February 12-I WANT TO SEE THE CHRIST IN OTHERS. Twelve is the number of DIVINE GOVERNMENT. God is in every one, but they forgot who they are and why they are here. The Divine Love in us finds a perfect way to overcome fear (false evidence appearing real) of Being misunderstood or hurt. We let the Christ take over our lives, and KNOW THAT WE ARE SPIRIT BEINGS we can see that Christ is all there IS. No more pain, suffering, bad dreams, or other human thoughts to see with the eyes of Christ instead of our human eyes that judges others. Perfect Love cast out fear. 1 John 4:18. We live the Life of Faith to Be a Song of Joy. To find peace in the midst of confusion, we MUST CONSCIOUSLY UNITE OUR THOUGHTS WITH DIVINE MIND OF CHRIST given me at the cross which is in me as perfect. ASK, BELIEVE AND KNOW. The ego thoughts are temptations with only a roar or to rule us, that does not have any power to believe a lie only in our own minds.

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