April 13-FEET OF THE MASTER. The manic was clothed in his right mind (Mind of Christ) sitting at the feet of Christ Jesus who had been living in tombs of death in human thinking. We are this manic (mentally ill with human thoughts) that is in tombs of past dwelling in dead thoughts of negativity that Edge God Out called the ego thoughts in our own mind. We let go of these dead thoughts to Let go and Let God. We have dirty rags of personal beliefs of stinky thoughts fall away, and then clothed in our Right Mind of Christ with the Body of Christ sitting at the feet of the inward God at Peace. Mary chose the best part, and sat at the feet of Christ Jesus to know the Truth to set her free. Our Soul (feminine word) unites with Spirit to the Marriage Feast of the Lamb One with each other and One with God. The manic thoughts drowned in the dead sea with no life to Be a new person. No more weariness, exhaustion and so on. “I do all things Through Christ.”

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