I CAN CELEBRATE LIFE OF GOD WITHIN ME April 5-I CAN CELEBRATE LIFE OF GOD WITHIN ME. Luke 6:23-“Rejoice you in the day, and leap for joy.” Celebrate life with a smile, and Be grateful heart and know that God is within each of us. God uses negative conditions to awaken us to Believe without seeing that it is going to Be alright because we go higher in the Spirit to God only. We know that Christ rules our lives with God who Loves us Unconditional. When God closes one door. He opens up a bigger door with more possibilities. When someone is mean to us, we can turn it around, and Know that this person is sandpaper making our pearl round and smooth. Remember a diamond needs pressure and heat. We are that diamond in the rough, and with much pressure and fire, we will grow into the person we are meant to Be. Today I can celebrate Life, and know dawn comes in the morning with a new day with God. I can celebrate Love, Peace and Joy THAT EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT.I CAN CELEBRATE LIFE OF GOD WITHIN ME

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