December 31-YOU ARE GOD’S MOUTH PIECE. God uses you to communicate with humanity to tell them about a Living, Loving God. John 6:69-We believe that You are the Holy One of God thou are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” God is Love whoever abides in Love abides in God, and God is all there IS in us and AS us.” We are waiting for the Redemption of our Bodies to the Body of Christ as Spirit Beings. Rom. 8:22-“Keep your tongue from speaking evil, and your lips from telling lies.” 1 Peter 3:10-“Words kill, words give Life, Poison or Fruit is your choice.” Sticks and stones will break my bones, but I do not want words to harm me.” James 3:1. Let us use Godly words only. Peace to you the Holy Sons and Daughters of God, Peace to my brother and sister who is One with me. Let all the world Be blessed with peace through us. The Invisible Realm where God is in darkness where Spiritual Eyes can see words spoken to others brings them to see the Visible Light of understanding.

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