January 19-MEANING OF THE TOWER OF BABEL. The Tower of Babel means confusion, sense confusion, state of man’s carnal mind thinking on the outside to connect to the Divine by building a building to reach God by man’s own ways of thinking. Gen. 11:4. An abomination of man to think we could reach God by building a building high in the sky of human thinking. We can ONLY communicate with God through that inner Spirit of Truth to reach the Kingdom of God within. Luke 17:21-“Neither shall they say, lo here or lo there, for behold the Kingdom of God is within.”Gold means Deity, so man makes an image of gold to worship outward to accept man’s concept of God, but to consume ALL human thinking to bring to the surface to Be done away with. Dan. 3:1. The ego thoughts is trying to Edge God Out, and rule our minds. The harlot is the mental realm trying to Be God.

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