August 4-GOD CREATED EVERYTHING GOOD. 1 Tim. 4:4-God created us perfect out from Him-self and nothing is to Be rejected IF IS RECEIVED WITH THANKSGIVING CONSECRATED BY THE WORLD OF GOD AND PRAYER. So how could God create evil out of Him-self? Evil is created by the carnal human mind of THINKING. Words of the mouth are life or death. Every time we speak negative words about another person it can Be forgiven at the cross, but cannot Be retrieved once it is gone. It is like a feathered pillow cut one end of the pillow case, and let the feathers out, but you cannot get the feathers back in the pillow case. You must let them Go and let God with forgiveness and forgetfulness. We only live in the Now. Our past is erased with repentance meaning CHANGING THE WAY WE THINK about situations, and people who are treating you mean. Balloons let go is the same example. Fear- False evidence Appearing Real is gone.

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