May 7-MY LIPS SHALL NOT SPEAK WICKEDNESS. Seven is the number of completeness and rest. Job 27:4:1-I AM a Spirit Being, Formed in the image and likeness, and all desires are from the Spirit realm THROUGH ME AT ALL TIMES. I AM One with God and One with each other. My Spirit Body is not capable of evil, pain, suffering taken at the cross by Christ Jesus. “The power of life and death is in the tongue.” Prov. 18:21. All negative thought have to Be deleted immediately because negative talks have to Be experienced, and are created. I know that every part of my body is in perfect harmony. I AM whole and complete. The ego thoughts cannot temp me to say judgment, criticism negative talk about anyone. I have the Mind of Christ with no carnal flesh mind. The Word Christ in me is the only power, and God is all there IS. Evil coming to an end and done away with. It is time to have no pain etc, evil any any thoughts in the carnal flesh mind that does not exist.

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