May 11-WHO IS SETH? Ten is the number of Divine Order so 11 marks disorder, disorganization and disintegration short of 12 meaning Divine Government. Gen 4:25-Eve said, she named her third son Seth, “God has granted me another son in place of Abel who represented Christ Jesus whom Cain the carnal mind killed the Christ in us,” “Adam knew his wife again, and she bore him another son.” The word Seth means appointed, and Eve knew the son was ordained by her Creator to take the place of faithful Abel (Christ Jesus). The scripture says, Christ Jesus is the 1st fruits of many brethren. Rom. 8:29-. God’s supreme purpose for bringing sinners (archery term meaning missing the mark of who and what we are) making Him preeminent in the Divine Plan of redemption.” Seth is the many brethren that is Being trained right now to Be Christ like in every thing we do and say. Christ is first, and we are in training to Be the brethren both male and female.

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