May 26 THE WORD WHIRLWIND. Whirlwind means to blow, wind, light, Spirit, feminine word, to rush tempest of a storm. The Holy Spirit Mother God (all in this world have a mother and father after the pattern in the Spirit Realm) moved on the face of the waters (all of us in the human thinking,self). The sound of the mighty rushing wind filled the room with the Spirit fire on their minds when Mother God was revealed in the FORM of a Dove. Elijah was taken up in a whirlwind to another dimension. Mother God gives us Unconditional Love. Mother revealed to uplift us from the carnal flesh mind of thinking to the Mind of Christ Realm of Life. The Mother is the still small Voice inside of us. Revealed to us on the Day of Pentecost 50th day after Christ said, “IF I go AWAY, I WILL SEND YOU ANOTHER COMFORTER WITH THE BAPTISM OF FIRE. Eve is the feminine part of Adam. Gen. 1:27.We have a King and Queen, and we are the Princess and Prince.

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