February 14-MY THOUGHTS ESTABLISH NEW BEGINNINGS. Two numbers of seven meaning completion and rest, and perfection. God rested on the seventh day from all creations. “For behold I create new heavens and new earth, and the former shall not Be remembered, nor come to mind.” Our human minds is emptied from fear and doubt. I live today with thoughts with ideas of God only. I have harmony with all people that are around me. I can see everyone as a Holy Encounter. I can feel the Presence of God that reveals Itself with every thought and in every act. My thoughts are positive, and my present is created perfect. Moses struck the rock once in the wilderness to get Living water meaning Christ. The second time God told Moses to Speak to the Rock (Christ Jesus who took all your human thoughts for you once for ALL) Words are creative so speck words of Life and Life more abundantly. Speak reality of who and what you are Spirit Beings.

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