May 14-Happy MOTHER’S DAY. Two sevens means perfection and rest. No child is born without a Mother and a Father after the pattern in the heavens or Spirit Realm. Our Mother God, Holy Spirit, El Shaddai or large breasted One is in the Godhead-Father Mother, Son Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus stayed with apostles for 40 days after the Resurrection. He said, “If I do not go away to send you ANOTHER COMFORTER who is the answer to our thought of separation, communication, Link between God and His separated Sons and Daughters bringing the gap between the Mind of Christ, and our split mind of duality instead with Oneness.” She is called the Shekinah Glory of God. She appeared in the form of a dove on the Day of Pentecost baptizing us with the Holy Spirit and Fire. Our Soul is the feminine side of God both male and female are the Bride of Christ to prepare for the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. I AM very proud to Be a Mother of 3 special children. Grandmother of 8 and 8 grands.

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