June 8-HOW DEEP ARE YOUR ROOTS? Eight is the number of New Beginnings. Suppose we never fell into this world of Instead of God, and is always a Spirit Being before the foundation of the World with God. Our roots go deep into the things of God only. Not to fall when the winds of adversity comes our way. We get upset to have pains and aches after the incident when roots are not deep. No more negative speaking. Let go, and let God to new the challenge to slide of us like anointing oil that nothing sticks. Rev. 21:2-“I saw the New Jerusalem (Us born Again (Spirit Beings BEFORE the foundation of the earth) to Spirit descending out of heaven (Spirit) from God, all arrayed like a Bride both male and female adorned for her Husband. I heard a Mighty Voice from the throne, See the Abode of God is with men and woman, and He will live in them, and they shall Be My People. No more tears, death, and so forth Old things passed away to make all things NEW A BODY OF CHRIST..” If you no longer wish to receive our emails please click here. Please write if you can. Thanks, Linda

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