December 7-HAVE YOUR WEDDING GARMENT READY. Seven is the number of perfection, completion and Rest. We are the Bride of Christ preparing for the Wedding Feast when the Spirit and Soul will Be united as One with God and One with each other. Wedding garments represent the outer clothing of the mind. The wedding garment in Matt. 22:1 is symbol of a state of Believing for the union unique where our external thinking must be in Harmony with the Inner revelation before we can make complete union with the Christ. Rev. 19:7-“Let us rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and the bride has clothing of pure white linen=all human thoughts cleansed from the mind to the Mind of Christ with the Character of Christ, Bright and Pure righteous DEEDS OF THE SAINTS BEING GOD LIKE IN EVERYTHING WE SAY AND DO. Rev. 21:2-“And I saw the Holy City-all of us, new Jer us alem coming down from heaven-Spirit from God prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband-Christ.”

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