March 7-CONFIDENCE VERSES FEAR. Seven is the number of completion of Spiritual perfection. Confidence means you Know that God is in control, and great things begin to happen without doubt like “Faith is a SUBSTANCE not seen, but believed to happen when we ask.” “Fear is False evidence APPEARING REAL”. It is only in you mind, but we do not have the carnal mind, but the Mind of Christ given at the cross. We are Love at the highest vibration and frequency that helps the body heal. Fear is a temptation that tries to destroy our Identity of Being Spirit Beings. God is all there IS. God does not get Glory when we are sick, but when we give the testimony that we are healed “By His Stripes at the Cross.” The boy blind from birth, People questioned him who sinned? HE SAID, “I WAS BLIND AND NOW I SEE.” Christ Jesus said, “This is for the Glory of God that He is healed.” John 9:35. The world is round so you can’t choose sides, but Love everyone as our family.

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