January 9-MEANING OF INTUITION. Intuition is the Wisdom (feminine word) of the heart (Spirit Realm). It has more guidance than the human mind or brain. Trust Spirit and look to it with understanding, a certain confidence in the invisible good develops in the Soul (Feminine). Christ Jesus came to save our Souls to bring us back to God where we came from. This Faith awakens the Divine Knowing. You know the Voice of God is the Truth, and no one can take this Truth away from you. This intuition is something you Know will happen according to the Word spoken to you. Man makes discovery of Real Self (Royal Daughters and Sons of God) when the seed of freedom is planted in our innermost Being, and is recognized. In the flesh carnal realm nothing of God is ever heard. We must go higher in the Spirit Realm to hear from God. No gloom and doom teachings, but the Kingdom of God is coming to this earth as is in Spirit Realm NOW for some of us. All negative is coming to surface and done away with.

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