January 15-CHANGE YOUR THINKING OF THE WORLD. The number 13 means Love twice. Love God and your neighbor as yourself. Two 13’s equals 26 the two names of God Yahweh or Yahveh or Jehovah. It is hard to see God in every person, and every event with human carnal eyes or mind. Spirit eyes can see things different like God sees different. Some people see flowers as an allergy or beauty. It is all our perception of what we think with human eyes or the Mind of Christ. Mountains mean Spirit thoughts, and valleys are negative thoughts, but on the mountain top you do not see what is going on in the valley only see Spirit Realm. “For the weapons of our warfare are not physical, for war, but they are mighty for the pulling down of strongholds, CASTING DOWN VAIN IMAGINATIONS with every high thing that exalt itself against the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD to bring into captivity every thought to the OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST.” Feel the PRESENCE OF LOVE SURROUNDING YOU ALWAYS.

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