March 3-NO SHAME OR GUILT. Guilt means a fact of having committed an offense, painful feeling that one has done wrong. Blame means accused of Being at fault, responsible for a fault taking responsibility on me. Christ Jesus went to the cross in us, and AS us. We must erase all emotions and have only Love. Ego thoughts that Edge God out in your own mind constantly bring up the past to destroy your Identity as a Spirit Being in Gen. 1:27. We no longer have two minds only the Mind of Christ. You no longer belong to this world, but in Spirit given to us at the cross. 2 Cor. 5:19-“God was in Christ Jesus at the cross reconciling the WORLD back to Him-self not imputed their trespasses, but given us the ministry of reconciliation.” You are a masterpiece created perfect. All human thoughts from the poison well to do away with and erase. You are a new Creation in Christ. 

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