August 22-WHAT IS THE WORLD? The carnal mind of thinking is not God thinking. It is perception seeing what the mind is trying to create instead of the Mind of Christ that does not have any THOUGHTS of sickness, pain, suffering. This world is born of error to Be erased. The thought of separation from God did not ever happen in the Kingdom of God where we are with God before the foundation of the world. When we forgive our world is different in thought. This world that is not Godlike has fear which is false evidence appearing real instead of a Living God of Love UNCONDITIONAL. God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the World back to Him-self. Not imputing their trespasses or belief in a world of Self, wanting to Be God, and not needing God because we are God. 11Cor. 5:19. We are not God, but in the image and likeness of God. Gen. 1:27. We came hear to change the way we think, and see beauty instead of faults to “Love God and our neighbor (all of us) as our Royal Self.”

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