinions (does not matter who is right) Rom. 2:11. “For God shows no partiality (God loves us all the same and calls us Royal Children of God)” Phil. 2:3-4-“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourself. Let each of you look not only to your own interest, but also the interest of others (See everyone that God is within them, but they do not know it until they are awaken to the Spirit Realm).” We are all uniquely created like not another person. We each have a special plan and purpose.

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October 13-RICHIE IS 85 TODAY. YOU ARE A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD. Richie’s scripture is 2 Tim. 1:7-“God has not given me the Spirit of fear, but has given me the Spirit of Power, Love and a sound mind with discipline and self control.”A High Priest was the only one to go into the Holy of Holies Christ Jesus in us and AS us. We are all Royal Priest from the authority of the Ascended Christ who has the Mind of Christ to receive Spiritual Truths. We are the perfect reflection of the Living Invisible God to those that do not know God is Real. The High Priest stand in the gap for Being Saviors from human thinking to the thinking of God only. We are this generation chosen to Be Royal Priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people to bring darkness of negative thinking to the Light of God being manifested in this human body to the Body of Christ. We are Being trained to Be God like in every thing we do and say Saviors from Mt. Sion (Spirit Realm) to bring salvation to the world.

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October 12-THE VEIL OF THE TEMPLE WAS RENT. Twelve is the number of Divine Government. Luke 23:45-“It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three (time Christ Jesus died on the cross) in the afternoon for the sun (Son) stopped shining, and the curtain of the temple to go in the Presence of God called the Holy of Holies was torn in two meaning we have the direct presence of God.” The veil rent means letting go of belief in the reality of material consciousness to the awakening to the Light of the Spirit. The final relinquishment of the Soul (feminine side of my mind, will, emotions and intellect) to God’s Will only, Mind of Christ, One emotion of Love Unconditional and intellect of God.final giving up of all human ambitions, thoughts, fears, sin, sickness, pain, suffering and eternal life to the point is reached the Soul is united to the Spirit making the Marriage Feast of the Lamb when the Soul enters into glory.

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October 11-DIVINE IMPRINT OF GOD IS US. There is no FINGERPRINT OR DNA OR RNA THAT IS ALIKE. Each of us are uniquely created by God. Eph. 2:10. “We are God’s Workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.” No inherit any dis-ease from members of our family. 1 Peter 2:9-“We ALL are ONE with God, but have a Soul united to Spirit in the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. “Who can separate us from the Love of Christ? Rom. 8:35-“We are created in the image (reflection in a mirror, and likeness (exact copy) of God both male and female. Gen. 1:27. If you see me, You will see the Father because I and Father are ONE because Christ Jesus is the form of you and me in us and AS. “Christ Jesus paid the price for our redemption to reconcile us back to God.” 11 Cor. 5:19. Is. 53:5-7-“Wounded for our transgression, bruised for our iniquities, chastised for our peace, and BY HIS STRIPES WE ARE HEALED.”

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October 10-”WE MIGHT BE FILLED WITH THE FULLNESS OF GOD.” To Be filled with the fullness of God means to Love everyone as Yourself. Know the fullness of Him-self (all Of us). The cleansing of all human thoughts to the thoughts of God. Presence of God is within with the Mercy Seat is above the Presence. God is given us Mercy and understanding. You are the Tabernacle where God dwells in you and AS you. The Christ in you is the fullness of the Godhead bodily. The word manifest means appear in Person. Fullness means everything God is, you ARE. We are heirs of God and Joint heirs with Christ Jesus. You are on Holy Ground. Take off your human shoes to walk in the Spirit Realm where you and God are ONE. Stop being a baby drinking only milk, but partake of strong meat that you may wrestle with and chew many times before understanding the Real Truth of Understanding who and what you are doing her. You are the Anointed ones – the Sons and Daughters of God.

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October 9-WHAT IS YOUR REAL BODY? Gen. 1:27-Our Spiritual body was created in God both male and female. We have a Spirit part of us is God. The Soul feminine part of us is the individual manifestation of the Living God. It is the Mind, Will, Emotions and Intellect of the Living God not the mind of mankind,, and not the emotions and intellect of mankind because the only emotion is Unconditional Love of God. God’s will Be done. Put on the Mind of Christ. The mirror sees the Mind of Christ that is a beautiful person that existed with our Spiritual God given back to us at the cross when Christ Jesus was nailed every human thought of pain, suffering, death and all human emotions to His body which we are now the “Body of Christ.” In Genesis 2 mankind was formed out of the dust (lowest of human thinking) in a lower dimension, and man became a Living Soul instead of a Life given Spirit called ego that Edged God Out only in our human thinking.

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October 8-CHRIST JESUS IS THE ROCK OF MY SALVATION. Eight is the number of New Beginnings. Song of Solomon 2:4-“Christ is the rock of my salvation-Saving us from human thinking to the thinking of God. His banner-Life over me is Love Unconditional.” Christ is building a house in you and AS you saying if you build your house in Me is the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. The foundation of this house is built on a rock with no human being. Christ Jesus said with the woman caught in adultery (anything we worship instead of Christ) cast stones at her (Stones are pieces of the Truth) if you do not have sin (missing the mark of who and what you are). John 8:7. The stone that the builders rejected (all of us wanting to Be god of self that I can do it myself instead of Christ to become the Head was the corner stone. The stone refers to the indwelling Christ, Luke 20:17.

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October 7-SEA OF FORGETFULNESS-by Richard

October 7-SEA OF FORGETFULNESS by Richard. Seven is the number of Perfection and REST. God wants us to put our past hurts and pains deleted in the Sea of Forgetfulness to no longer Be there, but deleted forever. Give the past no life. Micah 7:18-20. Who is God like you (made in the image of God) pardoning (forgiven and forget) our iniquity-(immoral unfair behavior), and passing over our transgression-(An act goes against a rule). “We are heirs of God and Joint heirs of Christ.” He delights in Unconditional Love. He will have redemption (Bought us back to God where we came from) on ALL of us, he will tread our iniquities under foot. He will cast our sins (archery term meaning missing the mark of who we are) into the depths of the sea. God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in the last days now by His Son appointed the heir of all things who created the world. He is the radiance of Glory, He made purification of our sins on the cross, and sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.

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October 6-I GO TO PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU. Six is the number of man. John 14:3-You are now invited to a Wedding Feast. God goes to prepare a home for the Bride (Soul) and Groom (Spirit) within. In My Father’s House are many mansions. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you. The The Groom is the Christ within each of us (The Soul is the feminine side of God that is brought back to God at the Cross UNITED WITH THE SPIRIT AS ONE. He Paid the Pearl of Great Price for our redemption to reconcile us back to the Father in the Spirit where we came from in His body at the cross not imputing our trespasses unto them, and has committed us unto the Word of Reconciliation. 2 Cor. 5:19. Rom. 4:25-“Who was delivered for our offenses and raised again for our justification. Justification (Meaning brand new) Being a greater work then forgiveness and raised meaning the thing is not there any more no more sin, sickness, pain, suffering. the record is clear.

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October 5-TELL ME A STORY OF THE UNKNOWN GOD? Five is the number of grace free. I was in a bus, and the lady in front of me said, “Tell me a story.” I passed along a city (place inside, and observed the object of worship. I found an altar (place within where we are willing to give up flesh realm to receive all of Spirit thoughts to God only) with the inscription to an Unknown God. Acts 17:22. This God is Unconditional Love, Created us in the image (reflection in a mirror) and likeness (exact copy) of God both male and female. Gen. 1:27. This God brought us back from thinking we are Human Beings to Knowing we are Spirit Beings. Luke 17:21-“The Kingdom of God is within.” Acts 17:28-“In Him we live and move and have our Being in God.” This God send His son to become us in every bad things we ever did to become our sin, sickness, pain, suffering, and so far. This God does not punish took our punishment to His Body, forgives our mistakes, to set us free from all disorder in our lives.

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October 4-WHAT DOES ANTI CHRIST MEAN? Four is the number of world wide coverage. Anti means instead of Christ, opposed to Christ or confess that Christ Jesus came in the flesh to dwell in us and AS Us that uses the Law for destructive purposes. Christ means anointed ones (smeared or rubbed within with oil of the Spirit Life who forgot who we are. The anti Christ is not one person, but the whole system of INSTEAD OF Like Religion, Schools Government, and so on. The Indwelling Spirit cannot Be deceived by false claims made by individuals or by institutions. The man of sin (missing the mark of Being God Like) is the carnal human mind called the Ego Thought System that is opposed to the Truth (Wolf in sheep’s clothing) 1 John 2:18 “Many Anti Christ have risen.” 1 John 4:3-“Little children , you are of God, you belong to Him, and already defeated and overcome the agents or thoughts of antichrist because He who lives in you is greater than he who is in the world.

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October 3-THREE ANOINTING OF DAVID. The word Anointing means Christ the Anointed One. The word for David is Beloved or the Type of Christ. He was a man after God’s own Heart. His first anointing was when he was 17 coming to Christ as a child. This is where he defeated the Goliath in 1 Samuel 17 called all the giants in our lives of our human thinking that is not God like that thinks they have power in our lives instead of God is the only Power, and thoughts that we do not need God because we are God and is in our own minds instead of the Mind of Christ at the cross. Greater things were coming poured on. Second anointing was rubbed on when he became Prince or Princess of Judah meaning Praise. We must know that God is all there IS. Third anointing was rubbed in to Be Prince and Princess of Israel. Jacob name was changed from Being a human Being with all its human thoughts changed to Spirit Thoughts in the Spirit Realm to Israel Prince with God rubbed in with every part of our Being.

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October 1-FALL IS NOW HERE. This year was different when we still have hot weather and no rain. But usually the foliage of the fall is a tremendous beauty. Leaves are brilliant colors. Fall means everything is ready to sleep until the resurrection in the Spring when everything seems to Be alive with a new birth. “God will never leave us or forsake us.” Heb. 13:5. Human thoughts tries to destroy our Identity as Spirit Beings until we resurrect our thoughts to God only. We are Spirit Beings where God only exist. We have the Mind of Christ. Rev. 11:15-“Kingdom of this world has become the Kingdom of our Lord Christ Jesus, and His Christ people who are God like in everything they do and say. Col. 3:11-“God is all and in all.” All evil is done away with and coming to the surface to prepare His people to come from Mt. Sion to Be Saviors of the rest of the world. Read the Our Father during the day. No more wars, sickness, pain and suffering.

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September 30-UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM. Upstream is the Spirit Realm where God is. This is where everything is created before the foundation of the earth (all of us). Job 38:4.Did you command the Morning Light” Where were you when we raised the stars, moon, and sun.?” God was telling Job that we were in the Spirit Realm with God before we became human Being here. In upstream is where all the miracles happened with Christ Jesus. The first miracle was at the wedding feast of Cana of Spirit Soul and Body was united, the water of human consciousness changed to wine (Spirit Realm). This is where there is no sin, sickness, pain, suffering or negative thinking from the carnal mind or even death. This is where Christ Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist from all human thinking, and actions for you and me. The Salmon go upstream where they were born to produce more Salmon. The downstream receives from God Truth, and uses it for merchandise to sell. All human thoughts are down stream instead of God.

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September 29-HEAVEN AND EARTH WILL PASS AWAY. What does that mean? Heaven (Spirit Realm) is within you and so is earth Spirit Body.The heaven that is the carnal flesh mind will pass away to Be replaced by the Mind of Christ that will never pass away. This human mortal body will Be replaced by our Spiritual Body of immortality will never die.”My Word will never pass away.”This human world will roll up like a scroll, and never Be remembered again. We Know what God speaks to us is the Truth that will set us free from all human acts of pain, suffering, dying to the little self into the Real Self of the Christ within each one of us. The Christ within us is ready to lead us into immortality. “Present your body as a Living Sacrifice means to not pay attention to the little “i” of our Being to real-eyes this ego is not our real self that tries to destroy us of Being in Spirit, and not human flesh. We go higher in Spirit leaning about who and what your ARE. This is not our world.

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September 28-CHRIST IS THE VISION I SEE TODAY. We are Spirit Beings that hears and sees the inner voice of Truth. With the eyes of God, we see a world forgiven. We see faces of true innocence, free of guilt, free of sin, sickness and death without putting on human glasses. Paul was blinded on the Damascus Road meaning alertness, claim possession going to kill the Christ in people THINKING HE WAS DOING GOD A SERVICE BY KILLING THE CHRIST IN THEM. He had to go to Ananias meaning mercy, compassion and graciousness of God in order for him to see in the Spiritual Realm. Negative thoughts disappear, evil disappears when we see with the eyes of God. No opposites in God, only Love instead of hate. “I know I was blind, but now I see.” Paul name or nature was changed from ego sight that Edges God out to Be God like. When your nature is changed, we see like God sees without obstacles to cloud our vision.

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September 27-WAKE UP FROM THE DREAM OF ILLUSIONS. This world is not my home. This life is not real, but taught by the mind of self to Be God where we do not need God because we can do it our selves. John 17:16-“We are in this world, but not part of it, but created in the image (reflection in a mirror) and likeness (exact copy) of God both male and female.”Gen. 1:26. Christ called Lazarus from the dead, “He Said, “He is not dead, but sleeping.” Until we know what Christ Jesus did at the cross, and not Be tempted about dis-ease, sickness, viruses, death, to have the Mind of Christ, we will Be sleeping to the reality that God is all there IS. Let us awaken to the reality of God only. Practice the Presence. Let God Be first in your life all day, and still do your daily choirs, but know God is in you all day and thanks to God for every step we walk each day. Let Go and Let God to all offenses to let God take over our lives. No power, but God. No man made illusions are real.

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September 26-IMMANUEL

September 26-IMMANUEL. The word Immanuel is God with us, and we are One with God and One with each other. Rom. 12:5-A SON IS BORN OF A VIRGIN (no man made anything) with Spirit Consciousness (what we are aware of). The Christ (Anointed One) or Word became flesh where we are in a lower dimension of self instead of Spirit to bring us back to God where we came from . 2 Cor. 5:19-“God was in Christ Jesus) reconciling the WORLD back to Himself not imputing their TRESPASSES, but given them the ministry of RECONCILIATION.” The Word became flesh and dwells among us. John 1:14. The 1st born is our flesh self mind with flesh thoughts with human laws. “Born Again, we are born Again of the Spirit that brings Life and Life more abundantly.” John 10:10. Christ Jesus was tempted in every area, but did not sin -archery term meaning missing the mark of who He is. Heb. 4:15. “God loved the WORLD TO send His son.” John 3:16.

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September 25-I AM AS GOD CREATED ME. Philippians 4:11 “Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I AM, to BE CONTENT. I can do all things through Christ.” Did the wicked witch of my ego thoughts give me the poison apple to put me to sleep to forget I was created in the Image (reflection in a mirror) and likeness (exact copy) of God? Gen. 1:27. I Snow White wants the kiss of Prince Christ Jesus who is in me in the Spirit Realm of my thinking with the Mind of Christ. I must wake up to reality and KNOW I AM FREE. My negative thinking causes me to Be duped to believe the liar, thief and imposter. Keep me as the Apple of your eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings from the wicked thoughts that oppress me from the deadly enemy thoughts. I AM ONE WITH THE INNER SUBSTANCE or the Source of the Living Christ in me and AS me. I AM A SPIRIT BEING CREATED PERFECT WITH SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES.

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September 24-HE HUMBLED HIM-SELF. Philippians 2:8-And Being found in fashion as a man, he humbled Him-self and became obedient unto the death of the cross. Christ emptied Him-self taking the FORM of a bond servant Being made in the likeness of men.” Our attitude should Be that of Christ Jesus, who Being in the form and nature of God, did not consider equality with God something to Be grasped, but made Him-self the very form of human likeness. He became obedient to death (died to human thinking to sin, sickness and death) even the death of the cross.”He Him-self bore our sins (archery term missing the mark of who and what we are) in His body at the cross, SO THAT WE MIGHT DIE TO SINS AND LIVE FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS BY HIS WOUNDS YOU HAVE BEEN HEALED.” 2 Peter2:24 and Is. 53.He went to the cross for every person and brought us back to God where we came from in the Spirit Realm. He was not a failure for one person, but for ALL.

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September 23-PAST GARBAGE THOUGHTS BECOMES A COMPOSE PILE FOR FERTILIZATION. All our past mistakes, lies, and negative thinking is put in a compose pile to rot and done away with. This is rich soil for your new crop of thinking only God thoughts. The past is gone. We must forgive the past with the Christ in me AS me to forgive to set me free and the person free also. When we change our thoughts with positive thoughts, and a change in what we think to change our Being, and our name or nature changes to the behavior of negative thing to Prince and Princess of God. We real-eyes we are from a Royal Family that is not ordinary sons and daughters to the Body of Christ. We are heirs of God and Joint heirs with Christ Jesus. Look what beauty you can plant with God. “Be you transformed by the Renewing of your mind to the Mind of Christ. We become a Living Tree that produces the fruit of Love, Peace, Joy and Happiness.

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September 22-YOU HAVE A SEAMLESS ROBE. JOHN 19:23-“The robe was seamless, woven in one peace from top throughout. They parted My garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots.” They could not tear this seamless garment into pieces because this seamless Robe is the Christ within each of us with no trace of human thinking or human behavior. This Robe is an unchangeable perfection. This is a regeneration forms of a new mind and body meaning a new heaven (Spirit) and earth (us). This garment means a consciousness of the indestructible unity of life and substance in the body. Adam and Eve were given coats of skin. Gen. 3:21. We have the Body of Spirit which is under Divine Law with spiritual thoughts only will give way to the manifestation of the Spiritual Body which is immortal spoken by Paul. “BE YOU TRANSFORMED (change in form) BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND.” Rom. 12:2. You are the Robe of a Seamless Garment in the Spirit Realm that has no human thoughts or behaviors.

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September 21-GOD IS ALL THERE IS

September 21-GOD IS ALL THERE IS. Can we say that you exist and God? No, it is not you and God because God is all there is in you and AS you. God is not high blood pressure, and so on and God. God cannot have any pain, suffering, sickness, dis-ease or death. We believe we are HUMAN Beings and not Spirit Beings. We are to put on the Mind of Christ at the cross for our recognition. Christ Jesus said he went to the cross and took sin-missing the mark of Being God’s children with the Body of Christ.”It is done” and to die to self to become alive to the Living God in us and AS us. Christ defeated every thing of human thinking to our Living God. We are the Living Manifestation of the invisible God to all we come to meet as a Holy Encounter. “It is not “i” but the Christ in me. I AM One with God and One with each other.” I AM a container of the Living God that the Temple of the Holy Spirit is in this body. We are the dwelling place of God.

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September 20-WHY DID JESUS CHOSE FISHERMEN? If you ask for a fish will not give you a serpent (negative ego)? Matt. 7:20-He changed 5 loves and two fishes to feed 5,000 by going higher in Spirit Realm. John 6:1-14. Cast nets on right side (Spirit Realm) to catch more fish to eat. Fish spawn up stream Spirit Realm to lay eggs to bring them to God where we came from. After resurrection He cooked fish to feed his disciples. Matt. 4:19 Jonah was in the belly of a fish 3 days. He was three days on the Cross. He made a sign of a fish in the sand to let others know they belonged to Christ, and not to glorify self to believe they are God. What about the sheet from above with all kinds of unclean animals that represented not animals, but the unclean things inside of them. He said kill and eat what God has cleansed bless and eat .Eggs represent Truth of a symbol of fertility and life. He fed the people quail is the highest nutritional bird to give them protein from meat. Be fisherman of man.

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September 18-BREAKING BREAD. Christ Jesus has us in His name -Jes-US. He is the Substance of our Being called the Spirit body that we already have the Spirit within us, and “Man does not live by physical bread alone, but by every Word to eat the Spiritual Food each day. Matt. 44-The breaking of bread is Christ Jesus His Body of Spirit Being so we are all part of the Body of Christ with Christ Jesus Being the Head with the Mind of Christ. We all parts of that same body with a special plan and purpose that we can’t do without each other because we are One with each other just like a tree has many parts, but One Tree. John 6:35. A huge puzzle with all the pieces. We break bread with each other for a reminder that Only Christ Jesus the the Bread of Life in the Spirit Realm and Son of the Living God. Matt 16:13. No leavening of man’s negative thoughts and deeds to grow within us. Being trained to Be God like in every thing we do and say to Be Saviors from Mt. Zion to the rest of the world that is instead of Christ.

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September 17-PEACE AND REGRETS-BY Richard

September 17-PEACE AND REGRETS BY RICHARD. Regrets is one of the best tools of our Ego mind that Edges God Out. I look back with gratitude because if it weren’t for my past, I would not Be who I AM today.” I focus on forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.” Phil. 3:13. Peace and Rest is some of the best tools of our Christ Mind given to us at the cross. “My peace I give to You not as the world gives. Do not let your hearts Be troubled or Be afraid.” John 14:27. Matt.11:28.”Come to me, all you are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me for I AM gentle and humble of heart. My yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” So simple and so very real. We can make this choice every moment of every day.” And the seed whose fruits is righteousness is sown in peace by those who MAKE PEACE FOUND WITHIN. James 3:18.

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September 16-MEANING OF THE RAINBOW. His promises to protect earth from destruction by water-Human Consciousness. “I will pour out my Spirit (Holy Spirit Mother God El Shaddai, large breasted one) on ALL FLESH.” Christ Jesus had a earthly Mother Mary and Father Joseph after the pattern in the Spirit Realm Male and Female. Gen. 1:27. Christ Jesus came in physical realm without sin or missing the mark of who He is to bring us back to God where we came from. Joseph’s Coat of many colors (rainbow) Spirit Body of Christ. Coat without seam, perfection, new mind, new body, new heaven and earth, no negative conditions-floods. Seven-state of mind which we ALL shall form a circle of created Perfection and Rest. Yellow-Clarity of Thought. Red-Energy, Blood, Love, Orange-Equilibrium, Creativity, Green-Health, Harmony, Indigo-Opens Subconscious, Wisdom, Blue-Peace, Understanding. Violet-Sorry, High Spiritual attainment, Royalty.

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September 15-WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO MOURN? It means to show grief or sorrow that we did not see that this flesh thinking is not the Mind of Christ. “Blessed are they that mourn with a happiness produced by the experience of God’s favor, and conditioned by the revelation of His matchless grace, they shall Be comforted.” So mourning must mean a higher order of Being sorry or grief not the death of a person. It means death to the world image mind of appearances, and dying to the little self not reacting to the five senses of reality that is only appearances. The Kingdom of God that is within is beyond sin (missing the mark of Being God like), sickness, pain, suffering and death. Only God is a Spiritual Universe with harmony, joy and happiness. This world is like looking at a television screen with all kinds of negative conditions, and learning that the real actors are not having any of the effects that are projected on the screen. In the Real World there is no death or negative conditions from death to life. 

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September 15-DEEP MEANING OF PSALM 23. The Lord is my Shepherd (sheep is an allegory of us that can’t do anything without the Shepherd (Christ Jesus) doing it through them to feed, guide, and shield them. David was the King who is referred to as a man after God’s own heart ancestor of Christ Jesus. He makes me lie down (REST) in green pasture fresh food for thought in Spirit Realm. He leads me beside still waters without disturbances in our lives that takes away our Peace. He refreshes us to restore our Life to righteousness with right standing with Being God like in everything we do and say. Yes, even though I walk through deep valley of sickness, pain, suffering and human thoughts and shadow of death. I will fear (false evidence appearing real) NO EVIL because You are with me and never leave me. You rod to protect me and Staff to guide me to all Truth they comfort me. You prepare a table before with in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my mind with the Mind of Christ with oil of Holy Spirit to my cup runs over. Surely only Goodness and Mercy and Grace shall follow me the all the days of my Life with the Lord’s Presence shall Be my dwelling place within.

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September 14-MANY SAVIORS ARE BEING TRAINED IN CHRIST. Fourteen is double of seven a double measure of Spiritual perfection is implied. Obadiah 1:21 and Rev. 2:27. God is preparing a first fruit company to share with others who are to Be Christ like. Everyone in our lives are our saviors who teach us to think differently about who we are, and why we are here. Christ is in us and AS us. We are the form of Christ and Christ flows through us. We are united with each other in the Holy Love of God. We can feel the Presence of God within us. We are Being trained to Be Saviors coming from Mt.Zion (Spirit Realm) to speak the Voice of God to a world that is INSTEAD OF GOD. You are a reflection of Christ to all you meet because you radiate the Glory of God, and they can see your light that shines in darkness that is so bright. to everyone you meet to Be a Holy Encounter One with God and One with each other as the Body of Christ. John 8:12

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September 13-SPEAK TO THE DRY BONES. Dry bones is anything you have in your life that is not Being God like, we must erase. These thoughts are the things of God that has to Be resurrected instead of Being in the valley of negative thoughts and negative actions. Bones come together, you have life and not dead human thoughts from the carnal mind with pain, suffering, fears, doubts. Don’t live in the shadow of Life, but live in the substance of reality. Live in the Spirit Realm where God is in you and AS you. God is Living and will never leave you or forsake you. God can remind you of who and what you are and what is your purpose of Being here at this time. All evil is coming to the surface and done away with. You are Beautiful, Masterpiece, whole and complete created Perfect from God. Believe without seeing. This visible body is to show those who do not know a Living God within us. Bones are to Be strong to hold the skeleton together connected to Christ within us.

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September 12-WE WILL BE LIKE HIM WHEN WE SEE HIM AS HE IS. Twelve is the number of Divine Government of God only. 1 John 3:2-“Now we are children of God, and what we will Be has not yet been known, but we KNOW that when Christ appears within us, WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM FOR WE SHALL SEE HIM AS HE IS.” God is not punishing us waiting for us to step out of line. God can never Be angry. We partook of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil instead of the Tree of Life to become a Living Soul (feminine side of my mind, will, emotions, self ) instead of the Mind of Christ, God’s Will,Unconditional Love instead of a Life Given Spirit Being. Gen. 1:27. We are Spirit Beings before the foundation of the earth (all of us) instead of a lower realm of human thinking only. Feel the Pure Love surrounding us by the TRANSFORMATION OF OUR HUMAN THOUGHTS TO GOD ONLY TO BE GOD LIKE IN EVERY THING WE DO AND SAY.

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September 11-WHO DOES MANKIND SAY I AM? Mark 8:27- Christ Jesus asked this question that all might profess our faith in Christ Jesus and to save our Soul the part of us that went into a lower dimension instead of Being Spirit Beings to human Beings IN THINKING ONLY. John the Baptist-High intellectual perception of Truth, but not yet quicken of Spirit. He is the forerunner of Christ Jesus. He taught us Baptism of repentance to change the way we think, and to forgive all evil in our lives to bring it to the surface and done away with. Elijah-Spiritual I AM transformed to the Spirit Realm instead of human thinking. He looked at Peter means hard, compact, strong, unyielding, a large stone, Spiritual faculty of Faith. Simon means hearing building Spiritual Conscious of the Christ on this Rock (Christ) I will build my church, that God is enduring Peter said, “YOU ARE THE CHRIST ANOINTED SON OF GOD.” Christ Jesus said flesh and blood has not told you this Truth, but my Father in the Spirit Realm.

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September 10-LET US HAVE A SPIRITUAL RENEWAL. “Now the Lord is that Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord, there is liberty (freedom from ego thoughts that tries to destroy our Perfect Identity). 11 Cor. 3:17. We are to Be transformed by the “Renewing of our minds to the Mind of Christ the only mind.” Romans12:2. We go inward to the Truth of our Being. We are Spirit Beings of Divine Nature, avoiding worry, fear, jealousy or any other negative thinking that dominates our lives with human thinking. We are created unique INDIVIDUAL EXPRESSION OF GOD. My body is the Temple of the Living God that is created by Spiritual Substance, not out of matter, but from God Him-self (us), but out of Spirit. We forgot who I AM. I went into a lower realm of thinking only thinking. I AM Cinderella who thought she was the cinder maid instead of the Princess. Christ is in control of our lives. Open door for the Healing Christ to Be my Special Guest who lives in me and AS me.

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September 9-DO YOU HAVE A ROBBER IN YOUR HOME? This robber is in your home is the carnal flesh mind that destroys your precious Truths that God gives you each day. Your precious Identity is the Spirit Realm from before the foundation of the earth is your Identity forever. The robber gives you sin-Archery term meaning missing the mark of who you are forever as a Royal Children of God both male and female after the pattern in the Spirit Realm of Father, Mother, Son and Daughter Godhead as mentioned in Gen. 1:27. The robber goes on the horizontal side of the cross with all human thinking that Christ Jesus took all human thinking at the cross with much pain and suffering and nailed it to His body to bring us back to God where we came from. The vertical side of the cross goes upward always to the Spirit side which you are a Spirit Being forever. You are Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness within that no thief can take away from you with the Kingdom of God is within you.

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September 8-GOD TOLD MOSES TO SAY I AM THAT I AM. Eight is the number of new beginnings. The name of God is I AM. Exodus 3:1I I AM that I AM has sent Me unto you what Christ Jesus IS I AM a Pearl of Great Price, I AM Spirit, Child of God, A Jewel, New Creation, About my Father’s business, I AM alive, blessed Alpha and Omega, Beautiful, Bread of Life, Complete in Him, Crucified in Christ, The Door, Full of Christ, Lord who HEALS ME, Beloved, Redeemed, Resurrection Life, Rest, Truth, Vine, I can do all things through Christ in me and AS me, God is my HEALER, I go to prepare a place for you, Big God, Called you, Know my sheep, Pure Gold-Deity, Family of God, One with God and One with each other, Be whole, Guide you. Lifted up, Remember no sins, Believe, Invisible, Inner Peace, Holy Spirit, Mind of Christ, Love, Peace, Joy Happiness, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance, Light of the World, Christ within.

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September 7-WELCOME THE DIVINE GUEST. Seven is the number of Perfection and Rest. The Divine Guest is Christ Jesus waiting to come in, and Be One with each other. The word JESUS has US in it. Jesus means Salvation of our Souls.. Rev. 3:20-“Behold, I stand at the door and knock to come in your life to change you to receive the Christ within you forever.” The Healing Christ comes to the Mind of Christ to ALL to receive Him.” Acts 10:34. He will never leave us or forsake us.” Heb. 13:5-“I permit the Divine Presence to flow through me all through the day.” “I lift up to my eyes unto Spirit from where comes my strength.” “God never slumber or sleeps.” Ps. 121:1-Teach me to see God’s Presence in every person. With my Divine Guest in me and AS me, I can speak to persons I meet to Be a Holy Encounter for them to learn that there is a Real God and a Real Christ Jesus for us to have. The cross horizontal is for the human thoughts to Be erased to the vertical cross of Spirit Realm forever.

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September 6-WHICH WORLD DO WE CHOOSE? by Richard

September 6-WHICH WORLD DO WE CHOOSE? BY Richard. Six is the number of man Spirit, Soul and Body. This world of need and greed or peace and happiest? Moment to moment our divided mind makes this decision. If all is going well in our lives this is an easy decision, if not our carnal mind is troubled. This is when we must recall the place of peace such as Phil. 4:6-Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Matt. 7:8-For everyone who asks receives, he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. What man among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? When Jesus ‘s earthly body was dying on the cross, He said, “It is finished.” These three words profoundly changed the course of this world and all creation, and we are alive on this earth to witness this.

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September 5-GOOD SEED NEEDS FERTILIZER TO GROW. Fertilizer is something added to our bodies for food to make us grow higher in the Spirit Realm. This is Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness, mean people and situations to learn how to let it go instead of getting to our heart to cause the body pain and suffering. This fertilizer gives us a Pearl of Great Price given us at the cross by Christ Jesus. We grow one day at a time Spiritually to bare much fruit. The Word must abide in Him and LET HIS WORD ABIDE IN YOU. John 7:38. Prayer instead of worry. Heb. 10:24. Think of others, God’s will Be done, thanks for all the blessings. Let Christ within us lead us. Matt. 11:29. You are needed to bring the world back to God by changing all doom and gloom to Love to set the captives free. We are a blessing, chosen, adopted, forgiven, redeemed, all debts, pain and choose peace at all times. The Body of Christ to save the world coming from Spirit called Saviors from Mt. Zion.

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September 4-ARE YOU A CHICKEN OR A EAGLE? A chicken does nothing but peck in the dirt of human thinking. Never leaves the earth realm, but eats anything of human thinking. It also lays eggs which is very good for us with birth pains that produces new Truths for the Spirit Realm. I want most important the Spirit Realm of an eagle who flies higher than any bird of the air of human thinking in the Spirit Realm. Nothing can come neigh to you from the Spirit Realm in Ps. 91. No pain, suffering, human emotions instead of Unconditional Love with no sickness or death because the cross roads across where all human thinking exist, and went higher vertical to life away every human thought that the carnal mind has instead of the Mind of Christ. We forgot who we are in God, and became a human Soul instead of a Life given Spirit. Gen. 2:7. We are One with Christ, every thing He IS we ARE. Begin to take authority of all things in Life to calling things that are not As thought they are. Rom. 4:17.

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September 4-HAPPY LABOR DAY. Four is the number of world wide coverage. Our labor is to do everything we say and do with Love not a choir do unto God with all we say and do. Matt. 11:28-30. Come to me (Christ Jesus) ALL who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke (Christ Life) upon you, LEARN OF ME AND NOT MY OWN WAY, for I AM Loving, Gentle, and all of Spirit Realm with no cares of the human world upon us that gives us heart ache for your Souls (feminine side of you that thinks we are human beings instead of Spirit Beings with no trace of pain, sickness or death fell into the realm of I AM God,and I can do everything by my self when I cannot do anything by myself because I must LET God flow through me and AS me to give me rest or Peace beyond understanding. My yoke is easy as a Royal Son and Daughters of God, and my burden is light. Yoke is willing submissions on our part that leads to green pasture of Life, surrender and trust.

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September 2-CAN I STOP MY OWN GROWTH? You plant a seed in the ground of human dirt to shed all the outer parts of the seed of human thinking, and then you let it grow from one step to another. If you dig up the seed to try to watch how it grows, you will kill the plant so it will not grow. You must leave it alone to let God take over the process of growth. The ego thoughts that Edge God Out tries to stunt our growth with its tactics of making or trying to control what we do and say. It keeps us in the baby stage without deep spiritual truths each day. There is no limit in our Spiritual Growth when God is in control to know who and what we are. The more I let the Mind of Christ rule my life, the more I AM. We sometimes get disappointed when we ask for something does not seem to come our way. My Soul is growing to know my true Identity in the realm of Being a Spirit Being with all the attributes of Christ.

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September 1-WHY IS THE WHOLE WORLD SUFFERING? Rom. 8:19–“For all creation waits for the revelation of the Sons and Daughters of God.” This means all creation with the animals Being free from killing each other to have the Lamb sitting by the Lion Being free.” Rom. 8:23-“Not only creation, but we ourselves groan inwardly as we wait for the adoption as Sons and Daughters for the Redemption of our Body.” We have to let the Christ in us flow through us and as us. Christ Jesus took away every pain, suffering at the cross with everything of human thinking that is a lie that tries to kill the Christ in you. “The same Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead dwells in you, and he will give life to your mortal body by the Spirit living within you.” Rom. 6:10. Learn to Be Christ like in everything we do and say without exception. All our sins are erased created in the image and likeness of God both male and female. Gen.1:27.

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August 31-GOD’S WILL IS TO HEAL YOU. We don’t have to ask God if it is His will. God’s will is to heal us of our own thinking of Being sick that God does not give us pain or suffering because He would never hurt us give us anything to hurt us ever. “Being made whole Spirit Soul and Body.” John 19:30. ” All were made whole.” Mark 6:56. The leper asked Christ if you are willing to make me clean. I AM WILLING TO BE MADE CLEAN OF ALL HUMAN THINKING.” Matt. 8:2 “He heals today the same as yesterday today and forever. Heb. 13:8. He healed ALL of us at the cross no One left out. Matt. 8:16. “Your Identity is in Christ, and He can’t give us sickness. Rev. 1:13. God is ready to heal our minds of carnal thinking to the Mind of Christ given to us at the cross. Christ Jesus gave us Salvation-saving our Soul to the Soul of God, He gave us Resurrection Life, Light of the World, The door to the Kingdom, The Bread of Life and many other things at the cross.

