April 10-HEALTH BENEFITS OF HUGS. Lowers blood pressure, heart rate, cardiovascular function, decrease the release of cortisol (a hormone to help the body get rid of glucose (a sugar) for diabetes, for removal of inflammation, allergies and cancer. no more stress, anxiety, feeling of belonging and safety. Balance your body, reduces pain, strengthen immune system, helps communicate with others. Hugs gives us a hormone to give you endorphins that help bind together by positive energy to feel safe and secure. Luke 8:45-“Someone did touch me, because I was aware that power to heal others had gone out of me. Heart hug Spirit to Spirit.” Luke 8:43-“There was a woman who had been hemorrhages for 12 Years (number of perfect God’s Government). and had this thought if she could just touch the hem of his garment because she went to many physicians, and no one could heal her. When she touched the hem of His garment she was healed.

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