April 13-ASCENSION OF CHRIST JESUS. Forty days after His resurrection, Christ Jesus ascended to return to the glory of His Father to sit down at His right hand. “He blessed them, and was taken into heaven (Spirit Realm).” You will receive power from the Holy Spirit Mother God, El Shaddi -Large breasted One on the 50th day-Jubilee or deliverance from all Evil called Pentecost in the form of a dove.” He was taken up before their eyes, and a cloud hid Him from their sight.” John 14:2-“In My Father’s house are many mansions (all of us are the house or tabernacle where God dwells within us) Christ ascended to prepare a place for ALL OF US to Believe and Know Him. “It is finished now it is your turn to learn how to Be Godlike in everything you do and say. Christ Jesus is our forerunner. He is the Resurrection that brings forth new life to us in the Spirit Realm with no more human beliefs of pain, suffering and dis-ease. He is coming back in us and AS us to bring salvation to the world.

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