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August 30-MEANING OF THE WORD ANGELS. This is the angels within you that is Messengers to you within. Unconditional Love Perfect Love takes away fear (false evidence APPEARING Real), Angel Reality Truth and nothing,but the Truth, Angel of Abundance God always takes care of us, and never leaves us or forsakes us, Angel of Power and Authority Nothing of self, but all of God, Angel of Spiritual Understanding, Angel of Loving Relationships, Angel of Victory and Triumph, Angel of Order and Harmony,Angel message the Kingdom of God is within. and not a place. Angel of One with God and One with each Other, Angel of Solutions, Angel of Spiritual Strength and Will, Angel of Rebirth, Angel of Patience and Acceptance, Angel of Courage and Perseverance, Angel of Service and Oneness, Angel of Liberation, Angel of Truth and Enlightenment, Angel of the Creative Word, Angel of Success, Angel of Resource, Angel of Kindness, Angel of Truth that God is all there IS, Angel of Protection,

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August 29-THE SAME POWER THAT RAISED CHRIST FROM THE DEAD DWELLS IN YOU. Rom. 8:11. “When He Him-self (all of us) bore our sins (archery term meaning missing the mark of who and what we are) in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sins, and live for righteousness, by His wounds you have been healed past tense.” 1 Peter 2:24. Can you real-eyes what Christ Jesus did at the cross for YOU including taking away sin, sickness, death, shed human blood, gave us back Being Spirit Beings in the image-reflection in a mirror, likeness-exact copy both male and female like the pattern in the heavens. Gen. 1:27. I AM crucified with Christ nevertheless I live, but not I, but the Christ in me and AS me. I resurrected to new life with Life More Abundantly with a brand new body that is not capable of decay, but Christ lives in me AS Me. The life I now live by faith in the Son of God who LOVED ME AND GAVE HIM-self for Me. Gal. 2:20.

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August 28-DIETARY LAWS IN LEVITICUS 11. An allegory is something deeper in the Spirit Realm than what we should eat,and what we should not eat. The Seed of Christ in you to grow no matter what human thoughts tries to destroy your Identity As a Spirit Bein.. Acts 10:11- Christ Jesus caused a sheet to come down with unclean animals to show Peter to bless and eat. Not about animals, but not to call ANY MAN COMMON OR UNCLEAN that God has made clean from sin, sickness, pain and suffering at the cross. Carcasses is dead works that does not accomplish anything, but self Being God. Living Waters not negative thoughts. Eagles go high in the Spirit Realm. The ravens thoughts that fight the eagles, and eat dead thoughts. The snake represents the carnal mind that believes in good and evil lies instead of Truth. Squirrels eat the bird seed who sings their song to you of Love. We are not under the law not to eat this or that, but Grace to bless food and thank God for it.

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August 27-GO TO THE RESURRECTION SIDE OF THE CROSS. “I AM the Resurrection and the Life. Whoever Believes in Me. shall live in Christ never to die.” John 11:25. Christ is the SEED planted in the earth (us) in the earth realm of human thoughts and deeds not to Be alone to bear much fruit, and died of human realm to give us Life in the Spirit Realm our Real Home. John 15:16-“You have not chosen Me, I have chosen you to bare much fruit.” Christ Jesus is the Head of the body, and we are the Living part of the Body with a special plan and purpose. Col. 2:9. “For in Him the whole fullness of Deity dwells as in the pattern in the heavens or Spirit Real of the Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. No child is born without a Father and Mother pattern in the Spirit Realm. Gen. 1:27-“LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE (reflection in a mirror) and likeness (exact copy) both Male and Female.” Resurrection means remembering God was in Christ reconciling the WORLD back to Himself erasing all human thoughts.

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August 26-WHAT IS THE REAL WORLD? The real world is the Kingdom of God WITHIN. The Real World is the World of God only, and the dream of sin, sickness pain, suffering and death that we have awaken to with no more human thoughts or emotions. The Eyes of Christ we see the reflection of God’s Unconditional Love. There is no time or space in this Real World with no more perception of seeing evil with all its temptations of the carnal human mind. The Mind of Christ sees no man after the flesh realm. The prodigal son has the thought His father’s helpers are better than him with abundance of Spiritual Food or the Bread of Life. Father gives him a Robe or Identity of Spirit Being from before the foundation of the earth, Shoes to walk in the Spirit Realm, a Ring of authority to use His name I AM THAT WHAT YOU NEED, the FATED calf. No more human thoughts to hurt each other. We belong to the Family of God, and the Body of Christ One with God and One with each other.

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August 25-HELP MY UNBELIEF. Mark 9:23-“If you believe all things are possible. Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.” We must go within into the Presence of God with no unbelief. 1st Thess. 5:18. We become bitter, angry and so on. We must control our emotions to not REACT to the person or situation not to hurt our physical bodies. It is by the Grace of God, we can choose peace. We can believe everything without seeing with human eyes. We are never separated from God. We must awaken to the thoughts of sickness, pain and suffering. Belief comes from a deep NEED to live a life that is pleasing to God. Col. 1:15- “Christ Jesus is the IMAGE of the Invisible God. In Him the whole fullness of Deity Godhead dwells bodily. He is the 1st born of all creation. He existed before all things exist THROUGH HIM. He is the Head of the body. All things reconciled back to God. We catch a glimpse into the blood to purify, and redeem the race by pouring its life currents with a purer stream through Christ.

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August 24-WE GO THROUGH DARKNESS TO BE THE LIGHT. You are the stars of God that cannot shine without darkness. We are the Light of the Word. We share with those that God has prepared to receive. We are the manifestation of the Living God to a world that is complete darkness with the thoughts Edges God Out and tries to kill the Christ in each of us. Your own mind thinking cannot understand the thoughts of the Spirit Realm or the Nature of God. God has no anger, Jealousy, or any other human trait to fight back, and punish with Christ all human emotions to His body of flesh to bring us back to God where we came from with a Spirit, Soul and Body of Spirit only. Christ Jesus did not get angry because that is not God like. No more thoughts of pain, sickness and so forth. We are One with God and One with each other. Awake from the dream of healing the human body, but the dream or thought thinking we are this body instead of the Body of Christ a new person in Christ.

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August 23-WE HAVE NO FAILURES IN GOD. We have only mistakes to erase and start over. When we fall, we can get back up to learn from your mistakes to never choose it again. God will always pick us up and dust us off. Stop trusting in the arms of flesh. When we trust in God, Everything is going to Be alright. We are here to experience our mistakes to grow deeper in God and Praise God anyway. Jer. 8:4-“You know when a man falls down, he turns around and comes back.” 1 Cor. 4:9. We are hurt sometimes by other people words, but we are to walk away and not BE destroyed. We must not react to people or situations to always choose Peace instead no matter how much hurt is given to not receive not to fight back. “This is the Day the Lord has made, I will rejoice in it.” I will not LET ANY PERSON OR SITUATIONS give power over me.” We can choose to BE Godlike at all times instead of the human flesh realm of pain and suffering. God is the ONLY Power.

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August 22-WHAT IS THE WORLD? The carnal mind of thinking is not God thinking. It is perception seeing what the mind is trying to create instead of the Mind of Christ that does not have any THOUGHTS of sickness, pain, suffering. This world is born of error to Be erased. The thought of separation from God did not ever happen in the Kingdom of God where we are with God before the foundation of the world. When we forgive our world is different in thought. This world that is not Godlike has fear which is false evidence appearing real instead of a Living God of Love UNCONDITIONAL. God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the World back to Him-self. Not imputing their trespasses or belief in a world of Self, wanting to Be God, and not needing God because we are God. 11Cor. 5:19. We are not God, but in the image and likeness of God. Gen. 1:27. We came hear to change the way we think, and see beauty instead of faults to “Love God and our neighbor (all of us) as our Royal Self.”

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August 21-FLIGHT OF THE EAGLE. What is an eagle. It is a symbol of an inner yearning to escape from bondage from human thinking that tries to kill the Christ in us. It is the ancient memory of our Divine Self to return to the Christ of our Being in us and AS us. The eagle is courage, vision, power, energy within each Soul that refuses to Be bound. The

Consciousness that knows God only and freedom. God can never Be Weary or forget to guide us in the Spirit Realm to never give up on our errors and thoughts of separation. IS.40:31. Strength to the weary. “They who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings (to go higher in Spirit Realm) like eagles. They shall run and not Be weary. They shall walk and not faint.” Not to Be exhaused and burdened or darken by human thoughts that says we are weak in the body and weak in the Spirit. Stand still and rest in Spirit that overcomes the world that inner master to serve the Holy Christ Self. Lifted up above with youth restored to Secret Place of Love of God.

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August 18-WHAT DOES THE WORD JUDGMENT MEAN? The word judgment means A TURNING POINT. God is Unconditional Love. We can’t believe that God is going to leave us in human thinking in a lower realm of self instead of God eternally or punish us for our behavior when God created us all after Him-self PERFECT and GOOD.. There is a point in our lives where “No Mankind can come to Me unless the Father draws them.” John 16:17-“You have not chosen Me, I have chosen you to bare plenty of fruit to Be God like in everything we do and say.”We are giving up arguments, choosing peace when someone is mean to us. 11 Cor. 5:19-“God was in Christ Jesus at the cross reconciling the WORLD back to HIM-self (all of us) not imputing their trespasses ( Errors erasing them with His life to make us alive in the Spirit realm), but giving us the ministry of reconciliation.” He shed human blood that is tainted with sickness, pain, suffering and death BELIEFS to bring us back to God where we came from.

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August 17-MEANING OF THE WORD SACRIFICE. Sacrifice is believing in an illusion. This world is an illusion that has to change to think different who and what we are. We are Created by God as Perfect Spirit Beings. We wanted to experience INSTEAD OF GOD to a lower realm of thinking only. The sacrifice is the body of human thinking that is power (only one Power God), fame, (all created One with God and One with each other), money (love of money is the root of all evil), we have abundant supply, physical pleasure instead of Love, This thinking is the mind of human thoughts instead of the Mind of Christ wanting self to BE GOD, can do it myself that does not need God. This mind of flesh is never satisfied with self condemnation that is a lie because God IS in us and AS us. A sacrifice is giving up pain, suffering from the human body that can never heal knowing only the Body of Christ that is Perfect. Real-eyes that this world of thinking is not real, but a dream never to awaken to reality of Spirit.

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August 16-HOW CAN PERCEPTION ORDER OF DIFFICULTIES BE AVOIDED? Perception is what we see with the carnal mind temptations that seem to Be True, but is a lie of the carnal mind. In the Spirit Realm which we ARE there is no difficulties. In illusions, we always have people with different state of mind that tries to argue the Truth to fit their belief. The definition of illusions is an attempt to make something real that seems to Be true that is not true only a dream. It is a dream that we want to Be God and don’t need God because of self wanted its own way. All dreams that is not real is separation from each other and most of all separation from God who will never leave us or forsake us within us and AS us. This is thinking of the human carnal mind outside of itself instead of knowing that the Living God is not in this made up world, but from the cross is inside of all of us and we have the Mind of Christ within to see as Christ sees. Go from human self to Higher Self with no problems in God only Heaven or Spirit Realm.

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August 15-HOW IS JUDGMENT RELINQUISHED? John 7:53- A woman was getting ready to Be stoned to death by her accusers. Christ Jesus wrote in the sand saying who has no sin throw the 1st stone? They all went away, and Christ Jesus said, “Where are your accusers? No One, Christ Jesus said, “I do not condemn you either. Judgment is a devise the world thinking of illusions is maintained. The word judgment means turning point. Christ Jesus says not to judge the faults of others, because you are Being judged yourself, but to see beauty instead of faults. God sent His Son to bring us all back to God where we came from. He created us Perfect and Sin (Missing the mark of who and what we are) no longer exist. We have a beautiful world by God’s teachings. God gives us Wisdom (Mother God who is the Word of God) to relinquish Judgment. Giving up judgment frees us of a burden we cannot bare that was all our illusion that is not real. Give blessing of God instead. Don’t keep judgment.

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August 14-ABSOLUTE HEALING. John 5:8-“Rise, take up your bed, and walk.” Christ spoke to their minds, and immediately they heard the word. “We ask, believe and receive. God is in control to experience a change in our thinking when miracles of healing will happen. Miracles means change in perception of what I see and experience to the Spirit Realm. Go to the Resurrection side of the cross. Words spoken are experienced in the Spirit, and sacred with the Presence of the Healer. God is in me and AS me. I AM complete and whole a vessel of Honor. Col. 2:10. My Primary doctor is the Christ of my Being who took away everything at the cross, and gave us complete healing Spirit, Soul, and Body. Gen. 1:27. Ps.147:2-“He binds our wounds and continues the process of healing.” Give all burdens to Christ Jesus. You are a Pearl of Great Price. Give ALL human thinking to Christ. God is all there is. “You are a masterpiece.”

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August 13-HOW TO TELL THE VOICE OF GOD FROM THE VOICE OF THE EGO? The ego thoughts that Edge God out is from the carnal mind thinking trying to kill the Christ in you uninvited with fear, guilt to attack us so we attack others seeing Beauty instead of faults. It constantly speaks first, and gives us brain chatter with you are stupid, too fat, never have enough, judges you and so you judge others instead of seeing God’s creation as Perfect, and sin is not in one is worst than others,but all is the same of Missing the Mark (Christ) of who and what we are. God sees them the same, and sent His Son to change our thinking to the thinking of God. This voice inside of your own brain promotes confusion. The Voice of the Holy Spirit inside of you is the still small Voice of Peace, not commands or demands just reminds us of a Living God who Loves us Unconditional. Teaches us that God is in us and AS us forever. We are a Masterpiece, a treasure of God and a Pearl of Great Price.

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August 12-THIRD PART OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TENT CALLED THE HOLY OF HOLIEST. Twelve is perfect Divine Government or the Feast of Tabernacles when we have Real eyes to know that the Presence of God is within us and AS us where God dwells within us. “He that is in you is greater than He that is in the world.” The Holy Place is God is fragmented in each of us by Him-self in the form as individuals. This God is the I AM Moses could not name this God because all of us has His name. We are all God’s children or Spirit Beings after our parents of Father and Mother. In the Cinderella Story she was always the Princess of God, but in her thinking she THOUGHT she was the cinder maid clothing or costume. In Old Testament they made booths or tents in the outer world with these three compartments meaning of our Spirit, Soul and Body. Only the High Priest could go in the Holy of Holies who you are a Royal Priesthood. Every place you go is a Holy Ground with God within is the Tabernacle of God.

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August 11-THE 2nd PART OF THE OUTER TENT is the INNER COURT. This is the Feast of Pentecost. 50 days after the Passover is called the Feast of Pentecost called the Soul Realm where Holy Spirit and Fire is introduced as the Soul part of God is FEMININE. Christ Jesus said,” I will send you ANOTHER COMFORTER. Living realities instead of mental concepts of the human mind to the Mind of Christ. We come out of darkness (Egypt human mind) to Light (Spirit or Heaven) to the Promised land not a place, but reality within instead of a world without. The Light is Pentecost or the Holy Spirit descends upon you as a Dove with a sudden energy into the body to fill the home (us) with a New WINE from within instead of the outer world. A choice to receive only THOUGHTS OF THE SPIRIT. We can weed out the Garden thoughts of the Spirit only to the MIND of CHRIST. We change our thoughts about people and situations. In this tent (temporary dwelling place ), we have artificial light by the Candlestick. Continued

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August 10-FIRST FEAST CALLED PASSOVER. The first compartment in the outer realm that the Priest operated in is the Outer Court or the Feast of Passover. Passover means freeing of the Spiritual man from the five senses or the carnal mind thinking killing the animal thoughts inside of us. The outer court is the Body. Our five senses is to go higher as Spirit Beings. “When I see the blood on doorpost to make a cross over your human mind with no more pain, sickness, suffering forgiveness, wars, judgment of each other instead of knowing we are One with God and One with each other, not letting God within with His love to Heal us by His stripes at the cross.” We forgot who and what we are that is the lowest realm of knowing and believing. It is made of the dirt or humus of human realm of Identity. It is putting a costume on us to hide our true Identity as God’s created a Perfect mankind . This realm of body is not eternal. Once a year over and over the family brought a spotless lamb until the Lamb Christ Jesus came. Continue!

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August 9-THREE FEAST DAYS. PASSOVER, PENTECOST, TABERNACLES. These feast days of outward teaching to the inward History of Christ Jesus from cross to Resurrection to Ascension or Body changed back to Spirit. Passover “When I see the Blood, on your forehead making a cross over your mind, I will pass over you, and the plagues shall not Be on you to destroy you by putting on the Mind of Christ instead of Being lied to by carnal flesh mind. The Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world for the saving of the Soul that fell by human thinking. Pentecost revelation of Mother God El Shaddai with the Baptism of Holy Spirit and Fire another comforter or helpmate. Acts 2:1. This was an escape from darkness into the Light to give us Unconditional Love from another person in the God Head. Tabernacles was a temporary tent or dwelling place with 9 fruits of Spirit Body again to Being Divine Self with a body changed to Spirit like in the beginning we are in God before the world created.

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August 8-MEANING OF CONSCIOUSNESS. Eight is the number of New Beginnings. Consciousness is what we are aware of, able to feel, think, awake. We want to awaken to the consciousness of knowing who and what we are, and why we are here. We are aware that God is in me and AS me. God will never leave me or forsake me. I have the Mind of Christ. Phil. 2:5. I AM A SPIRIT BEING. John 4:24. God flows through me, and uses my mouth to speak to those who know nothing about the Living God of their Being. God uses my hands to hug and Love others. We are the Royal Children of God. I can never have my Identity as a Spirit Being taken away from me with thoughts of the ego that Edges God out and tries to kill the Christ in us. God knew me before the foundation of earth before I was FORMED IN MY MOTHER’S WOMB. God loves me and sees me in the perfect image of my parents in the God Head.We are here to know we are the perfect representative of the living God in the pattern of God.Gen. 1:27.

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August 7-THERE IS NO END HOW MUCH CHRIST JESUS LOVES US. Seven is the number of perfection and rest. He walks in our shoes or sole’s of feet to walk over evil. He took away every human thought we have of sin, sickness, pain, suffering, hatred, every criminal, and so forth at the Cross. We are created Spirit, Soul, and Body. “We have a God of the impossible.” Luke 1:37. “Unconditional Love never fails, and never will leave us or forsake us.” WE ARE HERE TO BRING KINGDOM OF GOD TO THIS EARTH.” Matt. 6:9. I have the Mind of Christ in me. He was the Lamb of God crucified before the world was made. Acts 17:28. “When He became us in the flesh realm to bring us back to God in the Spirit Realm. He cannot punish part of Him-self. The fullness of Life is in me. John 10:10. Ps 139:5 Redemption in Immanuel God in us. Matt,. 20:28. I AM a new creation. He shed human blood.” Love God and your neighbor as yourself. Matt. 12:30. We are Love, Peace of God.

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August 6-NO MAN CAN COME TO ME UNLESS THE FATHER DRAWS THEM. John 14:1. Let your heart not Be troubled when you Believe in God, believe in me, also. In my Father’s House are many mansions (The house of God is within all of us). I go to prepare a place for you to receive you to the way you will know. Thomas said unto Him, Can we know the way?” Christ Jesus said unto him, “I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. No man comes to the Father, but by me. If you had known me, you should have known my Father, also. Philip says to Him, Lord show me the Father.. Jesus said unto him, “Have I been so long with you and yet hast thou not know me?” Believe that I AM in the Father, and the Father is in me? The words I speak unto you, I speak not of myself, but the Father that dwells in me, he does the works. I can do nothing of my self unless the Father tells me what to do. God is the Word, and we are the words that travel faster than the speed of light and creates.

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August 5-KEEP MY SAYINGS. The Words which you hear is not mine, but the Father which sent me. The Comforter, which is the Mother God Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name shall teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all the Words I said to you. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you not as the world gives to you. Let your heart (Spirit Realm) not Be troubled, neither let it Be afraid. I go away, and come again unto you In you and AS You. I go to the Father. My Father is greater then I. Thoughts are words travel faster than the speed of Light. Keep our Words beautiful because they create. The prince of this world (carnal flesh mind) that has nothing in me. But, the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave me commandment even so I do. “Love God and Love your neighbor as yourself.” See everyone as the Family of God created Perfect, and erase all human thoughts and judgments of people Christ erased at the cross to thoughts that are ABOVE or Spirit.

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PLEASE DON’T WORRY! by Linda Cosentino
Is the cares of life causing you live your life with much worrying each day?
These thoughts are taking over by the ego thoughts for you to find another way.
We have a precious gift from God to Know that God is in control to choose peace.
These thoughts will cause all kinds of body ails of sickness that must now cease.

Remember that Christ Jesus went to the cross for all human thoughts to go away.
This includes, pain, suffering, anxiety, worry. doubt, unbelief to cause us to pray.
Christ Jesus was the Pearl of Great Price that died to all human beliefs in man.
We go higher in the Spirit Realm as Spirit Beings to free us with another plan.

When we choose peace each day nothing can come neigh our dwelling place.
All things are in control to know that God is all there is with a special Grace.
Our human thoughts of fear, false evidence appearing real no longer try to exist.
All human thoughts from our own minds began a process to Be finally dismissed.

We now have no more about the cares of the world a new life begins to emerge.
Resurrection life begins a start of a new life where these human thoughts are purged.
Glory to God we know who we are and why we are here Love conquers all things.
Let us go higher in the Spirit realm began to fly high with our beautiful wings.

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August 4-GOD CREATED EVERYTHING GOOD. 1 Tim. 4:4-God created us perfect out from Him-self and nothing is to Be rejected IF IS RECEIVED WITH THANKSGIVING CONSECRATED BY THE WORLD OF GOD AND PRAYER. So how could God create evil out of Him-self? Evil is created by the carnal human mind of THINKING. Words of the mouth are life or death. Every time we speak negative words about another person it can Be forgiven at the cross, but cannot Be retrieved once it is gone. It is like a feathered pillow cut one end of the pillow case, and let the feathers out, but you cannot get the feathers back in the pillow case. You must let them Go and let God with forgiveness and forgetfulness. We only live in the Now. Our past is erased with repentance meaning CHANGING THE WAY WE THINK about situations, and people who are treating you mean. Balloons let go is the same example. Fear- False evidence Appearing Real is gone.

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August 3-HOW IS PEACE POSSIBLE IN THIS WORLD? Peace SEEMS to Be impossible here. The Word of God promises other things that SEEM impossible, as well as this. His word promised peace. There is no death, that resurrection must occur, and that rebirth is man’s inheritance. The world you see cannot Be the world God loves, and yet His Word assures us the He Loves the world. God’s Word has promised that peace is possible here, and what God promises can hardly Be impossible. This world can Be looked at differently.We can see and create a beautiful world by seeing it so differently. We have a choice to keep our problems or to give them up completely to know the only problems you have is the ones you create yourself by believing in a lie instead of the Truth. We can stop judging people of their faults instead of their beauty to see them as God created them Perfect and forgive them from all dis order at the cross like in 11 Cor. 5::19 not Imputing their trespasses, but gave them the ministry of reconciliation.

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August 2-THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE ANSWER. The Holy Spirit is the feminine side of God or the Mother God El Shaddai, the large breasted one.. She is the Still small voice within us that directs our path to know who and what we are. She mediates between illusions and the Truth or the gap between reality and dreams. She is another comforter. John 14:16. She reveals the deep things of God to all of us. She is the Guide,Mediator, Teacher, Answer to the separation thoughts of the human mind. She ends all dreams to our Real Self created Perfect by God. Gap between the Mind of Christ, and the human mind and thoughts. Fear translated to Pure Unconditional Love.She reveals the Oneness of the Father to all of us and the Oneness of each other. She reminds us of our Soul realm to Be united with the Spirit. She speaks to us to let our dreams Be forgiven and done away with. She is the breath that gives us life of Spirit. The problems you have are not real only the belief in them must let them go with forgiveness done away with.

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August 2-WITH CHRIST I HAVE FULLNESS OF LIFE. This is a new month, new thoughts, new ways of thinking like God thinks. God’s ways are not like our ways. John 10 :10-“I AM come that they have LIFE and LIFE more abundantly (a super abundance of a thing). This is a life of fullness, joy and strength in the Spirit Realm. Soul-My mind will, emotions and intellect to God ways and body of Christ. Gen. 1:27-“Created in image of God both male and female after the Pattern.” James 3:8-“Tongue brings blessings only for man was made in the image of God.” Col. 3:9-“Clothed with new Spirit Life in the process of Being renewed into more perfect knowledge after the image reflection in a mirror, and likeness of Him whom created us. At the cross we are a new person not after the flesh, but after the Spirit Life. The Life of God is we are created Perfect and eternal given to us. Let us Be at peace in everything we do and say without negative thinking so the body can Be perfect without dis-ease.

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July 31-WHAT IS MEANT BY A STRONGHOLD. The strongholds in your life is like bitterness, hatred, judgment of others, all negative thoughts,. The cave is our bondage to this world, and all its lies and hurts in your lives that causes your behavior, and keeps you away from ONE with others. We go in the cave For refuge to find out God is our refuge to Be alone from people, but the cave has plenty people who have problems that they want you to solve for them, not caring about your feelings. The strong hold makes us have pain, suffering, sickness and many false beliefs about who and what we are. Come out of the cave to go directly to God in the Spirit Realm to find out who and what you are as a Spirit Being to receive you are a Prince and Princess instead of THOUGHTS of defeat that people think about you, but God says, You are a masterpiece created Perfect and Loved Unconditional without punishment. Problems are solved NOW that never existed only in our own mind.

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July 30-DOES ANYONE CARE FOR MY LIFE OR WELFARE? David the King in 1 Samuel 22 and Ps. 142. People came to David for help with their problems, not caring about David’s Life or welfare. So David goes into the cave of Adullam to get away from Saul the human mind, its will, emotions or the Soul that fell into Self. The prison is WITHIN US with fear, anxiety, desires, addictions and so on. When we go in the cave of self pit tie, we are not alone with God because their is people with problems in the cave going to man instead of going to God. So David sends the people to Moab that represents the carnal mind, body of external, false gods conditions in this realm of the world Instead of God. Moabites is descendants of David from Ruth -Soul realm to Boaz the Spiritual marriage of Soul to Spirit Realm. Cave-the lowest thoughts in the valley, we are not alone because the Mind of Christ comes to us with Judah meaning Praise “God is my Refuge my portion of the Land of the Living.”

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July 29-EVERY STEP IS ORDERED BY GOD. Ps.37:24 -“The steps of man is ordered by God.” David was anointed King at a young age, but had to take care of sheep who can do nothing without the Shepherd leading them. Then David had to go to the city of Mibzar- (belief in the carnal mind thinking that wants if own way.) David was a man after God’s own heart (Spirit). He had to go step by step from human thinking to the Mind of Christ to Judah meaning Praise is the Spiritual practice to Be in submission to God so he could Be King. Jonah Means a dove, loving state of mind instead of a mind that condemns all people for their error to punish them forever. Jonah was told to go to Nineveh-place of punishment for sins. First to get in boat, and they said he was causing a storm, thrown overboard to a great fish that represents Christ Jesus redemption three days in heart of the earth of the carnal mind. He rejected God four times before he went to Nineveh to set the people free of carnal mind thinking to Christ Mind.

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July 28-WE HAVE A ROUND EARTH. The Bible speaks of the Heaven (Spirit Realm) and the Earth (realm of human thinking called the Soul which fell into a lower dimension of thinking only. We were Spirit Beings before the foundation of the Earth (us) into the form of Christ. The Our Father is the only pray we are given speaks of The Kingdom of Heaven (Spirit Realm) becoming to the Earth. John 17:21. He answered to the Pharisees (Religious group that wanted to find something he said that was wrong to crucify Him). asking when is the Kingdom of God coming? When Christ Jesus said, “I and my Father are One.” “We are One with God and One with each other.” We ALL belong to the Family of God. They said to Him that is blasphemy, You can’t Be One with God. We are going to crucify you for that statement. The earth represents us is round. We can’t take sides of each other condemns one and save the other. There is no sides to take on a round earth.

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July 27-WHAT IS THE CRYSTAL RIVER? The different water ways are constantly Being fed by fresh tributaries (rivers that flow into larger ones), and the water is blue (Heaven or Spirit) sparkling filled with abundant life for food. We are that CRYSTAL RIVER THAT HAS A ROYAL SUPPLY of Truth for food. John 7:38-“He that believes in Me out of him shall flow Rivers of Living Water.” The Dead Sea does not allow any water (new Truths) to keep it alive to become stagnant, unable to support any Living thing. They have no desire to change or learn about a LIVING GOD OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Instead they want to believe in a God that punishes us for eternity. “If you drink this water, you will never thirst again.” John 4:14. “There is a River of Life flowing out from me. It makes the lame to walk and the blind to see.” John 4:17-We are the Crystal River that has God flowing out from us and AS us. “No man can come to Me unless the Father draws them.” John 6:44

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June 26-MEANING OF PRESENCE AND NOW. What a wonderful feeling when we feel the Presence of God NOW. In John 11:1-Lazarus was sick in the town of Bethany (House of affliction, state of distress and pain, and suffering). Martha his sister heard Christ Jesus coming and she said, “If you were here, my brother was sick and died, and you did not come, but NOW YOU CAME.” Christ Jesus said to her, He waited 4 days for (four is the number of world wide coverage) to come to her and said, “Lazarus is not dead, but sleeping. Martha ( Bitter one or one who does the cares of the world, represents the human flesh thinking. He said, “I AM the Resurrection.” Whoever believes in me shall have ever lasting life and will not die.) She said, ” I will go get Mary who will believe what you say, because she is the Spirit part of us that sits at the master’s feet to learn about the Spirit Realm in her life and puts Christ Jesus first in her life. “She has the Soul that magnifies the Lord.”

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July 25-WHAT IS THE MEANING OF A FLEECE? Fleece is a wool covering the sheep. Sheep need a covering called their Spirit Being. The sheep depend on the Shepherd to do everything in their lives. I can do nothing unless the Father tells me what to do. I am not god BECAUSE i think i CAN DO EVERYTHING BY MY HUMAN SELF. Christ Jesus is in me and AS me. In Judges 6:40 God told Gideon to prevent the enemy from destroying the walls of Jerusalem (us). Gideon tested God by putting out a fleece. In the morning the dew wet the ground, but not the fleece (wool). Gideon is an example of us to hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit within trust not to have a test, but know the Voice is God only.. The Spirit will show us how to keep walls of protection around us.When people are mean, do not fight back, but walk away and Be God like TO PROVE WHAT GOD SAY IS TRUE. I do not want to put out a fleece, but to do what God says for me to do.”God created everything good.” No more evil belief.”

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July 24-GOD SAYS YOU ARE A CITY. In Neh. 6: Nehemiah was chosen to rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem (House of God). The city is your own Soul feminine side that thought we fell from Being a Spirit Being to Be a human Being. The Soul is the mind, will, emotions and the intellect. Man became a Living Soul instead of a Life Given Spirit. The Spirit of us is within is Perfect, but the Soul part of us gives in to temptation. What is in your city? Is it Judging every one on appearance of seeing with the eyes of man instead of seeing everyone with the eyes of God created PERFECT? Christ Jesus took everything of human thinking at the cross, pain, dis-ease, suffering and even death. Does your city full of all kinds of crimes by the carnal mind given into temptation all I do is alright? I do not need God. I AM God. So we must repair the walls for protection from the thoughts of the carnal mind, and also shut the door to any human thoughts negative or evil to come in our city. You are the High Official of the city called the Mayor.

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July 23-MEANING OF THE WORD WRATH. Wrath,Jealousy and Vengeance is not God. It is our own response to inner feeling not God’s wrath that we think is God’s Way. Adam and Eve represents the fallen human Soul hid from God when believing in human thinking. They thought God was going to punish them. God does not punish us, but was in Christ Jesus redeeming us from all human thinking to bring us back to God thinking as we are Spirit Beings forever. 11Cor. 5:19. Sorrow is our problem so we have to change sorrow to Joy, OUTER SUFFERING, PAIN TO PRAISE. Guilt and shame is our belief instead of who and what we are. Deliverance is the seed of woman (Holy Spirit) bruising the head (Human Mind thinking) of the snake with a dual tongue believing in good and evil instead of Life. We have a false Father who is self centered, and wanting to Be God, instead of Being GOD LIKE. We are the ones to stop the evil in our own lives to GOD ONLY.

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July 22-AT THE FEET OF THE MASTER. The story of the manic. “They found him clothed, and in his right mind, sitting at the feet of the Master” who had been living in tombs of human beliefs. We are the manic (very insane person, mentally ill with human thoughts of much confusion), when Christ passes by, he finds us in death clothes wrapped in bondage of dead thoughts, fears, and ego thoughts that Edge God Out. We have dirty rags of personal beliefs that must fall away, and then clothed in the Mind of Christ sitting at the feet of the inward Christ at peace with all our baggage left behind. We begin to learn about the Spirit World that we are born again that revitalizes our whole Being. The manic thoughts are cast from you, and drowned in the dead sea that can never Be alive again. You are a new person in Christ. Knowing you are created PERFECT. No more sin, sickness and pain again. “I can do all things with Christ in me.”

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July 21-THE SPIRIT REALM IS WITHIN ME AND IS REAL. When Christ Jesus prayed and thanked God, He was turning within to disclose of the Divine Reality to our individual consciousness. He changed the loaves and fishes to Be multiplied by knowing that in the Spirit world there is infinity meaning never ending what we really need that is already here. We see through the outer world of mortality through a glass darkly in a world of mortal and material that is not the Real World. Worry causes us to have ulcers and heart aches. Greater in you than anything in this world. The Kingdom of God is within. Nothing in the outer world can meet my needs. The eyes of Christ Jesus is using the real eyes of my Being. To Be reborn of the Spirit world is to have everything we need. Spend time with the Christ of our Being ALONE speaking, and thanking God for everything we have family and friends. Remember God is all there IS. God loves us with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND CREATED US PERFECT.

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July 20-STEPS TO FOLLOW INTO THE SPIRIT REALM. Emmanuel means God is us to never Be alone. First have God 1st in your life with time alone to talking to God. Give up your will to Be right with God’s will Be done. Put the Blood or Light on door post or the Mind of Christ, and on each side of body meaning Spirit, Soul and Body making a cross to receive the Life of Christ in your whole Being. Know you are created PERFECT. Let the 1st born ego thoughts that Edge God Out leave that tries to destroy your Identity as a Spirit Being. Egypt (flesh) thoughts cannot enter into your Home of God within. “You are the temple of the Living God within.” In your consciousness (what you are aware of) of good and evil leave when you have that inner recognition of Christ is your Being. Listen to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit that cannot let any human power or authority to enter. No power, sickness, and so forth can enter. Let the Christ not you to lead you.

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July 19-WHO ARE THE SUPER BEINGS? The Super Beings are mastery of all things knowing harmony with the Christ Jesus within them and AS them with no lack, illness, or failure. They are the Enlightened Ones that know the Truth of their Being. They cannot do anything, but the Christ in them can do all things. They do not want any part of the world of good and evil because they can fly higher in the Spirit Realm. The spark from a higher realm is awakening to who and what you are, and to the power within. In the Mind of Christ, all dis-ease, pain and suffering does not exist in your own thinking. God wants us to Be happy, successful totally filled with the thought that Nothing is impossible. “You can call things that are not as though they are.” You speak things into existence because Life and Death are in the power of the tongue. No APPEARANCES rule them to have peace without understanding. Rise above limitations or temptations to the Realm of Spirit. God is in control. God is all there IS.

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July 18-TO BE CONTENTMENT. Contentment is to KNOW CHRIST JESUS TO BE ONE WITH GOD AND ONE WITH WITH CHRIST JESUS TO LET GOD BE IN ME AND AS ME. Rom. 12:2-“Don’t copy the behavior of this world, but LET GOD TRANSFORM you into a new person by CHANGING THE WAY YOU THINK. To know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and PERFECT. Phil. 3:10-“For my determined purpose is that I MAY KNOW HIM that i may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him to understand the wonders of His PERSON more strongly, and more clearly the power of His resurrection to Be continually Transformed in Spirit into His likeness that if possible I may attain to the Spiritual and moral Resurrection that lifts me out from among the dead (negative thinking) even while in this body. To PRESS ON TOWARD THE GOAL TO WIN THE PRIZE TO WHICH GOD IN CHRIST JESUS IS CALLING ME UPWARD.”

