February 25-WE GIVE FORM TO THE INVISIBLE. There is a silent invisible power with you that nothing can obstruct the revelation of this Christ within . You give form to the Invisible Power by using the Mind of Christ. The Christ is ever present within us, can strip our minds of fear, pain, suffering and so on. We feel the Oneness of God in our own thinking instead of thinking separation. Heb. 11:3-“By faith we understand the universe to Be formed by the Word of God was made from the things invisible.” 1 John 4:12-No one has seen God at any time. His love is perfected in us.” Rom. 1:20-“For since creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and Divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made. The Kingdom of God will bring the invisible to form that we can see Now. God is going to have great things to happen. All evil is coming to the surface and done away with.

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