September 13-SPEAK TO THE DRY BONES. Dry bones is anything you have in your life that is not Being God like, we must erase. These thoughts are the things of God that has to Be resurrected instead of Being in the valley of negative thoughts and negative actions. Bones come together, you have life and not dead human thoughts from the carnal mind with pain, suffering, fears, doubts. Don’t live in the shadow of Life, but live in the substance of reality. Live in the Spirit Realm where God is in you and AS you. God is Living and will never leave you or forsake you. God can remind you of who and what you are and what is your purpose of Being here at this time. All evil is coming to the surface and done away with. You are Beautiful, Masterpiece, whole and complete created Perfect from God. Believe without seeing. This visible body is to show those who do not know a Living God within us. Bones are to Be strong to hold the skeleton together connected to Christ within us.

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