December 12-I WILL RECEIVE WHATEVER I REQUEST. Twelve is the number of perfect Divine Government. Miracle happens today when we change our thinking in the mind that shifts perception (what we think) by restoring the NEED TO RECEIVE HEALING TO THE MIND OF CHRIST. We can Be confused about the things I need in the state to receive Love, Peace and Joy without pain and suffering. We are the Holy Ones of Israel- means (El is God is all there is). Today I will do nothing of myself, but hear Your Voice in everything I do requesting only what You offer me, accepting only Thoughts you share with me. Freeing my negative thoughts of capture to accept only the Thoughts of pain free suffering at the cross to save me from this pain and suffering. Redeemed means brought back to God where we came from to the Spirit world with no pain or suffering. Matt. 7:9-“Ask and receive, knock to open the door and go into the Kingdom of God within. Christ Jesus was victorious at the cross to take away all human thoughts.

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