February 7-FLIGHT OF THE EAGLE. Seven is the number of completion, perfection and REST. Is. 40:31-“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength (waiting to know prayers will Be answered). They shall mount up with wings (flying high in the Spirit Realm) like eagles. Run and not Be weary (tired needing 2 naps a day for strength instead of wholeness of Spirit with Health. Eagle is that inner yearning to escape from human thinking bondage. It is symbolic of Knowing our Divine Self to break all chains of human thinking to Christ thinking. Eagle is power, courage, vision, energy in consciousness that knows only freedom. The journey of the eagle is to go back home to Father’s Home within. They shall walk and not faint walk in the Spirit Realm, We must stand still and see the salvation of the Lord a resting place to works of the Spirit to “Be transformed by the renewing of our minds to the Mind of Christ to be renewed, and rise from sick beds knowing only wholeness.

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