February 14-CHRIST JESUS SHED HIS BLOOD IN SEVEN PLACES. Happy Valentines Day. 1. At Gethsemane, we lost my will power gained in the Garden of Eden-1 Peter 1:18. Redemption means atonement-one -with -God for sin that is an archery term meaning we missed the mark of God to remember where we came from. 1 Cor 5:19. 2. By His stripes on His back to control desires, my will and HEALTH. Thirty nine stripes means redemption from the Law to Grace. Eph. 1:7, 3-He shed blood on the Crown of Thorns, from carnal thinking mind to the Mind of Christ. 2 Cor. 8:9. 4-Pierced hands dominion of everything we touch will prosper-Gen. 39:3. 5-His pierced feet brought back the places we walk to bring Good News. Mark 1:15. 6-Back to Joy in human body because six is the number of man. John 19:13. Pierced in side came blood for our sins and water for our cleansing. 7-Inner hurts and iniquities. Is. 53:5. Bruises bleeds on inside, but He rose again to make all things new. 2 Cor. 5:15.

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