March 10-DO YOU HAVE WAX IN YOUR EAR? Wax is a substance secreted by the bees to become, get larger or stronger. The bees make wax to build the honey cone to raise their babies in. The wax is used to make candles. If your ears are clogged up with wax, you cannot hear from God. If you have any bitterness in your life, you have ears that cannot hear. Get rid of jealousy, hatred, judgment, or any other human traits that makes your ears not to hear what God is saying to you personally. We must go higher in the Spirit to our Primary Doctor called Christ Jesus within our Being. “If any man has ears, let him hear.” Some people hear the Word, and do not respond because they want to do things their own way. They close their ears to Truth to listen to the lies of the Ego that is the father of lies, deceiver of the brethren, and actually runs from their Real Self of Spirit at the center of their Being created in the image (reflection in a mirror) and likeness (exact copy) of God. Gen. 1:27.

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