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July 17. LIFE IS DEEPER THAN YOU THINK. John 4-30. Christ Jesus stopped at the Noon hour (Noon is the 6th hour of His death on the cross) to a woman (realm of soul) At the WELL that Jacob gave to his son Joseph in Samaria. Samaria MEANS MIX THOUGHTS of WORLD, and part SPIRIT. Samaria are descendants of Abraham.The Soul realm became a Living Soul instead of a Life Given Spirit. Joseph was put in pit by his brothers (man made laws) to KILL the Christ within. Christ had no vessel to draw water out of the well. He was the Living water NEVER to thirst again. The Soul realm goes outside of self. Happiness is not found without, but peace as God is within. She had five husbands, but the sixth (number of man) was not her husband. We must go beyond, deeper into the Real Self of Christ Jesus within us and AS us. The robbers of our body is the LAWLESS THOUGHTS that was beaten half to death in Christ Jesus before the cross. True worship is in Spirit and in Truth.

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July 16-THE BEAST CANNOT ENTER. Neh.2:14-I passed over to the Fountain Gate (Gate to Spirit), and to the King’s Pool (Crystal Living Waters), but there was no place for the beast (Carnal flesh mind of thinking) that was under me (ruling our lives instead of the Spirit Realm walking in my shoes) to pass (go on to perfection). At the cross, we do not have a carnal mind only the Mind of Christ or a flesh body, but a Spiritual Body. We must Believe what happened at the cross that Christ Jesus became our sin, sickness, death and said, “IT IS FINISHED”in you and AS you. The Invisible God teaching me Truths that have no end. “Go on to perfection” leaving the elementary teaching behind to go to the Unlimited Potential. I AM where God has me to Be at this time and place. I live in the Now and Believe what God is given me Now, and not in the past or in the future. In our lives there is no place for the Beast of the carnal flesh mind of thinking. The beast I AM walking over it now. It is not real, but a dream.

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July 15-WHO IS A STRANGER? One who is not known to you is a stranger. Fear (false evidence appearing real) is a stranger. The EGO thoughts are a stranger that is Edge God Out thoughts that tries to kill the Christ in you giving you thoughts of not Good enough, Smart Enough and on and on when God calls you a Masterpiece Created Perfect that you are a representative of the Invisible God to everyone you meet is a Holy Encounter to let the Light of Christ to shine in you. You can only fit in one Piece of the puzzle. Without you God is not complete for the whole picture. The I AM or the Christ of your Being has no doubt, fear or any other strange thoughts to Be filled with Unconditional Love. I AM healed and whole created Perfect, free of pain, suffering, death and given new Life with new Divine Thoughts from the Mind of Christ. I have all the attributes of Christ Jesus given to me at the cross with the Mind of Christ and brought me back to God where I came from for eternity.

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July 13-Practical Spiritual Relationship by Richard Cosentino

July 13-PRACTICAL SPIRITUAL RELATIONSHIP BY Richard Cosentino. John 16:33 “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” There are two voices in our mind. One is the ego seeking its own way, the other is the Spirit of God that love us. The ego, devil or whatever name you wish to use, alwaysspeaks first. The other speaks softly when we quite our mind and take a moment to listen. The more we practice this, the more we will recognize the Spirit’s voice and choose it. The voice of the Spirit is amazing, and always directs us to do what is best for us and others. This is not hard to do. There is no magic or tricks involved. Simple seek the face of God honestly and sincerely, then you will know the truth of James 4:8 “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” Learning how to get there, feeling the peace of the Spirit of our Creator and knowing that everything will turn out all right is priceless.

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July 12-THE KING IS LOOKING FOR YOU. Twelve is the number of Divine Government ruled by God only. God does not condemn you, but to restore you back to your true Identity. We have pain and suffering to think that this is the end, and this will never pass away. God sees your disappointments, fears and your tears when you are in the valley state of your physical mind. God is going to lift you up from the pit of the carnal mind in the frequency of God to bring you back to the Real World where God with the Mind of Christ. You are going to awaken from this dream into the glorious Kingdom where God is all there is. No hope (something not seen but still believed) then it turns into a beautiful butterfly forgetting about the cares of the world’s problems to Be God like. In the cocoon stage you sort out what is God and Spirit, and what is man made of the carnal mind. You are a beautiful butterfly that is Pure Spirit that God loves so much.

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July 11-GOD CONTROLS THE WINDS IN MY LIFE. We go THROUGH trials, and winds seems to destroy us, when we lower the sails, and LET GOD BE in control where we are to go. When things happen in our lives, we don’t seem to know why, but these trials are for a reason even it is to forgive someone. Thank God to let us go THROUGH these trials Being God like in every situation knowing “ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD.” God knows how to calm the storm. We go through trials of people saying ugly things to us. In Daniel 3:26-“Shadrach (Means rejoicing in the way, striving), Meshach (Means drawing out), and Abednago (Means Light, understanding) stepped out of the fire with no smell of smoke.” Through the waters, they do not overflow us and we will not drown.” Is. 43:2. God is in control of our lives, and the lives of other people to grow Spiritually, to forgive and pray for our enemies. We are ALL GOING BACK TO GOD WHERE WE CAME FROM.

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July 10-WHAT DOES COMPLACENCY MEAN? Complacency means we are satisfied where we are in growth, and to Be Self centered saying, “I know it all. I do not need to learn any more.” These thoughts lead to Spiritual Growth failure. We become not able to receive from God saying that I can do it myself, and loose our Daily Spiritual Bread from Christ Jesus who is the Bread of Life. Christ Jesus died for everyone to have Life with no more thinking as human Beings to True reality of Being Spirit Beings. Gen. 1:27. Titus 2:12-“Training us to renounce ungodliness, and worldly passions, to live self controlled, upright, and Godly lives in this Present age.” 2 Tim. 3:17-“That the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. Complacency is the deadly enemy of Spiritual Progress. The contented Soul is a stagnant Soul. We must go to the next level and shake off complacency to Being can’t wait to learn something new each day with much Love and Joy.

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July 9-MEANING OF THE WORD FIRE. Fire is the destruction of evil or error inside of the human mind. Fire is the cleansing and purification to Be able to put on the Mind of Christ Spirit Being in a Spirit Universe, Now. The true essence of the Spirit Realm in our lives is the fire of Spirit, or the Divine Energy which never ceases its life given, purifying glow. “John said-“One comes after me will Baptiste you with Holy Spirit (Mother God ) and fire.” When this process of cleansing in mankind’s mind and body with no more error, then manifest in purified mankind AS his eternal Life. “Our God is a consuming fire.” Heb. 12:29. One God, Spirit, Life, Love, Substance, Power, Intelligence, and Truth. Fire is the Positive state of mind to the mind of Christ, Body of Christ, Family of God instead of all negative thoughts from the ego mind that Edges God Out with lies of who and what we are to kill the Christ of our Being in us and AS us. Change human thinking to God’s thinking. We are perfectly created.

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July 8-DID YOU KNOW YOU HAVE 2 PERSONS INSIDE OF YOU? Eight is the number of new Beginnings. One is the ego thoughts that Edge God Out who constantly each day temps you to believe a lie of not pretty enough, not smart enough, “You are only a human being, and you are god. You don’t need a God because you can do all things yourself. This is the carnal human mind that tries to kill the Christ in your Being. We are mesmerized and hypothesized to believe all the lies coming from thoughts of your own mind that CREATES your destiny. God does not give you sickness, pain, suffering and death. This is not a person, but a thought you are only a human being controlled by man. Your Real Self is a Spirit Being created PERFECT by God without a spot or wrinkle given to us out of Him-self . We were with God before the foundation of the world to FORM the Christ is us and AS Us. “Thy Kingdom come on this Earth as it is in Heaven Spirit Realm created in the image and likeness of the Living God is YOU.”

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July 7-WORDS CREATE. The Word Logos means the Word. God is the Word, and we are His words. John.1:1-“In the beginning before all time was the Word (Christ anointed One) and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Him-self (in the FORM of all of us). All of us was present with God . All things were made, and came into FORM through Him. In Him was the Light of mankind both male and female. The Light shines in the darkness (all negative thoughts, actions and behaviors), for the darkness has never (put it out or absorbed it). The TRUE LIGHT was coming into the Earth (Us), the genuine, Perfect Light that illumines every person. He came into the Earth (us) human, incarnate tabernacles, and became flesh. The Earth did not recognize Him (Christ in the Form of Jesus).”For out of His fullness, we ALL received the grace (unmerited favor) and Spiritual blessing. Christ Jesus revealed God, and made Him known.” Christ Jesus was the 1st born of many brethren to teach us the Way Back to God.

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July 5-CALL UPON GOD’S NAME. Name refers to nature of a person to Be God’s nature is everything I do and say. The Word miracle means change in perception. Jacob name was changed from supplanted, liar to Israel Prince with God. Saul name means asked for, desired, demanded changed to Paul means little, not i, but Christ. He must increase and I must decrease. He was on the Damascus Road (Means much ego or self thinking) to kill the Christ in everyone thinking he was doing God a service. When the Light of God comes, it blinds us of human thinking to put us from judgment persecuting to Love and Understanding. God has to intercede at some point in our lives to change the way we think to the way God thinks. Moses real eyes God’s name is the I AM. Exodus 3:14. Linda means to Be Beautiful with everything God is teaching me so I can share with others..My great Great Grand Daughter said God told her she was beautiful. Nothing of human self, all of God.

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July 4-MEANING OF FREEDOM. John 8:32-“To know the TRUTH SETS US FREE.” Christ Jesus was born of a woman in this realm of flesh to bring us back to God where we came from. He set us free from all human thoughts and actions at the Cross, and gave us the Mind of Christ. We were with God before the foundation of the earth. “God created man in the image (reflection in a mirror and likeness (exact copy) both male and female.” Gen. 1:27. “Perfect Love cast out fear.” 1 John 4:18- “Forgiveness, choosing Peace, Happiness, Smiling, Laughter, dying to self sets us free. Seeing beauty in others instead of faults. Choosing the Spirit Realm which we ARE instead of good and evil of human thoughts sets us free. “When God sets us free, we are free indeed.” John 8:36-“If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves, pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from them, and HEAL THEIR LAND.” Ecc. 4:12. Happy freedom today and always.

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July 3-THE BEE

July 3-THE BEE. I thank the bees for all they do for us. They work very hard to produce honey that is a perfect health food with all vitamins and minerals for us.They have a perfect plan and purpose just like we are part of the Body of Christ. The bee is a symbol of industry, mutual cooperation, order and immortality. The Queen mates once and produces eggs (teaching us to Be God like in everything we say and do). The workers are all females. They communicate with each other by a dance to tell where the best rich crops are. Bees feed off of nectar (the sweet pure Spirit Realm). Deborah’s name means Bee. Bees are noted for their great activity, a very active Soul quality. Victory over our enemies (ego thoughts in our own minds that Edge God Out). They go higher in the Spirit Realm to solve a problem with no belief in separation of God is in us forever. Debra was a judge and a prophetess (one who speaks the Word of God).

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A poem by Linda


What does freedom mean to you? John 8:32-To know the Truth this sets you free.
The real Truth is the real meaning of Christ Jesus words and actions for you to agree.
Christ Jesus became a human Being who took all human thoughts and deeds away with the cross. 
He paid the Pearl of Great Price for every thing that we have done to think we were a complete loss.

Love will set you free because perfect love cast out fear (false evidence appearing real).
Fear is something that seems to Be real, but it is not considered to Be a good deal.
Love is not the opposite of fear, but is the Truth making it Being instead of fear.
Let it Be our freedom today not to choose fear in any way to make this statement clear.

Forgiveness makes us free that we think what our brother did to us really does not exist.
To have love for my brother helps me to keep my body free to Be healed on top of my list.
When we choose peace, you are free from war, arguments , cares of the world no more strife. 
This freedom brings you to a new height in Spirit growth with the real eyes of a new life.

Your True Identity as a Spirit Being that I AM as God created me perfect to have life forever.
Freedom of our own selves from human thinking to God’s thinking is a life that is much better.
No more sin, sickness pain, suffering to Be here in me now from the cross eternal for today.
We have freedom to know that we are a Created Perfect Masterpiece of God is the only way. 

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July 2-DON’T TAKE OFF YOUR CROWN. We have forgotten that you are Royalty, and have Royal Blood. The word crown is a head covering with the power of a monarch (King, Queen, Prince, Princess). Our head covering is the Mind of Christ given at the Cross forever. We take off our crown to believe we are human being instead of Spirit Beings with a Spirit, Soul and Body that is Spirit from the cross to Infinity. Gen. 1:26-Christ saved our Soul (feminine word meaning my mind, emotions and intellect). but also our body salvation. Your human mind is no longer here. “It is not “i”, but the Christ lives in us and AS us.” Gal 2;20. Your body is a representative of the Invisible Christ Jesus to a world that is Instead of Christ who forgot who and what they are. We learned hate instead of “Love God and your Neighbor as self.” Matt. 22:37. We are Light Beings. Polish your crown to Become Christ Like in everything you do and say. 1 John.4:15.

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June 30-WHERE DOES THE SUN SHINE? The sun is the Son of God called Christ Jesus. The sun never stops shining on one side of the globe to the other side of the globe within us. Christ Jesus is in us , and AS us every day, and shines His light on us for learning the Truths of God that sets us free from human thinking to the thinking of God only.”God never leaves us or forsakes us.” Heb. 13:5. We ALL need the Christ Jesus in order to grow just like everything in this world needs the sun to cause us to grow. We need water. “I will pour out of my SPIRIT on all flesh.” Acts 2:17. Christ said, “I AM the Light of the world, and so are you to let light shine out of darkness (negative thinking and negative actions.) “Let your Light shine.” Matt. 5:16. Eph. 5:8-“Walk as children of light.” Rev. 21:23-“The city (all of us as the Body of Christ) has no need of the sun or moon to shine on it for the glory of God gives light, and its lamp is the Lamb (Christ Jesus).

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June 29-MEANING OF THE WORD LOCUST. A locust eats all the green life out of you as a grasshopper hopping from one dark thought to the next thought. Your human mind is the EGO that Edges God Out, and gives you nothing but lies, depression, pain, suffering, dis-ease and death to the Spirit Realm. Christ Jesus at the cross restored all the negative thoughts from you for all eternity. We are not sinners because we are no longer missing the mark of Being Royal Children created in the Image (reflection in a mirror) and Likeness (exact COPY) of God both male and female a new creation of Spirit Beings. Gen. 1:26. Christ Jesus shed human blood and gave us a new DNA and RNA unique. God restores the years the Locust (your dis-tractors, family haters, false friends, all false teaching, all thoughts to make you feel lonely, not smart enough, guilt for things that are forgiven, turning Truth to lies and false claims). Eph. 2:10. “You are a Masterpiece created Perfect.”

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June 28-SAY TO THE CHILDREN, I AM THAT I AM. Moses received the name of God I AM. Whenever you say I AM is God first what follows is creative whether it is positive or negative. Ex. 3:14. Is. 1:18-“Come now, let us reason together though your sins (Missing the mark of Being God like who you really are) Be as scarlet, (red like blood also Love is red) they shall Be white as snow, though they Be red like crimson, Be red of Love. Ps. 51-David ask God to cleanse Him so he will be whiter than snow. When Christ Jesus went to the cross He shed human blood that was tainted with sin, sickness, pain, suffering and death to the Spirit Realm. Blood is congealed light, but must Be cleansed to Being Light again because God says we are the Light of the world to shine our Light in darkness so that darkness disappears, where did it go? It never existed only in our own minds to believe lies of the ego carnal human mind. Paul was going to Kill the Christ in us thinking he was doing God a service.

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June 27-IF GOD BE FOR US, WHO COULD BE AGAINST US? Rom. 8:21.Who could Be our foe? God is on our side. God is all there IS. He who did not withhold His only Son, but gave Him up for us ALL who freely gives us ALL THINGS. Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect when it is God who justifies, puts us in right relations to Him-self (all of us)? Who shall come to accuse or impeach those whom God has chosen? Christ Jesus was raised from the dead on the right hand of God pleading as He intercedes for us? Who can possibly separate us from Christ’s Love, no suffering, affliction, tribulations, persecution or hunger? For thy sake we are put to death (dying daily to the physical realm) all day longer as sheep for the slaughter. Ps. 44:2. All these things we are more than conquers to gain a victory THROUGH HIM WHO LOVES US. We must go higher in Spirit, and deeper in Spiritual Truth to mature Sons and Daughters of God no more babes.

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June 26-SECRET TRUTH ABOUT A BUTTERFLY. A butterfly moves from a common caterpillar crawling on the dirt of human thinking in the Soul realm of me, my, and i saying I do not need God because I AM God, and I can do everything by my self. Going into the cocoon state where it decides what is Spiritual to what is human flesh realm of thinking, and knowing God is all there IS, and God is the only power. Then the next stage of the butterfly is a winged creature of delicate beauty flying high in the Spirit Realm forever eating only the pure nectar of the Holy Spirit within knowing God is within all of us. The butterfly is a metaphor for us to the transformation, for Spirit Soul to Be united as One over the Physical prison of self glorification in the tomb of death. Resurrection born AGAIN Spiritual rebirth, transformation, change, and life expanding consciousness (what we are aware of), insight, a new path, a new way of Being, evolution of inner Truth and Wisdom that God is in us, and AS us.

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June 25, 1960-WE ARE MARRIED 63 YEARS

June 25, 1960-WE ARE MARRIED 63 YEARS TODAY. It was Love at first sight because it was a blind date. He said, “I AM going to marry you, and I said the same thing about him. He said I was the prettiest girl he has ever seen. We dated for a little while, and then decided to get married. Sixty Three years went by so fast. We have three children, 3 in-laws, 8 grand children and 8 great grand children. We always did every thing together. I AM 82 years young, and he is 84 years young. We traveled all over the world for school for work, and for pleasure. He is such a good husband and father of our children. He can fix everything he touches. He takes good care of me. We are really healthy knowing we are Spirit Beings. I look forward each day to Be together to watch a little TV to hold hands together. In a marriage God has to Be first in your life. We must keep the romance alive each day. Expressing your love to each other and compliment each other. I wish I could live 63 more years with Richie at my side.

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June 24-GOD FOR KNEW US. Rom. 8:29-30. “For those whom He fore knew to Be molded into His Son to share His likeness that He may become the 1st born among many brothers fore ordained, He also called and justified (acquitted made righteous) putting them in the right standing with Him-self glorified (raising them to a higher heavenly dignity to a condition of state of Being Spirit Beings instead of human Beings and living in a Spirit Universe. “If God Be for us, who could Be against us?” He did not withhold or spare His Own Son who gave Him up for ALL Of us, and with Him freely and graciously gave us all things who are foreordained, called, inwardly belonging to Him, Justified (11 Cor. 5:21), and glorified.”11 Cor. 5:19-“God was in Christ Jesus at the cross reconciling (BRINGING US ALL BACK TO GOD WHERE WE CAME FROM) ALL of us not imputing (SEEING THEIR SINS, SICKNESS, PAIN AND SUFFERING), but given them the ministry of reconciliation, ALSO.”

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June 23-WHO IS LUCIFER? Is. 14:12-mentioned once in the Bible is a metaphor of the morning star (revelation of Truth that is remote) applied to the King of Babylon (carnal mind of human). Isaiah saw Lucifer (Light bearer) fall like lightening in Amplified Bible,”How have you fallen from heaven (Spirit Realm) Oh, Light Bringer, and day star (light to the darkness) son of the morning new day? How have you been cut down (carnal flesh thinking mind to the ground instead of the Spirit Realm? Gen 2:7-“Man became a human Soul instead of a Life Given Spirit who weakened to a lower level King of Babylon (flesh realm). You said in your heart I will ascend to heaven (Spirit Realm). I will exhaust my throne above the stars (we are the stars to give Light of God to others on the side of the North (flesh self exalted), I will Be the Most High God. I won’t need God because I AM god, and can do all things myself. This is all of us of SELF thinking instead of the Mind of Christ brought back to God where we came from.

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June 22-WHAT IS THE GARDEN OF EDEN? In the Garden of Eden in Gen. 2:10-14. is the Spirit Realm. We were allowed to eat of every tree in the Spirit Realm-Love, Peace, Joy and so forth, but not allowed to eat of the realm of good and evil which is the human earthly realm where there is sin, sickness, pain, suffering, crime, and so forth of the ego realm that edges God Out. The realm of human thinking instead of Thinking like God thinks. Self not needing God can do it by myself because I AM god. Christ Jesus became flesh of human self, where man became a Living Soul instead of a Life Given Spirit. Gen. 2:7. Soul is the realm of me, my, and i, to want its own way.At the cross Christ Jesus brought us back to God where we came from to give us the Mind of Christ. In the realm of Spirit, we must Be born AGAIN where Spirit and Soul are One with each other. All things become new. We worship God in Spirit and in Truth. Put on the new man in Eph.4:24.

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June 21-MEANING OF A SERVANT. A servant is one who voluntary chose to serve another to honor and inspire one another. The word Namaste is a greeting to one another that says, “I salute the God in you and you salute the God in me.” John 12:26-“If anyone serves me, he must follow me, and where I AM there will Be my servant Be also.” Gal. 5:13-“Love serves one another.” Mark 10:45-“The Son of Man came not to Be served, but to give His life as a ransom for many.” John. 12:16-“A servant is not greater than his master nor is a messenger greater than the one sent him.” Col. 3:12-“Put on As God chosen One, Holy Beloved, Compassionate, Kindness, Humility, Meekness and Patient.” 1 Cor. 4:12-“Servants of Christ.” Phil. 2:5- “Have the mind which is Christ Jesus.” John 3:30-“He must increase, but I must decrease.” Matt. 5:16-“Let your light shine before others so they can see your good works and give glory to God within us.” You are not a slave, but a servant.

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June 20-WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT? The Holy Spirit is our Mother God. Acts 1:8- She is Truth, Power, Voice inside of us, Courage, COMFORTER, Strength us Spiritual, Helper, Mate of the Father (help mate), Mediator, Love Peace , Joy and so forth. John 14:15-18. If you Love me keep my commandments “Love God and your neighbor as yourself.” I will send you ANOTHER helper that will abide with you forever. John 16:13-Spirit of Truth, will guide you in all Truth. Acts.1:8- Receive Power. Rom. 8:9-not in flesh, but in Spirit that dwells in you and As you. Luke 24:29-“I will send the promise of My Father upon you.” John 14:26 in my Father’s name (I AM) to teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you” Christ Jesus. The other Comforter came as a Dove to Baptiste you with the Holy Spirit and Fire on the Day of Pentecost Feast of harvest to Bring you to the Mind of Christ to tell you your True Identity as Spirit Beings.

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June 19-WHEN I SEE THE BLOOD, I WILL PASS OVER YOU. Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. We had to put the blood on our door post (mind) that made a cross over the body with no death when the angel (messenger) saw the blood. Christ Jesus had to shed human blood to give us the life given power of the Blood of Christ to purify and redeem all of us by its life currents of new and purer blood through Christ. Red blood of flesh does not carry the power to cleanse your conscious from dead works to serve a Living God. Blood (congealed light) (You are a Light Being ) is a form of energy for transcending life currents in the blood. Human blood expressed a Spiritual principle that is in the mind and body of Christ for the healing of our body. The High Priest had to go into the Holy of Holies (Very Presence of God within all of us) with the blood once a year with every family had to bring a lamb (representing the Christ) without spot or wrinkle pure and perfect. “You shall Be perfect as your Father is perfect.”

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June 18-HAPPY FATHER’S DAY. “Feel the Presence of our Father God who is in us and AS us, who will never leave us or forsake us.” Heb. 13:5. No human child is not born of a mother and father in this physical realm. The pattern is in the Spirit Realm, Father God, Mother God-Holy Spirit. Atonement means at-one-ment with God instead of separation. We bless all Father’s today, and thank them for the responsibility of taking care of their families. We belong to a Royal Family with a King and Queen to create Royal Sons called Prince and Princess of God. Gen. 1:26-‘LET US make man in our image-reflection in a mirror and likeness (exact copy). When you look in a mirror, you will see a beautiful creation of God both male and female.” Training to Be God like in everything we do and say. Father God is the Creator all father’s are Co Creators with God. Prov. 20:7. We bless all the Father’s on your special Day. Only One God, and One Power.

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June 17-THE WORD CHERUBIM. Cherubim means legion like, growth to infinity, grasped, held fast. It is the majesty ruling power of God and His attributes. They stand for truth of Being in the Holy of Holy within us. The Cherubim spread their wings (fly above the physical) together to Be one with God over the Ark (Very presence of God within) to cover it not to Be seen without. This is the true description of the Omnipresence of the Principal of Being the whole Spirit. The Spirit of God is in your Christ mind. In Gen. 3:24-The sword was placed to protect man for partaking of the Tree of Knowledge of good, and evil to have the protection or Sacred life in the Tree of Life (Christ). “Greater that is within you than in the world.” Christ is unfolding Divine Conscious by real-eyes the Divine nature of mankind. The two Cherubims are the two witness covered with God (Deity) Sons and Daughters of God to become the saviors on Mount Sion to the Kingdom of God on earth as in Heaven (Spirit Realm).

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June 16-YOU HAVE GOD’S APPROVAL. Why do we constantly want the approval of others? We know in our hearts that God flows through me. God breathes, walks, talks, and does everything through us, and AS us. God is in complete control because God is all there is.”This is my beloved Son and Daughter whom I AM well pleased.” Think on these words especially when negative thoughts come our way that no one cares about us. This is the ego lie in our own minds that Edges God Out to try to destroy our Identity as Spirit Beings having human experiences. No more dwelling on ego thoughts again with its lies of world news and events. Negative words from our own mouth (fork tongue of good and evil) does not make me grow Spiritually. Go higher where no pain, suffering, wars and so on goes on. To see Christ in each of us with the carnal flesh mind is not possible. There is a special time when God appears to us in our minds of Christ that changes our life forever.

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The Fullness of Time

First in a series by Richard Cosentino

“When the fullness of time had come God sent fourth His Son”. How can we begin to understand that time as it is experienced on this planet and it’s very temporal existence, fits into the plan of God.

Our perception of the world is formed by our life’s experience. Our perception of God is formed by our religious and spiritual experience. As I have stated before, I did not seek God, He sought after me. After reading the entire bible and listening to a variety of preaching while parading through several churches, I concluded there were two major unanswered questions. Jesus is coming back. Just what does that mean? The second question involves the salvation of man. What is our part, and what is God’s part?

In this series let’s look into the second question. Do we even understand what salvation is? If it is not being saved from eternal punishment in a torture chamber, then what exactly is salvation really? Getting past all of the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic words, lets say it is self awareness or the ability to know ourselves and have an individual identity beyond physical death. This I believe is the root cause of the physical universe problem. This is what caused Paul to cry out “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection”.

I went to sea as a young man and had to stand lookout on the bow of the ship at night. On a clear night with no moon the star light was bright enough to not need a flashlight to walk the deck. The sky was packed with stars it seemed with no empty spot for another. I decided in the midst of this awesome sight, there must be life throughout this vast universe. Part of the resistance to believing in life on other planets is the notion that Jesus would have to suffer and die on every one of them to appease God on behalf of the local population. Of course, belief in a blood sacrifice is a typical and common pagan practice. Let’s hope we have come to realize that Jesus went to the cross to show a path past physical death. Our belief in an angry and vengeful God can never make it so. Remember Jesus told the religious establishment of His day, “You don’t know God”.

In ancient times the earth was thought to be the center of the entire universe. In the present we know it is not the center of anything in the cosmos. So then what is so important about time as it is experienced on this planet. Let’s consider that no matter what we believe, this is not the real world. Our five senses only paint a partial image in our brain.

The prophet Isaiah in the midst of a lengthy forecast of God pouring out His wrath, stated in verse 34:4, “God will roll up the heavens like a scroll”. In a moment of spiritual connection I saw that the universe is not as vast as it appears to us. It is like a round room filled with narrow vertical mirrors and standing in the middle of the room, we are surrounded by multiple images. We think we are alone, whether or not we realize that the Spirit of God is always with us,even until the end of the age.

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June 15-BE NOT CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD BY RENEWING YOUR MIND TO THE MIND OF CHRIST. Rom. 12:2. God is so proud of the individual creation of God’s children when we love each other and make God first in our lives.

“Till we al come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: “Eph 4:13-15

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June 14-DIG IN THE DIRT UNTIL YOU HIT LIVING WATER. The dirt refers to the lowest of human thinking in your own mind. The snake represents in the Bible means a dual tongue of thinking good and evil on its belly of human thoughts of self, ego and everything Instead of God. John 4:14-“Who ever drinks of this water shall never thirst again, and Be a well of water springing up to eternal life in Spirit Realm.” S.Of S. 4:15-“You are a garden springing a well of fresh water flowing from Lebanon (White, Purity).” John 7:38-“He showed me a river of water of Life clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God, and the Lamb in the middle was the Tree of Life bearing 12 kinds of fruit (12 is the number of Divine Government (Love, peace and so on), and leaves (branches are for the Healing of the Nations). Saviors coming from Mt. Zion to save ones who do not know our Living God coming as Light Beings to dispel the darkness in their lives.

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June 13-WHAT IS MEANT BY ADOPTION IN GOD? We are born again new thinking, and living in the Spirit World instead of the human self that is the realm of worry and strife. Adoption means leaving our earthly family into the Spiritual Realm leaving human thinking to the thinking of God. Rom. 8:23-“Not only the creation, but we ourselves who have the first of Spirit, Love a foretaste of the blissful things to come, GROAN INWARDLY AS WE AWAIT EAGERLY FOR OUR ADOPTION TO Be Royal Sons and Daughters to the redemption of our Bodies to Spirit bodies which we already have.” Eph. 1:5-“HE PREDESTINED US FOR ADOPTION THROUGH CHRIST JESUS.” Gal. 4:5-“To purchase the freedom of to ransom, to redeem those who were subject to the Law, sin, sickness and death, that we might Be reconciled as God’s Family no longer slaves. Have a new beginning of New Thoughts, and belong to Family of God.

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June 12-BARABAS- Twelve is the number of Perfect Divine Government. Barabas was a prisoner mention in the 4 gospels (Good News) chosen by the crowd over Christ Jesus to Be released by Pontious Pilate (Universal flesh mind wanting punishment) to Be pardoned before the Feast of Passover where the blood (congealed light) was applied to door post making a cross when death angel saw the blood no death, but eternal Life to that household. Jesus brought to Pilot twice once as Jesus Barabas (Flesh realm- murderer), and then Christ Jesus. Matt. 27:16. These two Jesus’s represents all of us thinking we fell to Soul instead of Spirit Realm when mankind became a Living Soul instead of a Life Given Spirit from the foundation of the world, where there is no sin, sickness, pain, suffering, and even death. Christ Jesus became a flesh Being who did not sin (missed the mark of Being God like in everything we say and do) to bring us back to God where we came from. Both Jesus had a Mother and a Father.

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June 11-GOD IS MY LIGHT AND MY SALVATION. Salvation means saving us from human thinking to the thinking of God. Ps. 27-“The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear (false evidence appearing real). The Lord is my refuge and stronghold in my life whom shall I be afraid. “When my enemies (viruses, pain come upon me they stumble and fall with no power given them. “Though a host encamp against me, my heart shall not fear, I will Be confident.” One thing will I seek, inquire for that I MAY DWELL IN THE HOUSE OF GOD WITHIN HIS PRESENCE ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE TO BEHOLD AND GAZE UPON THE BEAUTY OF THE LORD.” “He will set me upon the rock (Christ).” “Teach me Your way to lead me in the Path of Life.” “Wait and expect the Lord. Be brave and of good courage.” We are the Light of the dark world given at the cross to awaken to NOW. What happens to darkness when you TURN ON THE LIGHT? It never existed only in our own mind.

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Re: Fw: We are one family

June 10-INTO HIS PRESENCE WOULD I ENTER NOW. “Today your ministry takes on a genuine devotion, and a glow that travels from your fingertips to those you touch. A vision reaches everyone you meet. This Holy Encounter to others will so transform your mind that it becomes the HOLY THOUGHTS OF GOD. Into His Presence will we enter now. Unaware of everything except His shinning face of Perfect Love.” Christ Jesus took Peter, James and John to Spirit Realm where His appearance changed to a glorious body in their presence, and His face shone clear and bright like the sun, with His clothing (body) became white as snow. This happened before the crucifixion. Moses and Elijah was talking to Him. They were transfigured like Christ Jesus.” We will ALL CHANGE IN A TWINKLE OF AN EYE.” 1 Cor. 15:51 by changing our thoughts to the thoughts of God. I want this to Be transformed by the renewing of our minds to the Mind of Christ.


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June 9-SECRET PLACE OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. Ps. 91. The only entrance to the Secret Place within is by guarding it with no negative thoughts. Use the eviction notice outside of us tries to come where God is on the throne in our Mind of Christ. within. This place has no cares of the world outside is temporary with no good and evil again, no pain, sickness and no human thoughts or emotions. We have the Mind of Christ at the cross to go Higher to feel the Presence of God at all times. “I can run to the Father or Mother God when I need a breakthrough to find this safe place to rest from all this world lies and deceits with a wall of protection and encouragement.” Ps. 32:7.” Lead me to the Rock (Christ).” Ps. 61:2-We are One with God and One with each other in the One Body of Christ where every part has a special plan and purpose. The world outside is not our Real Home or Dwelling Place. Let us go to the Real World of Being Spirit Beings instead of human Beings.

Please write me if you can. Love, Linda

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June 8-HOW DEEP ARE YOUR ROOTS? Eight is the number of New Beginnings. Suppose we never fell into this world of Instead of God, and is always a Spirit Being before the foundation of the World with God. Our roots go deep into the things of God only. Not to fall when the winds of adversity comes our way. We get upset to have pains and aches after the incident when roots are not deep. No more negative speaking. Let go, and let God to new the challenge to slide of us like anointing oil that nothing sticks. Rev. 21:2-“I saw the New Jerusalem (Us born Again (Spirit Beings BEFORE the foundation of the earth) to Spirit descending out of heaven (Spirit) from God, all arrayed like a Bride both male and female adorned for her Husband. I heard a Mighty Voice from the throne, See the Abode of God is with men and woman, and He will live in them, and they shall Be My People. No more tears, death, and so forth Old things passed away to make all things NEW A BODY OF CHRIST..” If you no longer wish to receive our emails please click here. Please write if you can. Thanks, Linda

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une 7-CHRIST IN US CAN OVERCOME THE FLESH. Seven is the number of completion and rest. We are tempted by our own ego mind that tries to destroy our perfect Identity as Royal Sons and Daughters of God. We always choosing God or flesh self. You are very valuable. You cannot Be tempted by selfish desires that is temporary when the Spirit is eternal. “Christ Jesus was tempted in every area as we are, But He DID NOT SIN (archery term meaning missing the mark of who and what we are). Heb. 4:15..No thoughts of good and evil that does not exist only in our carnal minds. “Christ Jesus knew that the substance of His Being was not physical bread, but He broke His body in pieces to us saying I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE.” John 6:25. “Breaking bread of His body meant that each one of us has a part of the Christ inward. This bread is my flesh, I give for the life of the world to live forever.”

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June 6-THE MEANING OF THE FLIGHT OF THE EAGLE. The number 6 is the number of man from 666 human thinking total Spirit, Soul and Body to Be Transformed to the Mind of Christ. The Eagle is the inner yearning to escape from bondage to our Real Self to break the chains of human hood and return to Christ. Courage, Power, energy within each Soul (Feminine) that REFUSES TO BE BOUND. Conscious that knows only freedom. Listen to the eagle and you will hear the Journey home. “They that wait upon the Lord SHALL RENEW THEIR STRENGTH. They shall run and not Be weary. They shall walk and not faint. Stand still of rest in appearances and seeing victory to overcome world to service of inner High Self with ALL your Spirit Being. Youth renewed from life force of wholeness, protected by shadow above all sorrow to Love with the Christ in You.and AS You.” Is. 30:44. Let us go to our Real Home not this world of lies and deceit.

