June 24-GOD FOR KNEW US. Rom. 8:29-30. “For those whom He fore knew to Be molded into His Son to share His likeness that He may become the 1st born among many brothers fore ordained, He also called and justified (acquitted made righteous) putting them in the right standing with Him-self glorified (raising them to a higher heavenly dignity to a condition of state of Being Spirit Beings instead of human Beings and living in a Spirit Universe. “If God Be for us, who could Be against us?” He did not withhold or spare His Own Son who gave Him up for ALL Of us, and with Him freely and graciously gave us all things who are foreordained, called, inwardly belonging to Him, Justified (11 Cor. 5:21), and glorified.”11 Cor. 5:19-“God was in Christ Jesus at the cross reconciling (BRINGING US ALL BACK TO GOD WHERE WE CAME FROM) ALL of us not imputing (SEEING THEIR SINS, SICKNESS, PAIN AND SUFFERING), but given them the ministry of reconciliation, ALSO.”

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