November 5-WHO WAS THE 1ST PERSON TO BE BORN AGAIN? It was Christ Jesus who was a Spirit Being the only Begotten Son of the Father who was part of the Godhead before the foundation of the earth (all of us). In the flesh thinking born of a earthly woman Mary and a earthly father called Joseph in this Realm of Human Being to go through all we go through in the world with pain, sickness, suffering, guilt, fear, blame, mean people, and even death to bring us all back to God where we came from without sin (missing the mark of Who and What He Is.) He never defended Himself to Be right. His mission was to go to extreme punishment on this earth thinking so we could Be clear of man’s thinking to the thinking of God. He taught we are created Perfect and Complete not in this world and not of it. To Be born again in the Spirit Realm instead of the Soul realm of man only. Jesus told Judas go do what you have to do so I can do my mission now. John 13:27

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