September 21-GOD IS ALL THERE IS

September 21-GOD IS ALL THERE IS. Can we say that you exist and God? No, it is not you and God because God is all there is in you and AS you. God is not high blood pressure, and so on and God. God cannot have any pain, suffering, sickness, dis-ease or death. We believe we are HUMAN Beings and not Spirit Beings. We are to put on the Mind of Christ at the cross for our recognition. Christ Jesus said he went to the cross and took sin-missing the mark of Being God’s children with the Body of Christ.”It is done” and to die to self to become alive to the Living God in us and AS us. Christ defeated every thing of human thinking to our Living God. We are the Living Manifestation of the invisible God to all we come to meet as a Holy Encounter. “It is not “i” but the Christ in me. I AM One with God and One with each other.” I AM a container of the Living God that the Temple of the Holy Spirit is in this body. We are the dwelling place of God.

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