March 14-VISION WHAT YOU WANT TO HAPPEN. Matt, 16:19-“I will give you the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, what you bind on earth will BE bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will Be loosed in heaven.” Rom. 4:17. “God who gives Life to the dead, and call the things that are not, AS THOUGH THEY ARE.” Don’t allow yourself to Be sad, depressed, feeling helpless or failure just expect Happiness, Peace, Joy, Health, no pain or suffering, only Love. We need to move higher in the Spirit Realm. You are a Spirit Being. What you picture in your mind KNOWING AND BELIEVING it will happen. Positive results with God flowing through you. Luke 1:38. You walk on Holy Ground. Acts 7:32. All evil is coming to the surface and done away with. Matt. 6:10. We can speak and create things into existence. ASK, BELIEVE AND KNOW. Faith is believing, and not seeing. Let God work through you and AS you.

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