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June 5-THESE WORDS ARE WHAT WE SHOULD LIVE BY. Rom. 5:5. The Love of God has been shed abroad in my heart (Spirit Realm) by the Holy Spirit. I endure , Am patient, kind, never envious, arrogant or inflated with pride, not rude. I do not own rights of my own way because I AM self seeking.. I AM not touchy, not fretful or resentful. I take no account of the evil which is done unto me. I pay no attention to a suffered wrong. I do not rejoice in injustice or in uprightness, but rejoice when right and Truth prevail. I bear up under everything that comes, and I AM always ready to believe the very best of every person. My hopes are fadeless (meaning they go away) under all circumstances. I endure everything without weakening. I never fail. This Love story is in 1 Cor. 13. Let’s just think about this whole writing is about us who was always in the Realm of Spirit, and Christ Jesus had to come in this realm of human thinking to bring us back to God where we came from.

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June 4-THE MOST ASKED QUESTION IS “WHY”. As Spirit Beings we all decided to have this thought, “WHAT IF THERE WAS SOMETHING INSTEAD OF GOD?” We were lowered in the realm of Soul (Feminine word) of blood (Congealed light) dirt human thinking of me, my and i, my mind, my will, my many emotions thinking like a human Being instead of a Life given Spirit.” Gen 1:27. This thought and action, we partook of good and evil making God good and evil. God creates by extending Him-Self (us). We create evil with out thoughts and spoken words. This evil thought is in our own mind called the devil or the ego that EDGES GOD OUT in our own minds instead of the Mind of Christ that TRIES to destroy our perfect Identity as Spirit Beings. Think of this human realm is a dream that is not real. We learn by much process, and much irritation to the Pearl of our life until the Pearl of Great Price is round and smooth. Now, we know who we are is Royalty.

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June 3-THIS SCRIPTURE SAYS IT ALL. Eph. 4:13-16. “Till we all come to the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, no more children tossed to and fro with carried away with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of man with cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive, but speaking the truth in Love, may grow up into Him in all things, which is the Head Christ from whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that Joint supply, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, making increase of the body unto edifying of itself in LOVE.” We are Spirit Being and belong to the Body of Christ and One with God and One with each both male and female learning to Be God Like in everything we do and say going on to perfection leaving behind all doctrines of elementary teaching when we were babes to the Goal of God only and Christ of our Being.

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une 2

June 2-I CAN CHOOSE PERFECT REALITY. I have abundant Life with Joy, Success, Happiness, Peace, Love perfectly seen in the eyes of God. God gives us only the Tree of Life. I must remove all thoughts of the ego in my own mind that Edges God Out, and tries to destroy my Identity as a Spirit Being. “I AM (God’s name first) in this world, but not part of it.” John 17:16. There can not Be any Judgment, Condemnation, and no Criticism that is erased to Be always in the Truth. Divine Intelligence operates to me without any confusion to Be guided in Truth through Christ Jesus with the Light that is eternal. I have Life in me because Christ is in me and AS me. “Words satisfy the Soul (Feminine word) as food satisfies the stomach. The right words on a person’s lips brings forth salvation of the Soul and Body because Life and Death are in the power of the tongue which is creative. Prov. 18:21. I Create what I say and speak.

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June 1-GOD IS GOOD TO ALL. I choose good things to me, and all whom I Love. Speaking goodness fills me with a great surge of Life. “This goodness is always within me from One God and One Mediator between God and Mankind, Christ Jesus.” 1 Tim. 2:5. “Goodness and Love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the House of God forever.” Ps. 23:6. My Real Self, I AM One with God and One with each other. I cause goodness to multiply in my experience in everything I do and say. I know that the Light in me shines to everyone I meet to give them healing power. The Joy in me can Be felt in everyone I meet. “A thing of beauty is a Joy forever.” Today I put the seamless Robe of Christ, the Words of Truth which is the unity of God in each of us to Know and Believe. Great things are on our way. We are Spirit Beings forever with no more pain and suffering. We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

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May 31-LEARN TO LOVE YOURSELF. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit . 1 Cor. 12:2-“You are created in the image (reflection in a mirror) and likeness (exact COPY) of God both male and female as Spirit Beings.” Gen 1:27. You are a Pearl of Great Price. We are Beautiful. Song of Solomon 4:7. We came here to learn that we are Royal Children of God, and that we are transformed in our mind to Be God like in everything we say and do by changing how we think of others and yourself. “Love God and Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matt. 22:37. When we criticize ourselves how we look instead of not seeing faults, but seeing beauty in ourselves and others, we are judging God’s perfect creation. Let God take care of us to flow in us and AS us. Christ Jesus said, “I can do nothing of my own unless my Father does it through me. When someone was trying to question Him, He did not fight back, he disappeared in the crowd not saying a word.

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May 30-IN GOD YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES. Nothing on the outside can control us. Within us is freedom from bondage of every human thought that the ego thoughts Edge God Out from our own mind to destroy our Soul thinking. We have the attributes of God of Unconditional Love, Peace, Joy and Happiness. God will guide us to the right person or the right place at the right time, and give you what you need. Every challenge turns out to Be a blessing for our growth, and Everything is going to Be alright. You are the visible manifestation of the Invisible God. We belong to the Family of God both Sons and Daughters. We can call things into existence by Believing it can happen with ample supply of what you need. You have the Christ in you, and AS you. We are Spirit Beings going through experiences to learn not to choose the carnal mind again when we have the Mind of Christ. “Calling things that are not AS THOUGH THEY ARE.” It seems hard if you do it yourself.

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May 29-MY MIND HOLDS WHAT I THINK WITH GOD. “Do not Be conformed to this world, after its external, superficial customs, but Be you TRANSFORMED changed the entire renewal of your mind by its new ideal with a new attitude.” Rom. 12:2. When the mind is renewed by God’s thoughts, the body is healed and made whole.. Instead of old thoughts of dis-ease, failure, sin, sickness and death, we think thoughts of liberty, freedom, health, harmony, success and eternal life given to us at the cross. “No eye has seen, no ear has heard , no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who Love God.” 1 Cor. 2:9. “God is the God of the Living, and knows only perfection, completeness, happiness, peace.” Mark 12:27. We change One thought at a time to change our thoughts to the thoughts of God. No more bad thoughts of the past. We only live in the Now to know we are created perfect and with Christ before the foundation of the world.

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May 28-DO YOU HAVE A LITTLE GOD OR A HUGE GOD? We have One God that is everywhere at the same time in all people, and is in all things called Omnipresent. We learn that God IS all there IS, and in each of us to a special plan and purpose to uniquely fulfill. All of us are part of the One Body of Christ.” 1 Peter 1:11-“Have been purified yourself by learning the Truth to Love each other from the Heart (Spirit).” “You have been born AGAIN not of perishable seed by the Living Word of God.” 1 Cor. 12:12-“No division all parts are equal to the One in a giant puzzle where one piece only fits in one place to Be ONE with each other.” God is not complete if one piece of Him-self is not in its proper place to make the whole. “With God nothing shall Be impossible.” Luke 1:27. A Living God loves us, forgives us for all human thoughts and behaviors.Bodies back to Spirit Realm, with no pain or anything else that are not real only in our own minds Instead of the Mind of Christ.

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May 27-LET US GO ON TO PERFECTION. 1 Peter 2:3-“As new born babes with milk of the Word, that you may grow.” Strong meat is to chew on until it is heart (Spirit) knowledge not the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God is the only power, Giver of life. Let us have this dream that we were with God before the foundation of the earth and we never fell into the lower vibration of self wanting to Be God. We awaken to Being Spirit Beings, and no more treading water of human thinking until we above the water always as God created us in the Spirit Realm. Heb. 6:1-“Let us move beyond the elementary teaching about Christ to maturity, not laying AGAIN THE foundations of repentance from Baptisms, doctrines of demons, to the Spirit of faith in God and believing. Heb. 13:20-“May God of peace who brought back us from the dead equip you with His will.” Phil, 3:12-“I press on toward the GOAL to win the prize of the High Calling in God which is Christ Jesus calling us upward to Spirit.

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May 26 THE WORD WHIRLWIND. Whirlwind means to blow, wind, light, Spirit, feminine word, to rush tempest of a storm. The Holy Spirit Mother God (all in this world have a mother and father after the pattern in the Spirit Realm) moved on the face of the waters (all of us in the human thinking,self). The sound of the mighty rushing wind filled the room with the Spirit fire on their minds when Mother God was revealed in the FORM of a Dove. Elijah was taken up in a whirlwind to another dimension. Mother God gives us Unconditional Love. Mother revealed to uplift us from the carnal flesh mind of thinking to the Mind of Christ Realm of Life. The Mother is the still small Voice inside of us. Revealed to us on the Day of Pentecost 50th day after Christ said, “IF I go AWAY, I WILL SEND YOU ANOTHER COMFORTER WITH THE BAPTISM OF FIRE. Eve is the feminine part of Adam. Gen. 1:27.We have a King and Queen, and we are the Princess and Prince.

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May 25-THE FLESH IS WEAK, BUT THE SPIRIT IS STRONG. Example of the flesh is weak is Esau (Flesh desires of self) and Jacob. Jacob tricked his father into giving him his oldest brother birthrights, but flesh is not first only Spirit Realm is first. Jacob name and nature was changed to Israel Prince with God (Spirit Realm) when he wrestled with God, repented and became a new creation by Being born AGAIN into the Spirit Realm. The flesh realm of human thinking wants to kill the Christ Identity in each of us. Esau met up with Jacob many years later, and forgave his brother in front of his children. Children learn from you. Husband and wife shows affection to one another in front of the children with just a small kiss, holding hands. I love you. Joseph (son of Jacob) forgave his brothers from the many things they done to him. “You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.” God sent His son to erase all human thinking at the cross.

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May 24-BEYOND THIS WORLD IS THE WORLD I WANT. You have the Mind of Christ. I want to take you on a journey in this Mind where there is no sickness, pain, suffering, death, no sin and so forth. Spirit is the High frequency called Heaven, and the lowest frequency is earth flesh realm of our own minds of self wanting to Be God in the ego that Edges God Out Instead. Godhead is in US and AS us. Christ in us does everything. On this journey we think we are separated from God with negative human thoughts. Eph. 4:32 “Be you kind to One another, Tenderhearted, Forgiving Being One with each other and One with God.””Be you transformed by the Renewing of your mind in Truth to set us Free.” Rom. 12:2. Gal 5:16-“I live in the Spirit with no flesh thinking desired. This Spirit in us has no punishment with Unconditional Love brought to us at the cross with ALL the human thoughts of self nailed to His body at the cross and erased. What a journey to go to!

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May 23-WE CAN WALK ON WATER. An allegory is to explain this scripture-means a story picture to convey a hidden message using one thing to stand for another. The sky is the Spirit Realm, and the water is the human self mind. This realm of human thinking, we are treading water all the time. The wind of Holy Spirit starts blowing greatly, and we keep on treading water to put our head above the water until we sink in a world to forget who and why we are here. Our eyes are open to the this world that is not real, and we thinking we are human Beings subject to fear, judgment, control with the mind that says everything is alright. The air is higher than the water with the Christ Mind of God with Love only. No pain, sickness and so on because Christ erased every human thought at the cross. Matt. 14:22-“Peter got down out of the boat and Walked On Water to come to the Christ within us. As soon as the thoughts of the cares of the world were real to him he sank. God save me.”

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May 22-YOUR TIME IS VALUABLE, DON’T WASTE IT. When you are not content, and worry or fret over what people say, you loose your peace, joy and happiness. Spit out the things in your mouth that you do not want, and do not take it into your inner most Being. Christ Jesus when the crowd was trying to capture him with mean words, He slipped away from their words, and did not partake in gossip of any thing that was not positive. We must not speak things about anyone else or judge them. You do not want to partake in the problems of someone else. Nip the bad flesh evil thoughts about someone in the bud so not to loose your sleep or cause body aches and pains to come upon you because you are not at peace. Idle thoughts and words are wasted time. Put the Shield of Protection on your home and your love ones. Don’t let momentary offenses take up residence in your mind. Be Godlike in every thing you say and do. Don’t waste your time on dis-ease.

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May 21-THE GREAT AWAKENING. Luke 15:11-31. The Prodigal (spend thrift, very wasteful) son came to Him-self a Great Awakening who was lost, and could not find his way to Christ within saying in my Father’s house the servants have daily bread enough, and to spare. I perish with hunger. Spiritual food awaits for a needy Soul, and chooses the best food, and leaves the junk food behind with lies and deceit. In a far country of lower frequency (tree of good and evil) there is a thought of separation from God. The Father saw the son from afar (in a dream state of illusion) with open arms, and gave him a seamless robe (outer garment of light instead of skin). We awaken from the tombs of negative chains of human customs, beliefs and rituals. The ring of authority is given to us with Unconditional Love. Sandals to walk on the dirt of lowest human thoughts, and the washing of the feet to clean us from human thoughts and nature. Fated calf for abundance.

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May 20-SICKNESS IS A DEFENSE AGAINST THE TRUTH. Sickness is a conflict in the human mind, guilt displaced on the body, ego’s attempt to defend itself against the Truth (Spirit) by forcing attention on the body. A sick body is the effect of the sick split mind. The ego thoughts that Edge God Out is to make others guilty by sacrificing Oneness with God and One with each other by projecting responsibility on others instead of self. Christ Jesus went to the cross to take away all sickness, pain, suffering, death to give us the Mind of Christ in the higher realm of Spirit. Sin is the missing the mark of Being a Royal Child of God. My thoughts of human thinking are changed by Believing that this realm of flesh only exist when we believe the world what is happening of good and evil instead of God only. How can God give us anything out of Him-self that is evil to His children..Is. 66:9. My mind is wholly healed when I accept Truth of God only within that cannot Be sick. Ps. 91

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May 19-YOU ARE A ROYAL CHILD OF GOD. Gal. 4-“As long as the heir is not of age, he is no different from a child, although he is owner of everything.” “When the fullness of time came, God sent His Son born of a woman, born under the law (judgment and condemnation knowing only the letter of the law instead of the Spirit) to ransom (brought us back a Pearl of Great Price to reconcile us back to God)11 Cor. 5:19 so that we might receive adoption that YOU ARE CHILDREN OF GOD. Christ Jesus is now into our hearts (Spirit Realm) crying out ABBA FATHER (my very own Father). You are a Royal Child then an heir through God.” Rom. 8:17 “We are Children Heirs of God and Joint Heirs with Christ. “Christ in us, One with God, and One with each other as Spirit Beings with no human thoughts. The 10 commandments are the law of the carnal flesh mind, but the two commandments are Spirit Realm-“Love God and your neighbor as yourself.

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May 18-IF I CAN TOUCH THE HEM OF YOUR GARMENT. What faith this woman had to touch the hem of His Garment where all the human thinking, and human actions are to wipe away everything of the lowest human dirt thinking to touch a little bit of the Spirit Realm. I want everything God has to give me to choose only the Spirit Realm instead of duality of good and evil that brings us more of human thinking, and beliefs with death to the Spirit Realm with no life in it. With the Christ in us, and AS us, I CAN CHOOSE PEACE IN EVERY SITUATION. I then let the Christ take over through me, not i, but the Christ in me. What a wonderful thought that God took every situations pain, suffering at the cross because God would NEVER give me any thing not of Him-self. Fear and worry can cause us Health problems because it is of a lower frequency than the highest vibration of knowing that the Christ in us is everything. The Promised Land is within not a place on the outside.

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May 17-WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE SLING SHOT? A sling shot is a device with an elastic band for shooting stones. David had 5 (grace) smooth stones of Truth becoming One Stone to kill ego thought is tried in the fire to pass without the smell of smoke. You can’t defeat any person who is in the carnal flesh nature because you must go higher in the Spirit Realm where nothing of flesh or human thinking can effect you. The Pearl of Great Price is sand paper from other people to make the pearl round and smooth. These negative thoughts tries to temp us to believe a lie instead of the Truth by hypnotized and memorized thoughts that are not real unless we BELIEVE that they are real.Remember the word sin is an archery term meaning that we missed the mark of the bullseye of who and what we ARE everything is within of the Kingdom of God. We are to bring the Invisible God to a world that knows nothing about a Loving God.

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May 16-EVERY PERSON IS CREATED UNIQUELY. We are all Spirit Beings before the foundation of the earth in the image and likeness of God. Gen. 1:27. There is not two of you, and no snowflakes are the same. You are a unique masterpiece that God treasures as a One of a Kind. God is in every person with a special plan and purpose to fulfill. We belong to the Body of Christ to fit in one piece of the puzzle. We are containers of the Living Invisible God to represent the Invisible God to a world that everything is INSTEAD OF GOD with the carnal flesh mind instead of the Mind of Christ. 11 Cor. 5:19-“God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the WORLD back to Him-self (us) not imputing our trespasses, but giving us a ministry of Reconciliation. Heirs of God and Joint Heir with Christ. Rom. 8:17. Let our hearts (Spirit) Be opened when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Christ Jesus is within us and never will leave us or forsake us. Feel the Presence.

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May 15-WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE FLIGHT OF THE EAGLE? It is the inner yearning to escape from bondage your Real Self to break the chains of human hood, and return to Christ hood. Courage, power, energy within each Soul that refuses to Be the flesh carnal nature that is your own mind instead of the Mind of Christ. This is the conscious that knows only God. The Eagle is the Journey Home to Spirit Realm. “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They will mount with Wings of Eagles. They shall run and not Be weary. They shall walk and not faint.” Stand still will Be of Rest in seeing no appearances to seeing Victory to overcome the world to service of inner High Self with all your Being. Youth renewed from life force of wholeness. Protected by the shadow above all sorry to Love. Is. 30:44. You are protected by the inward Christ of your Being gather together in love Christ in you is Lord in you and AS you.

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May 14-Happy MOTHER’S DAY. Two sevens means perfection and rest. No child is born without a Mother and a Father after the pattern in the heavens or Spirit Realm. Our Mother God, Holy Spirit, El Shaddai or large breasted One is in the Godhead-Father Mother, Son Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus stayed with apostles for 40 days after the Resurrection. He said, “If I do not go away to send you ANOTHER COMFORTER who is the answer to our thought of separation, communication, Link between God and His separated Sons and Daughters bringing the gap between the Mind of Christ, and our split mind of duality instead with Oneness.” She is called the Shekinah Glory of God. She appeared in the form of a dove on the Day of Pentecost baptizing us with the Holy Spirit and Fire. Our Soul is the feminine side of God both male and female are the Bride of Christ to prepare for the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. I AM very proud to Be a Mother of 3 special children. Grandmother of 8 and 8 grands.

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May 13-The Body of Christ By Richard.

May 13-THE BODY OF CHRIST BY RICHARD. The number 13 means rebellion & corruption on the other hand means 8 new beginning, and 5 meaning grace. John 12:24 “Except a grain of wheat (seed) fall into the earth and die, it abides by itself alone, but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” Jesus spoke as himself, he died as the HEAD at the crucifixion. Ten of the twelve apostles were martyrs. Could it be that God also buried a BODY. Luke 13:32 ” Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I am perfected”.2 Peter 3:8 “This one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.” We are at the DAWN OF THE THIRD DAY. It does not look like things are going well, but the pot is cooking and I believe the MARRIAGE FEAST OF THE LAMB is close at hand. Seek the peace of the Lord that is beyond understanding. We will see grand and marvelous things to the surprise of the wicked.

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May 12-WHO IS JOSEPH AND WHO IS BENJAMIN? Twelve is the number of Divine Government. Jacob was the son of Isaac and Essau was his twin. The threat of Essau against Jacob life represents the inward rebellion when we change our thoughts to God thoughts. Gen. 25:25. Jacob name was changed when he changed his nature from liar and deceit to Israel Prince with God. Jacob saw Rachael (Spirit Realm) Gen. 30:24 from far away, and fell in love with her. He worked seven years for Laban his future father- in – law ,and received Leah her sister meaning the human soul that was me, my and i had 10 sons meaning the law that did not need God could do everything by herself. He had to work 7 more years for Rachael who he loved. Rachael had two children who was Joseph representing Christ Jesus meaning God will add to another son, Gen. 30:24, and Benjamin son of the right hand meaning Christ was first born of many brethren who represent all of us both male and female.

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May 11-WHO IS SETH? Ten is the number of Divine Order so 11 marks disorder, disorganization and disintegration short of 12 meaning Divine Government. Gen 4:25-Eve said, she named her third son Seth, “God has granted me another son in place of Abel who represented Christ Jesus whom Cain the carnal mind killed the Christ in us,” “Adam knew his wife again, and she bore him another son.” The word Seth means appointed, and Eve knew the son was ordained by her Creator to take the place of faithful Abel (Christ Jesus). The scripture says, Christ Jesus is the 1st fruits of many brethren. Rom. 8:29-. God’s supreme purpose for bringing sinners (archery term meaning missing the mark of who and what we are) making Him preeminent in the Divine Plan of redemption.” Seth is the many brethren that is Being trained right now to Be Christ like in every thing we do and say. Christ is first, and we are in training to Be the brethren both male and female.

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May 10-SACRIFICE OF TWO SONS CAIN AND ABEL. “By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain from the heart to believe in God and trusted in His righteous ways or Spirit Realm through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts, and through he being dead still speaks. Heb 11:4. Abel was a Shepherd who gave his first born sheep spotless by faith to represent Christ Jesus. This was a Spiritual Realm offering. Cain brought the fruit of the ground or the carnal flesh realm that was not Truth because the lies of the ego self that thinks it is god and does not need the Living God. The sacrifice of Cain was rejected because of the carnal nature of flesh had jealousy, hatred, unbeliever, wicked thoughts , murder, pain, suffering and all the words spoken of the flesh realm instead of God. This world Everything is Instead of God. We share our resources with others by Faith in Christ Jesus doing nothing of self.

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May 9-TURN BACK THE STONE. Nine is the number of the 9 Spirits of God, Love Being 1st. Little stones are Spiritual Truths. David had 5 stones-number of grace to deal with Goliath who is your carnal mind thinking to destroy the Christ in you as a Spirit Being, but used One Stone-Christ. Goliath means a sooth Sayer, a deceiver. Some ideas parade around bragging about their power with fearful threats of disaster, fear to submit to their unrighteous reign that does not exist. His spear is showing fear and is fully armed. David did not need any armor because the Spirit of God was all he needed. Eph. 2:8-“For by Grace Unmerited favor that you need to Be saved.” The stone that is rolled away is your negative thoughts, and negative behavior thinking to the thinking of God. “No weapon formed against us can prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against us in judgment, you shall show to Be wrong. Peace and righteousness triumph over all opposition is the heritage of the children of God. Is. 54:17

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May 8-THERE IS UNDER CURRENTS IN THE WATER BY EGO THOUGHTS. Eight is new beginnings. Do not swim in the rivers because they have under currents that take you under the water, and far from your destination. This is the ego thought within your own mind that Edges God Out. Your own mind tries to destroy your Identity as a Spirit Being created perfect by God in Gen. 1:27. We have the Mind of Christ at the cross brought us back to Being Spirit again with no pain, suffering given by ego thoughts that are lies. Is. 43:2-“When you go THROUGH deep waters, I will Be with you. You go THROUGH the waters, they shall not overflow you, the rivers will not sweep over you.” 2 Cor. 5:19-God was in Christ Jesus at the cross reconciling the WORLD back to Him-self, not imputing their trespasses, but given them the ministry of reconciliation.” We are a Masterpiece of God, A Pearl of Great Price, a separate creation meaning their is only one of us to Be One with God and One with each other.

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May 7-MY LIPS SHALL NOT SPEAK WICKEDNESS. Seven is the number of completeness and rest. Job 27:4:1-I AM a Spirit Being, Formed in the image and likeness, and all desires are from the Spirit realm THROUGH ME AT ALL TIMES. I AM One with God and One with each other. My Spirit Body is not capable of evil, pain, suffering taken at the cross by Christ Jesus. “The power of life and death is in the tongue.” Prov. 18:21. All negative thought have to Be deleted immediately because negative talks have to Be experienced, and are created. I know that every part of my body is in perfect harmony. I AM whole and complete. The ego thoughts cannot temp me to say judgment, criticism negative talk about anyone. I have the Mind of Christ with no carnal flesh mind. The Word Christ in me is the only power, and God is all there IS. Evil coming to an end and done away with. It is time to have no pain etc, evil any any thoughts in the carnal flesh mind that does not exist.

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May 5-THY KINGDOM COME THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. We are in the last days when all evil is coming to the surface, and done away with. Our bodies are subject to all the cares of this world instead of rising to Being Spirit Bodies without any human situation, pain, suffering and so on. The Truth is for our transformation into the Spirit Realm only. Matt 6:9-13. The Kingdom of God is within because at the cross if they know it or not Christ died, but resurrected to all our pain and suffering to a New Life in the Spirit Life where God is within. He did not fail for one person at the cross. We are now on the Resurrection side of the Cross. IT IS FINISHED, AND GREATER THINGS WE WILL DO. John 19:28. We must dwell on Being God like in everything we do and say. Col. 3:17. No human thinking can come neigh us in the higher realm called Spirit. Ps. 91. No negative thinking can exist to Be created with our mouth.

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May 4-GOD IS ALL THERE IS. DEUT. 30:12-14. “The Word of God is in you in your heart (Spirit) and in your mouth speak the Word knowing by Faith you are affirming the fact Word of Faith is here NOW.” The Eternal God is our refuge, and underneath ARE the everlasting arms.” Deut. 33:27. We go through tribulations, and everything will Be alright because “God is within us and AS us, and never leaves us or forsakes us.” Heb. 13:5-“God is in complete control.” 2 Cor. 4:16-“This is the reason why we never lose heart (Spirit Realm). The outward man does suffer wear and tare, but each day the inward man receives fresh strength. We are looking not at the visible things, but invisible.” One problem thinking we are separate from God. We are One with God, One with each other. Rom. 8:31-“If God is for us, who can Be against us all things for Good.” We are parts of the Body of Christ and the Family of God as Royal Sons and Daughters.

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May 3-BACK TO THE SPIRIT REALM. In the Garden of Eden Gen. 2:10-14 was the Spirit Realm. We were to take part of every tree in the Spirit Realm-Love, Peace, Joy, but not the tree of good and evil which is human thinking realm of pain, suffering , murders, every thing of ego Edge God Out thoughts that is INSTEAD OF GOD. Christ Jesus IS our Savior of Soul (feminine side) became a flesh human Being to Be a Living Soul Gen. 27 instead of a Life Given Spirit. The Soul is not what we are Created to Be a Spirit Being of God only. The lower realm of thinking is self, me, i.am god, not united with our Spirit. I can do every thing my own way. At the cross, Christ Jesus brought us back to Being Spirit again as before the foundation of the world by Being Born Again John 3:3 where Spirit and Soul are One. Rise above earth in Spirit and Truth to God Eph.4:24 in the image (reflection of God in a mirror within) and likeness (exact copy) of God. You are Spirit above human thinking.

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May 2-YOUR WOUNDS HAVE SCARS. The Christ Jesus had the scars from the cross to show everyone what He did at the cross was REAL AND POWERFUL. No scars they would have said that the resurrection, and the cross did not exist. We serve a Living Christ who is in me and AS me “That will never leave me or forsake me.” I have scars from wounds to remember what I went through, and was healed only to remember the scars, and not the event. Christ Jesus healed the cripple man at the pool by seeing him Perfect as he was Created. When he healed him said, “Pick up your bed was the reminder of how now he is healed and can walk.” You are healed of all wounds at the cross like pain, suffering, sickness, dis-ease anything given to us from the ego thoughts in our carnal mind instead of the Mind of Christ. We say, I AM sorry which means to repent means change the way we THINK and remember what Christ did for us. “I was blind, but now I see.” “I was cripple, but now I can walk.”

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May 1-CHOOSE LOVE. Today is a new month, with new beginnings, new choices, new experiences, for me and you to choose Love. I can see the Spirit moving in each person. I expect good for my myself, and my Love ones. I can feel the Presence of God and Harmony around me. We are Spirit Beings to Be perfect expression of the Living God that cannot have pain, grief, sadness, and so on. We can lift our thoughts above the thoughts of appearance of evil. We dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High God cannot see ANY evil in our dwelling place in the Presence of God only. Ps. 91. All human thoughts disappear with the Light of Love. Let go and let God Love through you. Gal. 2:20. Love is Kind, Patient, Not envy, No boasting, Not Proud, No dishonor to others, Not self seeking, Not angered, Keeps no record of wrongs, No delight in evil, Rejoices with the Truth, It always protects, Always Trusts, Always hopes, Always perseveres, LOVE NEVER FAILS. 1Cor. 13.

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April 30-CHOOSE PEACE WITHIN. IS. 6:6-8-One of the Seraphims- Burning fire ones with fire of the God Head flew toward me (flying means freedom from human thoughts). In His hand was a hot coal (Burning Truth) taken from the Altar within. He touched my mouth and said, “YOUR EVIL IS REMOVED, YOURS SINS REMOVED AND FORGIVEN.” I heard the Voice (Mother God still small Voice) say, Who will I send? Who will go on OUR behalf ? Grace given us when we have fearful desperation needing what we cannot accomplish alone. Christ Jesus offers it upon the Altar ONCE, and for ALL empowered by the Holy Spirit Mother God.. This place in your own mind is your Best Friend without Being judged, criticized, made fun or Being belittled by ego thoughts, but pure Love and Peace beyond Understanding. Nothing in this Secret Place within is on the outside of you. No more separation. Let us experience this Friend who never leaves us or forsakes us and gives us Peace within.

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April 29-HE SHALL CALL UPON ME, I WILL ANSWER. Ps. 91:15-“Whenever the
student is ready, God will provide the teacher.” Harmony and Peace can
only exist in the Kingdom of God within me to choose. When seeing the
chaos of this world can Be changed to seeing God only with no evil. “If
you partake of good and evil, you will die spiritually, and Be consumed
with only thoughts of ego in your own mind. Gen. 2:17-I must look for
Divine Wisdom to make any decision. I give up impatience to know we have
Divine activity in our lives because nothing happens by chance, but by
Divine Will of God. Rom. 8:28-“All things work for good.” Matt.
19:26-“With God all things are possible.” Ps. 17:6-“When I call on you
my God, you will answer me and hear my prayer.” I will say, “HERE I AM,
SEND ME.” With Joy, Love, Peace I understand true happiness. I can do
nothing unless my Father tells me what to do.

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April 28-I AM IS POWERFUL WORDS. God gave Moses the name of I AM. Exodus 3:14. “Tell the people I AM that I AM.” I AM is saying God is first. Whatever follows I AM is going to Be heard, and performed to the will of God in your life. We must Ask, Believe, Know and Receive. The Burning Bush was God or Christ within us. Moses in Hebrews chapter 11 says Moses with a bunch of people did not receive the Promised Land because they never saw the Christ within instead of a place to Be found on the outside of themselves. When we say I AM everything after is creative. If it is negative the body listens to what is said and becomes sick, pain, suffering and so on. In the Spirit Realm there is no pain with all human ego thoughts erased at the cross, no temptations to Believe a lie instead of the Truth. Gen. 1:27. You are the mouth piece of God with a perfect expression of the Invisible God. We forgot who and what we Are. Ps. 91. “Nothing evil can come neigh your dwelling.”

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April 27-YOU ARE A PEARL OF GREAT PRICE. A Pearl goes through a lot of
friction to Become a round beautiful Pearl. “The Kingdom of Heaven
(Spirit Realm) hidden in a field (God inside of all of us) is the Pearl
of Great Price.” Matt. 13:44. We are created in the image (reflection in
a mirror), and likeness (exact copy) of God.” Gen. 1:27. We are the
Pearl given to us by Christ Jesus at the cross every thing removed from
human thinking, and human behavior. Christ Jesus within us cannot
receive any thing from the carnal ego mind of flesh given to us as a
temptation not to accept, and give power to the carnal mind. We must let
go of physical flesh to know we already have the Mind of Christ to gain
the Pearl of Great Price in the Spirit Realm of “Life more abundantly.”
John 10 10. An idol is believing in flesh with all material things
instead of Believing and Knowing God only with no evil. This carnal mind
wants to kill the Christ in us, but has no power only temptation that is
not real.

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April 26-GREAT CLOUD OF WITNESS. 26 is 2 witness+6 the number of man =8-New Beginning. Heb. 12:1. The word witness means one who saw, and can testify to Be able to know, and see the Christ of their Being to have the testimony of Christ Jesus that they have gone before us. They had the faith to Believe without a doubt that everything is going to Be alright. In Hebrews 11 tells that some of the Old Testament people did not reach the Promised Land because they did not know the Promised Land was not outside of them, but the Christ Jesus was within them. Rom. 8:28-“We have this Great Cloud right here with us to cheer us on to learn what we are learning NOW that they did not achieve because they without us cannot Be Perfected. Heb. 11:40. Christ Jesus is coming with the cloud of witnesses within them that are training to Be God like in everything they do and say, and they know a God of impossibilities with the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in the Spirit Realm.

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April 25-WE ARE SPIRIT BEINGS. 25 is 5×5 the number of GRACE doubled. Your Identity is Spirit. By the Truth of who you are has saved you from the insane thoughts of your own mind. You are Spirit with your Father’s Love, Peace and Joy. You are the extension of God which completes Him-self (us) who is with you always, as you are with Him. Matt. 28:20. Spirit I AM, a holy Son and Daughter of God, free of limits, safe, healed and whole, free to forgive to save the world. Many Saviors will come from Mt. Zion-Spirit Realm who are prepared to Be God like in everything they say and do saved from thinking human thoughts to God thoughts only. You are Being saved from temptations to the words of our own carnal mind instead of the Mind of Christ. To save us from consequences to believe a lie instead of the Truth of your Being when you know you are a Spirit Being created perfect by God and we were with God before the foundation of the world perfect. Obadiah 1:21.

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April 24-THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD. Twenty Four is 2- 12″s of Perfect Divine Government of God Spirit Realm not the human thinking. The Lord is my Shepherd- Relationship! I shall not want- Supply! He makes me to lie down in Green pastures- Rest! He leads me beside the still waters- Refreshment! He restores my Soul-Healing! He leads me in the paths of righteousness- Guidance! For His name sake-Christ Jesus- Purpose! Though I walk through the valley of the shadow (not real because He gave us eternal life) of death-Testing! I will fear no evil-Protection! For thou are with me -Faithfulness! Thy Rod -Authority, Power, Defense of the sheep, and Thy Staff -Rest,Rescue and Guide they comfort me- Discipline! You prepare a table before me in the Presence of mine enemies-Hope! You anoint my head (Mind of Christ) with oil Consecration! My cup runs over-Abundance! Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life- Blessing! I will dwell in the House of God-Security! Forever-Eternity! Ps. 23.

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April 23-JACOB, LEAH, AND RACHAEL. 23 means finality, or judgment (turning point), message of urgency, end or completion, 23 skidoo to get rid of human thinking. Jacob saw Rachael (Spiritual Realm) from afar, and said he wanted to marry her. Richie said he wanted to marry me, and I said the same thing about him. It will Be 63 years in June. Laban the father of Leah and Rachael made Jacob work for him seven more years to receive Rachael, but the father-in-law gave him Leah the oldest first. Leah who was not seeing good of the human flesh realm of thinking. Leah had 10 sons with her handmade. Ten is the number of 10 commandments meaning the law. Moses gave us 10 commandments, threw them down in broken pieces. Put the new and old in Ark of Covenant so God can put broken pieces back together. 1 Kings 8:9. Rachael had two sons Joseph who represented Christ and Benjamin son of the right hand meaning ALL of us.God gave us two of Grace, Love God and your neighbor as yourself.

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April 22-THE UNKNOWN GOD IS REVEALED. 22 is double 11 intensified form, dis organization, length of Jacob’s trouble, short of perfection of 12 Divine Government. Acts 17:23-“I came across an altar with this inscription, “To the Unknown God.” Will the real God stand up in my consciousness (what I AM aware of? ) God does not dwell in handmade shrines. God dwells in YOU. He gives Life, Breath and all things to All People. You are the visible representative of the Invisible God to all you meet to become a Holy Encounter. The little “i” must die to human thinking to become alive to OUR TRUE IDENTITY AS SPIRIT BEINGS created in the image (reflection in a mirror), and likeness (exact copy) of God. Gen. 1:27. In God, we have everything without any lack. We feel lack is when we think we are separated from God. God is the ONLY POWER, AND GOD IS ALL THERE IS. Ps. 91 and the Our Father you will know the Unknown God is the God of our Life.

