December 20-I WANT THE REAL CHRISTMAS. Christmas is about the birth of Christ Jesus born in Bethlehem (House of God within) in a stable the lowest of human room in the INN for pain and suffering. He had an earthy mother Mary, and a Father called Joseph ..The tree was an evergreen tree of eternal life with lights all over the tree. Lights of the world to shine in the Darkness. The birth of Christ means our birth in Christ in us and As us. The presents were From the wise man gifts led by the star to the Christ child. Gold-Deity, Frankincense or Boswella body herb to give us health, and Myrrh.going higher in Spirit like incense. Candy cane used by the Shepherd is white purity, and red the blood of the Shepherd Christ Jesus who takes care of the sheep (all of Us) in Salvation, Resurrection, and anything we may need. We are born again in the Spirit Realm from our first birth of human Beings to Spirit Beings with a Spirit Body of Christ. It is Merry Christmas not Happy Holiday.

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