PLEASE DON’T WORRY! by Linda Cosentino
Is the cares of life causing you live your life with much worrying each day?
These thoughts are taking over by the ego thoughts for you to find another way.
We have a precious gift from God to Know that God is in control to choose peace.
These thoughts will cause all kinds of body ails of sickness that must now cease.

Remember that Christ Jesus went to the cross for all human thoughts to go away.
This includes, pain, suffering, anxiety, worry. doubt, unbelief to cause us to pray.
Christ Jesus was the Pearl of Great Price that died to all human beliefs in man.
We go higher in the Spirit Realm as Spirit Beings to free us with another plan.

When we choose peace each day nothing can come neigh our dwelling place.
All things are in control to know that God is all there is with a special Grace.
Our human thoughts of fear, false evidence appearing real no longer try to exist.
All human thoughts from our own minds began a process to Be finally dismissed.

We now have no more about the cares of the world a new life begins to emerge.
Resurrection life begins a start of a new life where these human thoughts are purged.
Glory to God we know who we are and why we are here Love conquers all things.
Let us go higher in the Spirit realm began to fly high with our beautiful wings.

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