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April 21-I AM EXPERIENCING A NEW BEGINNING. 21 is the number 7+3- 7 is Divine completion, Spiritual perfection, intercession, Rest. 3-Godhead-3 Persons in the Godhead. A long time ago in another dimension, we ALL had this thought, “What if there was something else instead of God?” We then went into a lower realm of seeing good and evil instead of Being Life and Life more abundantly. We became a Living Soul letting the i, me, to rule instead of a Life Given Spirit. Spring is when you look up at the bare leaves on the trees and then the trees are full of beautiful green leaves. Death is gone to resurrecting life. Breathe into us for Beauty, Power, Order, and Unconditional Love. My mind is renewed to the Mind of Christ. Let all my burdens fall away with Thoughts of God only. All fear, pain melts away like the old snow with the Presence of the Rising Sun. New Beginning arising from the inner part of our Being. I AM a New Creation in Christ Jesus Today.

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April 20-ARE YOU FEEDING YOUR INNER SPIRIT? Twenty is a multiple of 2 10′s.is a period of waiting and expectancy, redemption of Soul and Body, marriage Feast of the Lamb. We know that we have to eat human food each day to stay alive. So our inner Spirit where God dwells within needs all day nourishment , and stay as Spirit Beings not to go back to Being carnal flesh Beings. It needs exercise of our Spirit Teachings each day by Faith to believe in an Impossible God, walk with God, talk with God in order to SPEAK only Godly thoughts with nothing negative to cause us to experience negative thoughts of pain, suffering, sickness, depression, fear (false evidence appearing real) and any emotions that tempts us from Being God like in everything we do and say. The human mind wants to Be on the throne of our mind each day to cancel our Identity as Spirit Beings and kill the Christ within us. “We are Being renewed in the Spirit of our minds. “Eph. 3:23.

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pril 19-GOD’S WAYS ARE PAST FINDING OUT. One is God only and 9 is the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Rom. 11:33-“Such knowledge is wonderful for me.” O the depth of the riches both of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments (turning points), and His ways finding out.” Put on the eyes of Christ that I may behold wondrous things out of thy Law.” His law is Love God and Love Your neighbor as yourself.” To Be God like in everything we do and say, we must not try to Be right, argue or fight. Let go and let God. God has to flow through me and AS me. Pray for your enemies, and see ALL the people in the WORLD already reconciled back to God because God was in Christ Jesus at the cross reconciling us back to God where we came from not imputing our trespasses, but given us the ministry of reconciliation.” 2 Cor. 5:19. He has a perfect time to bring all evil to the surface to bring forth the Kingdom of God to this body (Spirit) who we really ARE.

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April 18-GLORY OF THE STARS, MOON AND SUN. Eighteen is the number One God and 8 the number of New Beginning. The stars are a dim lights, but the lowest realm of human thinking. Stars are revelations of truth that is yet remote. The human mind can not conceive the wonders of God. A star led the way of the Wise Men to find the Christ our inner conviction of our Divine son ship. Every star is also a sun. The stars light negative thoughts that appear in our night. The moon is considered to be Worldly thoughts with greed and selfishness of human thinking of ego thoughts that Edge God Out. The sun is the top our spiritual experience the Real Truth of our Being that can never be reached by thieves and robbers. This Son, Sun lights up our whole world , and teaches us the Light of God is within us and AS Us. The sun is letting God rule our lives with Love with all our heart and soul. We are the Light of the world in dark places where negative thinking exist.

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April 17-GOD PERFECTS WHAT IS CREATED IN YOU. The numbers is one, meaning God only, and 7 the number of Rest, completion and perfection. Ps. 138:8-“God will perfect that which concerns you.” We are awakening to the Spirit Realm to use the Mind of Christ only. One with God. Matt. 6:28-“You are more valuable than birds.” Rom. 8:22-“Did not spare His Son, but gave you all things.” Ps. 84:11-“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” Matt. 21:22-“Ask in prayer you will receive with faith.” Phil. 4:19-“My God supplies according to His riches in Christ Jesus” Matt. 6:8-“Father knows what you need before you ask.” Old things are passing away because all things are NEW. “Our True Self within is the Christ to flow through us and AS Us..” 1 Peter l:11- “You have purified yourself with Truth how to Love Unconditional from the Heart (Spirit Realm). Born again not of perishable seed, but by the Living Word of God.” God knew you before you were in your Mother’s womb.”

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April 16-I WANT A DOUBLE PORTION. Sixteen is Two eights of New Beginnings or a double portion. Deut. 21:17-First born given a double portion. 1 Sam. 1:5- Hanna the Mother of Samuel was given a double portion when she was barren with no children and cried out to God. Samuel is the inner voice of the Spirit, inspiration and guidance, grace, favor and compassion. Elijah was going up in the Spirit, and Elisha said, “I will not let you go until you give me a double portion of Spirit.” 2 Kings 2:9-God blessed Israel (all of us Prince and Princesses of God both male and female) “Instead of shame dishonor there land shall Be a double portion (Kingdom within) they shall have everlasting Joy. Is. 61:7 Job received a double portion when he prayed for his enemies. Job. 42:10. Jesus is a double portion Being the firstborn of all creation, and heir of all things. Col. 1:15. We have a double portion because He said He was finished, and now GREATER THINGS WE WILL DO. John 14:12.

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April 15-RESURRECTION LIFE. The number 15 has two beautiful numbers- Eight number of New Beginning and 7 the number of Rest, completion and perfection. We are all Baptized (An outward act for an inward work) with Christ into His death, and we ALL resurrected with Him. John 11:25-“Jesus was talking to Martha (Soul that is not renewed in thinking of Spirit as yet). “Martha, Lazarus is not dead, but sleeping.” “I AM the Resurrection.” Martha said, “I will go get Mary ( Spirit side of us that wants to sit at the Master’s feet to grow more spiritually).” Christ was raised from the dead so we might live in the newness of LIFE. We become ONE with Him by sharing His death, but we are ONE with Him by sharing His resurrection by a new life with God only. Death has no longer power over Him, and no power over us. We are nailed to the cross of human emotions, laws with Him. He resurrected ALL our human thinking to the thoughts of God only. No more sin of missing the mark of who we are.

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April 14-IN HIM DWELLS THE FULLNESS OF THE GOD HEAD BODILY. 14 is the 2 sevens meaning completion, perfection and rest. Col. 2:9-” For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form.” 2 Cor 5:19-“God was in Christ Jesus reconciliation the WORLD BACK TO GOD WHERE WE CAME FROM not imputing their trespasses unto them, and has committed us unto the Word of Reconciliation.” Rom.4:25-“Who was delivered for our offenses and raised again for our justification.”1 John 3:8-“Son of God appeared to destroy works of the carnal mind. Phil. 2:6-“Being in the FORM of God thought it not robbery to Be equal with God made Him-self of no reputation, and took upon the form of a servant to Be made in likeness of man humbled Him-self (all of us), and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross with only the Will of the Father.” “Christ Jesus is the High Priest tempted in every area, but did not sin or miss the mark of who and what He IS.”

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April 13-ASCENSION OF CHRIST JESUS. Forty days after His resurrection, Christ Jesus ascended to return to the glory of His Father to sit down at His right hand. “He blessed them, and was taken into heaven (Spirit Realm).” You will receive power from the Holy Spirit Mother God, El Shaddi -Large breasted One on the 50th day-Jubilee or deliverance from all Evil called Pentecost in the form of a dove.” He was taken up before their eyes, and a cloud hid Him from their sight.” John 14:2-“In My Father’s house are many mansions (all of us are the house or tabernacle where God dwells within us) Christ ascended to prepare a place for ALL OF US to Believe and Know Him. “It is finished now it is your turn to learn how to Be Godlike in everything you do and say. Christ Jesus is our forerunner. He is the Resurrection that brings forth new life to us in the Spirit Realm with no more human beliefs of pain, suffering and dis-ease. He is coming back in us and AS us to bring salvation to the world.

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April 12-CHRIST APPEARED TO MANY AFTER THE RESURRECTION. Twelve is the number of Divine Government. The word Christ means Anointed One. Jacob received the Christ within to change his name or nature from liar to Israel Prince with God. And all the Daughters will be Israel Princess with God. Christ appeared in the form of Melchizedek (No mother or father, no birth or death, in the Spirit Realm) to Abraham. Moses as the burning bush within, to Mary to real-eyes the Christ in her with no human thoughts or rituals so her Soul (feminine word) MAGNIFIED THE LORD. Jesus the Christ came to reveal the Christ was in us, and AS us, also. We are the visible representation of the Invisible Christ within us. Saul (Human thinking) received the Christ on the Damascus road (Meaning war). His name or nature changed to Paul little one instead of Saul the killer of the Christ. Christ appeared to many for 40 days after the Resurrection.

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April 11-WHAT HAPPENS AT TRANSFIGURATION? A baby goes from one form to a teen, adult, and so on to never leave a physical body behind in death. We already have a Spirit Body to live in a Spiritual Universe from the cross. Gen 2-“Man became a Living Soul instead of a life given Spirit.” The physical body was made of dirt of human thinking, but our body is Spirit created by God. 1 Cor. 6:19-“Your body is a temple (Mind of Christ) of the Holy Spirit within you whom you have from God.” The Spirit Body can go through walls, walk on water, heal the sick, have no pain or suffering with the potential thought. Moses had to put a veil on his face to not cause blindness to the human body. Exodus 34:35. “We are the Light of the World.” Matt. 17:1-“After six days (number of man) Christ Jesus took Peter, James and John to a High Mountain (Spirit Realm), and was transfigured before them. His face did shine as the sun, and His raiment was white as snow.” Before the cross.

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April 10-STORY OF WORM AND BUTTERFLY OUR TRUE STORY. When we fell from Spirit Beings to human beings on earth as the worm eating everything beliefs and rituals of religion instead of the Truth of Christ within us with our saliva (Christ Jesus spit on the blind man so he could see) man made its own tomb with flesh, matter, sin, sickness and death with negative thoughts and actions to sort out the real from the illusions in the cocoon state. We need to crucify our Illusions to experience resurrection, new birth, born again life with a new name or nature. Then the pupa before adult stage begins will come forth to a beautiful butterfly. The tomb is empty. The DNA of human blood is transformed to the Blood of Christ into Light. The water of human Life is transformed to the “River of Life flowing out from me to make the Lame to walk and the blind to see.” The butterfly only eats of Pure Spirit to listen to the Voice of God. No more human emotions only Unconditional Love of Spirit God.

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April 9-WHAT IS EASTER? Easter is a time of resurrection of our thoughts to the Thoughts of God’s Love. This is a new life with a new birth. Real-eyes all the Kingdom of God is within us and AS us. Phil. 2:6-“Being in the FORM OF GOD thought it not robbery to Be equal with God made Him-self (all of us) of no reputation, and took upon Him form of a servant in the likeness of man to Be obedient up to death of self to the cross of you and me.” The Promised Land is within us that is Christ Jesus. The dead you is transfigured to RESURRECTION. It is like the cocoon turning to a beautiful butterfly free to fly high (Spirit Realm higher thoughts of God ONLY.) Must Be Born again to Spirit Realm like we were before the foundation of the world. The ego thoughts in our own mind tries to destroy the Christ in us as our True Identity as Royal Sons and Daughters of God to blame it on some entity or spirit outside of us that is created in our own minds of human thinking.”We are Heirs of God and Joint Heirs of Christ Jesus.” Rom. 8:17

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April 8-TWO THIEVES ON THE CROSS. Eight is the number of new beginnings. Christ Jesus is in the middle within each of us. On the left side is the thief called the ego thoughts that Edge God Out, and tries to destroy our Identity as Spirit Beings. “If you are the Christ (Anointed One) rescue Your-self and save us from death?.” “He was despised and rejected by human thinking. He has born our griefs sickness, weakness and distress carried our sorrows and pain. By His stripes, WE ARE HEALED.”Hew 53. Heb. 4:15- We have a High Priest Who was tempted in every area as we are, with no sin (Archery term meaning missed the mark of Being Christ Like.” The other thief asked for forgiveness, and Christ Jesus said “This day you will Be in the Spirit Realm-Heaven within. “Forgiveness is Freedom and Peace. I want to change my thinking to see everyone as Christ in them to grow more Spiritual seeing beauty instead of faults. No more death only Life more abundantly.

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April 7-HAPPENING AT THE CROSS THAT WAS WONDERFUL. This is Good Friday. The number 7 means Completion, Perfection and REST. The cross reveals the Trinity of three Persons in One God-Father the Creator, Son-Savior of the World, Mother Holy Spirit the Feminine side. Cross defines Power of God in the Kingdom WITHIN us. The Cross is the New Covenant, New Creation all of us brought back to God in the Spirit Realm not imputing their trespasses, but given them the ministry of reconciliation. 2 Cor. 5:19. The cross conquers sin of missing the Mark of who and what we are, and no more death but Eternal Life. 1 Peter 2:24-“Death and sin swallowed up in victory.” 1 Cor. 15:54. No more devil means deviate from the Truth that is created thoughts in our own minds Being separated from God to be god ourselves. The Cross is foolishness to the carnal mind that can’t receive Christ within. The cross brings us Peace and world Unity. It makes us One with each other to the Body and Family of Christ.

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April 6-WHY DID CHRIST JESUS DIE ON THE CROSS? Six is the number of man total spirit, soul and body. The cross signifies two thoughts. The horizontal presents human limitations, mind of flesh with pain, suffering, sickness, and death. The straight part of the cross is God only, Spirit Realm where no human thoughts exist and God put to death all evil thinking. The evil comes from our distorted human thoughts making God in the image of man with human attributes of hate, jealousy, and every upside thoughts of man’s thinking that he is god. At the cross, Christ Jesus said, “It is finished, and greater things we will do to go to the resurrection side of the cross which is peace, happiness, Love, with no thoughts of separation from God in any way.” John 19:28. Remember your True Self. We need to resurrect to the thought of God only flowing out of us to never thirst or hunger again because our Soul will not Be ruled by ego thoughts that Edge God Out to Be united with the Spirit led by God only.

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April 5-MEANING OF JUDAS ISCARIOT. Thirty is the number of perfection in Divine Order, and renewal. Christ started ministry at 30-. Silver means redemption brought us back to God where we came from. Judas symbolizes that negative part of our personality called the ego thoughts that Edges God Out or our negative soul (individual part of our Being that fell into self human thinking mind.) Christ Jesus was able to go to the cross to get rid of all human thoughts. “Go do what you have to do, I have no betrayed thoughts about you.” John 13:27. Judas Iscariot is the not redeemed life forces of flesh thinking instead of Spirit thinking. The flesh wants to kill the Christ within us so it can Be God. When Love is united with Spirit, we Become Judah-Praise. Gal 4:4-5. Judas threw the .30 pieces of Silver in the Potter’s field so that the POTTER could REMAKE NEW VESSELS from the vessels of wrath. Judas’s negative soul causes us to Be able to resurrect from our dependency on material appearance. Christ to Be life is eternal.

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April 4-THE MEANING OF HE FOREKNEW US AND PREDESTINED US by Richard. Rom. 8:29-“For those God foreknew, He also predestined to Be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might Be the Firstborn among the Brothers and Sisters. Gen. 1:27. The word image is a reflection in a mirror meaning when you look in the mirror, you see the Christ Jesus of your Being and likeness is exact copy. For God knew His people in advance. Greatest example is Job, “Where were you when we laid the foundation of the earth, laid out the stars, moon and sun?” Job. 38:4. Rom. 11:2-“God did not reject His people He foreknew.” Heb. 2:18- “Because He Him-self suffered when He was tempted. He is able to help those who are Being tempted.” Eph 1:4-Before creation of the world, he chose us through Christ to Be holy and perfect in His presence. Eph. 1-3-“God the Father, God the Son and Holy Spirit work together for the Salvation of the world changing our Identity from children to Sons and Daughters adopted in Christ. Eph. 1:5.



April 3-CHRIST JESUS TEACHES US. To remember who we are Spirit Being in this world, but not of it. We forgot who and what we are and why we are here at this time. We are Being trained to Be God like in every thing we do and say Christ Jesus through us and AS US. We are the Saviors from Mt. Zion to bring the Kingdom of God on this earth as in the Spirit Realm. We are like Cinderella who THOUGHT she was a cinder maid instead of a Princess. We lost our way like Hansel and Gretel thinking the bread crumbs of human thinking could bring us back to God. Spirit Realm is another dimension of higher reality. Christ Jesus taught us to see others whole and complete like God created us perfect out of Him-self (all of us). No more ego thoughts that Edge God Out. “Be you transformed by the renewing of your mind to the Mind of Christ.” Everything comes from the thoughts of our own mind. Christ Jesus did not sin or miss the Mark of who He IS. Be on the Resurrection side of the cross with no more pain and suffering.

April 3-CHRIST JESUS TEACHES US. To remember who we are Spirit Being in this world, but not of it. We forgot who and what we are and why we are here at this time. We are Being trained to Be God like in every thing we do and say Christ Jesus through us and AS US. We are the Saviors from Mt. Zion to bring the Kingdom of God on this earth as in the Spirit Realm. We are like Cinderella who THOUGHT she was a cinder maid instead of a Princess. We lost our way like Hansel and Gretel thinking the bread crumbs of human thinking could bring us back to God. Spirit Realm is another dimension of higher reality. Christ Jesus taught us to see others whole and complete like God created us perfect out of Him-self (all of us). No more ego thoughts that Edge God Out. “Be you transformed by the renewing of your mind to the Mind of Christ.” Everything comes from the thoughts of our own mind. Christ Jesus did not sin or miss the Mark of who He IS. Be on the Resurrection side of the cross with no more pain and suffering.

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April 2-PALM SUNDAY. It is a day of celebration of victory, and the acceptance of the Truth. A vast crowd took branches of palm trees to meet Christ Jesus riding on a donkey. Rev. 7:9-“After this I looked and a vast host appeared of every nation from all tribes, people and languages. They stood before the throne and before the Lamb (Christ and all of us). Their robes was white with palm branches in their hands.” A palm tree does not bend with human thinking as man made things instead of God teaching us to Be Spirit Beings. Christ Jesus was their King, and their Savior. Crucify Him because He said,” I and my Father are One”. Crucify is a human word used for killing someone. It is not a Being on the outside of us like a devil meaning deviate from the Truth. This is in a person’s own mind with temptation to partake of good and evil. They thought they were getting rid of Christ Jesus instead they completed His plan, and it is Finished No More Death Instead Of Resurrecting Eternal Life in the Spirit Realm.

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April 1-THE TEMPTATIONS OF CHRIST JESUS. In the Bible Christ Jesus was tempted 3 times by what we call Ego thoughts that Edge God out within our own minds. Human mind is always trying to Be on the throne of our minds instead of the Spirit of God realm within. Moses did not receive the Promised land within because he thought it was a place, and the burning bush was inside where Christ Jesus IS.. Heb. 11. “Turn these stones to bread.” Luke 4:1. Stones are pieces of Truth, but not the whole Truth.”If you are the Son of God, cast yourself down to human level, and angels will pick you up.” Matt. 4:1. He knew His Identity of Being a Spirit Being. The human i thinks it is God, and does not need God to partake of good and evil. 3. temptation John 6:15 bowing down to devil or human thinking of flesh that it is a real person instead father of lies of gluttony, lust, greed. Heb. 4:15-Christ was our High Priest was tempted in every area of human thoughts, but did not sin or miss the mark of Being a Spirit Being only.

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March 31-CHRIST JESUS SHED HIS BLOOD IN SEVEN PLACES. 1- Gethsemane, sweat blood lost our will power in the Garden of Eden. 1 Peter1:18. Redemption means atonement One with God for sin that is an archery term meaning missing the mark of who and what we are 1 Cor 5:19. 2-Was stripes on back to control our Desires, my Will and Health. Thirty nine stripes means redemption from the Law to Grace. Eph. 1:17. 3- He shed blood with the Crown of thorns won back our prosperity and gave us the Mind of Christ. 2 Cor. 8:9. 4-Pierced his hands dominion of everything we touch to prosper. Gen. 39:3. 5- Pierced feet brought back the places we walk to bring Good News. Mark 1:15. 6-Back to Joy. John 19:13. Pierced in side came blood for our sins and water for our cleansing. 7- Inner hurts and iniquities. Is. 53:5 “Bruised for our Iniquities -Bruises bleeds inside, Chastised for our peace and by His stripes we ARE HEALED.” He rose again to make all things new. 2 Cor. 5:15. He shed His blood for all of mankind.

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March 30-NO LACK

March 30-NO LACK. In the Old Testament God provided whatever they needed, but they still complained even when they were provided for. Acts 4:34. God is on the throne of our lives he will not fail even if things look so evil with no plan to get better. All the world will become the Kingdom of God on earth (this body) as in the Spirit Realm. All evil is coming to the surface, and done away with. 2 Cor. 9:8-“God is able to bless you abundantly so that you will abound in every good work.” Ps. 34:10-“They who seek the Lord on the authority of His Word none of them shall lack any beneficial thing.” God says He will give you all of Him-self (all of us). Know that everything is going to Be alright. If your life is in broken pieces, put all the pieces in the ARK OF THE COVENANT WITHIN, The very Presence of God, and he will take the broken pieces to put them back together to have Love and Piece restored. Ps. 37:25-“I have never seen the righteous left alone or begging for bread.” Faith is something not seen but still happens.

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March 29-REASON FOR THE ALABASTER BOX. The precious oil was used for anointing a King, Priest, Princess with Royalty. It was smeared all over the body especially the head (Mind of Christ) and feet (pure walk with God). This was an outward lesson for an inward work. We are the Royal Children of God called the Princess and Prince. The word Alabaster is a translucent clear oil of Christ anointed One or our Spirit Body remembering the Christ within us meaning the “OIL of Life brought into our Spirit Body. “Not by might of carnal mind, but by the Spirit.” Zach. 4:6. “When Mary took the ointment, the House (all of us) was filled with the fragrance of perfume.” John 12:3. We are the containers of this precious oil.The females (soul) to Be united with the Spirit for the marriage of the Lamb. We must keep the romance alive in our marriage. Stop trying to change the other person, but no fighting or trying to Be right, and seeing each other as beauty instead of faults.

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March 28-KEEP STRIFE OUT OF YOUR HOME. Strife means angry, bitter disagreements over small issues, conflict, discord, violent disagreements to authority, hatred, jealousy, deceit, idolatry and so on. “You are the tabernacle (dwelling place within) of the Living God.” 1 Cor. 3:16. You must guard your home with positive thinking not to think negative about any person, situation not to become dead to the Spirit Realm in you, and AS you. Every discord affects part of your body to go chaos. Erase negative thoughts forever, and not to choose that realm again. God turns everything to Good and God is all there IS..Rom. 8:28. We give no power to sickness, pain, suffering that has to go away because of the cross Christ Jesus was not a failure to one person, but took all human emotions away to Spirit Realm. Walk away from an argument not proving that you are right, but the secret is to choose Peace, Joy, Happiness and most of all Love at all times. God and Christ is in your Being within.

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March 27-THE HIGHER REALM IS OPEN TO ALL. I wish to take you on a journey to another dimension. This dimension is called the Spirit Realm where God is within you. John 4:24. Moment to moment we can choose ego or God even if we choose wrongly, we should not condemn ourselves, but make a higher choice. This realm is beyond pain, suffering, dis-ease and even death. Christ Jesus took away sin which is an archery term meaning we missed the mark of Being Royal Sons and Daughters of God. We forgot who and what we are. This realm of God is harmony like musical instruments in one accord produce the most beautiful music you have ever heard with frequency, energy and vibration. This life has meaning and purpose with a power and PRESENCE BEYOND WHAT WE KNOW IN THE MATERIAL WORLD OF FLESH AND SELF THINKING. When we have anger or anything not God like, our bodies goes into chaos. We are created Spirit Beings after the pattern of God. John 3:6.

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March 26-I AM NOT A GARBAGE TRUCK TO DUMP GARBAGE ON OTHERS. Garbage is any talk that is not Spirit or the waste of words that mean nothing to another person. Speaking what is wrong with us instead of Thanking God to heal or provide any lack we THINK WE HAVE. Instead of talking about our problems with another person, see that person’s beauty instead of their faults. Remember the only problem we have is the THOUGHT we are separated from God who will never leave us or forsake us. Matt.28:20. “The Lord is my helper, I will not fear, what can man do to me?” Heb. 13:5. We want to Be God like in everything we do and say is what we are training now to BE. .Col. 3:17. Always know I can’t do anything without Christ Jesus. “I AM crucified with Christ never the less, i live, not i, but the Christ lives in me and AS me. Rom. 7:18. We must let the Christ flow through us and AS us. Remember who and what we ARE! We belong to the Royal Family of God, and the Body of Christ.

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March 25-DON’T LET ANYONE STEAL YOUR JOY. The word Joy means the emotion evoked by our well being, success, to express the state of happiness. Ps. 16:11-“His Love instills a Joy that He can only give.” Gal. 5:22-“Joy is one of the Fruits of the Spirit, Love, Joy, Peace, Patients, Kindness, Faithfulness, Self Control. Rom. 14:17-“For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating or drinking, but righteous, peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit.” 3 John 1:4-“I have no greater Joy than to hear that my children are walking in Truth.” Circumstances cannot take away your Joy. Ps.118:24-“This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and Be glad in it.” I will not let any person or situation rob me of my Joy because God is always with me and is in control. Thess. 5:16-“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.” Know that everything is going to Be alright.

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March 24-MIRACLES OF JESUS. Water into wine. Official’s Son. Drives out an Evil Spirit. Peter’s mother-in-law healed. Many sick at Evening. Catch of fish. Man cleaned with leprosy. Centurion’s servant healed. Paralytics.Withered hand. Raises Widow’s Son in Nain. Calms the storm. Demons (thoughts) into a herd of pigs. Woman in the crowd. Daughter to Life. Two blind men. Man unable to speak. Invalid at Bethesda. Feeds 5,000. Peter walks on water. Many sick in Gennesaret. Heals a Gentile woman’s daughter. Invalid at Pool of Bethesda. Heals a deaf and dumb man. Feeds 4,000. Blind man at Bethsaida. Blind man from birth. Body with a demon. Blind, mute man. Crippled woman. Man with dropsy on the Sabbath. Ten lepers. Lazarus from the Dead. Sight to Bartimaeus. Withers the Fig tree that did not have fruit. Healed a servant’s ear. Second catch of fish.”I know the plans I have for you. Plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future of hope and Love. Jer. 29:11.

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March 23-TRAVEL IN THE UNKNOWN. God does not give you every detail or step by step when God speaks to you. Peter walked on water until the cares of the world caused him to sink. The cripple man heard, “Take up you bed and follow me.” He did not say, “I Can’t walk, but now I can walk.” “Blind man said, I was blind, but now I see.” Moses went up in Spirit Realm 40 days to receive finger of God all the commandments. When he came down, he saw them worshiping a golden calf. He threw the clay tables down in a million pieces. God took the broken pieces from us and put them in the Ark of the Covenant, the very Presence of God to take away all human thinking and actions at the cross. The next set of tablets also went into the Ark which made two sets of tables. 1 Kings 8:9. It is time for all evil to come to the surface so the KINGDOM OF GOD CAN COME TO THIS EARTH AS IN HEAVEN OR SPIRIT REALM WHICH YOU ARE ALREADY THERE.

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March 22-WHAT FOLLOWS I AM IS CREATIVE. Going into the wilderness means seeking seclusion to get rid of the undisciplined, and uncultivated thoughts to begin to search for the I AM of your Being. Moses went to the town of Horeb that means solitude within to lead out the flock thoughts in order to find the I AM. Moses had the burning bush is the Presence of God within to learn more of who we are. The bush burns out the negative thoughts to the thoughts of Love and the Spirit Realm to the Mind of Christ walking on Holy Ground. Take off human shoes for your new walk. We then real-eyes, we are the Royal Children of God both male and female to the new name of I AM that I AM. This name is creative, I AM wonderful, healthy, worthy, God’s masterpiece, whole and complete. You can’t understand who you are or what you are here for until you see everything with eyes of Love. All of us are so special to God so God can Be complete.

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March 21-EXPAND YOUR CONTAINER TO RECEIVE MORE OF GOD. Matt. 6:33-“Seek first Kingdom of God.” Serve others, study the Word, die to self and come alive to Spirit, transform your thoughts to the thoughts of God, no fighting or argue to Be right. Love one another and see everyone as God within them, and not to judge others because they are created perfect in the eyes of God, give thanks. 1st. Thess. 5:18-“Give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” Circumstances lets you grow in the Spirit Realm to know everything is going to Be alright. Phil. 2:5-“Your attitude should Be the same as that of Christ Jesus who Being in very nature of God, did not consider equality with God something to Be grasped, but made Him-self nothing, taking the nature of a servant in APPEARANCE AS A MAN, He humbled Him-self to become obedient to death even the death of the cross.” I pray that God would reveal Him-self to family and friends as He deeply revealed Him-self to me.

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March 20-WOULD YOU RATHER LAUGH OR BE SAD? Laughter heals all ailment that you could possibly have hurting you. When we laugh, we forget about our pain and suffering, stress, worries of the world and many other things our human mind thinks of. Abraham’s son Isaac in the Bible means laughter. In Gen. 26 talks about Isaac opening up the wells of Living Water inside of us that makes the lame to walk, and the blind to see. It is called the River of Life flowing out from me which is the Christ of our Being. Laughter helps you to sleep. It heals all dis-ease without side effects of negative results. It removes the thought of aging. Stress causes high blood pressure, heart ailment. All sickness has a cure at the cross when we let the Christ rule our minds.”Be you transformed by the RENEWING OF YOUR MIND TO THE MIND OF CHRIST. Let us have Christ in our womb to have new birth of the Soul Realm.

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March 19-CHRIST JESUS IS THE DOOR THAT IS ALWAYS OPEN. When God opens the door for you, you must go in to receive and depend on Him. We grow deeper in the Spirit Realm by learning His Truth and thoughts only. Rev. 3:7-8. “He who is holy, true, key of David (man after God’s heart), who opens, and no one will shut, and who shuts no one opens. Behold I have put before you an OPEN DOOR because you have kept my Word, and not denied my Word.” Acts 5:19-“An angel (messenger) of the Lord opened the gates to the Spirit Realm of the prison of our own mind with negative thinking and behavior.” Matt. 24:13-“John 10:17:1 “I AM the door of the sheep (sons and daughters of God).” Acts 14:27-“Opened a door of faith to believe for the Gentiles (all of us).” Acts 7:7-8-“-“For EVERYONE WHO ASK RECEIVES, WHO SEEKS SHALL FIND, AND TO HIM THAT KNOCKS WILL THE DOOR BE OPENED.”

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March 18-FAITH REQUIRES BELIEF. Faith is believing before you see and knowing it will happen as you asked. Faith takes action on something. Moses was told to throw his rod of power on the ground of human thinking. The rod became a snake. A snake represents a negative condition that is very bitter. Moses was suppose to pick it up by the tail. In the natural the tail of negative conditions will turn around and bite you. The tail means the END of the negative situation with the symbol of faith that God can do all things THROUGH YOU AND AS YOU. Moses said he could not speak. God created our mouth to speak about God. God uses these situations in the physical realm to Be an agent in which God is needed, and is manifested. When we go to God we can perform miracles ourselves. Then God can Be in you and cause you to grow upward to the Spirit Realm. My faith can move mountains flat in my life that seems impossible.

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March 17-WHAT ARE IDOLS? An idol is a natural FORM representing an idea. Idols can Be carved statutes that we worship instead of going inward where God IS. Idols are things we think before thinking God’s thoughts. An idol can Be anything we Love more than God. God is all there IS. No punishment in God. All will come to the Truth that God went to the cross for ALL of us. How can God punish part of Him-self. Christ Jesus took ALL human emotions and words at the cross and done away with.The world thoughts instead of God. “For they exchanged the Truth for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator ” Rom. 1:25. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit within you and you are a Spirit Being. You cannot serve two masters. Put the Shield of Protection on your life. All things are done by the Christ within you. We are Royal family of God belonging to One Body, One with God and One with each other.

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March 16-HAPPINESS AND MY FUNCTION ARE ONE. God gives us Happiness that we must choose to receive, even though sometimes it APPEARS to Be different. One part of the mind is ruled by the ego thoughts of our own mind that Edges God Out that is made up of illusions instead of the Truth. The Mind of Christ was given back to us at the cross where the Holy Spirit of Truth abides. Everyone has a special plan and purpose. We are to represent the Invisible God to a world that is in negative thinking called darkness to awaken them with the vision of the Truth. You are a unique Piece of the puzzle. Matt. 10:29-“You are more value than a sparrow.” Prov. 3:13-“Happy is the One that finds Wisdom-Mother God in the Book of Wisdom, most of Proverbs and the Song of Solomon. Prov. 16:20-“Learn and Trust in God to find Happiness.” Choose Happiness that is contagious to spread like wild fire to bring peace, salvation to Be the Light of the world.

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March 15-GOD IS LEAVENING NEGATIVE MOUNTAINS. God does not want us to go over the mountains of negative thoughts and deeds. He wants to completely level these thoughts from our present memory. When we go through these mountains they seem to mean a lot to overcome. These mountains are sin-missing the mark of Being Christ like, sickness, pain, suffering and even death to the Spirit Realm. We must learn to die to the little self that wants to Be the ruler of our lives given by the ego that EDGES GOD OUT. Let us stop fighting to win our goal to Let the Christ in us to take control, and to Live more abundantly. The carnal mind wants its own way, and says we do not need God because we can do it ourselves. “All things work together for good.” Let the Christ knock down the mountains to work through us and AS. No self gratification to let the Christ within take the praise. “Not “i”, but the Christ within is all there IS.

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March 14-VISION WHAT YOU WANT TO HAPPEN. Matt, 16:19-“I will give you the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, what you bind on earth will BE bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will Be loosed in heaven.” Rom. 4:17. “God who gives Life to the dead, and call the things that are not, AS THOUGH THEY ARE.” Don’t allow yourself to Be sad, depressed, feeling helpless or failure just expect Happiness, Peace, Joy, Health, no pain or suffering, only Love. We need to move higher in the Spirit Realm. You are a Spirit Being. What you picture in your mind KNOWING AND BELIEVING it will happen. Positive results with God flowing through you. Luke 1:38. You walk on Holy Ground. Acts 7:32. All evil is coming to the surface and done away with. Matt. 6:10. We can speak and create things into existence. ASK, BELIEVE AND KNOW. Faith is believing, and not seeing. Let God work through you and AS you.

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March 13-MEANING OF THE JORDAN RIVER. It means flowing down abundantly. This river is polluted with dirty water of thoughts of good and evil not redeemed state with turbulence from human thinking without the Spirit Realm of redemption.We have to cross the Jordan River in order to go to the Kingdom of God where there is no pain, suffering, or flesh carnal thinking. Elisha the Prophet told us to change our thinking. Naaman means intellect swelling up in the Ego thoughts with pride, no understanding of the Spirit Realm or teaching anything about God. Leprosy flesh that is impure destructive thoughts separating us from our Source Christ within. Elisha saw his deception of living in self desires of human thoughts. Elisha (God is a savior, God of deliverance, the Spiritual I AM gives double portion of Spirit) go wash in Jordan seven times (number of completeness). Naaman thought in the physical logic mind to say no to Spirit Realm. He thought he could Be healed by human thought.

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March 12-THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW! Twelve is the number of Divine Government, a Godly change in our government. In the Story of the Prodigal (very wasteful) son. Why did God not rescue His Son from the experience he suffered? God divided the two sons (the states of mind consciousness) two different thoughts of the same mind. The ego son who stayed home thought he was better than the other son. I AM god that I can do everything myself. The prodigal son had to learn by EXPERIENCE into a lower realm or frequency instead of a Spirit Being to never choose Being away from God again. The Prodigal son came to him-self knowing he was Created in the image (reflection in a mirror) and likeness (exact copy) to a Royal family of God that the Christ Jesus was inside of him and AS him. Peace, Power with no limitations. He awakened to the fact that he was Royal Blood, a child of the King and Queen to Be his Real Self, Heirs of God and Joint heirs with Christ Jesus.

