March 23-TRAVEL IN THE UNKNOWN. God does not give you every detail or step by step when God speaks to you. Peter walked on water until the cares of the world caused him to sink. The cripple man heard, “Take up you bed and follow me.” He did not say, “I Can’t walk, but now I can walk.” “Blind man said, I was blind, but now I see.” Moses went up in Spirit Realm 40 days to receive finger of God all the commandments. When he came down, he saw them worshiping a golden calf. He threw the clay tables down in a million pieces. God took the broken pieces from us and put them in the Ark of the Covenant, the very Presence of God to take away all human thinking and actions at the cross. The next set of tablets also went into the Ark which made two sets of tables. 1 Kings 8:9. It is time for all evil to come to the surface so the KINGDOM OF GOD CAN COME TO THIS EARTH AS IN HEAVEN OR SPIRIT REALM WHICH YOU ARE ALREADY THERE.

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