February 24-PEAL ONION SKINS TO GET TO THE SUBSTANCE. An onion has layers of pealing before you get to the substance which is God. We need to remove all the onion skins that has to do with human laws, thinking, beliefs and rituals. God is the only substance that is real. The process each day is to erase the past mistakes and hurts and see your real beauty as as Royal Children of God. While you are pealing the skins of the onion, you may cry. You can remove every negative thought that creates like fear (false EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL), hatred, jealousy, meanness, feeling not worthy, feeling you are ugly instead of beautiful, feeling not smart enough when you are very intelligent, and have everything because God is the Core of your Being. Letting God do the work instead of you trying to do everything by yourself which in reality you can do nothing without God. All of us are sisters and brothers from the Family of God. One with God and One with each other. 

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