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March 11-WHAT IS A LIE?

March 11-WHAT IS A LIE? We must lay aside the old ways of thinking in the carnal mind with its evil practices, and Know you ARE A NEW CREATION IN CHRIST.The old you was the Ego thoughts that Edge God Out that tries to destroy our Identity as Spirit Beings. To Be hypnotized to believe a lie instead of the Truth. God spoke to Eve in the garden (Spirit Realm) do not partake of good and evil. Serpent allegory split tongue speaks words that seem true, but tells you evil lies. The tempter in our own minds says, “Surely God did not tell you not to partake of good and evil that your eyes will Be opened to this world’s thinking. You will receive power to worship your Own Self instead of God.” The word lie means a word that is instead of the Truth. The ego which always speaks first, tries to kill the Christ in You.

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March 10-DO YOU HAVE WAX IN YOUR EAR? Wax is a substance secreted by the bees to become, get larger or stronger. The bees make wax to build the honey cone to raise their babies in. The wax is used to make candles. If your ears are clogged up with wax, you cannot hear from God. If you have any bitterness in your life, you have ears that cannot hear. Get rid of jealousy, hatred, judgment, or any other human traits that makes your ears not to hear what God is saying to you personally. We must go higher in the Spirit to our Primary Doctor called Christ Jesus within our Being. “If any man has ears, let him hear.” Some people hear the Word, and do not respond because they want to do things their own way. They close their ears to Truth to listen to the lies of the Ego that is the father of lies, deceiver of the brethren, and actually runs from their Real Self of Spirit at the center of their Being created in the image (reflection in a mirror) and likeness (exact copy) of God. Gen. 1:27.

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March 9-BUILD UP YOUR WALLS FROM TEMPTATION. God wants you to build a wall against temptation of sickness, pain, suffering, and anything that is not God like because He took all human emotions and actions at the cross and nailed it to His body for all of us. Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall higher in Spirit Realm, but fell in thinking into the lower frequency..All the Kings horses, and men of the ego thoughts with our own will power could not put him back together again. Wall is a enclosure that divides one from another without Being one with each other. The horses mean that energy given to negative thinking has to Be avoided that does not have any power. Do not Be tempting to argue to Be right of self not of God. Be silent to not speak a word just like Christ Jesus did. Be Christ like in every thing you do and say. Have the new life of Resurrection thoughts.

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March 8-HOW WE SEE GOD by Richard

March 8-HOW WE SEE GOD BY RICHARD. I wrote some time back that no two people thru the front of our faces see God alike. We even have “religious wars” and kill each other over our different points of view. Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the LORD, “Though your sins are as scarlet, They will be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They will be like wool.” Can you imagine that God asks us to REASON. That is why we have a SOUL, a mind, an intellect. God did not create robots He loves diversity. Do we not see that the ancestors of Jesus were not perfect. Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God,” Our most important reason for being on this earth is to learn how to rise in the SPIRIT. This is when God goes before us, gently speaking to us, and we recognize HIS VOICE. This is a wonderful priceless thing to behold.

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March 7-CONFIDENCE VERSES FEAR. Seven is the number of completion of Spiritual perfection. Confidence means you Know that God is in control, and great things begin to happen without doubt like “Faith is a SUBSTANCE not seen, but believed to happen when we ask.” “Fear is False evidence APPEARING REAL”. It is only in you mind, but we do not have the carnal mind, but the Mind of Christ given at the cross. We are Love at the highest vibration and frequency that helps the body heal. Fear is a temptation that tries to destroy our Identity of Being Spirit Beings. God is all there IS. God does not get Glory when we are sick, but when we give the testimony that we are healed “By His Stripes at the Cross.” The boy blind from birth, People questioned him who sinned? HE SAID, “I WAS BLIND AND NOW I SEE.” Christ Jesus said, “This is for the Glory of God that He is healed.” John 9:35. The world is round so you can’t choose sides, but Love everyone as our family.

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March 6- IMAGINATION. Six is the number of man when he fell into a lower frequency and vibration to Be 666 Spirit, Soul and Body. Love is the highest frequency, but hate is a lower vibration and these two words control your body as far as health. “WE NEED TO CALL THINGS THAT ARE NOT AS THOUGH THEY ARE” “Life and death is in the power of the tongue.”You can visualize the things you want out of life they manifest with the spoken word. Say, I AM, Smart, Beautiful, Healthy, Abundance, Healed, Prosperous. I AM God like in everything I say and do. I AM a Blessing. We seek an inner awareness of something greater than we are to connect with our Source which is Christ Jesus within. “The Kingdom of God is within. Believe and Receive. All things are Possible with God. Let no man discourage you from your goal in life that God gave to you.

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March 5-YOU ARE UNIQUE TO FIT IN ONE PIECE OF THE PUZZLE. You are God’s creation to Be God like. You have the Power within to co-create with God to LET GOD GROW THROUGH YOU AND AS YOU. You have the Mind of Christ given to you at the cross. Your will becomes God’s will. You are a unique creation as if you were the only person alive. God cannot punish Him-self (all of us) within you because God will Be punishing Him-self. When you attack another person, you are attacking the Christ in you because everyone has the Christ of God within them.We must believe that at the cross ALL PAIN, SUFFERING IS THINKING GOD CAN SUFFER. God can’t be jealous or vengeful or any other translation of the words that man did not understand instead of the Truth. Sacrifice of babies is to appease an angry god that does not exist. You are God’s masterpiece with the Light to the dark world that does not know God is real.

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March 4-DON’T STAY IN A RUT. A rut is a fixed situation in your life that you can’t see how you can grow higher in the Spirit Realm. This rut can be financial, people or anything you are focused on instead of choosing peace. God is causing us to grow deeper in the Spirit each day to Be God like in everything we do or say. Find a way to Be happy in each situation to thank God for the opportunity to choose the Spirit Realm instead of human carnal thinking because God is all there IS. We can’t have God and pain or sickness when we know we are Spirit Beings instead of human beings with temptations trying to destroy us without any power. The Kingdom of God is within us, At the cross we already have all the attributes of God to real-eyes the Truth. “God is within you wherever you go.” God is Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness, my healer, my pain relieve and everything I AM We are the Visible manifestation of the Invisible God to a world that needs to Be saved to know.

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March 3-NO SHAME OR GUILT. Guilt means a fact of having committed an offense, painful feeling that one has done wrong. Blame means accused of Being at fault, responsible for a fault taking responsibility on me. Christ Jesus went to the cross in us, and AS us. We must erase all emotions and have only Love. Ego thoughts that Edge God out in your own mind constantly bring up the past to destroy your Identity as a Spirit Being in Gen. 1:27. We no longer have two minds only the Mind of Christ. You no longer belong to this world, but in Spirit given to us at the cross. 2 Cor. 5:19-“God was in Christ Jesus at the cross reconciling the WORLD back to Him-self not imputed their trespasses, but given us the ministry of reconciliation.” You are a masterpiece created perfect. All human thoughts from the poison well to do away with and erase. You are a new Creation in Christ. 

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March 2-SPIRITUAL AWARENESS. “Thanks Be to God who is in Christ Jesus always leads us in triumphal procession, and THROUGH US with the Knowledge of Him everywhere.” 2 Cor. 2:14.” God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 19:1. God s Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness, my Healer. God gets glory when we are healed to give our Testimony to others to help them to heal. I AM knowing the Christ is in my Being who CAN’T receive sickness because He has taken away at the Cross to give us Resurrection Life. We are the mouth piece of God along with the Manifestation of the Invisible God on this earth. I can put on the eyes of Christ to see clearly without any limitations of human thinking, beliefs and rituals are lifted. I AM the container of Christ 2 Tim. 2:21. I AM heirs of God and Joint Heirs with Christ. Rom 8:17. I AM a Spirit Being with a Spiritual Invisible Body at the cross. 

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March 1-LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE. In the Book of Life all members of the human race from Adam to the last person in history because Christ Jesus died on the cross to all human thoughts and pains. He paid the Pearl of Great Price for all sins, sickness, pain, suffering, and then Resurrection. Rev. 10:11.Being saved is not the end, but the beginning of Growing in Christ Jesus. Nicodemus went to Christ Jesus at night so no one knew he wanted Christ. “We must Be born again to the Spirit Realm instead of carnal flesh realm of the thoughts of the human mind to destroy our Identity as Spirit Beings. “God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the WORLD back to Him-self (all of us). Not imputing their trespasses, but giving them the ministry of reconciling.” 2 Cor. 5:19. John 3:16. Your name is in the Book of Life NOW when He gave His Son to all of us will have everlasting life. Ps. 139:16, He knew us before the womb. 

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February 28-DIVINE PRESENCE IS AUTHORITY WITHIN ME. This Presence is Individually Present in each of us with no thinking of separation. We are rooted and grounded in this Unconditional Love. We think about the Presence within and within each person. We desire to Love One Another, and to Love ourselves. With the beauty and quietness of this moment, I can feel the Presence of God within me to feel a deep Peace beyond understanding. I bathe in this Presence from top to bottom of my Being. I know I AM created in the image (reflection in a mirror), and likeness (exact copy) of the Living God both male and female. Gen. 1:27. We were with God before the foundation of the world. The word Christ the Anointed One the Divine Sons and Daughters of God. We are Royalty. Remember we are all brothers and sisters of God with One with God and One with each other. I wish you much Peace and Happiness with the Christ within you. 

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February 27-LOVE IS THE BELIEF THAT HEALS ME. Love heals everything, every imperfection of carnal mind called the devil that tries to kill me and has no power. God created me perfect and went to the cross to cause us to remember who and what we really are Spirit Beings. “Be transformed by the renewing of our minds to the Mind of Christ.” Two things to re-member. God is all there IS, Unlimited, our Source, One Power, One body, One Family. You are the Presence of God in individual expression. The reason you are here on earth is to Be the visible manifestation of God just like Christ Jesus. Be the mouth piece of God to a world that does not know anything about a Living God within us and AS us. Matt. 22:37-Love God with all your Soul and your mind, and Love neighbor as your self.” Your Real Self is your God self. God dwells in you and always IS within you. Re-member who you are Royal Sons and Daughters of God. 

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February 26-YOU ARE EAGLE SAINTS. Eagles are compared to us as Spirit Beings. They have perfect eye sight. Eyes of God and power of God. They make an enormous nest. We have a home that is within us as a Temple of God. They are handsome and Royal, Regal. We are Royal Children of God both male and female. Both eagles take care of the nest. God’s children are equal with not one above the other. They can fly very high as us flying high in Spirit Realm..They mate for life. The crows of ego thoughts cannot reach the eagle because the eagle flies above any human ego thoughts that lies to us. They are the symbol of United States because of their character. Is. 40:31-“Hope in the Lord will renew their strength, sore on wings of eagles, run and not get weary, walk and not faint.” They eat only live foods that is best for nourishment.. 

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February 25-IF GOD BE FOR US, WHO COULD BE AGAINST US? “What shall we say about these things? Do not fear (false evidence appearing real) for I AM with you.” “Who can bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Christ Jesus is the One who died to physical death, raised us to Spirit thinking, who is interceding for us. Romans 8:35-39 “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Now we have the Mind of Christ only. We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who Loves us NOW and forever. We should always rest peacefully in our mind and heart, knowing and believing these things.

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February 24-PEAL ONION SKINS TO GET TO THE SUBSTANCE. An onion has layers of pealing before you get to the substance which is God. We need to remove all the onion skins that has to do with human laws, thinking, beliefs and rituals. God is the only substance that is real. The process each day is to erase the past mistakes and hurts and see your real beauty as as Royal Children of God. While you are pealing the skins of the onion, you may cry. You can remove every negative thought that creates like fear (false EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL), hatred, jealousy, meanness, feeling not worthy, feeling you are ugly instead of beautiful, feeling not smart enough when you are very intelligent, and have everything because God is the Core of your Being. Letting God do the work instead of you trying to do everything by yourself which in reality you can do nothing without God. All of us are sisters and brothers from the Family of God. One with God and One with each other. 

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February 23-OPEN MYSELF TO A GREATER LOVE. Linda’s birthday is today. I AM 82 years young. I want the Agape Love called the Christ Love. Love is a Divine quality in a Spiritual Being. God is Love, and we are His expressed likeness, the image of the eternal Beings both male and female. Love renews the Soul of my mind, my will, my intellect, my many emotions to God’s Mind, Will, Intellect and ONE EMOTION OF LOVE. Christ Jesus filled the law with “Love God and Love Your Neighbor as Yourself.” Love says we are created Spirit Beings before the foundation of the world and given us back at the cross. “Perfect Love cast our fear (false evidence appearing real) that flees at the Presence of Truth. “Nothing can separate me from the Love of God.” Life and death is in the power of the tongue that creates. I AM Healthy, Love, Peace, Happiness to let the Christ flow through me and AS me. I can feel the Love in me. 

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February 22-WE GO INTO ANOTHER FORM OR CLASSROOM AFTER DEATH. Christ Jesus from one FORM to another form growing into the new body. Is. 9:7-“Unto us a child is born, a son given, and the government shall Be on His shoulder, and His name shall Be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Jer. 1:5-“Before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I KNEW YOU. I SET YOU APART TO APPOINT YOU AS MY PROPHET TO THE NATIONS.” “We are Spirit Beings after the image (reflection in a mirror) of God that creates us.” We went from birth in the form of a baby, toddler, walking, teen, adult, wife, mother, grandmother great grandmother not losing our Identity as a Spirit Being. “We must Be born again to enter the Kingdom of God within. That which is born of flesh is flesh, that which is born of Spirit if Spirit.” John 3:16.

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February 21-HOW TO KNOW YOU ARE DYING TO SELF? Not to Be hurt with the insults, Knowing you are a Royal Son and Daughter of God. When your good is evil spoken of, your opinions ridiculed, and you refuse to let anger rise in your heart or even defend yourself by not saying a word with any annoyance, like a clock ticking. When you are content with any climate change, and society to get aggravated with or complaining about issues, and Know that God is in control so we can learn our mistakes and never to choose them again. Not to want compliments, and Know that Christ Jesus is working through you and AS you. When you can see brothers and sisters prosper, and have their needs met to rejoice with them in Spirit not to Be jealous. No rebellion when someone tries to correct you when you Know what God is speaking to you. Our goal is to Know God and the power of the Resurrection to concentrate on Life more abundantly. 

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February 20-LAW OF GOD’S LOVE

February 20-LAW OF GOD’S LOVE-The law of God is written in your One Mind the Mind of Christ, and the power is in you to meet every need. “The Love of God and the peace of God Be with you.” 2 Cor. 13:11. The seed of Christ is evolving in you. In the seed of Christ planted in you is the pattern of the root, trunk, branches, leaves, and perfect life function. I AM TRULY HELPFUL, NEVER DEPRIVED, ALWAYS A WINNER, NO FEAR, I AM LOVE, PEACE, JOY, GIVING, PURE, INNOCENT AND VICTORIOUS. I FEEL GOOD! I can feel the flow of Energy, Light, and Love filling my entire Being with the Presence of God now. I can let go of negative beliefs to know the Unconditional Love of God transforming this body into perfect Health without any pain or illness that was taken AWAY AT THE CROSS to give us Resurrection Life in a new Realm of Spirit. Everything is going to Be alright. God is all there IS.

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February 19-CAN YOU BELIEVE?

February 19-CAN YOU BELIEVE? God is the substance of all form, and God is not subject to pain, suffering, and dis-ease. God knows no doubt or confusion. We either have God or we have pain, we can’t have both. “Christ Jesus said to Pray without ceasing, Ask and it will Be given to you, Knock, and the door shall Be open for us to go in.” Matt. 7:7-“I dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High, and the Presence of God is within me at all times never to leave me or forsake me.” Ps. 91. When God speaks within us, it is the Truth to set us free. God shows you the Way, Truth and Life. John 14:6. “God is a God of impossibilities. ASK, BELIEVE AND RECEIVE. Whatever I ask will Be answered. We are about to receive the Best miracle ever to happen to give you more than you asked for. Eph. 3:20. All evil is Being done away with and the KINGDOM OF GOD IS COMING TO THIS EARTH. Believe and KNOW who and what you are here for. 

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February 18-12 STONES IN THE BREASTPLATE OF THE HIGH PRIEST. Twelve is the number of Divine Government. 1-Jasper-Will of God in me, Pure heart. 2-SAPPHIRE-Blue Wisdom flows through you with an open SOUL. Living TRUTH from invisible. 3.-CHALCEDONY -Love foundation of DIVINE SOUL to KINGDOM OF LOVE. 4.-EMERALD- Green World wide coverage, 4th dimension, memory recall, no evil. 5.-Sardius – Ability to redeem, Developing CHRIST consciousness, Grace 6. Number of man to real-eyes to a SPIRIT BEING. 7.-CRYSTALIZE-Gold stone INTO Deity, new earth, health, fruits of the Spirit, God like. 8.Beryl – Not satisfied with opinions. Truth is known. 9-Topaz- Yellow Within becomes without. Harmony Will to God’s will. Tree of life flowing through you. 10. Chystirosic -“Love your neighbor as yourself.” 11-Jasen Red blood is Spirit, Love. 12-Amelthest Deep purple of Royalty peace understanding.. Secret place of the Most High.

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February 17-GUARD YOUR SECRET PLACE. Matt. 6:6-“When you pray enter into your closet shut the door, pray to the Father in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will reward you in the open.” Ps. 91:1-14. “He who dwells in the Secret Place of the Most High shall remain stable, and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty whose power no FOE can withstand. He is my Refuge, My Fortress, my God on Him I lean on and trust. He will deliver me from the snare, and deadly pestilence (pain, suffering, insect bites, etc.) He will cover you with His pinions (feathers), and under His wings shall you find refuge. His truth and faithfulness are a Shield and a Buckler (round shield). You shall not Be afraid of the terror of night (negative thinking without Spirit), nor the arrow (tongue convictions ruling your life) of the wicked. No evil shall befall you nor any plague or calamity (disaster, flood, fire) come near you. The Secret Place is where God is within you.”

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February 16-LIFE FLOWS THROUGH YOU. You are an outlet for using God’s Wisdom, Intelligence, Love, Beauty and Creativity. Plug into your electricity to produce Light of understanding to all you meet. You are the Mouth Piece of God, and the Living representative of the Invisible God to the Visible world. You are a Pure Spirit Being. Life is flowing through you and AS you. Whatever seeds you plant will Be positive acts of producing results of Peace and Joy. “Whatever you sow, you will reap.” Plant Love so Love can come back to you. I must delete all thoughts of negative words that produce negative actions. “Life and Life more abundantly.” The secret of Life is: SPEAK YOU ARE FEELING GOOD. This means you are feeling God without separation from God, and everything today will Be Peace Without any Problems. Spirit World is a living creation that never dies, because the Spirit World that you are is eternal. 

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February 15-YOU ARE A CO-CREATOR WITH GOD. Rise above the thoughts of separation to the power of God. You will feel as though you were in an infinite sea of unobstructed Life. This place in the Mind of Christ is the Source or Substance of all action and creativity. This happens in the innermost part of your Being in your Real Self. Just as a plant turns to the sun, your thoughts turn to the Power given you from your WORDS. Whatever you decree, state or affirm within the Christ in you will produce Life and positive results. You are the mouth piece of God. I climb the latter upward into the Realm of Spirit above all confusion, passing through all clouds of fear and doubt to real eyes my Identity as Royal Sons and Daughters with all the attributes of God within me. I can see Love everywhere, and the Light of God in each person that I meet is a Holy Encounter. No more mean people with mean words can touch me and cause my body pain and suffering. 

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February 14-CHRIST JESUS SHED HIS BLOOD IN SEVEN PLACES. Happy Valentines Day. 1. At Gethsemane, we lost my will power gained in the Garden of Eden-1 Peter 1:18. Redemption means atonement-one -with -God for sin that is an archery term meaning we missed the mark of God to remember where we came from. 1 Cor 5:19. 2. By His stripes on His back to control desires, my will and HEALTH. Thirty nine stripes means redemption from the Law to Grace. Eph. 1:7, 3-He shed blood on the Crown of Thorns, from carnal thinking mind to the Mind of Christ. 2 Cor. 8:9. 4-Pierced hands dominion of everything we touch will prosper-Gen. 39:3. 5-His pierced feet brought back the places we walk to bring Good News. Mark 1:15. 6-Back to Joy in human body because six is the number of man. John 19:13. Pierced in side came blood for our sins and water for our cleansing. 7-Inner hurts and iniquities. Is. 53:5. Bruises bleeds on inside, but He rose again to make all things new. 2 Cor. 5:15.

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February 13-DOES A MASK COVER YOUR REAL SELF. We wear a mask for several reasons. We don’t want people to think that we are not godly. Moses wore a mask on his face to hide the bright light of his Being that was blinding people to human thinking to real-eyes our thinking is the Mind of Christ. We pretend to Be something that we are not. In the earth thinking realm, we are never satisfied. Your beauty is beyond understanding. Look in the mirror to see Snow White that you are the fairest of them all. You are a unique creation one of a kind in the image and likeness of God both male and female. Take the fake little self off of the mask to let the real you shine like the sun. Without you God cannot Be complete. We are all pieces of that great puzzle where we each fit in only one place. Let your light shine to Be what you are created to Be God like in everything you do and say.

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February 12-I WANT TO SEE THE CHRIST IN OTHERS. Twelve is the number of DIVINE GOVERNMENT. God is in every one, but they forgot who they are and why they are here. The Divine Love in us finds a perfect way to overcome fear (false evidence appearing real) of Being misunderstood or hurt. We let the Christ take over our lives, and KNOW THAT WE ARE SPIRIT BEINGS we can see that Christ is all there IS. No more pain, suffering, bad dreams, or other human thoughts to see with the eyes of Christ instead of our human eyes that judges others. Perfect Love cast out fear. 1 John 4:18. We live the Life of Faith to Be a Song of Joy. To find peace in the midst of confusion, we MUST CONSCIOUSLY UNITE OUR THOUGHTS WITH DIVINE MIND OF CHRIST given me at the cross which is in me as perfect. ASK, BELIEVE AND KNOW. The ego thoughts are temptations with only a roar or to rule us, that does not have any power to believe a lie only in our own minds.

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February 11-I WANT THE HIGH CALLING OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS. Phil. 3:8-“I count everything as lost compared to the Possession of the priceless privilege of knowing Christ, and of progressively becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him perceiving, recognizing and understanding Christ more clearly.All is rubbish in order that I may win Christ. My determined purpose is the power out flowing from His Resurrection and continuing to Be transformed into His Likeness (exact copy) and image (reflection in a mirror) with the faith to attain to the Spiritually, and moral resurrection that lifts me from among the dead (negative carnal mind thinking) while in this body-Spiritual Body. I forget what lies behind, and looking forward to what lies ahead-Wonderful Kingdom of God. I press upward toward the goal to win the PRIZE TO WHICH CHRIST IS CALLING ME UPWARD.” Evil is coming to the surface for the Kingdom of God within each one of us. 


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February 10-KISS MY NEGATIVE THOUGHTS GOOD BYE. Kiss the past disappointments good bye like jealousy, hatred, pain, suffering, hurts and so on to real eyes that the past is gone, and we live in the Now to grow in Love, Peace, Happiness and Joy. Is. 41:10, “God’s plans are not my plans, but greater than before when we learn to let forgiveness flow through us, and go on to what God is doing greater things NOW. Is. 55:8-“We are not our self, but Christ in us and AS us. 2 Cor. 5:27-“If anyone is in Christ, he is a New Creation. The old has passed away, behold the NEW has come. 11 Cor. 5:19-“God was in Christ reconciling the World to Himself, not counting their TRESPASSES AGAINST THEM, to give us a ministry of reconciliation. In Him we have become the Righteous of God. Remember not the former things. Behold I AM doing a NEW thing. Be reconciled to God who for our sake He made Him to Be sin for Our missing the mark of Being Spirit to remember who we are. 


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February 9-ARE YOU IN A DRY PLACE? Water is the substance of Life. When our water well has stopped flowing pure water from the throne of God, we are no longer thirsty for the Spirit Realm where “God will never leave us or forsake us.” “If we drink this water, we will never thirst again.” Water represents weakness and negativity when the water is polluted with judgment, negativity, sickness, pain, and suffering. Water is for cleansing the human mind, and in some cases life and vitality. Seas are unformed state of the human mind to the cares of the world to walk on troubled waters. In the Spirit Realm, we walk safely over the mixed negative thoughts to overcome. We must go to Living Waters from me to make the lame to walk and the blind to see.” In the dry season with pain has no thought of getting well. The dry places does not exist in the Spirit only in our own minds. God is always present. Love causes dry places to bloom like a beautiful rose. We are the family of God. 


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February 8-MY PART AND GOD’S PART. Eight is the number of new Beginnings. Christ Jesus said, “Of my own self, I can do nothing, as I hear, I judge (turning point), and my judgment is just because I seek not my own will, but the will of the Father who sent me.” John 5:30. Christ Jesus only did miracles as was led by the Holy Spirit (Mother God). ‘IN HIS OWN HOME TOWN, HE HAD TO SHAKE THE DUST OFF HIS FEET BECAUSE THEY DID NOT BELIEVE. Luke 4:16. He is the carpenter’s son. He is of no value. My part is to do the plan and purpose in the Will of God, and not my own will Be done. “It is not “i”, but Christ in me, and the life I now live in the flesh, I live by the Faith of Christ.”We have the seed of Christ planted in YOU with all the attributes of God within as Love, Peace, Joy, God is waiting for us to remember who and what we are. We are the mouthpiece, and the representative of the Invisible God to everyone we meet. Today is a NEW BEGINNING. 


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February 7-MY THOUGHTS ESTABLISH NEW BEGINNINGS. Seven is the number of Spiritual perfection and completion. God rested on the seventh day from all creations. “For behold I create new heavens and new earth, and the former shall not Be remembered, nor come to mind.” Our human minds is emptied from fear and doubt. I live today with thoughts with ideas of God only. I have harmony with all people that are around me. I can see everyone as a Holy Encounter. I can feel the Presence of God that reveals Itself with every thought in every act. My thoughts are positive, and my present is created perfect. Moses struck the rock once in the wilderness to get Living water meaning Christ. The second time God told Moses to Speak to the Rock (Christ Jesus who took all your human thoughts for you once for ALL) in order to get Living Water for every need we have. Words are creative so speak words of Life and Life more abundantly. Speak reality of who and what you are Spirit Beings. 


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February 6-THE MEANING OF FOOT WASHING. Six is the number of man 666 Spirit, Soul and Body. Foot washing is an outward show of the highest humility. It is an inward cleaning of human thinking to put on the Mind of Christ. Our walk is filled with dirt of human thinking and human rule in our own minds. Don’t argue the Truth with someone that does not accept it. When we are in a negative situation remove our man made shoes with the dust of human carnal flesh thinking. Kingdom of God is in the upper Room with One accord with each other to cleanse emotions of hate, jealousy, and so on with One emotion of “Love God and neighbor as yourself.” Jesus said, “Heaven is my throne, and earth human realm feet are put on a foot stool to rest from human emotions of self.” Let God use our feet in us and AS. 


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February 5-YOU HAVE RESURRECTION LIFE. Resurrection means raising of man’s mind and body from sense to Spiritual Consciousness (what we are aware of) by the quickening power of the Holy Spirit (Mother God). “The Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead dwells in you is the same Spirit that gives life to your mortal bodies.” Rom. 8:11. “We shall not all sleep, but we ALL Be changed in Spirit Body as we are created before the foundation of the world to Be in God.” 1 Cor. 15:51. Our body changed to Spirit Body as we were created in Gen. 1:27. “The hour is come and NOW IS, when the dead in human thoughts and deeds shall hear the Voice of God.” John 5:25. All evil is coming to the surface, and done away with happening right now each day. “I AM the resurrection and Life NOW with death abolished at the cross, and brought Life and Immortality to Light (understanding). At the cross Christ went down to the disobedient souls in their minds to set them free.  


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February 4-MEANING OF THE WORD SHADOW. The number 4 means world wide coverage. A shadow is a reflection of light that forms a shadow of yourself that is not a real person. Our Real Self is a Spirit Being with God before the foundation of the world. We are light Beings. In Ps.23-“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. Though I walk through the valley (lowest part of the flesh carnal realm thinking instead of the Spirit Realm on the mountain or heaven.) of the SHADOW OF DEATH, I will fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) no evil.” It is talking about the SHADOW of death meaning death is not real because Christ Jesus at the cross gave us eternal life. The shadow is not your real self because it is not a real YOU. The shadow is the carnal flesh realm that is real in our thinking only. Christ took away pain, suffering, jealousy and so forth of human thinking at the cross. We have all these things in the shadow realm of thinking from human beliefs. We do not miss the mark of who and what we are.  

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February 3-GOD WANTS TO GIVE YOU A FLOOD OF BLESSINGS. When your house is flooded, you have to tear down walls that have water to replace all the belongings you have. As soon as you give up jealousy, hate, fighting, relying on your own strength is when God wants to give you a shower of Blessing. Our part of the play is to real eyes that the Christ of our Being is all we need. “Seek the Kingdom FIRST, and all these things will Be added to you.” People will come to your life to help you fulfill your dreams, and desires according to God’s will for your life not by chance or accident. The Mind of Christ comes to solve the problem. There is no more sin missing the mark who and what you are, sickness, pain, suffering in the Realm of Spirit. Go higher in the Realm of Spirit to KNOW GOD NOT ABOUT GOD is within you and AS you waiting to give you the flood of blessings instead of human emotions of fear, guilt or any other emotion to cause you to loose your peace to Unconditional Love. 

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February 2-YOU ARE A DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH. A Greek word that means not tameable, and hard describing the brilliance of the stone. It is the hardest of all minerals. In the breast plate of the High Priest means Truth and Brilliantly in the presence of Truth and innocence, and is extremely beautiful. It became a symbol of Love. Diamonds are formed at high temperatures and high pressure. It has carbon containing minerals and grows over billions of years with a deep source of volcanic eruptions. We are Being refined with much heat and pressure without spot or blemish as God’s perfects us Daily on the potter’s wheel as we die to self and become alive to Christ. We slowly loose our old Soul, and everything becomes new. We begin to delete hatred, prejudice or any discord that is not Christ like. No human thinking can stop your plan and purpose in life. You sparkle with light in any room within you at all times. Even through trials and tribulations, we are growing and praise God anyway. 


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February 1-KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN. Luke 17:20. This is a new month, best year ever, new beginnings, new thoughts, health, bodies to Spirit Bodies, minds cleansed, thinking from human thoughts to Spirit thoughts always choosing peace. Christ Jesus is in our Being. Practice the Presence of God. God will never leave us or forsake us. Heb. 13:5.You are a Royal Son and Daughter of the Living God who loves us Unconditional. You are the visible representative of the invisible God to this world. Gen. 1:27. We need to let go and let God do everything through you. You are a Pearl of Great Price. Matt. 13:45. You will bring the Kingdom of God on this earth body as in Heaven (Spirit Realm). If God is within, how could we have sickness, pain, suffering when Christ Jesus took every human thought of this world to His body at the cross and done away with. “Be you TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND TO THE MIND OF CHRIST. Sin no more by missing the mark of who you are. 


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In my Soul I was bound in chains with nothing but negative thinking.
Suddenly what I thought and said was experienced with my sinking.
I began to awaken to the Truth that God created me a perfect Spirit Being.
No more thoughts of human thinking to thoughts of God for my seeing.

What a revelation that Christ Jesus died on the cross for us all to know and believe.
God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the WORLD back to Himself for all to receive.
Christ Jesus paid the price to do away with all thoughts of sin, pain and dis-ease.
He RESURRECTED from the dead for us to a Living new life to be achieved.

What is death, but negative words and deeds that have to Be experienced in order to let go.
Something needed to not choose again in order to let Christ be alive in us in order to grow.
I Believe I came here to change my thinking about everything and to Know God only.
Knowing who I AM as Royal Children of God who remembers always I Am very holy.

Thanks to God I AM awakening each day to the Truth which does sets us free and free indeed. 
God’s grace is always erasing my mistakes to break all chains and gives me everything I need. 
God is all power see that God is all there is, and we are One with God and One with each other.
I seek the heart of God to Be God like in everything I do and say with God there is not another.

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January 31-I WANT TO SEE IN THE SPIRIT REALM. Job 42:5-” I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now my eyes sees thee.” Zacchaeus (thoughts of human thinking that must repent or change your thinking) was small in growth, not spiritual in thoughts and deeds, and was a hated tax collector.” Luke 19:4-“He climbed up the sycamore tree (the perceptive faculty of mind of man’s thinking ready to see and receive the Truth of Christ. Jesus saw him and said, “Go wash, clean, Be guiltless, innocent, just, righteous, and I will come to your house within.” Cataracts is a skin or veil that tries to stop you from seeing clearly. Healing comes from the Mind of Christ to have a single eye, God only of wholeness in the Spirit Realm. God’s life in me is perfect. I accept perfect sight, and let go of all negative thoughts, beliefs and ideas. I can now see WITH THE EYES OF GOD CLEARLY. “That they may ALL be One, just as You Father are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us.” John 17:21

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January 30-ARE YOU A PRODIGAL SON COMING BACK TO FATHER’S HOUSE? Luke 15:11-32. The man had two sons. One is praising God, and the other saw the desires of the flesh mind and went to a far country of human thinking, not the Spirit Realm. We come to our True Self to know that the Father loves us forever, and will always give us a second chance to come back to the Spirit Realm. We are Royal Sons and Daughters of the Living God, which is the Spirit Realm who and what we are. God welcomes us from afar, and gives us the Purple robe of royalty, the signet ring of authority, sandals for our walk, and the fated calf for our Spiritual Food. God says, “MY son was lost and now is found. We were dead to spiritual and now alive.” The other son was jealous saying, “You did not give me all you gave him.” THE FATHER SAID, ” I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU.” The human mind things the Father is going to punish us, but the Father will only Love us. We must change our human thinking to Spirit.

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January 29-THIS IS THE STORY OF TWINS. The first twins are Issac and Ishmael. Issac represents the Spiritual Realm with the God’s Promise the Only Son of the Father.. Abraham represents Father God and Sarah represents Mother God. Abraham could not wait for the promise child so he had Ishmael from Hagar his handmaid. Gen. 16:11.Ishmael represents the flesh realm thoughts of the natural man at work in the flesh who must Be redeemed back to God where we came from. Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90. Issac name was laughter because Sarah laughed, not believing she could conceive at her age. The next twins is Jacob and Esau. Jacob stole his birth rights from Esau. The name Jacob means liar, and a thief until his name was changed to Israel Prince with God. Esau represent the flesh realm of I, Me, and Mine, I AM god. He sold his birth rights for flesh food. Inner rebellion against knowing the Truth of our Being. We are aliens here, We live in the Spirit Realm as Prince and Princess of God.

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January 28-WE ARE NOT SINNERS. The lamb (not an animal, but Christ Jesus) was slain before the foundation of the world so that is why we could not Be born sinners because we were forgiven before Being born. Christ is I AM. Exod. 3:11. Who does mankind say that I, the Son of Man I AM? Matt. 21:10. You are the Temple of the Living God. (all of us). 2 Cor. 6:19- Sweet smelling aroma (myrrh) Lev. Christ is the Manna in the Wilderness. Deut. Christ Jesus is the Kinsman Redeemer-Ruth. Ps. Christ is our Shepherd who takes care of us as sheep. Christ is the Son of Righteousness with Healing in His wings. Malachi. Christ is the light that covered them by day, and the cloud that covered them by night. Where can I go from your Spirit? Ps. 139:7. Road to Emma’s they said “Did not our hearts Burn within us when Christ walked with us”. Luke 24:32. Greatest commandment is “Love God and your neighbor as yourself.” Is. 53-Christ was bruised for my iniquities, chastised for my peace, and by His stripes I AM HEALED.

