January 13-LET US BRING WORLD PEACE. “Choose peace nothing can come nigh our dwelling”. Ps. 91. Rev. 11:15-“Shouting the dominion Kingdom Divine Rule has become the Kingdom of our Lord and His Christ (all of us). He shall reign forever.” Our Father who are in Heaven (Spirit Realm Hallowed Be your name-I AM. Your Kingdom come thy Will be done, forgive us our mistakes, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” All evil is coming to the surface and done away with. We must choose peace in everything we do and say. Before the Kingdom comes on this earth evil has to Be done away with. The world cannot give us peace. We must know we are Spirit Beings given to us at the cross.Eps. 4:3-S earnestly to guard and keep the harmony and oneness of the Spirit binding power of peace. No more argues. No more having our own way. No more wanting to Be right.

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