December 29-WHAT IS THE MEANING OF REDEMPTION? It means bringing us back to God where we came from. 2 Cor 5:19- In Eph. 1:7-“In Him through His blood (shed human blood-Life is in the blood) gave us the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of His grace (Unmerited favor). 2nd Cor. 6:20-“You are bought Pearl of Great Price with a price of 30 pieces of silver by Judas. Matt. 26:15. Thirty is the number of ministry, perfection of Divine Order, completion. Silver Cord is a light thread that connects us to God to never Be separated from God. We fell in our thinking to a lower dimension, we lost our Light over the full body, but the silver (redemption) keeps a strain of Light to Be connected to God forever. Rom. 8:33-ALL CREATION GROANS INWARDLY AWAITING THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF GOD FOR THE REDEMPTION OF OUR BODIES BACK TO BEING SPIRIT BEINGS AGAIN.

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