A poem by Linda


What does freedom mean to you? John 8:32-To know the Truth this sets you free.
The real Truth is the real meaning of Christ Jesus words and actions for you to agree.
Christ Jesus became a human Being who took all human thoughts and deeds away with the cross. 
He paid the Pearl of Great Price for every thing that we have done to think we were a complete loss.

Love will set you free because perfect love cast out fear (false evidence appearing real).
Fear is something that seems to Be real, but it is not considered to Be a good deal.
Love is not the opposite of fear, but is the Truth making it Being instead of fear.
Let it Be our freedom today not to choose fear in any way to make this statement clear.

Forgiveness makes us free that we think what our brother did to us really does not exist.
To have love for my brother helps me to keep my body free to Be healed on top of my list.
When we choose peace, you are free from war, arguments , cares of the world no more strife. 
This freedom brings you to a new height in Spirit growth with the real eyes of a new life.

Your True Identity as a Spirit Being that I AM as God created me perfect to have life forever.
Freedom of our own selves from human thinking to God’s thinking is a life that is much better.
No more sin, sickness pain, suffering to Be here in me now from the cross eternal for today.
We have freedom to know that we are a Created Perfect Masterpiece of God is the only way. 

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