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January 27-ISSAC THE SON OF ABRAHAM’S MEANING. Abraham is a person meaning Father God. Isaac is the person in the form of the Son Christ Jesus. Abraham was to offer his only son for the families of God who had to bring a ram without spot or wrinkle to give to the High Priest the whole family, but once a year that did not take away the sins of the world put up for another year. Isaac carried the cross of wood for the offering for the burnt offering for the whole family. Gen. 22:11-12.God stopped Abraham with a ram caught in the thicket with thorns put on his human mind or head at the cross. 11 Cor 5:19-“God was in the form of the Son at the cross to become the offering Lamb for the whole world not imputing their trespasses, but giving them the Word of reconciliation.” This was not an animal, but a person of the Godhead as the Son to take away the sins of the world by shedding His blood to make us heirs of God and Joint heirs with Christ in the Spirit realm perfect. Christ was the High Priest.

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January 26-SERPENT NEGATIVE THOUGHTS ONLY DONE AWAY WITH. The serpent in Gen. was more subtle, crafty; not obvious than all the other thoughts in our carnal flesh mind. The serpent represents the lowest of human thoughts that crawls on its belly in the dirt of human thinking in Gen. 2 man became a Living Soul instead of a Life Given Spirit made of the dirt instead of the Spirit from before the foundations of the world Being in God. When Moses lifted up the human thoughts of the serpent to the Spiritual Realm, they ARE healed. Bitterness, anger, jealousy affects our bodies with dis-ease.. We can turn our thoughts to the Spirit within, the whole man is lifted up to the Christ Being the Royal Sons and Daughters of the Living God. “If I (Christ) Be lifted up (from the earth of human thoughts) I will draw ALL men to ME.” The pole of the doctors originally meant lifted up all negative thoughts to Spirit Realm for the healing of the body. Name of I AM given now, means I AM what you want ME to BE.

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January 25-NOT BY CHANCE

January 25-NOT BY CHANCE. Everything that goes out comes back again like judgment, condemnation, hate, speak evil words about each other. Nothing happens by accident or chance. There is a power inside of me (God) that guides and protects me to learn how to Love Unconditional. 1 John 4:16. Prov. 16:33-“Every decision is from the Lord.” Love, Peace is obtained by experience. Arms are for hugging. Rock in the water causes a ripple effects. Hands are used to comfort and compassion to you. “I walk in that Light in which there is no darkness, in that Love which there is no fear, in that Life which is no death.” Eph. 1:11-“In Him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestines according to the counsel of His will.” Luke 12:7-“Every hairs are all numbered.” Phil. 2:13-“For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. God is ALL THERE IS! Can God and heart problems exist? Never God will never give us Heart trouble like you would never do that to your children.

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January 24-PLANT SEEDS THAT GROWS IN EACH OTHER. Every day is a process to remember, and accept what God is revealing to you and me. God plants a seed in us, and one waters, but God causes it to grow. If we are impatient and dig the seed up, it will never become what is was meant to Be.We are Spirit Beings because everything God plants creates Spiritual. We are the temple of the Living God that God dwells in you and in me. We are Living in the most important seeds that is planted in us to SEE the Kingdom of God coming to this body as a Spiritual Body NOW. The whole earth is groaning and moaning for the manifestation of the Sons and Daughters to redeem our physical bodies Rom.8:22. Our bodies now are needed to a carnal flesh world to awaken those that are sleeping to know their Identity as Spirit Beings from before the foundation of the world, but in lowering into another dimension in thinking only we forgot who and what we are. If God is all there IS, can cancer and God exist? No

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January 22-WHAT DOES THE YEAR OF JUBILEE MEAN? NOW is the Day of Salvation (Free of man’s kingdom to God’s Kingdom) 2 Cor. 6:2. Lev 25-“The year of Jubilee shall Be a sabbath of rest.” The Jubilee the year of the end of seven cycles have a special impact on the ownership and management of land of Israel (all of us). Fifty of rest, forgiveness of all debts, liberation. The Jubilee year is to show Christ Jesus in all that I do with the Christ in me to transform the world to Jesus Christ. Jubilee is natural, rhythm, harmony, Joy of life that is experienced when the Soul radiates Grace, Beauty of Thoughts and Character of the body to Be transformed to Spirit Body. We are waiting for the manifestation of the Sons and Daughters of God for the redemption of our bodies. Rom. 8:19. Luke 4:19-“To proclaim the Year of the Lord’s Favor. There is no more gloom and doom, but the Spirit Realm of God only with no more fear, lies, human thinking and beliefs, with no more pain, suffering and death.

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January 21-LISTEN TO YOUR INNER VOICE. This inner voice within you is still and speaks to your mind is the Holy Spirit, Mother God called El Shaddai or God Almighty or large breasted one. What child is born without mother and father from the pattern in the heavens given you Truth.” Col. 1:15. Gen. 1:26-“Let us Father, Mother & Son create mankind in our image.” Nicodemus came to Christ Jesus at night and said “What do I have to do to receive salvation?” He said to Be born again not as a baby, but as a mature person like Adam and Eve were adults in the Spirit Realm. We create our thoughts of worry, fear and so on that keeps us from looking within where God IS. Christ put clay of human thinking in a person’s eyes to go wash out the lowest of human thinking so we can see into Truth of the Holy Spirit. To Be born again means we forgot we are Spirit Beings before the foundation of the earth who forgot we are Royal Children. I was blind, but now I see. John 9:25. No more listening to lies of the ego

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January 20- Why Jesus came in the flesh? by Richard

January 20-Why did Jesus come into this flesh realm? by Richard. When God revealed himself to me, I struggled in my mind for years as to how Jesus’s suffering and death could be different than other “sacrifices”. I knew that the human mind thru all time periods and all earthly locations, always came up with all sorts of sacrifices to appease an angry God. Let us take a different view. Matt 26:40 And He (Jesus) came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “So, you men could not keep watch with Me for one hour”? He felt the human emotion of being abandoned by His friends. Hebrews 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone. Jesus felt the fear,pain,worry and all the negative emotions we feel in our mortal bodies. Matt 26:39 And He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will.” Jesus knowing who and what He was, feared human death. All of this is simply part of the process of making man in the image of God, if simply is the proper word to use instead of the word sacrifice take away all human thinking and beliefs.

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January 19-A SACRIFICE OF PRAISE. A sacrifice is something we do. 1st Thess. 5:18-“By His mercies of God, to present your bodies to reflect the Christ to everyone you meet a LIVING SACRIFICE, holy and acceptable to God Christ like in everything we say, and do with no carnal mind thinking. We give thanks in EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE to go through trials and tribulations in order to praise God Anyway because this the Will of God in Christ Jesus to you. Being Christ like takes a everyday process to BE. Eph. 2:8-“We have been Redeemed brought back to God where we came from by the Son of God (Christ), and God has given us His Grace freely.” We are Spirit Beings that never lost our Spirituality (the quality of Being concerned with the human or Soul as opposed to material or physical things) with a shift in priorities allows us to embrace a more profound way even when we thought we fell, separated from Christ which never happen only in our own minds because God never leaves us or forsakes us.

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January 18-CAN YOU BELIEVE WHAT YOU CANNOT SEE. God is invisible called darkness. You cannot see in the Spirit Realm with human thinking, and using the human mind. I know that Christ Jesus is in my Being, but I cannot see it, but still believe it. There is more to life than you can see now. 2 Cor. 5:7-“You can move mountains in your life that is not God like if you believe that all negative conditions done away with.” You can do what Christ Jesus did also walk on water as long as you are focused on CHRIST. The cares of the world will cause you to sink. The human mind gives me illusions, and great on telling you lies. Christ in me is a servant not a slave (controlled by flesh). We are Spirit Beings not subject to things of the flesh, but are healed, healthy, full of Love, and walking above in Spirit Realm. God is real. I can let my eyes of Christ Shine to others to AWAKEN THEM TO A DIFFERENT DIMENSION IN THE SPIRITUAL WORLD WHERE EVERYTHING IS LOVE, PEACE NO HUMAN EYES.

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January 17-LOVE SCRIPTURE IN 1 Cor. 13

1 Cor. 13-Love Scripture
Love is patient. Love is kind and is not jealous. Love never brags and is not arrogant. Love does not act unbecomingly. Love does not seek its own. Love is not provoked. Love does not take into account a wrong suffered. Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness but rejoices in the Truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. God is Love.

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This is a beautiful Love story for You special, my Dear.
The Godhead is speaking, so open up your ears to hear.
This story that happened in the past 2,000 years ago.
It is for You this year now in the Present for you to know.

January is a new month, a new day, a new thoughts, and a new year.
This is the time for us to learn more of God’s Love for all of us to hear.
To know that God is the only power, God is in control, and only One God.
We are One with God and One with each other like two peas in a pod.

Know that at the cross, God was in Christ to bring God back to all of us.
We forgot to know we are Royal Children both male and female is a must.
The world reconciliation means bring us back to God where we came from.
Christ Jesus at the cross took away all sickness, pain, death, and then some.

Thank you Christ Jesus what you did for me and for all with so much Love.
You Love us all the same with so much care that we are your Turtle Dove.
We are your reflection in a mirror which means created in your image.
Christ Jesus said that He was telling us that He was finished.

No more pains, suffering, trials, tribulations and no more temptations.
We won’t react, but Let go to mean suggestions or having any frustrations.
We are growing fast to Be God like in everything we do in the Spirit Realm.
God with all His glory, revelations and majesty, we become overwhelmed.

He said, You will be processed on the Potter’s wheel to do great things.
Many Saviors will come from Mt. Zion to Be God like with all that brings.
The Wedding Feast is coming with all ego thoughts Edging God Out to cease.
The Kingdom of God is coming to this earth to finally having World Peace

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January 17-ARE YOU PRAISING GOD IN THE PIT? Joseph’s brothers hated him. Gen. 37:24. They threw him into a pit to die. A pit is any situation in our lives where we can’t see the answer to the problem until we praise God in the pit of negativity knowing everything is going to turn out Good with Unconditional Love with Christ Jesus is within us and AS us. We must thank God instead of asking God, and let go so that God can work through us. 1 Peter 5:7-Judah Joseph’s brother means Praise. Judah represents the spiritual faculty to increase with prayer, but Judah had a negative side to SELL HIM AS A SLAVE TO FLESH REALM CALLED PHARAOH OR POTIPHAR. We come from the heritage of David the King and the Tribe of Judah. Praise to keep our Soul (feminine mind) to the Mind of Christ pure and beautiful to receive Spiritual Light. There is no evil. It is a state of the carnal mind to believe in lies. We are God’s perfect unique creation that is One of a Kind One with God and One with Each other.

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January 16-CHOOSE WORLD PEACE. “Choose peace nothing can come nigh our dwelling.”Ps. 91. Rev. 11:15-“Shouting the dominion Kingdom Divine Rule has become the Kingdom of our Lord and His Christ (all of us). He shall reign forever.” “Our Father who is in Heaven Spirit Realm Hallowed Be your name-I AM. Your Kingdom come thy Will BE Done, forgive us our mistakes, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from using Thoughts of Evil.” All evil is coming to the surface and done away with. We are peace in everything we do and say. This world cannot give us peace because it is of the flesh carnal mind that is the ego THOUGHTS that Edge God Out and wants its own way and is god. We are Spirit Beings given at the cross. Eph.4:3 “Earnestly guard and keep the harmony and Oneness of the Spirit binding power of Peace.” No more arguments or our own way or to Be right. We are heirs of God and Joint heirs with Christ One with God and One with each other. We can live in PEACE within.

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January 15-CHANGE YOUR THINKING OF THE WORLD. The number 13 means Love twice. Love God and your neighbor as yourself. Two 13’s equals 26 the two names of God Yahweh or Yahveh or Jehovah. It is hard to see God in every person, and every event with human carnal eyes or mind. Spirit eyes can see things different like God sees different. Some people see flowers as an allergy or beauty. It is all our perception of what we think with human eyes or the Mind of Christ. Mountains mean Spirit thoughts, and valleys are negative thoughts, but on the mountain top you do not see what is going on in the valley only see Spirit Realm. “For the weapons of our warfare are not physical, for war, but they are mighty for the pulling down of strongholds, CASTING DOWN VAIN IMAGINATIONS with every high thing that exalt itself against the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD to bring into captivity every thought to the OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST.” Feel the PRESENCE OF LOVE SURROUNDING YOU ALWAYS.

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January 15-JOSEPH DESTINY WAS TO RULE EGYPT. The word Joseph means add to and increase to perfection. Joseph represents the Christ of our Being to increase into a broader understanding of a higher Spiritual Truth that cannot Be destroyed. Egypt means shut in, restrain, misery, tribulations, and distress. Egypt is the realm of human thinking and human behavior, ignorance, flesh awareness, subject to Pharaoh, who is the the desire of the flesh. The son of Righteousness or the Christ is veiled to know the Truth of our Being. Pharaoh, “Does not want the people to go” with all its human rules and regulations to control us from receiving God by the ego of our own minds that Edges God Out. Egypt is the “Father of lies,” wants man to believe he is god without Being One with God, and can do everything himself without God. Joseph IS the Ruler of all Egypt-flesh realm. Benjamin means the Sons and Daughters of the Right Hand, who is all of US coming into who we are and why we are here.

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January 13-WHEN IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD COMING TO THIS EARTH.? In your life when you real-eyes that God is real, and the Christ of your Being is recognized called Being Born AGAIN real-eyes we are Spirit Beings. Gen. 1:27. Christ Jesus did not fail at the cross for salvation for each person. This great Light appears to us, and blinds us of all the human thinking and human evils, beliefs to teach us that the Christ is all there IS. It is not “i”, but the Christ in me does the work. Many Saviors are coming from Mount Zion with Christ. Christ Jesus is not coming back by Him-self, because we are Being trained to Be God like in everything we say and do. Obadiah 1:21 & Heb. 12:22. Becoming Alive in the Christ of my Being bringing us back to God where we came from. NOW is the time to know all things are Being transformed by the renewing of our minds to the Mind of Christ. Matt. 6:10-“Your Kingdom Come, thy will Be done on earth as in the Spirit Realm. In the Spirit there is a pattern to follow with no evil to exist.

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January 12-MEANING OF INFINITY. Twelve is the number of DIVINE GOVERNMENT. Infinity means unlimited space, time or quantity. In infinity is always expanding and enlarging our capacity to know and experience. Love will never end. There is no pain, suffering, wars, jealousy, hate, and no human thoughts and beliefs. “How high and marvelous are your Ways, God and far beyond my understanding.” Nothing is done by mere chance or happenstance. Christ must Be in control of my life, because I can not do this life by myself or do anything on my own. Unconditional Love, Peace and Happiness that never ends. Our expectations looks for more complete manifestation of our own Divinity. Unfolding the principles of Life, Truth, Perfect Love into action in our inner life with Christ of our Being in us and AS us. No limit about God in the creative principles. We lay aside all our beliefs in boundaries of limitations and increased life of more blessings. We are to go to INFINITY AND BEYOND FOREVER.

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January 11-WE ARE THE SEED OF GOD. A seed is a part of a plant from which a new one will grow. Matt 13:37-“He who sows the good seed is the Son of mankind.” 2 Tim. 2:8-” 1st Peter 1:23-“You have been regenerated born again not from a mortal origin (seed, sperm) from one that is immortal by the ever Living Word of God.” An apple tree is the potential from the seed. You have been planted with the seed of God within you. You forgot why you are here, and who you are as a Royal Daughter or Son of God. A caterpillar eats the dirt of human thoughts to go into the cocoon and separated Spirit food from human food or thoughts, and takes only the Truth of what is eaten in the Spirit Realm.Then comes the beautiful butterfly with the body still of the worm in the middle, and eats only the sweet nectar of the Spirit realm. I AM AS Johnny Apple Seed planting seeds of Truth to everyone I meet to reveal to them who and what they are. You are that Beautiful Butterfly leaving the carnal flesh nature behind to God only.

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January 10-THE MEANING OF AN EAGLE. Our lives are compared to an eagle. We have this inner yearning to escape from bondage, the ancient memory of the Divine Self to break the chains of human hood, to return to the Christ Spirit Realm. Eagles are courage, great vision to see in the Spirit Realm, power, energy, knows only freedom. Eagles fly high in the Spirit Realm that the crows of evil behavior, evil thinking, evil believing cannot follow the eagle to the Truth that sets them free. Eagles have the call to go back home to their Fathers Home to let Christ rule their lives. The eagle represents the Resurrection of flying High in the Realm of Spirit. The eagle is the King of the Sky like Christ Jesus with strength, immortality, God’s handy work. The U.S.A has the symbol of an eagle because we are blessed as giving Peace to the whole world. We wait upon God to see the Kingdom of God on this earth as in the Heaven. The Kingdom of God is within each of us, but some do not know that God is within and all there IS.

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January 9-MEANING OF INTUITION. Intuition is the Wisdom (feminine word) of the heart (Spirit Realm). It has more guidance than the human mind or brain. Trust Spirit and look to it with understanding, a certain confidence in the invisible good develops in the Soul (Feminine). Christ Jesus came to save our Souls to bring us back to God where we came from. This Faith awakens the Divine Knowing. You know the Voice of God is the Truth, and no one can take this Truth away from you. This intuition is something you Know will happen according to the Word spoken to you. Man makes discovery of Real Self (Royal Daughters and Sons of God) when the seed of freedom is planted in our innermost Being, and is recognized. In the flesh carnal realm nothing of God is ever heard. We must go higher in the Spirit Realm to hear from God. No gloom and doom teachings, but the Kingdom of God is coming to this earth as is in Spirit Realm NOW for some of us. All negative is coming to surface and done away with.

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January 8-ACKNOWLEDGE GOD IN EVERYTHING YOU DO. Number 8 is New Beginning. The Word acknowledge means “to know and understand.” Heb. 11:3-“By Faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that what we see was not made of things which are visible. God is the Creator and Ruler of all things, the provider and Bestowed of eternal salvation Through Christ Jesus. Heb. 11:16-“But the Truth is what we are yearning for and aspiring to a better and more desirable country (Spirit Realm) that is a heavenly one. “God is all there IS. 2 Cor. 5:19-“God was in Christ Jesus RECONCILING THE WORLD BACK TO HIMSELF not imputing their trespasses unto them, but given to us the Word of Reconciliation.” I can do nothing without the Christ of my Being walking, talking, and everything I do and say. We are God’s mouth piece to represent an Invisible God to everyone we meet to let them know about a God that loves them. This is a Holy Encounter.

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January 7-WHAT DOES CONCEPTION MEAN? Conception means Being pregnant, think , understanding, having a concept ideas set in motion. When God gives you a Truth, the seed is planted in your Mind of Christ to understand, but it has to take time to grow. Takes 9 months to birth a child. Nine is the number of the Fruit of the Spirit-Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faith, Gentleness, Self Control. Nine comes after eight meaning new beginning. Nine has powers of new birth born again. It means conclusion of a matter. It is number of finality or judgment (a turning point to the things of God only.) Girt up the Loins of your Mind to the Mind of Christ. This is everything is in your own mind without any beings on the outside of you. 1 Peter 1:13-“Be sober, hope perfectly, upon Grace that is Being brought to you in revelation of Jesus Christ. Thoughts are creative only the Thoughts of God, All negative thoughts are to Be deleted. Conceive a world of Peace and Unconditional Love God only.

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January 6-CALLING THINGS THAT ARE NOT AS THOUGH THEY ARE, THEY BECOME. Rom. 4:17.THERE IS POWER IN THE SPOKEN WORD, AND WHEN WE SPEAK GOD’S WORD is the Truth even though we haven’t seen it yet, we are speaking faith the Power, His life, giving Health, His strength. “We are the Spiritual Diamond in the rough.” Acts 1:8-“We are the Pearl of Great Price.” Matt. 13:45. “We are the Body of Christ. Christ in us and AS us.” “We can speak the words of Love, Healing and Wholeness in our Spirit Being with the Love of God surround us to feel the Presence of God within us.” 1 Peter 1:8-“Though you do not see Him, You believe in Him and rejoice with Joy Unspeakable and full of Glory.” Rom. 8:17. I accept this Living Presence of Christ in every cell of my body. Everything in us reflects the Christ in us in Christ.” Phil. 4:13. We can accept seeing things as They are in the Spirit Realm with a Spirit Body that lives in a Spirit Universe free of all evil.

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January 5-PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD! The Armor of God is for the whole body in Eph. 6 meaning the number of mankind. Eph.6:10. There is seven things for our armor. Seven means completion. Belt of God meaning all of the body functions around the waist area with the Truth. The Breastplate of Righteousness all parts of the body breast, lungs and so on, and heart. Gospel of Peace-Contentment, Wholeness, Health, Safety, Tranquility, Prosperity, Rest, Harmony, No discard. Shield of Faith- Believing God’s Word without seeing it happen, but knowing it will come to past while you still Believing. Helmet of Salvation-This is the human mind thinking. Not Being tempted with carnal thinking with words to suggest to us lies instead of the Truth, now following the temptations of the lies of illusion instead of Spirit Truth. Sword of the Spirit not a weapon of guns, but all thinking of God only. We are to use our mouth to speak to those who know not God. Our feet washed to walk the Realm of God only.

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January 4-THE GREATEST PRAYER. The greatest prayer is to say Thanks for everything you give to me not asking, but just thanking God. His promises will Be fulfilled in God’s Perfect timing even though we do not see it happen right this minute. The carnal flesh mind makes us believe the promises will never come and we say, “This will never happen.” Ps. 119:49-“Remember your Word in which you have made me to hope.” Your promises has given me life.” Ps. 5):10-“You supply all my needs according to Your riches and glory.” Phil. 4:19-“Our source of supply depends on His riches not mine.” Ps. 37:5-“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” We Believe His promises, and we depend on them. His children all of us both Sons and Daughters Trust His provisions and RELAX (choose Peace) and it will happen. What counts in Life is the Presence of God is within us Whatever, Wherever, and Whenever. Matt.28:20-“I will Be with you always and forever Spirit Being.

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January 3-REFRESHING of all things

January 3-REFRESHING of all things. The word ignorance means we change our mind and think different. Convert means change our direction from one way to another. Sin archery term meaning missing the Mark of Being Royal Sons and Daughters of God. Having true obedience to the Truths of God to no more sacrifice, but head on a new realm of thinking to the Mind of Christ. Blotted out means rubbing out with oil of Holy Spirit anointed to get rid of sickness, pain, suffering and all human traits instead of everything of the Spirit Realm a complete change of thinking never missing the mark to a Holy walk in us. This change has to do with the Soul realm breathed upon, to lower temperature, change of mind, will, emotions, impulses, refreshing taken place, trouble thoughts,new dimension of knowledge, fruits of the Spirit. Overcoming physical ailments by entering the Realm of the Spirit. Seeing face of God, with full vision, This is the fullness of all things. Every thing refreshed like new.

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January 2-STOP TRYING TO MAKE EVERYONE LIKE YOU. I wanting everyone to like me. Someone is not going to think you are Godly or Loving. My goal in life is to Be Godlike in everything I do and say. My steps are ordered by God, and nothing happens by accident or by chance. Ecc. 9:11-Is. 41:24. God is all there IS in my life. Not to LET anyone to control our lives. Listen to the Holy Spirit still small voice within to lead us and guide us, and let go and Let God take care of us. We are no longer living on this earth as human beings fighting battles each day thinking we have to do everything our selves because we are the Family of God. I cannot do anything without God doing it THROUGH me, and AS me. Phil. 4:13. I have the fruits of the Spirit within me. Love, Peace Joy, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness gentleness, self control. Gal. 5:22. Rom. 5:5. Love everyone to see Beauty not faults. We are already Spirit Being with everything we need within us for the “Christ will never leave us or forsake us.”

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January 1-LET US CHOOSE PEACE THIS YEAR. This is going to Be the best year ever. New year, new Beginning, New thoughts, Health, whole bodies. Minds cleansed from negative thoughts with new opportunities. I can cleanse the windows of my mind to reflect only inspiration from the Most High to govern every thought, every act with chosen peace. “You put on the NEW mankind, which after God is created in righteousness, and true holiness.” Eph. 4:24. We need to Love each other. Everything is in our own mind instead of the Mind of Christ given back to us at the cross. God is all there IS and in each person to give your Light to everyone you meet to make it a HOLY ENCOUNTER. No more criticizing or judging each other, but seeing beauty instead of faults. We are to give peace to the whole world. I ask God to reveal Him-self to all our family and friends learning to find the Heart of God to Be in each person to find the Love of God. All evil is coming to the surface and done away with. Peace to You.

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December 31-THIS IS THE DAWN OF A NEW DAY. Today we need to erase all of our feelings of hurt, guilt, bad judgment, pain, suffering, and anything that has caused you NOT to Be God like in your THINKING. Eph. 2:24-“Put on a new Self which is created in God’s likeness (reflection in a mirror) , and reveals itself in the Tree of Life that is upright and holy.” Eph. 2:10-“For we are God’s handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do. Time is passing by so fast so we must cherish each moment. “Negative thoughts take all energy out of you. We will do greater works.” John 14:12. Let God forgive through you. Be you TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND TO THE MIND OF CHRIST. Girt up the lions of your mind (the womb of all thoughts) to the Mind of Christ. Your human mind is your ego that Edges God Out. This is your ONLY enemy. 1 Peter 2:9- You are a Royal Priesthood, a chosen generation to know you are a Spirit Being.

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December 30-YOU ARE GOD’S MOUTH PIECE. You are used by God to communicate with humanity to tell about a Living God. John 6:69-We believe that You are the Holy One of God thou are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” God is Love whoever abides in Love abides in God and God is in us as us.” All creation is moaning and groaning for the manifestation of the Sons and Daughters to bring the body redemption. Rom. 8:22. “Keep your tongue from speaking evil, and your lips from telling lies.” 1 Peter 3:10-“Words kill, words give Life, poison or fruit is your choice.” ” Sticks and stones will break my bones, but I do not want words to harm me.” James 3:1. Let us use Godly words only. Peace to you the Holy Daughter and Son of God, peace to my brother who is One with me. Let all the world Be blessed with peace through us. The Invisible Realm where God is in darkness where Spiritual Eyes can see words spoken to others brings them to see the Visible Light of understanding of the Spirit Realm.

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December 29-THE FIRST MIRACLE CHRIST JESUS PERFORMED. John 2:1-11-It was the 3rd day of the wedding when Spirit is united to Soul, He turned water to wine. Water represented the physical realm and wine represented the Spirit realm. Six is the number of mankind physical. There was 6 water jars, He told the help to fill to the brim meaning no room for the human thinking to keep on Being Human Beings any more. He was showing His disciples that they are already Spirit Beings representing the wine as an allegory to show them their Divinity meaning we were with God before the foundation of the earth. This wine was given at the end of the ceremony was the best wine that most wedding give the new wine first. This wine was that Christ lives in us NOW. Holy Spirit still small voice within us tells us what to do only what the Father tells us to do, but Christ Jesus said, It was not His time yet to do this, but to show His disciples before the cross NOW their Royalty as Sons and Daughters of God.

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December 24-WHAT IS THE MEANING OF RESURRECTION? This is the raising of man’s mind from flesh to Spiritual Consciousness. “If the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you shall give life to your mortal bodies through HIS SPIRIT THAT DWELLS IN YOU.” Rom. 8:11. At the cross He took all pain, suffering, dis-ease and gave us the Mind of Christ to give us eternal life with no death.. “We all shall not sleep, but we ALL SHALL BE CHANGED.” 1 Cor. 15:21. Christ Jesus is the resurrection from death to life. John 11:25. The resurrection deletes all human emotions to Love Spirit, Soul and Body. He brought Life an immortality to Light. 2nd Tim. 1:10. We are not body of flesh and human thinking. Resurrection brings us to God where we came from without missing the mark of Being God like archery term meaning missing the mark of Royalty in every thing we do and say. Resurrection lifts us up in a higher dimension of Spirit Beings.

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December 23-LIFT UP YOUR EYES. If your eye is single the whole body is full of light (understanding). The Light of the body (Spiritual body) is the eye to Be single (God only). Where there is Light, it dispels darkness. Notice it says eye Be single. 2 Tim. 2:15-“Make every effort to present yourself , an unashamed workman who accurately handles the Word of Truth.” Sin means we miss the mark of Being God like in an archery term getting to the bulls eye. Let us Be Godlike in every thing we do and say because this is the Will of God in our lives, We are crucified with Christ never the less “i” live, BUT NOT I, BUT THE CHRIST LIVES IN US AS US.”

Gal.2:20. I always want to do what the Will of God is in my life. “God calls us Friends. John 15:15, but more than Friends because we are Royal Sons and Daughters of God. God is in me and goes with me everywhere I Go within us. Matt. 28:20

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February 2-YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY ANGELS. Angels are messengers of God. Our angels are our spiritual perceptive faculties which dwell in the Presence of the Father. Office of angels is to guard and guide.Ps. 139:7-10-“Unless you plug into its source of experience, you will never Be able to use it like electricity which is everywhere.” God is every where and in everyone until you plug into the Living God, you will never learn about God that is within you. You are an angel Messenger when you leave a deposit of God to everyone you meet. Rom. 8:28-“EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT. 1 COR. 8:6 ANGELS ARE ALWAYS HERE TO PROTECT US WITH MUCH POWER TO DO THE WILL OF GOD WITH MANY DIFFERENT TYPES OF ANGELS as we need them. We all have a guarding angel. We entertain angels unaware. Heb. 13:1. I want to have angels appear to me.

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February 1-KINGDOM OF GOD WITHIN. Luke 17:20. This is a new month, best year ever, new beginnings, new thoughts, heath, bodies to Spirit bodies, minds cleansed thinking from human thoughts to Spirit thoughts with always choosing peace. Christ Jesus is in our Being. Practice the Presence of God. God will never leave you or forsake you. Heb. 13:5. You will be Able to go through trials and tribulations with peace beyond understanding. Phil. 4:7. You are a Royal Son and Daughter of the Living God who loves us unconditional. You are the visible representative of the invisible God to a world that sees. Gen. 1:27. We need to let go and let God do everything through you. You are a Pearl of Great Price. Matt. 13:45. You are a part to bring the Kingdom of God on this earth body as in Heaven (Spirit Realm). Our Father thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth as in Heaven.

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January 31-THE PRESENCE OF GOD. Look beyond what you see, God is all I see. The presence of God is the real-eyes that God is in you. Rev. 21:3. The Old Testament (God the this world human mind) the Philistines deviating from the Truth, human thinking and human behavior stole the Ark of The Covenant (The very Presence of God outward). They put the Ark in their temple with the pagan god called Dagon Half man and half fish. Gen. 10:14. The Philistines (means strangers, emigrants, foreigners, forces foreign to Spirit) made a cart with two cows to let the Ark go, it went to the Israelites all of us. The Philistines opposed all true Spirit, and worshiped strange gods in the form of animals, and sorcery. God’s Presence is no longer in a box, but within each of us. All ego thoughts that Edge God Out to control us with fake laws, lies and beliefs has to Be destroyed. The Ark is the Presence of God within.

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January 30-GET YOUR UMBRELLA READY. God is about to rain blessing on us that was never rained before. Every drop of water acts as a prism receiving and transmitting the sunlight. Each drop represents a human being. Get ready for a flood of impossible blessings, that we have prayed so long for. Eliminated from our human thinking are, fear, doubt, pain, suffering, jealousy, hatred, depression, given in to temptations thoughts, dis-ease, and many more. This comes about by feeling the Presence of God in our lives, and knowing that God is in control of every area and that man can think and create into existence instead of just appearances that are not real only in our own minds. We are Spirit Beings having human experiences, and live in a Spiritual Universe Spirit, Soul and Body with the Mind of Christ. I AM more than ready of the rain of many blessings from A God who loves us so much.

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January 29-MEANING OF THE WORD CONCEPT. The word concept means a idea, notion. God is the Creator and Substance of the Spiritual universe. God has unlimited knowledge (Omniscience), all Powerful  (Omnipotent). present every where (Omnipresence). Christ Jesus is the fulfillment of the God head bodily. God is the Supreme Being, Deity. We are Royal children or Sons and Daughters of God. God is One with us, and we are One with each other. God is within each of us in us and AS US. God is all there is. He extended Him-self into all of us even if we do not know it. Christ Jesus went to cross and took away all pain, sickness, suffering dis-ease, blindness of all human beliefs and nailed it to His body. Christ Jesus said, “It is finished.” We are the image (reflection in a mirror, and likeness (exact image). We can radiate our light to all. Let us go to the Resurrection side of the cross to Be free.

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January 28-YOU HAVE A VEIL OVER YOUR. A veil is anything that conceals. We wear a veil over our face to hide our true Identity as a Spirit Being. Moses had to put a veil over his head to hide the blinding light he received. The veil in the temple of our minds was rent in the midst means that the last step in regeneration is the giving up the thought of the human body to the body of Christ that is imperishable and eternal. The word rent means a letting go of belief in the reality of human material consciousness (what you are aware of) an a awakening of the Light of the Spirit Realm. It is the final relinquishment of the soul (my mind, will, emotions and intellect) to God’s will, emotion of Love, Mind of Christ and God’s intellect. Soul united to the Spirit to the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. The human veil is removed, and all that remains is the Spirit Body and the Spiritual Universe.

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January 27-I WANT TO SEE IN THE SPIRIT REALM. Job 42:5-“I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear; but now mine eyes sees thee. “Zacchaeus was a little man, short in growth, not spiritual in thoughts and deeds, and was hated tax collector. Luke 19:4-“He climbed up the sycamore ( the perceptive faculty of mind of Christ ready to receive Truth). Jesus saw him and said, “Go wash, clean, be guiltless, innocent, just, virtuous, righteous, and I will come to your house within.”Cataracts are a skin or veil that tries to stop you from seeing clearly. Healing comes from Divine Mind to have a single eye to seeing God only in an atmosphere of wholeness in the Spirit Realm. God’s life in me is perfect. I accept perfect sight, and let go of all negative thoughts and ideas. I can now can see WITH THE EYES OF GOD VERY CLEARLY. I want to see in the Spirit Realm.

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January 26-STOP FEEDING NEGATIVITY. We have to eat something each day. We eat physical food, and we must have spiritual food each day in order to grow. Negativity hurts your body as well as your mind. Negative thoughts and behavior cause us to allow poison to come to our bodies. “Do all things without complaining and disputing that you may become blameless, harmless children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation among whom you shine as lights to the world.”We must change the channel to the positive station. Negative thoughts causes us to drink out of the poison well of ILLUSION. Put on the Mind of Christ, and let God live in you, and AS YOU. Know you are a masterpiece of God in the image and likeness of God. Gen. 1:26. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Remember what you give out, you receive back. It is a law.

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January 25-NOT BY CHANCE

January 25-NOT BY CHANCE. Everything that goes out comes back again like judgment, condemnation, hate, speak evil words about each other. Nothing happens by accident or chance. There is a power inside of me (God) that guides and protects me to learn how to Love Unconditional. 1 John 4:16. Prov. 16:33-“Every decision is from the Lord.” Love, Peace, is obtained by experience. Arms are for hugging. Rock in the water causes a ripple effect. Hands are used to comfort and compassion to you. Light of the World. “I walk in that Light in which there is no darkness, in that Love which there is no fear, in that Life which is no death.” Eph. 1:11-“In Him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestines according to the counsel of His will.” Luke 12:7-“Every hairs are all numbered.” Phil. 2:13-“For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.”

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January 25-NOT BY CHANCE

January 25-NOT BY CHANCE. Everything that goes out comes back again like judgment, condemnation, hate, speak evil words about each other. Nothing happens by accident or chance. There is a power inside of me (God) that guides and protects me to learn how to Love Unconditional. 1 John 4:16. Prov. 16:33-“Every decision is from the Lord.” Love, Peace, is obtained by experience. Arms are for hugging. Rock in the water causes a ripple effect. Hands are used to comfort and compassion to you. Light of the World. “I walk in that Light in which there is no darkness, in that Love which there is no fear, in that Life which is no death.” Eph. 1:11-“In Him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestines according to the counsel of His will.” Luke 12:7-“Every hairs are all numbered.” Phil. 2:13-“For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.”

