February 20-LAW OF GOD’S LOVE

February 20-LAW OF GOD’S LOVE-The law of God is written in your One Mind the Mind of Christ, and the power is in you to meet every need. “The Love of God and the peace of God Be with you.” 2 Cor. 13:11. The seed of Christ is evolving in you. In the seed of Christ planted in you is the pattern of the root, trunk, branches, leaves, and perfect life function. I AM TRULY HELPFUL, NEVER DEPRIVED, ALWAYS A WINNER, NO FEAR, I AM LOVE, PEACE, JOY, GIVING, PURE, INNOCENT AND VICTORIOUS. I FEEL GOOD! I can feel the flow of Energy, Light, and Love filling my entire Being with the Presence of God now. I can let go of negative beliefs to know the Unconditional Love of God transforming this body into perfect Health without any pain or illness that was taken AWAY AT THE CROSS to give us Resurrection Life in a new Realm of Spirit. Everything is going to Be alright. God is all there IS.

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