Twelve is the number of New Beginnings, Perfect Spiritual Divine Government. All things are Being new. New life, new thoughts of God only. All negative thoughts coming to the surface and done away with. This is the end times, not the end of the world, but the end of man’s kingdom ruling our minds with stinky thinking of man’s thoughts trying to destroy our perfect Identity as Spirit Beings living in a Spiritual Universe where everything is in harmony One with each other and One with God.

If God is in you, who could Be against you?

First thing as you wake up say, “This is the day God created, I will rejoice and Be glad in it. I will not allow any person or situation to rob me of my peace.” If you said this first, you will have a beautiful day. God is very important to Be first in our lives then every thing will be OK. It is not “i” but the Christ in me that flows through me each second. Without Christ I can not do anything of my self. With Christ, all things are possible.

Perfect Love cast out fear. Fear is FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL.It is only real in our thinking and believing in our own carnal flesh mind.

All the Truths we are receiving is for us only to Believe.

At the cross all human beliefs were nailed to the cross and done away with. All pain, sickness, dis-ease, sin which is missing the mark of knowing we are Royal Children of God, hatred, jealousy, envy thinking and anything that man could ever think of to hurt each other, “It is finished.” Christ shed human blood and gave us the Mind of Christ. Don’t be duped to believe a lie when we have temptations of pain and suffering. We must go higher in the Spirit where there is no pain or suffering. Only Believe!

God IS IN CONTROL of everything in our lives and working it to good only. Never judge another person least you judge the God within you saying you must have made a mistake with this person’s life. We do not know what God has to do to let a person have their own way in order to go to the bottom of their lives in order for them to start coming to the top where there is God only.

Another thing I AM learning is never to have a conflict with another person. We don’t have to Be right. We must Be a peace maker in all that we do to Be God like in everything we do and say. It is a choice.If you want Love, Be Love. If you want peace, Be peace, joy and happiness. We have a choice.
Our own way leads to destruction and death to Spirit Realm. God’s way is the only way.
God always has a higher plan and purpose then what we can do our own way of thinking. We can’t do it by “me” “my” and” i” Being on the throne of our minds.

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