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January 23-WE ARE SPIRIT BEINGS SPIRIT, SOUL AND BODY. In the Tabernacle and Temple were three outward compartments referring in the Spirit Realm Spirit, Soul and Body. The Spirit part of us is God. The Soul is a feminine word meaning my will, my mind, my will until we come to the real-eyes that the Soul is transformed to Be God’s will, emotion of Love Unconditional, the Mind of Christ. The body is Spiritual again at the cross when Christ Jesus took away all human thoughts and behaviors to become not “I” but Christ. The Soul is the part of us that wanted to Be God instead of God in us. Mary magnified the Lord in her Soul when she had no man made qualities meaning a virgin. The Spirit, Soul, Body is to remind or a picture of God making man in the Image and Likeness of God both male and female Body, Soul, and Spirit-all God. “Every man in his own order.”

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January 22-THE YOKE OF BONDAGE IS BECOMING A YOKE OF EASE. Matt. 11:28-“Take my yoke upon you to learn from me, for I AM gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your soul.” Soul is a feminine word meaning physic my mind, will, emotions and intellect instead of Mind of Christ, Will of God, One emotion-Love,God’s intellect. Yoke means things that binds or unites, harness to join together. We are to have the yoke of Christ on us to Be able to Be God like in everything we do or say. Every trial and temptations are easy with the yoke of Christ. The oxen when they are joined together, they both move and grow each day becoming more like the plan and purpose we are to Be. With Christ everything happens without an effort to obtain peace without understanding. Know every thing is going to Be alright and rest in this. See the Christ in each of us. One with God.

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January 21-GOD KNOWS THE END FROM THE BEGINNING. God created Us out of Him-self to have a special plan or purpose. God cannot condemn or punish one part of Him-self. Like the human body every part is vital to the other because we are the Body of Christ. The Kingdom of God is within implanted to cause us to re-member at a certain time to Be Born AGAIN of Spirit. We are One with God and One with each other. Christ Jesus is the First Born in the Spirit. 1 John 3:1. Greater things are going to happen that we will do. John 14:12. God is All Knowing, present everywhere at the same time, all powerful. Heb. 4:13. We were never separated from God which is impossible thought. We must radiate-bring light to a darkened world to awake from a dream of thinking human self is all there is. God is always with us. Matt. 28:20. I AM complete in Him. Colossians 2:10.

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January 20-MEANING OF THE WORD SEVEN. This is the time of the number seven meaning perfection for the Divine natural man, completeness, Oneness with God with His authority of Divine Law. All negative thoughts are transmuted into the Light of God to know we are Spirit Beings. Gen. 1:27. Rev. 9:13-“Then the sixth angel (number of man) blew the Trumpet to get ready for the Kingdom of God is coming. Rev. 11:15-“The seventh angel blew the Trumpet with mighty voices in Spirit Realm shouting the dominion POSSESSION AND KINGDOM OF OUR LORD AND HIS CHRIST TO RULE AND REIGN FOREVER.” Matt. 6:9-“Our Father hallowed Be your name. Your Kingdom come, Your will Be done on earth as in Heaven (Spirit Realm). Give us our Spirit Food and forgive us our mistakes, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

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January 19-MEANING OF THE TOWER OF BABEL. The Tower of Babel means confusion, sense confusion, state of man’s carnal mind thinking on the outside to connect to the Divine by building a building to reach God by man’s own ways of thinking. Gen. 11:4. An abomination of man to think we could reach God by building a building high in the sky of human thinking. We can ONLY communicate with God through that inner Spirit of Truth to reach the Kingdom of God within. Luke 17:21-“Neither shall they say, lo here or lo there, for behold the Kingdom of God is within.”Gold means Deity, so man makes an image of gold to worship outward to accept man’s concept of God, but to consume ALL human thinking to bring to the surface to Be done away with. Dan. 3:1. The ego thoughts is trying to Edge God Out, and rule our minds. The harlot is the mental realm trying to Be God.

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January 18-WHAT DOES THE YEAR OF JUBILEE MEAN? Now is the Day of SALVATION (Free of man’s kingdom to God’s Kingdom) 2 Cor. 6:2. Lev. 25-“The year of Jubilee shall Be a sabbath of rest.” The Jubilee is the year of the end of seven cycles have a special impact on the ownership and management of land in the Land of Israel (all of us). Fifty of rest, forgiveness of all debts, liberation. The Jubilee year is to show Jesus Christ in all that I do with the Christ in me. The Kingdom of God including you to transform world to Jesus Christ. Jubilee is natural, rhythm, harmony, Joy of life that is experienced when the Soul radiates grace, beauty of Though and Character of the body to Be transformed to Spirit Body. We are waiting for the manifestation of the Sons and Daughters of God for the redemption of our bodies. Rom. 8:19. Luke 4:19-“To proclaim the Year of The Lord’s favor.

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January 17-HAS YOUR BODY BEEN BUMPED BY ANOTHER VEHICLE.? A vehicle could Be your own body. If you have some kind of sickness you are bumped by another body giving you false appearances by seeing sickness instead of seeing healing done at the cross. No foreign object can come neigh your dwelling. Ps. 91.Another vehicle been hitting you in the back, so you could turn around and remember who and why you are here to change your thinking about everything. This person in you to awaken you from your dream of amnesia to your True Identity as a Royal Child of God. This vehicle is Christ of your Being for you to surrender your little self of i, me and my, and become alive to your Real Self of the Christ in you and AS you. The human mind says you are God. We are a Child of God in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation among whom you shine as lights in this darkened world.

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January 16-CAN YOU BELIEVE WHAT YOU CANNOT SEE? I know that Christ Jesus is in my Being, but I cannot see it. Don’t you want to believe that there is more to life than you can see, now? 2 Cor. 5:7.You can move mountains if you believe meaning all negative conditions done away with. You can walk on water as long as you are focused on Christ, but think of the cares of the world, you sink. The human mind gives me illusions and lies if I believe them. I can Be healed, healthy, full of Love, and walking above without the hindrances of human behavior or thoughts instead of looking and seeing with the eyes of Christ to the Spirit World, and know I AM a Spirit Being given me at the cross along with the Mind of Christ. Gen. 1:26. I absolutely know God is Real, and is in me As me, but with the eyes of Christ, I can still LET MY LIGHT SHINE TO OTHERS TO AWAKEN THEM.TO A SPIRITUAL WORLD.

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January 15-YOU HAVE BEEN HAND PICKED. Christ Jesus is the perfect example of the Christ of our Being. We all have the Christ in each one of us, also.”You are the dwelling of the Christ, the Royal Son and Daughter of the Living God.” Christ Jesus picked each of His disciples according to their plan and purpose to fulfill. Every person is a Holy Encounter ordered by God for us to learn something from that person or that person is to learn something from us. God hand picked you to perform your special life, and equipped you with everything needed for your journey. “No one will snatch them out of My hand.” John 10:28. “You have taken hold of my Right Hand. Ps. 78:23. “God has not called you to fit in.” 1 Peter2:9. I AM in awe to know God picked me for a special purpose. Each of us has a talent to share with the Body of Christ. One with the Christ and One with each other. 

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January 14-ARE YOU PRAISING GOD IN THE PIT? Joseph’s brothers hated him. Gen. 37:24. They threw him into a pit to die. A pit is any situation in our lives where we can’t see the answer to the problem until we praise God in the pits of negativity we can go through any situation with Christ inside of us. We must stop demanding God to answer our request, and to Let Go and Let God. 1 Peter 5:7-Judah-Joseph’s brother means Praise. Judah represents the spiritual faculty to increase with prayer, and praise instead of the realm of human negative thoughts. Know that God is in control to do His will. Praise is to keep our Soul (feminine physic mind) to the Mind of Christ pure and beautiful to receive the free inflow of Spiritual Light.Praise God any way in every situation because God is all THERE IS. No evil, just God. We are God’s perfect unique creation. We are One of a kind special and unique masterpiece.

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January 13-LET US BRING WORLD PEACE. “Choose peace nothing can come nigh our dwelling”. Ps. 91. Rev. 11:15-“Shouting the dominion Kingdom Divine Rule has become the Kingdom of our Lord and His Christ (all of us). He shall reign forever.” Our Father who are in Heaven (Spirit Realm Hallowed Be your name-I AM. Your Kingdom come thy Will be done, forgive us our mistakes, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” All evil is coming to the surface and done away with. We must choose peace in everything we do and say. Before the Kingdom comes on this earth evil has to Be done away with. The world cannot give us peace. We must know we are Spirit Beings given to us at the cross.Eps. 4:3-S earnestly to guard and keep the harmony and oneness of the Spirit binding power of peace. No more argues. No more having our own way. No more wanting to Be right.

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January 12-WHEN IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD COMING TO EARTH? In your life when you real-eyes that God is real and the Christ of your Being is recognized called Being Born AGAIN meaning we are Spirit Beings. G4n. 1:27. The Kingdom of God cannot come to this Earth body until all evil comes to the surface and done away with. This great Light appears to us, and blinds us of all the human thinking and human evils, beliefs to teach us that the Christ is all there IS. It is not “i”, but Christ in me does the work. Many Saviors are coming from Mount Zion with Christ., Obadiah 1:21 & Heb 12:22. Becoming Alive in the Christ of my Being to bring us back where we came from. NOW is the time to know all things are Being transformed to Christ with all evil gone to have the Christ Peace and Happiness forever. Matt. 6:10-“Your Kingdom Come, thy will Be done on earth as in Heaven (Spirit Realm).

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January 11-CHRIST HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD. We think that God is far away from us when things SEEM TO GO WRONG, and God seems to Be no where in sight.The Presence will never leave me or forsake me. God carries us through the situation that seems to Be impossible. Darkness or evil does not exist only in our own carnal minds of flesh, me, my and I. Christ has overcome the world. John 16:33. Fear is FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL IS NOT OF GOD. The Truth will set us free. Christ Jesus paid the price for your redemption just like you never went into a lower realm becoming a Living Soul instead of a Life Given Spirit.Christ abolished death and brought Life and immortality to Light. 2 Tim. 1:10. Get rid of baggage that stops us from growing deeper and Knowing Christ lives in us, and paid the price to give me the PEARL OF GREAT PRICE AND TOOK AWAY ALL HUMAN thoughts. 

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January 10-LIGHT VERSES DARKNESS. Darkness represents negative thinking or the thoughts of the ego that Edges God Out instead of listening to the Voice of the Holy Spirit. God created darkness and formed light. Is. 46:1. God dwells in the invisible realm that you can’t see with these eyes. We believe in fear, sickness, pain, suffering that SEEMS to Be more real than Peace, Joy and Unconditional Love, The Christ of our Being found a door way out of the darkness by turning on the Light (understanding) to freedom. He paid the price at the cross and took away all negative things of carnal mind of human belief to set the captives free. He descended into hell of our minds to disobedient spirits to set the captives free. Eph. 4:7.God is in complete control of our lives and paid the price to make us a Pearl of Great Price. We are awakening to the real world of we are Spirit Beings. Snow white awaken now.

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January 9-BE A GATE KEEPER.a gate keeper was a High Priest of the Tribe of Levite who was the watchman of the walls. Nothing unholy could enter into God’s House. (within). Heb. 3:15-“Christ Jesus is our High Priest who was tempted in every area as we are, but He did not sin meaning missing the mark of Being Christ like.” Eph.3:10-“For we are GOD’S MASTERPIECE CREATED ANEW IN CHRIST JESUS SO WE CAN DO THE GOOD THINGS HE PLANNED FOR US.’1 Peter2:9-We are a chosen generation, a Royal Priesthood, stones to build a Spiritual House for the Tabernacle of God within.” Gate keepers help people from drifting from the Lord to lead them in the right path. Gate Keepers are in charge of the temple. We are the temple of the Living God with Mind of Christ. We sound a Trumpet to let all come to the Kingdom of God within. We are the Gate Keepers to reveal God to all.

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January 8-YOU ARE A REFLECTION OF GOD. Eight means new beginning. When you look into a water you will see no reflection in a disturbed pool full of ego thoughts that Edge God out instead of thoughts of God. No duality of good and evil, pain, suffering because we are Spirit Beings that Christ took away at the cross. We have Mind of Christ. Life is a mirror reflecting your feelings, your actions, and your thoughts. Everything that you experience in life is a reflection of your self. “What we see now is like a dim image in a mirror,  then we shall see face to face. What I know now is only partial, then it will be complete as God’s knowledge of me.. James 12:23. Universal Life, flowing energy, health energy, God’s energy, wellness energy, attuned aligned energized, energy in super terrifically flowing into and through you 24:7 here, there everywhere for your Highest good and highest good for all.

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January 7-ACKNOWLEDGE GOD IN EVERYTHING YOU DO. The word acknowledge means, “to know and understand.” We can do nothing without acknowledging Christ in everything because Christ is all there is. There is no other power, but God. All evil will be done away with, and the Kingdom of God will Be on Earth (Body changed to Spirit Body) as it is in heaven (Spirit Realm) Phil. 4:13-“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”My God will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” 2nd Cor. 3:5-“Our adequacy is from God.” Phil. 1:6-He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Rom. 11:36-“For from Him and to Him All things to Him Be the glory forever.” I can do nothing without the Christ of my Being means walking, talking, and every thing I do. The glass is half full or half empty. It is your perception how it is.

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January 6-CALLING THINGS THAT ARE NOT AS THOUGH THEY ARE. Rom. 4:17. We are the Spiritual diamond in the rough. Acts 1:8-“We are the Pearl of Great Price.” Matt. 13:45. We are the Body of Christ. Christ is in us and AS us. We can speak the words of Love, Healing, and Wholeness in our Spirit Being with the Love of God surrounds us to feel the Presence of God within us. 1 Peter 1:8-Though you do not see Him, you believe in Him and rejoice with Joy Unspeakable and full of glory.” Rom. 8:17. I accept this Living Presence of the Christ in every cell of my body. Everything in us reflects the Christ in us in Christ.”Phil. 4:13. We can accept seeing things as They are in the Spirit Realm with a Spirit Body that lives in a Spirit Universe free of all evil. No more pain, suffering, dis-ease, sin (archery term meaning missing the mark of Being God like Royal Children of God.

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January 5-HOW GREAT GOD IS. Heb. 11:3-“By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that what we see was not made of things which are visible. God exist, and is the Creator and Ruler of all things, the provider and Bestowed of eternal salvation Through Christ Jesus, and their leaning of the entire personality on God in absolute Trust and confidence in His Power, Wisdom, and Goodness.”Heb. 13:7. Heb. 11:16-“But the Truth is what we are yearning for and aspiring to a better and more desirable country (Spirit Realm) that is a heavenly one. For that reason God is not ashamed to Be called their God. For He has prepared a city for them.” God is all there IS. 2 Cor. 5:19-“God was in Christ Jesus RECONCILING THE WORLD BACK TO HIMSELF not imputing their trespasses unto them, and has committed to the us the Word of Reconciliation.”

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January 4-STOP TRYING TO MAKE EVERYONE LIKE YOU. I always had the necessary to want everyone to like me. I found out that no matter what you do or say someone is not going think you are Godly and Loving. My goal in life is to Be Godlike in everything I do and say. I know that all my steps are ordered by God, and nothing happens by accident or by chance. Ecc.9:11-Is. 41:24. God is all there IS in my life. The answer is not to let anyone control our lives. Listen to the Holy Spirit still small voice within to lead us and guide us, and let go and Let God take care of us. We are no longer living on this earth as human beings fighting battles each day thinking we have to do everything our selves because we are not God. I want you to know, I cannot do anything without God doing it THROUGH  me and AS me. Phil. 4:13. Have all of the fruits of Spirit. Rom. 5:5. Love everyone. See Beauty not faults.

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January 1-LET US CHOOSE PEACE THIS YEAR. This is going to Be the best year ever. New year, new Beginning, New thoughts, Health, whole bodies. Minds cleansed from negative thoughts with new opportunities. I can cleanse the windows of my mind to reflect only inspiration from the Most High to govern every thought, every act with chosen peace. “You put on the NEW MAN, which after God is created in righteousness, and true holiness.”Eph. 4:24. We need to change our thinking and learn to Love each other. God is all there is with God in each person to give your Light to everyone you meet to make it a Holy Encounter. No more criticizing or judging each other, but seeing beauty instead of faults. We are here to give peace to the whole world. Learning to want the Heart of God to Be in each person to find out the Love of God so that evil can come to the surface and done away with. PEACE TO YOU.

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Three of our Books for sale

Dearest email friends,
Richie and I have written three books for sale at Amazon. We would love to share with you our labor of Love to spread the Word to others, also with written scripture with each page
Our first book is FAIRY TALES CAN COME TRUE-A Spiritual look at the Fairy Tales for the Spiritually Matured. All in color and revealing the ego thoughts of the flesh human mind that has Edged God Out of everything in this world.

Our Second book is called THREE HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE ANGEL MESSAGES. This book is a Daily Devotional to read each day with all thoughts in the Spiritual Realm of Life instead of the flesh realm of self, me, i and my thoughts of this world.

Our third book is just finished and is titled HEAVENLY MESSAGES AND RHYMES BEYOND TIME. This book has many poems and lessons with scripture each day.

Thanks so much for buying our books. If you wish to Be on our email list it is   [email protected]. This is 4 pictures and a paragraph each day. Love, Richard and Linda Cosentino

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July 15-Poem by Linda Called TO BE GOD LIKE.
My goal in life is only to Be God like in everything I say and do.
This could also Be your goal in life especially just only for you.
All you have to do is BELIEVE to the Words what God has to say.
Tune up your ears so you can hear in your mind what is for this day.

We are in training each day for us to Practice all God’s full Presence.
We know we are Spirit Beings created by God for us in remembrance.
God is in me at the Cross in Christ Jesus reconciling us back to Him self.
Kingdom of God is in me, and in you to make us know we are in One self

To become One with God and One with each other change our thinking within.
We need to see people and situations differently with beauty and Love to begin.
It is no longer “i”,but nevertheless I is Christ Jesus lives in me, but also AS me.
Manna is Tell me God what is it you want me to do this day so I can clearly Be.

I no longer want my way to do things, I let the Christ flow through me of His way.
I can choose Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness to let go and let God do for me this day.
I can remember all the promises God has for me as the family of God now forever.
My goal can Be accomplished to Be God like in everything I do and say so clever.

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Today and this year we will Be so beautiful in every thing of a miracle that never happened before.
All promises and All Words of great and wonderful promises in God will Be for All of us restored.
God said in prophecy that all evil is coming to the surface and behold I make all things good and new.
God said in His Words I will pour out my Spirit on All flesh All will Be Spirit Beings this is all true.

No more human thinking with pain, suffering, dis-ease, death which subject to all our temptations.
Christ Jesus went to the cross and completely wiped out to resurrect all human thoughts of creations.
We are a new creation in Christ not subject to sin of missing the mark of who and what we are today.
We are Royal Sons and Daughters of God by Christ who made us to remember when we lost our way.

The Prodigal son real-eyes who he was thought that in his Father’s house even the servants were fed.
He thought his Father would be waiting for him to punish him, but gave him tremendous Love instead.
Gave him Best Robe or body Spirit Being, Ring of Unconditional Love, Sandals able to walk in Spirit life.
This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and Be glad in it to choose peace with no more strife.

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This is a beautiful Love story for You special, my Dear.
The Godhead is speaking, so open up your ears to hear.
This story that happened in the past 2,000 years ago.
It is for You this year now in the Present for you to know.

January is a new month, a new day, a new thoughts, and a new year.
This is the time for us to learn more of God’s Love for all of us to hear.
To know that God is the only power, God is in control, and only One God.
We are One with God and One with each other like two peas in a pod.

Know that at the cross, God was in Christ to bring God back to all of us.
We forgot to know we are Royal Children both male and female is a must.
The world reconciliation means bring us back to God where we came from.
Christ Jesus at the cross took away all sickness, pain, death, and then some.

Thank you Christ Jesus what you did for me and for all with so much Love.
You Love us all the same with so much care that we are your Turtle Dove.
We are your reflection in a mirror which means created in your image.
Christ Jesus said that He was telling us that He was finished.

No more pains, suffering, trials, tribulations and no more temptations.
We won’t react, but Let go to mean suggestions or having any frustrations.
We are growing fast to Be God like in everything we do in the Spirit Realm.
God with all His glory, revelations and majesty, we become overwhelmed.

He said, You will be processed on the Potter’s wheel to do great things.
Many Saviors will come from Mt. Zion to Be God like with all that brings.
The Wedding Feast is coming with all ego thoughts Edging God Out to cease.
The Kingdom of God is coming to this earth to finally having World Peace.

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Dearest Email friends,

February 1-SCRIPTURES TO PROVE THAT CHRIST JESUS DID IT ALL AT THE CROSS. He took away pain, suffering, dis-ease, all human thoughts and beliefs, rituals and so on, and gave us the Mind of Christ and no death to everlasting life. 1st. Peter 2:24-“He Himself bore our sins (archery term meaning missing the mark of Being Christ like in everything we say and do) in His body, and lifted them in His body to the cross. Christ has suffered for us and in US in the flesh.” He said, It is finished-” John 19:28-“It is finished knowing that ALL was accomplished, that the scripture might Be fulfilled. He bowed His head and gave up His Spirit.” 2nd. Cor. 5:19-“In Christ God was reconciling the WORLD (all of us) to Himself, not counting men’s TRESPASSES against them. God was bringing (all of us) back to Himself through Christ.” Gal. 4:4-“When the fullness of time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman (in this lower realm of thinking of self instead of the Spirit Realm) born subject to the regulations (beliefs, rituals, and laws of man) purchased the freedom to REDEEM us that was subject to the Law fulfilled in One scripture, “Love God and Love your neighbor AS yourself (Mark 12:30)” those subject to the Law that we might Be Adopted have son ship to Be recognized as God’s children.

Is. 53:3-7. “He was despised and rejected by men. He has bore our GRIEFS, carried our SORROWS. He was pierced for our TRANSGRESSIONS, He was crushed for our INIQUITIES upon Him was the CHASTISEMENT THAT BROUGHT US PEACE. With His wounds, we ARE HEALED. All of us are like sheep have gone astray (worshiped self instead of God), and God has laid on Him the INIQUITY OF US ALL. He was oppressed and afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth. Like a lamb (baby stage) that is led to the slaughter, and like sheep (mature) before its shearers (cut away all human thoughts and behavior) in silence.”John 1:9-14-“The True Light which gives light to EVERYONE, was coming into the World (all of us). He came to His own people, but they did not receive Him. He gave the right to become children of God, who were NOT born of the flesh, nor the will of man, but of God. The Word (Christ) became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory full of grace and truth.” Love, Linda Cosentino.




This is a beautiful Love story for You special, my Dear.
The Godhead is speaking, so open up yours ears to hear.
This story that happened in the past 2,000 years ago.
It is for you this year now in the present for you to know.

January is a new month, a new day, a new thoughts, and a new year
This is the time for us to learn more of God Love for all of us to hear.
To know that God is the only power, God is in control, and only one God
We are One with God and One with each other like two peas in a pod.

Know that at the cross, God was in Christ to bring God back in all of us.
We forgot to know we are Royal Children both male and female is a must.
The word reconciliation means bring us back to God where we came from.
Christ Jesus at the cross took away all sickness, pain, death, and then some.

Thank you Christ Jesus what you did for me and for all with so much love.
You love us all the same with so much care that we are your Turtle Dove.
We are your reflection in a mirror which means created in the image.
Christ Jesus said that He was telling us that He is altogether finish.

No more pain, suffering, trials, tribulations and having no temptations.
We won’t react, but let go to mean suggestions or having any frustrations.
We are growing fast to Be God like in everything we do in the Spirit Realm.
God with all His glory, revelations, and majesty, we become so overwhelmed.

He said, You will be processed on the Potter’s wheel to do greater things.
 Many saviors will come from Mt. Zion to Be God like with all that brings.
The Wedding Feast is coming with all ego thoughts Edging God Out to cease
The Kingdom of God is coming to the earth to finally having world peace.

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Twelve is the number of New Beginnings, Perfect Spiritual Divine Government. All things are Being new. New life, new thoughts of God only. All negative thoughts coming to the surface and done away with. This is the end times, not the end of the world, but the end of man’s kingdom ruling our minds with stinky thinking of man’s thoughts trying to destroy our perfect Identity as Spirit Beings living in a Spiritual Universe where everything is in harmony One with each other and One with God.

If God is in you, who could Be against you?

First thing as you wake up say, “This is the day God created, I will rejoice and Be glad in it. I will not allow any person or situation to rob me of my peace.” If you said this first, you will have a beautiful day. God is very important to Be first in our lives then every thing will be OK. It is not “i” but the Christ in me that flows through me each second. Without Christ I can not do anything of my self. With Christ, all things are possible.

Perfect Love cast out fear. Fear is FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL.It is only real in our thinking and believing in our own carnal flesh mind.

All the Truths we are receiving is for us only to Believe.

At the cross all human beliefs were nailed to the cross and done away with. All pain, sickness, dis-ease, sin which is missing the mark of knowing we are Royal Children of God, hatred, jealousy, envy thinking and anything that man could ever think of to hurt each other, “It is finished.” Christ shed human blood and gave us the Mind of Christ. Don’t be duped to believe a lie when we have temptations of pain and suffering. We must go higher in the Spirit where there is no pain or suffering. Only Believe!

God IS IN CONTROL of everything in our lives and working it to good only. Never judge another person least you judge the God within you saying you must have made a mistake with this person’s life. We do not know what God has to do to let a person have their own way in order to go to the bottom of their lives in order for them to start coming to the top where there is God only.

Another thing I AM learning is never to have a conflict with another person. We don’t have to Be right. We must Be a peace maker in all that we do to Be God like in everything we do and say. It is a choice.If you want Love, Be Love. If you want peace, Be peace, joy and happiness. We have a choice.
Our own way leads to destruction and death to Spirit Realm. God’s way is the only way.
God always has a higher plan and purpose then what we can do our own way of thinking. We can’t do it by “me” “my” and” i” Being on the throne of our minds.

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Year of the Jubilee

I think this is the year of Jubilee when all evil is coming to the surface to Bring in the Kingdom of God to all. Love, Linda Cosentino
Jubilee, Year of

Year beginning on the Day of Atonement every fiftieth year and proclaiming a nationwide release for Hebrew society. The word “jubilee” comes from the Hebrew word yobel,(“ram’s horn”) for the sounding of the ram’s horn signalled the Jubilee’s beginning. Another related Hebrew word is deror (“release, liberty”).

The key text, Leviticus 25:8-55, describes the festival’s three basic features. First, as in the sabbath year ( Lev 25:2-7 ), the land was to be fallow. The people were not to farm the land, but were to eat what grew naturally. Both people and land should enjoy their release.

Second, all Hebrew slaves were to go free. The law allowed poor people to become slaves to pay their debts. Owners were to treat their Hebrew slaves kindly. All slaves were to be freed in the Year of Jubilee.

Third, the land reverted to its original owner. This practice ensured that no citizen would remain poor or a slave forever. A person who sold land to another was really selling a certain number of crops, so the number of years before the Jubilee, determined the sale price. Property within walled cities did not revert in the Year of Jubilee except for the property of the Levites, which was always redeemable. A few other modifications of the normal procedure also existed. Daughters who inherited land had to marry within their own tribes in order to keep the land ( Num 36:4 ). The law also prevented individuals from abusing the reversion principle. People who vowed a portion of their fields to the Lord and then sold them to escape their vows could never get their land back; rather, the ownership transferred to the priests ( Lev 27:21 ).

The Year of Jubilee contained two important theological implications. First, the land belonged to the Lord, who determined its proper use. The people were to avoid selfish accumulation of land ( Isa5:8 ), for it did not really belong to them. Second, God’s people were to be free. Even when one was in slavery, redemption was possible. In any case, the Year of Jubilee freed all. Freedom was always the ultimate goal.

Unfortunately, evidence from the Old Testament seems to indicate that Israel hardly ever celebrated the sabbath year or the Year of Jubilee. Christ’s quoting of Isaiah 61:1and the word deror may suggest that Christ’s ministry provided the ultimate fulfillment of the jubilee concept ( Luke 4:16-21 ).

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Heavenly quotes

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The Battle Hymn of the Republic Lee Greenwood Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord; God is all there is. At the cross God was in us and As us. God is in us whether we know it or not.
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; Wrath is done away with. No more hatred just love.
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword; His sword is the Word of God not fighting, but Knowing the truth who you are.
His truth is marching on.The cross took away sin, sickness, pain, suffering, death, gave us the Mind of Christ.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on. I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps; When you are in battle, we turn to God. No believing in a false god in a dug out.
They have built Him an altar in the evening dews and damps; All negative thinking is done away in the night of darkness of carnal human thinking.
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps, His sentence is freedom from human thinking to the thinking of God even in dim light
His day is marching on. Light is revealed as when the sun comes up in the morning to light our understanding.
I have read His fiery gospel writ in rows of burnished steel! His gospel is like fire burning in your soul when you real-eyes you are a special creation of God.
“As ye deal with my condemners, so with you My grace shall deal! No more condemnation from people or from your own mistakes erased and done away with.
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel, ” Your walk with God will crush the mind of human thinking with the heel meaning your Godly walk.
Since God is marching on. God is the only power, will, emotion of Love. We want to Be Godlike in everything we do and say.
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat; The last trumpet in Revelations will be sounding shortly to bring the Kingdom of God on this earth.
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat; No more separation, just Oneness with each other and Oneness with God.
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him; be jubilant, my feet! My soul’s Identity is the Christ in me and as me. My feet walk in the Kingdom of God only.
Our God is marching on. God is Being revealed to every person because God cannot create evil within a person because all are God’s creation.
In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea, Lilly stand for  purity. We are not this body, we are free, we are as God created me as Spirit Beings.
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me; Whenever you have an experience with God, it changes your nature to Be God like with God only.
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free! It is not I, but the Christ in me. We are to die of the little self to become the Christ in me and as me.
While God is marching on. God will continue to Be only God and no man made rules or beliefs from the carnal human mind of flesh Being to satisfy self.

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At this writing I am 77 years of age.I recently had to go for my annual physical checkup. In the days before, I was seeking the Spirit as to why we must go thru this earthy experience with a body that sooner or later will fail us. If we take a few steps back and look at the really BIG PICTURE why is this universe of continuous life and death struggles necessary. Even the apostle Paul cried out for the redemption of his body.
In the style that has happened in my life before, I heard the word “MECHANISM”. As has also happened before, a flood of thoughts came with this single word. I see that this is part of the process of God making man in HIS image. This is a very competitive world in which we believe that we must struggle to get ours. How would it work out if we all could call matter into existence as Jesus did. So many of us have strong egos and I am sure this would quickly get out of hand.
God created everything out of HIMSELF.  When we learn to create, it will be from our inner most being where God is. This is why we experience this life and death world. Remember, even angels wonder and long to look into the mysteries of this world. In this world as in the next, there is no substitute for experience.
This mortal body is simply part of the “MECHANISM.” God has chosen to prepare us for the non competitive world of the Kingdom. May the lessons of this lifetime serve us well and may we enter the Kingdom prepared to serve and create as God would have us.
Richard & Linda
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The story of Adam and Eve demonstrates how our minds are eager to believe a lie. I think the human mind has an inherent serious flaw that makes it grab on to lies to the point of  being ridiculous. Especially when it come to killing other men in the name of god.
Through my long working career, I had the pleasure of working with mostly honest,”what you see is what you get”, types of people. However there was always a few much better at saying what they could do as opposed to actually doing it. Some were very good at painting pictures in the minds of others with mere words. These false pictures would be believed even after strong evidence was presented to the contrary.
I spent long hours trying to understand how some people were so successful at doing this, forming these lies and having the lies work for them for years. Then a term called “Conversational Hypnosis” was brought to my attention. All of a sudden I realized the human mind does have a serious flaw just like I have said for many years. I present this information not to hate those that have the ability to secretly impose their will on others, but for a better cause. We need to understand the weakness and vulnerability of our own mind. How easily we believe the lies of this world even after some of us have had wonderful experiences and visions and have seen into the future thing that surely came to pass.
The point is we must train our minds to push aside the lies about this physical world and learn to center on the Spirit, and live every day in peace, honestly seeking true understanding.
The Bible states that when Jesus died on the cross the veil in the temple was rent (torn).This was great symbolism but the temple in Jerusalem is long gone. It is the veil in our human brain that still physically exists. This is the veil we must pierce while yet in this body to move into the realm of the Spirit. By Richard Cosentino
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Deep Well of Emotions by Richard Cosentino

Some have said that Jesus healed the sick and raised the dead with His emotions. This caused all of the loose marbles in my logical mind to bounce around in disarray.
I would never trust human emotion. The first emotions to jump up in everyday life is envy and jealously. Even if we purpose to control these base emotions they forever lurk beneath the surface.
So what would the emotions of Jesus have to do with accomplishing the supernatural in this dense, fixed, present arrangement of things???
Suppose Jesus took a certain path or tarried on His way to certain events to accomplish one simple but all important arrangement. To bring his human emotions into subjection of the Spirit!!!
Remember the double minded man receives nothing from God. If we are to play and part in ushering in the Kingdom of God on this earth we must accomplish this also.
We must train our emotions to flow with the Spirit so that it does not become second nature but our only nature.
May we all do great and wondrous things,
Richie and Linda
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Richard’s Writing – Suspending Judgement

There was a man I once worked with when we were both young. I recently heard an old song that reminded me of him.I changed jobs and I had not seen him for years.One day a friend told me that this man’s wife had died and I thought “how sad ” for we were still considered young. The friend also told me that this man stood over his wife’s grave and shot himself.

Of course many would say ” he went straight to hell”. “Why that’s even against the law, a cowardly act”. But that was far from what I thought when I first heard the news all those years ago. My thoughts were that there was determination and a measure of bravery in his actions. He loved this woman and would pass thru death to find her again. Few women who have ever lived in this world have been loved with such intensity.

So all these years later as this song called him to my remembrance I still feel the same way about it, except even more so. As for as judgment, which we as humans are so very good at, I have suspended it between heaven and earth in the realm of the soul.

Even the Bible, which is too often used to beat us down, states “do not judge a thing until the end”. My judgment will remain suspended until the end. My hope is that yours will be also.


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The Fullness of Time 1st Series by Richard Cosentino

The Fullness of Time

First in a series by Richard Cosentino

 “When the fullness if time had come God sent fourth His Son”. How can we begin to understand that time as it is experienced on this planet and it’s very temporal existence, fits into the plan of God.

Our perception of the world is formed by our life’s experience. Our perception of God is formed by our religious and spiritual experience. As I have stated before, I did not seek God, He sought after me. After reading the entire bible and listening to a variety of preaching while parading through several churches, I concluded there were two major unanswered questions. Jesus is coming back. Just what does that mean? The second question involves the salvation of man. What is our part, and what is God’s part?

In this series let’s look into the second question. Do we even understand what salvation is? If it is not being saved from eternal punishment in a torture chamber, then what exactly is salvation really? Getting past all of the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic words, lets say it is self awareness or the ability to know ourselves and have an individual identity beyond physical death. This I believe is the root cause of the physical universe problem. This is what caused Paul to cry out  “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection”.

I went to sea as a young man and had to stand lookout on the bow of the ship at night. On a clear night with no moon the star light was bright enough to not need a flashlight to walk the deck. The sky was packed with stars it seemed with no empty spot for another. I decided in the midst of this awesome sight,  there must be life throughout this vast universe. Part of the resistance to believing in life on other planets is the notion that Jesus would have to suffer and die on every one of them to appease God on behalf of the local population. Of course, belief in a blood sacrifice is a typical and common pagan practice. Let’s hope we have come to realize that Jesus went to the cross to show a path past physical death. Our belief in an angry and vengeful God can never make it so. Remember Jesus told the religious establishment of His day, “You don’t know God”.

In ancient times the earth was thought to be the center of the entire universe. In the present we know it is not the center of anything in the cosmos. So then what is so important about time as it is experienced on this planet. Let’s consider that no matter what we believe, this is not the real world. Our five senses only paint a partial image in our brain.

The prophet Isaiah in the midst of a lengthy forecast of God pouring out His wrath, stated in verse 34:4, “God will roll up the heavens like a scroll”. In a moment of spiritual connection I saw that the universe is not as vast as it appears to us. It is like a round room filled with narrow vertical mirrors and standing in the middle of the room, we are surrounded by multiple images, but we know, we are alone.

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