January 18-WHAT ARE BARNACLES? I AM giving you an allegory about a deep meaning of a barnacle. Pretend you body is a ship. A barnacle is some growth to our bodies or really the human mind like glue. Barnacles are things in the human mind that causes the ship to burn more gas, more fuel to more cost. Increases weight.. This is human emotions that is not God like. Thoughts of sickness, pain, and dis-ease, we pay for herbs to help remove this things from our thoughts. The secret of why we are here IS TO CHANGE OUR THINKING OF PEOPLE AND SITUATIONS. Barnacles has to Be removed by a deep cleansing of thoughts. The barnacles cause us depression, hatred, jealousy, and many other emotions instead of One Mind of Christ, One Body of Christ, and that we are created perfect before the foundation of the world. The most noted barnacles is called Acorn barnacles like the Oak tree produces acorns for more growth Spirit.

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