September 24-HE HUMBLED HIM-SELF. Philippians 2:8-And Being found in fashion as a man, he humbled Him-self and became obedient unto the death of the cross. Christ emptied Him-self taking the FORM of a bond servant Being made in the likeness of men.” Our attitude should Be that of Christ Jesus, who Being in the form and nature of God, did not consider equality with God something to Be grasped, but made Him-self the very form of human likeness. He became obedient to death (died to human thinking to sin, sickness and death) even the death of the cross.”He Him-self bore our sins (archery term missing the mark of who and what we are) in His body at the cross, SO THAT WE MIGHT DIE TO SINS AND LIVE FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS BY HIS WOUNDS YOU HAVE BEEN HEALED.” 2 Peter2:24 and Is. 53.He went to the cross for every person and brought us back to God where we came from in the Spirit Realm. He was not a failure for one person, but for ALL.

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