February 23-OPEN MYSELF TO A GREATER LOVE. Linda’s birthday is today. I AM 82 years young. I want the Agape Love called the Christ Love. Love is a Divine quality in a Spiritual Being. God is Love, and we are His expressed likeness, the image of the eternal Beings both male and female. Love renews the Soul of my mind, my will, my intellect, my many emotions to God’s Mind, Will, Intellect and ONE EMOTION OF LOVE. Christ Jesus filled the law with “Love God and Love Your Neighbor as Yourself.” Love says we are created Spirit Beings before the foundation of the world and given us back at the cross. “Perfect Love cast our fear (false evidence appearing real) that flees at the Presence of Truth. “Nothing can separate me from the Love of God.” Life and death is in the power of the tongue that creates. I AM Healthy, Love, Peace, Happiness to let the Christ flow through me and AS me. I can feel the Love in me. 

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