December 3-NO SIN PROTECTS ME FROM ALL HARM. Sin is an archery term meaning missing the Mark of who I AM and why AM I Being here at this time. I forgot in my Soul Realm of my mind, will, emotions and intellect is not my mind, will, emotion of Love only and intellect to the Mind of Christ given back to me at the cross to bring me back in thinking “Be you Transformed by the Renewing of your Mind to the Mind of Christ.” Perfect created by God to uniting the Spirit and Soul to One with each other instead of me, my and I, but all of God in me and AS me. No more sin ensures me perfect peace, eternal safety, everlasting Love freedom of all thoughts of loss, complete deliverance from suffering to Happiness that I AM a Spirit Being back to God where I came from. Is. 49:16-“I AM engraved on the Palm of His hands. Heb. 13:5-” God will not give me any sickness, pain or suffering or forsake me or punish me. I must accept At-One-Ment knowing I AM One with God and One with each other.

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