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January 29-THIS IS THE STORY OF TWINS. The first twins are Issac and Ishmael. Issac represents the Spiritual Realm with the God’s Promise the Only Son of the Father.. Abraham represents Father God and Sarah represents Mother God. Abraham could not wait for the promise child so he had Ishmael from Hagar his handmaid. Gen. 16:11.Ishmael represents the flesh realm thoughts of the natural man at work in the flesh who must Be redeemed back to God where we came from. Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90. Issac name was laughter because Sarah laughed, not believing she could conceive at her age. The next twins is Jacob and Esau. Jacob stole his birth rights from Esau. The name Jacob means liar, and a thief until his name was changed to Israel Prince with God. Esau represent the flesh realm of I, Me, and Mine, I AM god. He sold his birth rights for flesh food. Inner rebellion against knowing the Truth of our Being. We are aliens here, We live in the Spirit Realm as Prince and Princess of God.

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