January 5-PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD! The Armor of God is for the whole body in Eph. 6 meaning the number of mankind. Eph.6:10. There is seven things for our armor. Seven means completion. Belt of God meaning all of the body functions around the waist area with the Truth. The Breastplate of Righteousness all parts of the body breast, lungs and so on, and heart. Gospel of Peace-Contentment, Wholeness, Health, Safety, Tranquility, Prosperity, Rest, Harmony, No discard. Shield of Faith- Believing God’s Word without seeing it happen, but knowing it will come to past while you still Believing. Helmet of Salvation-This is the human mind thinking. Not Being tempted with carnal thinking with words to suggest to us lies instead of the Truth, now following the temptations of the lies of illusion instead of Spirit Truth. Sword of the Spirit not a weapon of guns, but all thinking of God only. We are to use our mouth to speak to those who know not God. Our feet washed to walk the Realm of God only.

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