March 29-REASON FOR THE ALABASTER BOX. The precious oil was used for anointing a King, Priest, Princess with Royalty. It was smeared all over the body especially the head (Mind of Christ) and feet (pure walk with God). This was an outward lesson for an inward work. We are the Royal Children of God called the Princess and Prince. The word Alabaster is a translucent clear oil of Christ anointed One or our Spirit Body remembering the Christ within us meaning the “OIL of Life brought into our Spirit Body. “Not by might of carnal mind, but by the Spirit.” Zach. 4:6. “When Mary took the ointment, the House (all of us) was filled with the fragrance of perfume.” John 12:3. We are the containers of this precious oil.The females (soul) to Be united with the Spirit for the marriage of the Lamb. We must keep the romance alive in our marriage. Stop trying to change the other person, but no fighting or trying to Be right, and seeing each other as beauty instead of faults.

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