June 23-WHO IS LUCIFER? Is. 14:12-mentioned once in the Bible is a metaphor of the morning star (revelation of Truth that is remote) applied to the King of Babylon (carnal mind of human). Isaiah saw Lucifer (Light bearer) fall like lightening in Amplified Bible,”How have you fallen from heaven (Spirit Realm) Oh, Light Bringer, and day star (light to the darkness) son of the morning new day? How have you been cut down (carnal flesh thinking mind to the ground instead of the Spirit Realm? Gen 2:7-“Man became a human Soul instead of a Life Given Spirit who weakened to a lower level King of Babylon (flesh realm). You said in your heart I will ascend to heaven (Spirit Realm). I will exhaust my throne above the stars (we are the stars to give Light of God to others on the side of the North (flesh self exalted), I will Be the Most High God. I won’t need God because I AM god, and can do all things myself. This is all of us of SELF thinking instead of the Mind of Christ brought back to God where we came from.

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